203 research outputs found

    Periods for flat algebraic connections

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    In previous work, we established a duality between the algebraic de Rham cohomology of a flat algebraic connection on a smooth quasi-projective surface over the complex numbers and the rapid decay homology of the dual connection relying on a conjecture by C. Sabbah, which has been proved recently by T. Mochizuki for algebraic connections in any dimension. In the present article, we verify that Mochizuki's results allow to generalize these duality results to arbitrary dimensions also

    Levi problem and semistable quotients

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    A complex space XX is in class QG{\mathcal Q}_G if it is a semistable quotient of the complement to an analytic subset of a Stein manifold by a holomorphic action of a reductive complex Lie group GG. It is shown that every pseudoconvex unramified domain over XX is also in QG{\mathcal Q}_G.Comment: Version 2 - minor edits; 8 page

    Moment determinants as isomonodromic tau functions

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    We consider a wide class of determinants whose entries are moments of the so-called semiclassical functionals and we show that they are tau functions for an appropriate isomonodromic family which depends on the parameters of the symbols for the functionals. This shows that the vanishing of the tau-function for those systems is the obstruction to the solvability of a Riemann-Hilbert problem associated to certain classes of (multiple) orthogonal polynomials. The determinants include Haenkel, Toeplitz and shifted-Toeplitz determinants as well as determinants of bimoment functionals and the determinants arising in the study of multiple orthogonality. Some of these determinants appear also as partition functions of random matrix models, including an instance of a two-matrix model.Comment: 24 page

    On Gauge Invariance and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

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    We show how the widely used concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking can be explained in causal perturbation theory by introducing a perturbative version of quantum gauge invariance. Perturbative gauge invariance, formulated exclusively by means of asymptotic fields, is discussed for the simple example of Abelian U(1) gauge theory (Abelian Higgs model). Our findings are relevant for the electroweak theory, as pointed out elsewhere.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figure

    A construction of Frobenius manifolds with logarithmic poles and applications

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    A construction theorem for Frobenius manifolds with logarithmic poles is established. This is a generalization of a theorem of Hertling and Manin. As an application we prove a generalization of the reconstruction theorem of Kontsevich and Manin for projective smooth varieties with convergent Gromov-Witten potential. A second application is a construction of Frobenius manifolds out of a variation of polarized Hodge structures which degenerates along a normal crossing divisor when certain generation conditions are fulfilled.Comment: 46 page

    Analytic geometry of semisimple coalescent Frobenius structures

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    We present some results of a joint paper with Dubrovin (see references), as exposed at the Workshop "Asymptotic and Computational Aspects of Complex Differential Equations" at the CRM in Pisa, in February 2017. The analytical description of semisimple Frobenius manifolds is extended at semisimple coalescence points, namely points with some coalescing canonical coordinates although the corresponding Frobenius algebra is semisimple. After summarizing and revisiting the theory of the monodromy local invariants of semisimple Frobenius manifolds, as introduced by Dubrovin, it is shown how the definition of monodromy data can be extended also at semisimple coalescence points. Furthermore, a local Isomonodromy theorem at semisimple coalescence points is presented. Some examples of computation are taken from the quantum cohomologies of complex Grassmannians

    Blowing up generalized Kahler 4-manifolds

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    We show that the blow-up of a generalized Kahler 4-manifold in a nondegenerate complex point admits a generalized Kahler metric. As with the blow-up of complex surfaces, this metric may be chosen to coincide with the original outside a tubular neighbourhood of the exceptional divisor. To accomplish this, we develop a blow-up operation for bi-Hermitian manifolds.Comment: 16 page

    Can billiard eigenstates be approximated by superpositions of plane waves?

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    The plane wave decomposition method (PWDM) is one of the most popular strategies for numerical solution of the quantum billiard problem. The method is based on the assumption that each eigenstate in a billiard can be approximated by a superposition of plane waves at a given energy. By the classical results on the theory of differential operators this can indeed be justified for billiards in convex domains. On the contrary, in the present work we demonstrate that eigenstates of non-convex billiards, in general, cannot be approximated by any solution of the Helmholtz equation regular everywhere in R2\R^2 (in particular, by linear combinations of a finite number of plane waves having the same energy). From this we infer that PWDM cannot be applied to billiards in non-convex domains. Furthermore, it follows from our results that unlike the properties of integrable billiards, where each eigenstate can be extended into the billiard exterior as a regular solution of the Helmholtz equation, the eigenstates of non-convex billiards, in general, do not admit such an extension.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    The Hamiltonian Structure of the Second Painleve Hierarchy

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    In this paper we study the Hamiltonian structure of the second Painleve hierarchy, an infinite sequence of nonlinear ordinary differential equations containing PII as its simplest equation. The n-th element of the hierarchy is a non linear ODE of order 2n in the independent variable zz depending on n parameters denoted by t1,...,tn−1{t}_1,...,{t}_{n-1} and αn\alpha_n. We introduce new canonical coordinates and obtain Hamiltonians for the zz and t1,...,tn−1t_1,...,t_{n-1} evolutions. We give explicit formulae for these Hamiltonians showing that they are polynomials in our canonical coordinates

    The Ernst equation and ergosurfaces

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    We show that analytic solutions \mcE of the Ernst equation with non-empty zero-level-set of \Re \mcE lead to smooth ergosurfaces in space-time. In fact, the space-time metric is smooth near a "Ernst ergosurface" EfE_f if and only if \mcE is smooth near EfE_f and does not have zeros of infinite order there.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures; misprints correcte
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