2,879 research outputs found

    Stations as mobility hubs: Impact of transforming public spaces on the adoption of sustainable modes of transportation and promotion of intermodality

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    El transport públic és el mode de transport sostenible per excel·lència per a les masses. Però sovint es passa per alt el paper de les infraestructures de transport públic a l'adopció d'altres mitjans de desplaçament sostenibles, com els compartits. De fet, tenen el potencial de ser centres d'intermodalitat per als mitjans de transport compartits, com ara la micromobilitat. S'han realitzat estudis per analitzar l'impacte de les solucions de micromobilitat en els patrons de mobilitat dels usuaris, especialment per complementar el transport públic a la primera i última milla. No obstant això, a causa d'una possible llacuna en la recerca i d'una implementació ineficient d'aquestes noves solucions de micromobilitat, el potencial més gran de l'ús dels espais associats al transport públic per a la intermodalitat encara està per descobrir. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu comprendre la intermodalitat a les estacions de ferrocarril, que s'indueix en proporcionar espais per a solucions de micromobilitat. Es fa una àmplia revisió de la literatura per identificar els diversos factors que faciliten la integració del transport públic i la micromobilitat. S'han examinat els suggeriments i les recomanacions formulats a la bibliografia per millorar i continuar promovent l'èxit de la integració de la micromobilitat i el transport públic. A més, s'estudien els impactes de les solucions de micromobilitat a les estacions de transport públic mitjançant l'anàlisi d'una implementació passada i els canvis que va induir en el comportament de viatge dels viatgers en adoptar la micromobilitat per a la primera i la darrera milla de la seva viatge. Els resultats revelen que la provisió de solucions de micromobilitat als centres de transport públic indueix els viatges intermodals, però la seva influència és limitada a causa de la manca d'infraestructura de suport.El transporte público es el modo de transporte sostenible por excelencia para las masas. Pero a menudo se pasa por alto el papel de las infraestructuras de transporte público en la adopción de otros medios de desplazamiento sostenibles, como los compartidos. En realidad, tienen el potencial de ser centros de intermodalidad para los medios de transporte compartidos, como la micromovilidad. Se han realizado estudios para analizar el impacto de las soluciones de micromovilidad en los patrones de movilidad de los usuarios, especialmente para complementar el transporte público en la primera y última milla. Sin embargo, debido a una posible laguna en la investigación y a una implementación ineficiente de estas novedosas soluciones de micro-movilidad, el mayor potencial del uso de los espacios asociados al transporte público para la intermodalidad está aún por descubrir. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo comprender la intermodalidad en las estaciones de ferrocarril, que se induce al proporcionar espacios para soluciones de micro-movilidad. Se realiza una amplia revisión de la literatura para identificar los diversos factores que facilitan la integración del transporte público y la micromovilidad. Se han examinado las sugerencias y recomendaciones formuladas en la bibliografía para mejorar y seguir promoviendo el éxito de la integración de la micromovilidad y el transporte público. Además, se estudian los impactos de las soluciones de micromovilidad en las estaciones de transporte público mediante el análisis de una implementación pasada y los cambios que indujo en el comportamiento de viaje de los viajeros al adoptar la micromovilidad para la primera y la última milla de su viaje. Los resultados revelan que la provisión de soluciones de micromovilidad en los centros de transporte público induce a los viajes intermodales, pero su influencia es limitada debido a la falta de infraestructura de apoyo.Public transportation is the ultimate sustainable mode of transportation for the masses. But the role of public transportation infrastructure is often overlooked in the adoption of other sustainable means of commute, such as shared. In reality, they have the potential to be hubs of intermodality for shared means of transport such as micro-mobility. There have been studies done to analyse the impact of micro-mobility solutions on the mobility patterns of users, especially for complementing public transportation in the first and last mile. But due to a possible research gap and an inefficient implementation of these novelty micro-mobility solutions, the larger potential of using the spaces associated with public transportation for inter-modality is yet to be uncovered. This thesis aims to understand the intermodality in railway stations, that are in-duced by providing spaces for micro-mobility solutions. An extensive review of the literature is done to identify the various factors that facilitate the integration of public transport and micromobility. Suggestions and recommendations made in the literature to enhance and further promote the successful integration of micromobility and public transportation have been examined. Furthermore, the impacts of in-stalling micromobility solutions in public transport stations are studied by analysing a past implementation and the changes it induced in the travel behaviour of the commuters in adopting micromobility for the first and last mile of their journey. The findings reveal that providing micromobility solutions in public transport hubs does induce intermodal travel, but its influence is limited due to a lack of supporting infrastructure

