161 research outputs found

    Biosystems for Air Protection

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    Poultry Manure Derived Biochars – The Impact of Pyrolysis Temperature on Selected Properties and Potentials for Further Modifications

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    The overall goal of this work was to investigate the potential of poultry manure for thermal conversion into biochar and the impact of temperature on selected biochar properties. Biochar is a solid carbonized material that demonstrates a number of interesting properties such as high microporosity and surface area, presence of surface functional groups and micro and macroelements. Therefore, it can be applied as a sorbent to remove organic and inorganic substances from liquid and gaseous phases, as an amendment in composting and anaerobic fermentation, a component of fertilizers and soil improver or as a filler in production of biocomposites. The scope of this work included: collection and analysis of poultry manure samples from an organic poultry farm (a), laboratory pyrolysis of poultry manure in selected temperatures (400-700 °C) (b), the analysis of biochar properties (chemical composition, surface area, functional groups, etc.) produced at different temperatures (c) and discussion of potential applications for the produced poultry derived biochars (d). The efficiency of conversion of poultry manure to biochar was about 62% for 400 °C and about 55% for 700 °C. The obtained results demonstrated that biochars produced from poultry manure showed a complex chemical composition. The following elements were present: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, iron. Surface area of the obtained biochars was very low (about 5 m2g−1). Gradual aromatization of the investigated biochar and the formation of wide range of oxygen functionalities were observed. In view to the obtained results poultry manure derived biochars due to chemical composition could be potentially applied as a component of fertilizers, soil improvers and composts. However, other applications such as removal of various contaminants, e.g., from wastewater or exhaust air would require additional modification through thermal and/or chemical treatment

    Rzecz o "mirrowym snopku" : w poszukiwaniu znaczenia i popularności użycia w XVIII wieku

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    The article concerns the expression of mirrowy snopek appearing in the 17th and 18th centuries in passion texts. In order to define the meaning of the collocation that is unknown today, the author of the article analyses semantically lexical units such as snopek and mirra, as well as a whole expression snopek miry. The research material constitutes mainly the slogan articles of the historical dictionaries, as well as etymological ones and plant symbolism. In order to broaden a research perspective, the material analysed is presented in the context of Latin counterparts: fasciculus, myrrha and fasciculus myrrhae. The aim of the text is to find out why the very expression used to imply passion in a clear‑cut way, and why did not stand the test of time

    O religijnym piśmiennictwie "zegarowym" w polskich drukach z XVII i XVIII wieku

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    The article is devoted to the Polish religious printed matter from the 17th and 18th centuries (individual works and collections of texts), which shares the “clock” metaphor. The author focuses on Catholic and Arian literature, independent works and short forms, both poetry and prose. The texts analyzed are mostly pieces of advice and warnings helpful in the Christian life, centred around the Passion and funerals. The article presents the content, composition and function of these works, as well as the dual use of the clock theme in them: as an object which awakens and which measures time. The genological aspects of these works are also considered

    Proksemika w mistyce oblubieńczej Bonawentury Siewierzanina

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    The author sheds light on the paradoxes of human communication with Godpresented in a mystical text Zegar nabożnej oblubienice Chrystusowej…, 1624 (Clock ofa Pious Christ’s Bride…). Her deliberations aim at clarifying the characteristic traits oftwo intertwining and yet divergent perspectives and contexts of the author‑recipientrelation between its protagonists, particularly the ways of building and shortening thedistance in human communication with the realm of the sacred. The emphasis is puton the protagonists’ autocreation as they speak and on the choice of realities the authorencapsulated in Christ’s direct addresses to the bride and in her replies. The text canbe classified as a study of the religious language and is complemented by observations,atypically for past passion works, on the way of expressing the material for reflectionand equally interesting statements by God referring to what was said and written abouthim by the Saints

    Projektowanie kręgu odbiorców i procesu lektury w pasyjnym tryptyku Augustyna Rakiewicza

