158 research outputs found

    Effetti da “sindrome” nell’economia russa

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    L’obiettivo che ci si propone è di analizzare se gli effetti di tipo “sindrome” constatati nell’economia russa dopo il 2001/2002, dovuti, prevalentemente, da un elevato aumento dei prezzi degli idrocarburi, possono essere ricondotti a quelli connotati come “sindrome olandese”. Esaminati gli accadimenti economici in Russia dopo la crisi finanziaria del 1998, s’intende risaltare come il “trend” della crescita si sia modificato in modo alquanto significativo in relazione alla consistente incidenza delle esportazioni d’idrocarburi sul PIL. Fattore questo che connoterebbe l’economia economia russa quale paese rentier, alla stessa stregua dei paesi produttori di materie prime, affetti da disordine “macro-economico” ( ovvero sindrome ). Pur tuttavia, evidenziata la specificità del sistema economico russo, si porrà il problema della pertinenza di un’analisi specifica alla “sindrome olandese”. Lo studio sull’andamento attuale dell’economia russa si baserà su una disamina degli effetti dovuti al tasso di cambio sulla dinamica economica. Si vuole dimostrare l’importanza dei mercati dei cambi nella destrutturazione del modello di crescita iniziale, messo in atto dopo la crisi del 1998. Ci s’interrogherà sugli effetti degli strumenti di controllo utilizzati dagli organi competenti della Repubblica Russa e si valuteranno quali potranno essere le politiche economiche più idonee

    The Application of the Principle of Prevention to land-based sources of marine pollution: an International Law approach

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    Despite being a major environmental issue, marine pollution of onshore origin has not been addressed through a clear and coherent international legal framework. The aim of this article is, therefore, to reconduct such fragmented framework to a single international rule, with the potential of effectively facing the issue. This led the investigation to focus on the Principle of Prevention, which, despite being a cornerstone of international environmental law, has remained quite evanescent as to its normative content. With this in mind, the article attempts to reconstruct the actual content of the rule with specific regard to the issue at stake. In order to do so, it has been essential to identify the standard of “diligence” States are held to in such regard and to verify how such “due diligence” interacts with the primary rule and contributes to fill it with normative content. The result is a single legal rule with a renewed potential, especially in terms of enforcement opportunities.Pomimo faktu, że sprawa zanieczyszczenia mórz, którego źródłem jest aktywność człowieka na lądzie, stanowi jeden z głównych problemów środowiskowych, do tej pory nie doczekała się jasnego i spójnego międzynarodowego ujęcia prawnego. Dlatego też celem niniejszego artykułu jest sprowadzenie wielu fragmentarycznych ujęć do jednejregulacji o statusie międzynarodowym, która byłaby w stanie skutecznie rozwiązywać ten palący problemu. Taka intencja prowadziła autora do skupienia się na zasadzie prewencji, która – chociaż jest fundamentem międzynarodowego prawa – wciąż pozostaje niedookreślona, jeśli idzie o treści normatywne. Mając powyższe na względzie, autor podej muje próbęzrekonstruowania rzeczywistej treści tej zasady, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tematykipodjętej w pracy. W tym celu podstawą działania było zidentyfikowanie standardu starannościpaństw w tej kwestii oraz zweryfikowanie, w jaki sposób taka „należyta staranność” współgra z podstawowymi zasadami i przyczynia się do wypełnienia treści normatywnych. W rezultacie wypracowano jedną prawną regulację z odnowionym potencjałem, szczególniejeśli idzie o możliwości egzekucyjne

    Tra montaggio e racconto. Il linguaggio cinematografico in 'Cadenza d'inganno' di Giovanni Raboni

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    Il rapporto di Raboni con il cinema non si limita agli articoli scritti a cavallo tra anni Sessanta e Settanta per conto di “Avvenire” o, piĂą tardi, come critico del “Corriere della Sera”. Il cinema, infatti, ha anche significativamente influenzato la poesia dell’autore e, segnatamente, la sua seconda raccolta, Cadenza d’inganno (1975). Il presente lavoro propone, dunque, un’analisi delle tecniche di origine cinematografica che si riscontrano in quest’opera e che sembrano averne determinato in vari aspetti le modalitĂ  narrative e lo stile. Si tenterĂ , infine, di spiegare l’utilizzo del linguaggio filmico nel contesto piĂą ampio della ricerca poetica raboniana.   Raboni’s relationship with cinema is not limited to the articles written between the Sixties and Seventies on behalf of “Avvenire” or, afterwards, as a critic for the “Corriere della Sera”. Indeed, cinema significantly influenced the author’s poetry as well and, in particular, his second collection, Cadenza d’inganno (1975). Therefore, the paper hereby introduced proposes an analysis of the cinematographic techniques which can be found in this book and seem to play a relevant role in determining its style and narrative methods. Finally, an attempt will be made to explain the use of film language in the broader context of Raboni’s poetic research

