17 research outputs found

    Short report: Molecular characterization of Blastocystis obtained from members of the indigenous Tapirapé ethnic group from the Brazilian Amazon region, Brazil.

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    A total of 382 stool samples were examined during a survey of intestinal parasites in members of the Tapirapé ethnic group, who live in the Brazilian Amazon region of Mato Grosso. Fecal DNAs from Blastocystis-positive samples were extracted, polymerase chain reaction amplified using Blastocystis-specific primers targeting the small subunit rRNA gene, and sequenced. Three subtypes (STs) were identified: ST1 (41%), ST2 (32%), and ST3 (17%). Seven mixed infections were found (11%). The subtype distribution was markedly different from that reported in Europe in that ST4 was not detected and ST3 was not the most common subtype. This study is the first to include molecular characterization of Blastocystis in Brazil and in indigenous communities from Latin America

    Prevalence of Anti-Neospora caninum and Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies in Dogs From Two Different Indigenous Communities in the Brazilian Amazon Region

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    Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum antibodies in sera of 325 dogs in 11 villages inhabited by the Tapirape and Karaja ethnic groups in the south of the Brazilian Amazon was determined by the use of an indirect fluorescence antibody test. Antibodies (cutoff 1:16) to T. gondii were found in 169 (52%) and to N. caninum (cutoff 1:50) in 32 (9.8%) of 325 dogs. Seropositivity for both parasitic infections was widely prevalent in dogs from these villages and was higher in older dogs, indicating post-natal transmission.Brazilian National Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa, CNPq)Brazilian National Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa, CNPq)scientific initiation grantscientific initiation grantresearch productivity grantresearch productivity grantResearch Support Foundation of the State of Sao Paulo (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo, FAPESP)Research Support Foundation of the State of Sao Paulo (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo, FAPESP)Karaja and Tapirape indigenous communitiesKaraja and Tapirape indigenous communitie

    A study of new antimalarial artemisinins through molecular modeling and multivariate analysis

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    Artemisinin and 18 derivatives with antimalarial activity against W-2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum were studied through quantum chemistry and multivariate analysis. The geometry optimization of the structures was realized with the Hartree-Fock (HF) theory and 3-21G basis set. Maps of molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) and molecular docking were used to investigate the interaction between the ligands and the receptor (heme). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were employed to select the most important descriptors related to activity. A predictive model was generated by the Partial Least Square (PLS) method through 15 molecules and 4 used as an external validation set, which were selected in the training set, the validation parameters of which are Q2 = 0.85 and R2 = 0.86. The model included as molecular parameters, the radial distribution function, RDF060e, the hydration energy, HE, and the distance between the O1 atom from the ligand and the iron atom from heme, d(Fe-O1). Thus, the synthesis of new derivatives may follow the results of the MEP maps and the PLS analysis

    Is the number of microembolic signals related to neurologic outcome in coronary bypass surgery?

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    Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) may potentially reduce the number of microembolic signals (MES) associated with aortic manipulation or generated by the pump circuit, resulting in a better neurologic outcome after surgery. Our aim was to compare the frequency of MES and neurologic complications in CABG with and without CPB. Twenty patients eligible to routine CABG without CPB were randomized to surgery with CPB and without CPB and continuously monitored by transcranial Doppler. Neurologic examination was performed in all patients before and after surgery. The two groups were similar with respect to demographics, risk factors, grade of aortic atheromatous disease and number of grafts. The frequency of MES in the nonCPB group was considerably lower than in CPB patients, however, we did not observe any change in the neurologic examination during the early postoperative period. Neurologic complications after CABG may be related to the size and composition of MES rather than to their absolute numbers. A large prospective multicentric randomized trial may help to elucidate this complex issue

    Multilocus Genotyping of Giardia duodenalis in Mostly Asymptomatic Indigenous People from the Tapirapé Tribe, Brazilian Amazon.