    Simulation and Parametric Study for the Hydrothermal Gasification of Palm Waste

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    Leading and heading towards a renewable and sustainable society and community is a must in the modern world. The production of energy will play a big role in this process. One of the options for a renewable and sustainable energy is the production of hydrogen from palm waste as a biomass. Hydrothermal Gasification of biomass provides a highly efficient pathway to hydrogen production. The main objective of this project is to simulate the gasification model in order to know the effect of the temperature and steam/biomass ratio in the gas composition. Modeling and simulation approach allows to identify the potential alternatives for the optimal production of hydrogen. A simulation process will be adopted for achieving the desired objectives. The process under focus is hydrogen production from empty fruit bunch from oil palm via steam gasification with in-situ carbon dioxide capture by CaO as sorbent. The model incorporates the chemical reaction kinetics models of the steam gasification of EFB (C3.4H4.1O3.3) and carbon dioxide adsorption, and the material balances. Parameter analysis on the influence of the temperature and steam/biomass ratio is performed. Increasing in temperature results in increasing of hydrogen and decreasing in methane and carbon dioxide. Increasing the steam/biomass ratio leads to increase of hydrogen and decrease of methane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide

    Malaria in Sudan: past, present and the future

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    Summary. Malaria is a major public health problem in Sudan and this is theleading cause of death. A lot of efforts are done recently to decrease theprevalence adopting the RBM initiative with its well known six elements.There is a new protocol for treatment which would be launched in June2004.Malaria Burden. Malaria in Sudan is a major public Health Problem. Itleads to an estimated 7.5- 10 million cases and 35000 deaths every year. Theburden of the disease on the health system is a reality. Out of the totaloutpatients’ attendance, admissions and deaths malaria represents 20- 40%, 30-50%and 15-20% respectively. These figures bring Sudan on the top of WHO /EMRO countries, as Sudan shouldered 50% of cases and 70% of deaths in theregion (WHO/EMRO). Malaria is endemic throughout the Sudan. Theendemicity level varies from hypo-endemic in the north - mesoendemic inthe central part and hyper-and holo-endemic in the south. (Map 1).Considering other factors which serve as a background for malaria in Sudan;metriological, human behavior and activities, status of the controlprogramme, country economic and social conditions, Sudan has beenstratified to 5 strata (Map2). It is worth to mention here that 80% of thepopulations are living in epidemic-prone area-unstable malaria transmission

    The Determination of Pile Capacity Using Artificial Neural-net: An Optimization Approach

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    From standard static formula for bearing capacity of a single pile foundation, an algorithm using a reliability approach for the determination of service load was developed. Using the developed algorithm, the safety measures involved are such as reliability index and the probability of failure; instead of only factor of safety if conventional deterministic approach is used. In this study, the developed algorithm is further expanded to include computation of the weight-matrix of a sequential associative feedback-type neural net model for the determination of service load of a single pile is introduced. The proposed technique concludes improved efficiency over the conventional method of commissioning the functional formula of the weights by exploiting the structural properties of the matrices appeared in the codification of the service load to a single pile problem as a quadratic zero-one optimization program. Those structural attributes are distinguished and described in terms of template-matrix contributions of the constraint functions of the quadratic optimization, to the weight-matrix asynchronous auto-associative neural net It is stated by using those templates, the weight matrix can be taken in intuitively. Performance results of this research study reveal that neural net deterministic approach could be a better choice for implementation in identifying the required weight-matrix

    Adaptive stabilization and control stochastic time-varying systems.

