245 research outputs found

    Hybrid continuous dynamical decoupling: a photon-phonon doubly dressed spin

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    We study the parametric interaction between a single Nitrogen-Vacancy electronic spin and a diamond mechanical resonator in which the spin is embedded. Coupling between spin and oscillator is achieved by crystal strain, which is generated upon actuation of the oscillator and which parametrically modulates the spins' energy splitting. Under coherent microwave driving of the spin, this parametric drive leads to a locking of the spin Rabi frequency to the oscillator mode in the megahertz range. Both the Rabi oscillation decay time and the inhomogeneous spin dephasing time increase by two orders of magnitude under this spin-locking condition. We present routes to prolong the dephasing times even further, potentially to the relaxation time limit. The remarkable coherence protection that our hybrid spin-oscillator system offers is reminiscent of recently proposed concatenated continuous dynamical decoupling schemes and results from our robust, drift-free strain-coupling mechanism and the narrow linewidth of the high-quality diamond mechanical oscillator employed. Our findings suggest feasible applications in quantum information processing and sensing.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-stress and spin-strain coupling in diamond-based hybrid spin oscillator systems

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    Hybrid quantum systems, which combine quantum-mechanical systems with macroscopic mechanical oscillators, have attracted increasing interest as they are well suited as high-performance sensors or transducers in quantum computers. A promising candidate is based on diamond cantilevers, whose motion is coupled to embedded Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers through crystal deformation. Even though this type of coupling has been investigated intensively in the past, several inconsistencies exist in available literature, and no complete and consistent theoretical description has been given thus far. To clarify and resolve these issues, we here develop a complete and consistent formalism to describe the coupling between the NV spin degree of freedom and crystal deformation in terms of stress, defined in the crystal coordinate system XYZ, and strain, defined in the four individual NV reference frames. We find that the stress-based approach is straightforward, yields compact expressions for stress-induced level shifts and therefore constitutes the preferred approach to be used in future advances in the field. In contrast, the strain-based formalism is much more complicated and requires extra care when transforming into the employed NV reference frames. Furthermore, we illustrate how the developed formalism can be employed to extract values for the spin-stress and spin-strain coupling constants from data published by Teissier et al..Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; SOM available for download under https://quantum-sensing.physik.unibas.ch/publications/research-articles.htm

    Dynamics of Quantum Dot Nuclear Spin Polarization Controlled by a Single Electron

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    We present an experimental study of the dynamics underlying the buildup and decay of dynamical nuclear spin polarization in a single semiconductor quantum dot. Our experiment shows that the nuclei can be polarized on a time scale of a few milliseconds, while their decay dynamics depends drastically on external parameters. We show that a single electron can very efficiently depolarize the nuclear spins and discuss two processes that can cause this depolarization. Conversely, in the absence of a quantum dot electron, the lifetime of nuclear spin polarization is on the time scale of a second, most likely limited by the non-secular terms of the nuclear dipole-dipole interaction. We can further suppress this depolarization rate by 1-2 orders of magnitude by applying an external magnetic field exceeding 1 mT.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear dynamics of quantum dot nuclear spins

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    We report manifestly nonlinear dependence of quantum dot nuclear spin polarization on applied magnetic fields. Resonant absorption and emission of circularly polarized radiation pumps the resident quantum dot electron spin, which in turn leads to nuclear spin polarization due to hyperfine interaction. We observe that the resulting Overhauser field exhibits hysteresis as a function of the external magnetic field. This hysteresis is a consequence of the feedback of the Overhauser field on the nuclear spin cooling rate. A semi-classical model describing the coupled nuclear and electron spin dynamics successfully explains the observed hysteresis but leaves open questions for the low field behaviour of the nuclear spin polarization.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Resolved sidebands in a strain-coupled hybrid spin-oscillator system

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    We report on single electronic spins coupled to the motion of mechanical resonators by a novel mechanism based on crystal strain. Our device consists of single-crystalline diamond cantilevers with embedded Nitrogen-Vacancy center spins. Using optically detected electron spin resonance, we determine the unknown spin-strain coupling constants and demonstrate that our system resides well within the resolved sideband regime. We realize coupling strengths exceeding ten MHz under mechanical driving and show that our system has the potential to reach strong coupling. Our novel hybrid system forms a resource for future experiments on spin-based cantilever cooling and coherent spin-oscillator coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures and supplementary information. Comments welcome. Further information under http://www.quantum-sensing.physik.unibas.ch

    Non-reciprocal coherent dynamics of a single spin under closed-contour interaction

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    Three-level quantum systems have formed a cornerstone of quantum optics since the discovery of coherent population trapping (CPT) and electromagnetically induced transparency. Key to these phenomena is quantum interference, which arises if two of the three available transitions are coherently driven at well-controlled amplitudes and phases. The additional coherent driving of the third available transition would form a closed-contour interaction (CCI) from which fundamentally new phenomena would emerge, including phase-controlled CPT and one atom interferometry. However, due to the difficulty in experimentally realising a fully coherent CCI, such aspects of three-level systems remain unexplored as of now. Here, we exploit recently developed methods for coherent driving of single Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) electronic spins to implement highly coherent CCI driving. Our experiments reveal phase-controlled, single spin quantum interference fringes, reminiscent of electron dynamics on a triangular lattice, with the driving field phases playing the role of a synthetic magnetic flux. We find that for suitable values of this phase, CCI driving leads to efficient coherence protection of the NV spin, yielding a nearly two orders of magnitude improvement of the coherence time, even for moderate drive strengths <~1MHz. Our results establish CCI driving as a novel paradigm in coherent control of few-level systems that offers attractive perspectives for applications in quantum sensing or quantum information processing.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Including supplementary material. Comments are welcome. For further information visit https://quantum-sensing.physik.unibas.ch/news.htm

    Magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond

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    The isolated electronic spin system of the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centre in diamond offers unique possibilities to be employed as a nanoscale sensor for detection and imaging of weak magnetic fields. Magnetic imaging with nanometric resolution and field detection capabilities in the nanotesla range are enabled by the atomic-size and exceptionally long spin-coherence times of this naturally occurring defect. The exciting perspectives that ensue from these characteristics have triggered vivid experimental activities in the emerging field of "NV magnetometry". It is the purpose of this article to review the recent progress in high-sensitivity nanoscale NV magnetometry, generate an overview of the most pertinent results of the last years and highlight perspectives for future developments. We will present the physical principles that allow for magnetic field detection with NV centres and discuss first applications of NV magnetometers that have been demonstrated in the context of nano magnetism, mesoscopic physics and the life sciences.Comment: Review article, 28 pages, 16 figure

    Demagnetization of Quantum Dot Nuclear Spins: Breakdown of the Nuclear Spin Temperature Approach

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    The physics of interacting nuclear spins arranged in a crystalline lattice is typically described using a thermodynamic framework: a variety of experimental studies in bulk solid-state systems have proven the concept of a spin temperature to be not only correct but also vital for the understanding of experimental observations. Using demagnetization experiments we demonstrate that the mesoscopic nuclear spin ensemble of a quantum dot (QD) can in general not be described by a spin temperature. We associate the observed deviations from a thermal spin state with the presence of strong quadrupolar interactions within the QD that cause significant anharmonicity in the spectrum of the nuclear spins. Strain-induced, inhomogeneous quadrupolar shifts also lead to a complete suppression of angular momentum exchange between the nuclear spin ensemble and its environment, resulting in nuclear spin relaxation times exceeding an hour. Remarkably, the position dependent axes of quadrupolar interactions render magnetic field sweeps inherently non-adiabatic, thereby causing an irreversible loss of nuclear spin polarization.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure