17 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the role of DLH in overseeing business entities, especially companies that in their business activities produce waste. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The results obtained are the duties of the Department of the Environment are 1) only overseeing business entities that already have environmental permits. 2) Supervision of the application of environmental accounting in business entities in Pamekasan Regency is in line with what is mandated by Law No. 32 of 2009 article 74 paragraph 1 as outlined in Pamekasan Regency Regulation No. 3/2013, environmental supervisors / officials have the authority to monitor businesses and / or activities that have the potential to pollute / damage the environment, request information from the party responsible for activities, make copy of documents / make notes, enter certain places suspected of causing environmental pollution / damage, take samples, examine equipment / installations and / or means of transportation, request information from parties related to the object of supervision. Keywords: Business Entity, Environmental Accoounting, Environmental Agency, Supervisio

    Penerapan Akuntansi untuk Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Pasal 21Pada Puskesmas Palengaan Pamekasan

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    Income tax (PPh) Pasal 21 is the tax payable on the income become the taxpayer's liability to pay for it. The earnings in question, namely in the form of salary, honorarium, benefits and other payments with any name with respect to the work, services or activities performed by private people tax payers in the country. Law No. 36 Year 2008 which are used in determining the tax rate and payment procedures. The purpose of this research is to know the application of PPh 21 income tax accounting and the presentation of his report on public health Palengaan Pamekasan and to know the analysis calculation of the PPh Pasal 21 and wages accounting employees at Clinics Palengaan Pamekasan. The methods used in this research is descriptive method quantitative. The research indicates that the application of accounting for income taxes income tax pasal 21 at clinics palengaan i.e. upper cuts, remittance income tax pasal 21 and penjurnalannya, PPh pasal 21 allowances that are actually covered by employer health centers incorporated first into the elements of employee salary and benefits when the calculation of income tax pasal 21 carried out ( income tax pasal 21calculated joined him). As well as the calculation of income tax (PPh) pasal 21di Palengaan Pamekasan Clinics there are differences between the calculations performed in Clinics with the calculation done researchers based on the provisions of the legislation of taxation


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis seberapa besar kontribusi Desa dalam mengembangkan wisata Pantai 9 menuju “Visit Sumenep 2018”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data memakai triangulasi sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan teori miles and hubberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Partisipasi Desa dalam mengembangkan objek wisata Pantai 9 dalam rangka menyukseskan program Visit Sumenep 2018 dibagi atas tiga macam, yang pertama adalah partisipasi masyarakat desa, yang kedua adalah alokasi dana desa dan yang ketiga adalah partisipasi pemerintah dalam melibatkan Pantai 9 untuk menyukseskan program Visit sumenep 2018 . Partisipasi masyarakat menggunakan teori oekley yaitu partisipasi fisik berupa kemudahan transportasi, partisipasi dana berupa dana CSR yang diberikan oleh perusahaan yang beroperasi di desa Bringsang, partisipasi buah pikir yang berupa tour guide dan partisipasi keterampilan yang belum nampak di Pantai 9, dimana keempat partisipasi tersebut masih dikategorikan minim dan belum dilakukan secara optimal. Sedangkan alokasi dana desa yang dikeluarkan untuk pengembangan Pantai 9 masih dilakukan sejak tahun 2018 yaitu sejak Pantai 9 menjadi milik BUMDes. Partisipasi pemerintah dalam hal melibatkan Pantai 9 adalah dengan memasukkan Pantai 9 ke dalam datar destinasi wisata visit sumenep 2018