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    We introduce the concept of an adaptive control Lyapunov function for the notion of globally asymptotically stable in probability of stochastic time-varying systems and use the stochastic version of Florchinger’s control law established in Abedi et al. to design an adaptive controller. In this framework the problem of adaptive stabilization of a nonlinear stochastic system is reduced to the problem of nonadaptive stabilization of a modified system


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    The paper proposed the optimization of the network construction timing of the control network according to the specific conditions of the survey route. Moreover, presented here are the adjustments according to the layout requirements of the control network layout process, strengthening the control of the line level base point during the construction process. Several optimization solutions are discussed for the special design of the level control before the construction of the long tunnel. It has been explained the methodology to introduce new Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) technology in railway survey and design with appropriately adjustment of the position requirements of the control network according to the specification. In order to carry out the special design of the levelling route with precision, it is advisable to set a certain stable reference point in the level control of the long line. The proposed methodology can effectively solve some problems existing in the current high-speed railway construction process, and make the precision measurement control network better for survey, design, construction, supervision and operation

    The Proficiency Levels Of Bahasa Melayu Writing Skills In Malaysian Primary Schools.

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    The 1996 Education Act affirms the status of Bahasa Melayu as a language of knowledge and as a medium of instruction in national schools in Malaysia (Education Act, 1996; Sharifah Maimunah, 2004). Correspondingly, by the end of their primary education pupils are expected to acquire a certain level of Bahasa Melayu proficiency that will enable them to grasp lessons conducted in Bahasa Melayu at the secondary school and tertiary levels

    Nature of complex network of dengue epidemic as a scale-free network

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    Objectives: Dengue epidemic is a dynamic and complex phenomenon that has gained considerable attention due to its injurious effects. The focus of this study is to statically analyze the nature of the dengue epidemic network in terms of whether it follows the features of a scale-free network or a random network. Methods: A multifarious network of Aedes aegypti is addressed keeping the viewpoint of a complex system and modelled as a network. The dengue network has been transformed into a one-mode network from a two-mode network by utilizing projection methods. Furthermore, three network features have been analyzed, the power-law, clustering coefficient, and network visualization. In addition, five methods have been applied to calculate the global clustering coefficient. Results: It has been observed that dengue epidemic follows a powerlaw, with the value of its exponent γ = –2.1. The value of the clustering coefficient is high for dengue cases, as weight of links. The minimum method showed the highest value among the methods used to calculate the coefficient. Network visualization showed the main areas. Moreover, the dengue situation did not remain the same throughout the observed period. Conclusions: The results showed that the network topology exhibits the features of a scale-free network instead of a random network. Focal hubs are highlighted and the critical period is found. Outcomes are important for the researchers, health officials, and policy makers who deal with arbovirus epidemic diseases. Zika virus and Chikungunya virus can also be modelled and analyzed in this manner. © 2019 The Korean Society of Medical Informatics

    Capacitive electrode sensor: design and testing

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    This paper proposed an alternative method of measuring water level using a Printed Circuit Board(PCB). The design of the electrode water level sensor went through circuit sketching, printing of sketch on PCB and etching. The signal conditioning circuit board was fabricated using a donut board and other electrical components. Experimentation was carried on the fabricated electrode sensor and the capacitance and current for each electrode finger was measured using digital multimeter and LCR meter. The multiple correlation of the water level, measured current and measured capacitance produced a value of 0.921 with P-values less than 0.05 showing the strength of the data obtained from the test conducted. The electrode water level sensor has proven to be consistent and reliable under normal working condition