179,620 research outputs found

    Spectrum, Volume 47, Issue 8

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    Highlights include: New Provost at SHU -- News: Republicans Take Over Blue States -- Closing the Chapter on Facebook -- Perspectives: Fairfield Restaurant Week -- Sophomores Finding Housing Off -Campus -- SHUā€™s Elves Holiday Toy Drive -- ā€œSongs of Sanctuary: A Concert Against Bullying -- Spring 2022 Registration: How Did it Go? -- Athlete Spotlight: Malik Grant Q&

    Noise Reduction Technique for Heart Rate Monitoring Devices

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal has been widely used to detect the heart rate of the human, and it is useful in cardiac pathology. ECG detects several heart diseases of the patients. Wearable technology comes to be conducted as work as the monitoring devices to get the ECG signal directly from the patients. However, the movement of the patients will cause noises which interfere the result of the ECG. To overcome this problem, the digital filter is proposed to be designed and used in getting an accurate ECG signal. The filtering ECG results give likely in analysing the heart disease.The structures and the coefficients of the digital filters are designed using Filter Design & Analysis (FDA) tool in MATLAB. The analysis of magnitude responseis done in two type of the digital filter - the infinite impulse response (IIR) and finite impulse response (FIR). This paper evaluatesthat the FIR digital filter is more stable and better to be used in removing noise from ECG signals

    Gambaran Profil Penderita Sindrom Koroner Akut Di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan Tahun 2015

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    Latar belakang: Penyakit kardiovaskular adalah penyebab nomor satu dari kematian secara global. Pada tahun 2012 diestimasikan terdapat 17,5 juta orang yang meninggal karena penyakit kardiovaskular, mempresentasikan 31% dari keseluruhan kematian secara global. Sindrom koroner akut terdiri dari angina pektoris tidak stabil, infark miokard (non-Q atau Q wave Myocardial Infarction). Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran profil penderita sindrom koroner akut di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan tahun 2015. Metodologi: Jenis penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan retrospective menggunakan data rekam medik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien dengan sindrom koroner akut yang dirawat inap di RSUP Haji Adam Malik, Medan pada periode 1 Januari 2015 ā€“ 31 Desember 2015. Hasil: Dari penelitian ini diperoleh Dari 202 pasien SKA yang diteliti lebih banyak terjadi pada kelompok usia 40-60 tahun sebanyak 113 orang (55,9%), jenis kelamin laki-laki 146 orang (72,3%), merokok 109 orang (54%), hipertensi 86 orang (42,6%), dislipidemia 124 orang (61,4%), diabetes melitus 111 orang (55,0%) dan tipe sindrom koroner akut terbanyak yaitu pada tipe STEMI sebanyak 43 pasien (50,6%), diikuti NSTEMI sebanyak 25 pasien (29,4%), dan paling sedikit yaitu UAP sebanyak 17 pasien (20%). Kesimpulan: Dari penelitian ini diperoleh gambaran profil penderita sindrom koroner akut di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan tahun 2015 yang terbanyak pada kelompok usia 40 - 60, diikuti oleh dislipidemia, hipertensi, diabetes melitus dan merokok

    Hierarchical interface-based supervisory control using the conflict preorder

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    Hierarchical Interface-Based Supervisory Control decomposes a large discrete event system into subsystems linked to each other by interfaces, facilitating the design of complex systems and the re-use of components. By ensuring that each subsystem satisfies its interface consistency conditions locally, it can be ensured that the complete system is controllable and nonblocking. The interface consistency conditions proposed in this paper are based on the conflict preorder, providing increased flexibility over previous approaches. The framework requires only a small number of interface consistency conditions, and allows for the design of multi-level hierarchies that are provably controllable and nonblocking

    A Free N = 2 Supersymmetric System: Novel Symmetries

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    We discuss a set of novel discrete symmetries of a free N = 2 supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanical system which is the limiting case of a widely-studied interacting SUSY model of a charged particle constrained to move on a sphere in the background of a Dirac magnetic monopole. The usual continuous symmetries of this model provide the physical realization of the de Rham cohomological operators of differential geometry. The interplay between the novel discrete symmetries and usual continuous symmetries leads to the physical realization of relationship between the (co-)exterior derivatives of differential geometry. We have also exploited the supervariable approach to derive the nilpotent N = 2 SUSY symmetries of the theory and provided the geometrical origin and interpretation for the nilpotency property. Ultimately, our present study (based on innate symmetries) proves that our free N = 2 SUSY example is a tractable model for the Hodge theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages, Journal reference is give

    An algorithm for compositional nonblocking verification of extended finite-state machines

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    This paper describes an approach for compositional nonblocking verification of discrete event systems modelled as extended finite-state machines (EFSM). Previous results about finite-state machines in lock-step synchronisation are generalised and applied to EFSMs communicating via shared variables. This gives rise to an EFSM-based conflict check algorithm that composes EFSMs gradually and partially unfolds variables as needed. At each step, components are simplified using conflict-equivalence preserving abstraction. The algorithm has been implemented in the discrete event systems tool Supremica. The paper presents experimental results for the verification of two scalable manufacturing system models, and shows that the EFSM-based algorithm verifies some large models faster than previously used methods

    A process-algebraic semantics for generalised nonblocking.

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    Generalised nonblocking is a weak liveness property to express the ability of a system to terminate under given preconditions. This paper studies the notions of equivalence and refinement that preserve generalised nonblocking and proposes a semantic model that characterises generalised nonblocking equivalence. The model can be constructed from the transition structure of an automaton, and has a finite representation for every finite-state automaton. It is used to construct a unique automaton representation for all generalised nonblocking equivalent automata. This gives rise to effective decision procedures to verify generalised nonblocking equivalence and refinement, and to a method to simplify automata while preserving generalised nonblocking equivalence. The results of this paper provide for better understanding of nonblocking in a compositional framework, with possible applications in compositional verification
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