    Kemandirian Pondok Pesantren Melalui Pendirian Bisnis Lembaga Keuangan di Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Abstrak: Kemandirian pondok pesatren akan terwujud apabila pondok pesantren bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikkannya sendiri tanpa bergantung pada pihak eksternal pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemandirian dari pondok pesantren yang memiliki usaha bisnis berupa lembaga keuangan dan kemandirian dari pondok pesantren yang tidak memiliki usaha bisnis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi langsung kepada informan yang berkaitan dalam variabel penelitian ini. Objek penelitian ini adalah pada pondok pesantren yang ada di Pamekasan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu adanya bisnis pondok pesantren dapat menciptakan pondok pesantren yang mandiri dan tidak tergantung terhadap pihak ketiga baik itu pemerintah maupun alumni santri serta iuran dari santri, namun dengan adanya lembaga keuangan mikro syariah mampu memberikan kontribusi kepada pondok pesantren setiap tahun dari sisa hasil usaha (SHU) yang didapatkan dari lembaga keuangan mikro syariah, keuntungan juga diperoleh dari usaha bisnis pesantren yang lainnya.   Keywords: Pondok Pesantren, Lembaga Keuanngan Syariah, Kemandirian.   Abstract: The independence of the pondok rapidly will be realized if the boarding schools can meet the needs and costs of conducting their own education without depending on external parties of the pesantren. This study aims to determine how independent Islamic boarding schools have business businesses in the form of financial institutions and the independence of Islamic boarding schools that do not have business. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews and direct observation to informants who are related to this research variable. The object of this research is the Islamic boarding school in Pamekasan. The result of this research is that the existence of an Islamic boarding school business can create an independent Islamic boarding school and does not depend on third parties, both the government and santri alumni as well as contributions from students, but with the existence of Islamic microfinance institutions it only contributes to the boarding school every year from the remaining results. Business (SHU) obtained from Islamic microfinance institutions, profits are also obtained from other Islamic boarding school businesses.   Keywords: Islamic boarding schools, Islamic financial institutions, independence


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi pelaku usaha, akademisi, fiskus, atas UU Harmonisasi Peraturan perpajakan pada perubahan tarif pajak UMKM di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan interpretif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap informan memilki paradigma yang berbeda atas UU HPP pada perubahan tarif pajak UMKM, pelaku usaha mikro cenderung moderat karena sikap terbuka dan keinginan untuk memahami dan mengetahui, pelaku usaha kecil cenderung literate karena tidak memahami dan tidak mengetahui atas UU HPP pada perubahan tarif pajak dan pelaku usaha menengah cenderung apatis karena enggan untuk memahami aturan tersebut, akademisi memaknai aturan tersebut secara konservatif, sedangkan fiskus tidak memperhatikan redaksi dan bersifat moderat.   Kata Kunci: Paradigma perpajakan, UU HPP, Wajib Pajak, Akademisi, Fiskus   Abstract: The pupose of this study was to determine the perception of business actors, academics, tax authorities, on the law on harmonization of tax regulations on changes in tax rates for micro, small and medium enterprises in Pamekasan regency. This study uses a qualitative method with an interpretive approach.The results of the study indicate that each informant has a different paradigm of the law on tax regulation harmonization on changes in tax rates for micro, small and medium interprises, micro business actors tend to be moderate because of their open attitude and desire to understand and know, small bussiness actors tend to be literate because they do not understand and do not knowing the law on harmonization of tax regulations on changes in tax rates and medium sized business actors tend to be apathetic because they are reluctant to understand these rules, academics interpret the rules conservatively, while fiskus do not pay attention   to the editorial and are moderate.   Keywords: Tax Paradigm, Law on Harmonization of tax regulations, taxpayers, Academics, Fiscu


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan budaya organisasi dan system pengendalian manajemen pada perguruan tinggi. Metode yang digunakan adalah study literatur melalui pendekatan kualitatif, dengan data skunder sebagai sumber data yang digunakan untuk menganalis data hingga menjadi sebuah kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan budaya organisasi pada perguruan tinggi digunakan untuk menujukkan jati diri perguruan tinggi, selain itu penerapan budaya organisasi membawa pengaruh terhadap perguruan tinggi melalui nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan baik secara verbal maupun aturan yang berlaku. Sedangkan implementasi system pengendalian pada perguruan tinggi lebih kepada memitigasi terjadinya risiko dan acaman dari eksternal maupun internal serta kualitas perguruan tinggi yang di gambarkan melalui hasil penilaian perguruan tinggi yang disebut dengan akreditasi. Pengelolaan yang baik akan membawa dampak yang baik, akan tetapi jika pengelolaan yang dilakukan tidak mengikuti aturan dan standar yang sudah ditetapkan maka stakeholder sebagai investor utama akan dapat menilai perguruan tinggi tersebut sehat atau tidak.   Kata Kunci: budaya organisasi, system pengendalian manajemen, perguruan tingg

    Interpretasi Dampak Keuangan Keluarga Tenaga Kerja Wanita (Studi Fenomenologi TKW Pamekasan yang Berimigrasi ke Saudi Arabia dan Malaysia)