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    Little information is available on the occurrence and genetic variability of the diarrhoea-causing enteric protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis in indigenous communities in Brazil. This cross-sectional epidemiological survey describes the frequency, genotypes, and risk associations for this pathogen in Tapirapé people (Brazilian Amazon) at four sampling campaigns during 2008-2009. Microscopy was used as a screening test, and molecular (PCR and Sanger sequencing) assays targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA, the glutamate dehydrogenase, the beta-giardin, and the triosephosphate isomerase genes as confirmatory/genotyping methods. Associations between G. duodenalis and sociodemographic and clinical variables were investigated using Chi-squared test and univariable/multivariable logistic regression models. Overall, 574 individuals belonging to six tribes participated in the study, with G. duodenalis prevalence rates varying from 13.5-21.7%. The infection was positively linked to younger age and tribe. Infected children <15 years old reported more frequent gastrointestinal symptoms compared to adults. Assemblage B accounted for three out of four G. duodenalis infections and showed a high genetic diversity. No association between assemblage and age or occurrence of diarrhoea was demonstrated. These data indicate that the most likely source of infection was anthropic and that different pathways (e.g., drinking water) may be involved in the transmission of the parasite.This research was funded by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAFESP, Brazil), the National Health Foundation (FUNASA, Brazil), and the Mato Grosso State Research Support Foundation (FAPEMAT, Brazil), grant number 0839/2006. Additional funding was obtained from the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), grant number PI16CIII/00024.S

    Intravenous Grafts of Human Amniotic Fluid-Derived Stem Cells Reduce Behavioral Deficits in Experimental Ischemic Stroke

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    Amniotic fluid has been investigated as new cell source for stem cells in the development of future cell-based transplantation. This study reports isolation of viable human amniotic fluid-derived stem cells, labeled with multimodal iron oxide nanoparticles, and its effect on focal cerebral ischemia–reperfusion injury in Wistar rats. Middle cerebral artery occlusion of 60 min followed by reperfusion for 1 h, 6 h, and 24 h was employed in the present study to produce ischemia and reperfusion-induced cerebral injury in rats. Tests were employed to assess the functional outcome of the sensorimotor center activity in the brain, through a set of modified neurological severity scores used to assess motor and exploratory capacity 24 h, 14, and 28 days after receiving cellular therapy via tail vein. In our animal model of stroke, transplanted cells migrated to the ischemic focus, infarct volume decreased, and motor deficits improved. Therefore, we concluded that these cells appear to have beneficial effects on the ischemic brain, possibly based on their ability to enhance endogenous repair mechanisms

    População de Metarhizium anisopliae em diferentes tipos e graus de compactação do solo Metarhizium anisopliae population in differents soil types and compactness degrees

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    Este trabalho objetivou investigar a influência do tipo e compactação do solo na sobrevivência do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae. A sobrevivência do fungo foi determinada em quatro tipos de solos: Latossolo Vermelho textura argilosa, Latossolo Vermelho textura média, Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo textura arenosa média e Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo textura areno-argilosa, com maior teor de matéria orgânica. Para determinar o efeito da compactação na sobrevivência do fungo usaram-se os três primeiros tipos de solos nas densidades de 1,12, 1,32, 1,50g cm-3; 1,22, 1,44, 1,65g cm-3; 1,30, 1,50, 1,70g cm-3, respectivamente. Por meio da contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) em placas de Petri, fizeram-se avaliações da sobrevivência do fungo, após zero, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 dias de incubação a 27 &plusmn; 1&ordm;C. Houve influência significativa do tipo de solo e do grau de compactação na sobrevivência do fungo, obtendo-se maior quantidade de UFC no solo textura areno-argilosa. Entre os demais solos, a maior sobrevivência ocorreu no solo textura arenosa e a menor no solo textura argilosa. O efeito da compactação foi significativo para o tipo de solo, exceto no solo textura arenosa. Independentemente do tipo de solo, a maior sobrevivência foi observada nos valores médios de densidade. A compactação teve maior impacto no solo textura média, onde ocorreu queda mais acentuada na quantidade de UFC em todas as densidades.<br>The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different soil types and compactness on Metarhizium anisopliae survival. The fungus survivorship was determined in four soil types: Red Latosol with clay texture, Red Latosol with medium texture, Red Yellow Podzolic with medium sand texture and Red Yellow Podzolic with sand-clay texture, with higher amount of organic material. To determine the effect of compactness on fungus survival the first three soil types were used with the following densities, respectively: 1.12, 1.32, 1.50g cm-3; 1.22, 1.44, 1.65g cm-3; 1.30, 1.50, 1.70g cm-3. The fungus survivorship was evaluated at zero, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 days of incubation at 27 &plusmn; 1&ordm;C, through colony forming units (CFU), in Petri dishes. There was significant effect of the soil type and compactness on the survival of the fungus. Survival was greater in the soil with sand-clay texture and high number of CFU was observed in sandy soil compared with medium texture and clay soil. A significant effect of compactness was verified for the soil type, but not for the medium sand texture soil. Despite the soil type, the fungus survivorship was greater when the soil compactness was at the medium density values. The effect of compactness was most effective in the medium texture soil, in which the fungus survival was lower in all densities