    Io e altri nella poesia di Raboni: Dalle Case della Vetra a Cadenza d'inganno

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    This article intends to examine the relationship between the lyric ego and the other individuals in Raboni’s first two collections of poems, Le case della Vetra and Cadenza d’inganno, against the background of the weakening process of the poetic “I” which occurred around the 1960s. The aim is to show how the Milanese poet progressively opens the space of his texts to other characters’ speech in order to create a new type of lyric poetry, in which the “I” shares with the others that enunciative centrality which had long been its exclusive prerogative.Il presente articolo si propone di indagare i rapporti tra l’io e gli altri nelle prime due raccolte di Raboni, Le case della Vetra e Cadenza d’inganno, sullo sfondo del generale processo di indebolimento del soggetto poetico verificatosi attorno agli anni Sessanta del Novecento. L’obiettivo è di mostrare come il poeta milanese apra progressivamente lo spazio dei suoi testi alla parola altrui sino a giungere a un nuovo modo di intendere la lirica, in cui l’io condivide con gli altri quella centralità enunciativa che a lungo era stata sua prerogativa esclusiva.This article intends to examine the relationship between the lyric ego and the other individuals in Raboni’s first two collections of poems, Le case della Vetra and Cadenza d’inganno, against the background of the weakening process of the poetic “I” which occurred around the 1960s. The aim is to show how the Milanese poet progressively opens the space of his texts to other characters’ speech in order to create a new type of lyric poetry, in which the “I” shares with the others that enunciative centrality which had long been its exclusive prerogative

    Sputnik V, la Dra. Maletto hablĂł en Radio Nacional sobre la primera vacuna contra coronavirus

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    En el programa "Primera Mañana", de Radio Nacional Córdoba, la Dra. Belkys Maletto, del Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica de esta Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Nacional de Códoba, habló sobre Sputnik V, la primera vacuna contra el coronavirus (COVID19), elaborada y anunciada el pasado martes 11 de agosto 2020 por Rusia.Fil: Maletto, Belkys. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas; Argentina.Fil: Maletto, Belkys. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; Argentina

    Commerce international et développement

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    Francesco Maletto Le séminaire a été consacré à l’exposé des théories de l’échange international qui se préoccupent d’expliquer les raisons de l’ouverture des économies nationales au marché mondial. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné les deux alternatives extrêmes que peut choisir un pays donné : i) soit vivre en « autarcie » ; ii) soit vivre en « libre échange ». Nous avons cherché à étudier les avantages et les inconvénients à choisir telle ou telle politique économique ou choisir un système..

    p-adic modular forms

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    The aim of this thesis will be introducing an analogue of the classical modular forms that can work in the p-adic environment. To do so, we will first try to make sense of a modulo-p concept of modular forms. As the classical object is defined over the complex number there is not an immediate way to make this reduction. In order to do so, we have to utilize the q-expansion principle to obtain an “integral" object (we use the quote-on-quote to remind that the q -expansion of a modular from lives in the localization of ℤ at a prime). So the first idea will be to work with those object, to do so we will follow [8]. Once speaking of modular forms modulo p , and modulo pn makes sense, we will start talking about the p-adic theory as described in [6]. This first construction will be quite easy, but it will have important consequences on the notion of weight of a modular form. While the approach described above is quite natural and efficient in order to have something to work with (we will end up with q -expansion of modular forms automatically), to retrive the geometrical nature of those object will be much harder if we proceed on this path. Therefore we look at the theory of modular forms as section of the sheaf of invariant differentials on the modular curve, following [3]. In the end we will end up with two different definitions, one which gives us objects that are easier to grasp (and to compute), the other which has a more clear geometric nature (which is the reason why we study modular forms in first place). The last section of this thesis show the relation between those two, proving that we can recover one object in the first form by object defined in the second way and vice-versa

    Commerce international et développement

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    Francesco Maletto Le séminaire a exposé comment le commerce International et le développement sont déterminés grâce aux interrelations qui existent entre l’augmentation des échanges internationaux et l’accroissement de l’emploi des facteurs de la production dans le processus de la production. De telle manière, l’analyse a été faite à des niveaux d’interconnexions qui existent entre production, emploi, revenu et assets comme proxies des niveaux de l’actualité économique des entreprises multina..

    Commerce international et développement

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    Francesco Maletto Le séminaire a été consacré à l’exposé des théories de l’échange international qui se préoccupent d’expliquer les raisons de l’ouverture des économies nationales au marché mondial. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné les deux alternatives extrêmes que peut choisir un pays donné : i) soit vivre en « autarcie » ; ii) soit vivre en « libre échange ». Nous avons cherché à étudier les avantages et les inconvénients à choisir telle ou telle politique économique ou choisir un système..
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