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    The article presents the various manners in which the author’s introductory remarks depicted potential members of the reading public in religious printed materials. Another subject of analysis herein is reasoning that constituted an enticement to reading of the said books. Another topic included into considerations are prefaces to three mutually complementary Passion publications by Augustyn Rakiewicz, which include the following volumes printed at the beginning of the 18th century in Supraśl: Zapach mirrowego snopka… coequal to Garście mirrowego snopka… (1711) and Snopek mirry gorzkiej… (1712). The author of the article concentrates on an analysis of metatext statements by Rakiewicz that refer to the introductory remarks accompanying the collections in question. What is also discussed are the statements by the writer giving reasons to buy and read the all three parts of the triptych. Moreover, the considerations included herein present fragments which reveal the primary concept of Rakiewicz and even justify the alternations of this concept conducted during the composing period. The entire study is completed with remarks concerning publisher’s announcements included in the prefaces, and especially with the considerations relating to a book the publication of which had been advertised twice, even though it probably was never eventually printed

    "Gorzkie żale" i inne nabożeństwa pasyjne w XVIII wieku

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    Dzięki pasjonującym penetracjom badawczym, mającym nacelu zgłębienie genezy wskazanego nabożeństwa, udało mi się odnaleźć inneosiemnastowieczne (i późniejsze) druki, zawierające alternacje „gorzkich żali”.W obecnych rozważaniach dwa tego typu przekazy: dominikańskie Różańcowepienia… i paulińska Męka Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa… zostaną zestawionez pierwotnymi Gorzkimi żalami. Przy czym należy przypuszczać, że podobnychnabożeństw było więcej. W podjętych rozważaniach nie poddaję analizie kolejnych wydań Gorzkich żali, ich przeróbek oraz tłumaczeń na inne języki, gdyżna temat ten powstało już kilka opracowań. Ważnabędzie również refleksja nad tym, dlaczego Gorzkie żale przetrwały próbę czasu,natomiast inne pasje popadły w zapomnienie

    Manual lymphatic drainage with comprehensive anti-diabetic therapy (MLD / CDT) as a method of treatment of lymphoedema - literature review

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    Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymph, i.e stagnation of water and proteins in extracellular space and lymphatic vessel due to impairment of its transportation as an effect of congenital disorders or lymph vessel lesion. The priority in therapeutic approach to lymphedema should be establishing the cause of edema, setting medical diagnosis and treatment method as early as possible. Complex Decongestive Therapy is recommended by International Society of Lymphology and considered as a standard in lympedema treatment irrespective of their stage of development and the cause

    Willingness to Adopt Biochar in Agriculture: The Producer’s Perspective

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    Most research on biochar has focused either on the mechanistic or the biophysical aspects, and there has been relatively little research into the social applicability and acceptance of biochar as a soil enhancer in agriculture. However, whether to adopt biochar in their practice is ultimately the farmers’ decision, and their willingness to do so is crucial. Here, we show the producer’s perspective on adopting biochar, using Polish farmers as a case study. Poland is an interesting case study because biochar has only recently attracted the attention of researchers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders there. We performed standardized, semi-structured interviews with 161 Polish farmers to evaluate the socioeconomic potential of biochar application in practice. We found that 27% of the respondents claimed to be familiar with biochar. The respondents with a technical, non-agricultural level of education were most familiar with the term ‘biochar’ (36%), followed by the group of respondents with a higher-level agricultural education (31%). It was surprising that among the latter respondents, the majority (69%) did not know the term ‘biochar’, either in the context used for this study or in any other context. Twenty percent of the respondents expressed an interest in using biochar, while 43% were not willing to adopt it in their agricultural practice (37% ‘did not know yet’). If a farmer was familiar with the concept of sustainable agriculture, the probability of familiarity with biochar increased by 16% (p < 0.05). In addition, farmers interested in using biochar indicated that sustainable agriculture might improve the financial situation of their farms (52%). The perceived benefits of biochar that drive the willingness to adopt it included improved soil quality and increased income due to increased yields, while the constraints on its adoption were associated mainly with high costs. Our results also point to the necessity of information flow as well as engaging farmers in participatory research to adjust the research to their needs. Furthermore, our results highlight the importance of transparency with the farmers and appropriate dissemination and presentation of both the positive and the negative aspects of biochar adoption. We urge those studying biochar to engage in more interdisciplinary research and to go beyond laboratory and field research. Many innovations, even those that work, will not be adopted if socioeconomic considerations are not incorporated into the research