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    This research tries to reveal how far the financial impact of migrant workers who migrate to Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. The method used is qualitative / non positivistic method (Non Mainstream) through understanding method (verstehen) with Interpretive Paradigm and Husserl Transcendental Phenomenology approach. The main informants in this study as many as 6 people while the relevant institutions, researchers made a second informant to confirm data about TKW. This research reveals that the financial impacts of TKW Pamekasan families who immigrated to Saudi Arabia and Malaysia do exist, although they are not very significant, but in their view are significant because they bring a lot of changes to their lives, especially in the form of "house and land assets", their children's education, Family life left behind and can pay family debts for some TKW indebted. The TKW Pamekasan has been able to change the original residence of "gedek" into a permanent building. In terms of education some TKW have managed to send their children to the level of secondary education and some even until college graduation. In addition, other financial impacts are the availability of venture capital for them to open new businesses either in the form of small "pracangan" stores or other businesses as a guarantee to survive after their return to Indonesia. While the other impact of "intangible property" that is in the form of satisfaction of the heart because it can fulfill the pillars of Islam to Lima (pilgrimage) for migrant workers who immigrate to Saudi Arabia.Keywords: Immigration, Family Financial Condition, Female Labo

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga Desa Tambaan Kecamatan Camplong Kabupaten Sampang Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Ibu rumah tangga memiliki peran dan potensi yang sangat strategis dalam mendukung program pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Karena itu, program pemberdayaan ibu rumah tangga dalam bidang ekonomi perlu dimaksimalkan. Program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memaksimalkan peran serta ibu rumah tangga dalam mengisi waktu luangnya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga. Mitra pada program ini yaitu kelompok ibu rumah tangga Dusun Gayam dan kelompok ibu rumah tangga Dusun Pesisir Desa Tambaan Kecamatan Camplong Kabupaten Sampang. Masalah yang dihadapi mitra yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan untuk berwirausaha dan minimnya keterampilan yang dimiliki. Berdasarkan hasil observasi lapangan Desa Tambaan memiliki terdapat banyak tambak garam dan sebagian besar masyarakatnya merupakan petani garam. Sehingga pada program ini ditawarkan solusi yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam produksi garam yodium skala rumah tangga. Program ini dilakukan dengan metode penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Penyuluhan yang dilakukan antara lain penyuluhan pentingnya konsumsi garam beryodium dan penyuluhan wirausaha dalam skala rumah tangga. Pelatihan yang dilakukan yaitu pelatihan pembuatan hingga pengemasan garam yodium. Hasil dari PKM ini yaitu (1) kelompok IRT Dusun Gayam dan Dusun Pesisir mengetahui pentingnya garam yodium sehingga tidak lagi menggunakan garam krosok yang diambil langsung dari tambak. (2) kelompok IRT Dusun Gayam dan Dusun Pesisir bisa membuat garam yodium dengan mengolah garam krosok yang di dapat dari tambak. (3) kelompok IRT Dusun Gayam dan Dusun Pesisir memahami usaha garam yodium skala rumah tangga. (4) kelompok IRT Dusun Gayam dan Dusun Pesisir memproduksi garam yodium dan menjual garam tersebut


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    All Political Parties have fulfilled the Receipt and Use of Campaign Funds (LPPDK) reports, because if they are not fulfilled, they will get sanctions based on KPU Regulations. The preparation of these various reports shows that political parties are obliged to demonstrate good governance to the public, in order to form a stigma that political parties have high accountability with a high level of transparency. However, in reality this is not directly proportional to the daily governance of political parties. This study uses a qualitative research method with an interpretive approach, where data collection uses data triangulation. As for the results of the research, namely the rules that cover political parties are clear, but their application has not been implemented as the existing legal umbrella, namely law. Unlike the case with the implementation of elections related to campaign funds. Realizing good political party governance must start from the awareness of party officials to always present data and reports in a transparent manner, not only obeying during elections but continuously and continuously. Not only afraid of direct sanctions imposed by the KPU, but also pay attention to the continuity and sustainability of political parties. Going concern does not only apply to business entities, but it is also important to apply to political party organizations. Political parties are a gathering place for cadres who become and or will still be public officials who later carry out the mandate and work for the people, this is the reason for the importance of accountability and transparency for good party governance

    Persepsi Pelaku Usaha Kecil dan Menengah tentang Tax Amnesty

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    This Research aims to find out how big a review Participation Of Business Agent Micro, Small and Medium about Tax Amnesty. The data collection method using triangulation of data and methods of data analysis with way to reduce and then presents the data for the review verified. The Results is a business agent Micro, Small, and Medium Still tend Apathy for Tax Amnesty Program imposed by the Government That is because the level of awareness of business agent Dan Knowledge Against Taxation Still Really was low