413 research outputs found

    Möglichkeiten zur biologischen Bekämpfung des Zwiebelthrips Thrips tabaci LINDEMAN (Thys., Thripidae) durch verschiedene, entomopathogene Pilze aus Thailand

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    The onion thrips, Thrips tabaci LINDEMAN (Thys., Thripidae) is an important pest of field and greenhouse crops around the world. It causes damage directly through feeding and indirectly through the transmission of lethal plant viruses. It is difficult to control this pest with insecticides because of its small size and cryptic habits (LEWIS 1997). Entomopathogenic fungi are currently being investigated for the control of many important insect pests on various crops around the world, and some are commercially available. There are many studies on the efficacy of several entomopathogenic fungi on thrips. CARL (1975) reported that Neozygites parvispora (MACLEOD, TYRRELL & CARL) REMAUDIERE and KELLER has been found frequently on T. tabaci but under field conditions the fungus was less successful than in the greenhouse. In addition, Entomophthora thripidum SAMSON, RAMAKERS & OSWALD was found infecting T. tabaci in Netherlands, but in field trials the fungus failed to suppress thrips populations below the economic acceptable level (SAMSON et al. 1979). In laboratory studies, T. tabaci was susceptible to Verticillium lecanii (ZIMMERMANN) VIÉGAS, Beauveria bassiana (BALSAMO) VUILLEMIN, Metarhizium anisopliae (METSCH.) SOROKIN and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (WIZE) BROWN & SMITH (GILLESPIE 1986, FRANSEN 1990). VESTERGAARD et al. (1995) and BROWNBRIDGE (1995) showed that B. bassiana, M. anisopliae and V. lecanii were more active against the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (PERGANDE) than P. fumosoroseus or Paecilomyces farinosus (HOLM ex S.F. GRAY) BROWN & SMITH. HALL et al. (1994) and SAITO (1991) suggested that Hirsutella sp., P. fumosoroseus and B. bassiana may be useful in the management of the melon thrips, Thrips palmi KARNY. EKESI et al. (1998) stated that B. bassiana and M. anisopliae are highly pathogenic to the legume flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti (TRYBORN). In the glasshouse, V. lecanii has been used successfully to control T. tabaci on cucumber (GILLESPIE 1986).VACANTE et al. (1994) noted that N. parvispora caused up to 60 per cent mortality in motile developmental stages of F. occidentalis and reduced the insect populationdensity. Under greenhouse conditions, M. anisopliae was found to be effective in reducing the population growth of F. occidentalis on cucumber (AZAIZEH et al. 2002). Whereas, MANIANIA et al. (2001) observed that M. anisopliae had the potential to control F. occidentalis on chrysanthemum. The studies of MANIANIA et al. (2003) indicated that M. anisopliae had a potential to control T. tabaci in the field. Akanthomyces, Aschersonia, Cordyceps, Hypocrella, Hynennostilbe and Torrubiella were never observed to control thrips. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the pathogenicity of different entomopathogenic fungi from Thailand against T. tabaci larvae under controlled climatic conditions in the laboratory.Thrips tabaci LINDEMAN (Thys., Thripidae) ist ein weltweit verbreiteter Schädling mit einem breiten Wirtspflanzenspektrum an verschiedenen Freiland und Gewächshauskulturen, dessen Bekämpfung durch die geringe Größe und ihre versteckte Lebensweise erschwert wird. Entomopathogene Pilze sind wichtige Krankheitserreger zahlreicher Insektenarten und infizieren Individuen verschiedenen Alters und verschiedener Entwicklungsstufen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 41 Isolate von 25 entomopathogenen Pilzarten aus 11 Gattungen (Akanthomyces, Aschersonia, Beauveria, Cordyceps, Hirsutella, Hymenostilbe, Hypocrella, Metarhizium, Paecilomyces, Torrubiella und Verticillium) auf ihre Pathogenität gegenüber T. tabaci-Larven untersucht. Bis auf Hymenostilbe sp., Torrubiella spp., Hypocrella discoidea und Cordyceps pseudomilitaris stellten sich alle Pilze als Pathogen für T. tabaci heraus. Zwischen den Isolaten wurden hoch signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt. Die Mortalität variierte je nach Pilzart, Pilzgattung und Isolat. Fünfzehn Isolate, 7 von Beauveria, 4 von Metarhizium, 3 von Paecilomyces und 1 von Cordyceps, wiesen die höchste Pathogenität gegenüber T. tabaci-Larven auf

    Special Care Nursery Intervention with Preterm Infant-Parent Dyads

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    In vitro selection of salt tolerant grasses grown in salt-affected soils of northeastern Thailand and their tolerance mechanisms

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Tsukuba, (B), no. 2165, 2005.12.31Includes bibliographical reference

    Conversion of alicyclic compounds for improvement of fuel properties.

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    The presence of Pt improves the production of ring-contraction and ring-opening products from tetralin due to hydrogenation of tetralin to decalin. In addition, the location of metal (Pt) affects the ratio of RC/RO on the decalin reaction. The results show that the ratio of RC/RO increases over Pt located on the inside of the zeolite structure resulting from the enhancement of the RC desorption rate. Inversely, the ratio of RC/RO decreases over catalysts with high acidity.An interesting possibility to remove (poly)aromatics is the opening of naphthenic rings derived from the saturation of aromatics (hydrogenation of aromatics) to produce molecules of higher cetane numbers (i.e., aromatics < naphthenics, i-paraffins < n-paraffins). In this contribution, the ring opening reaction of decalin over a series of HY and Pt/HY catalysts of varying acidity densities and the ring opening reaction of tetralin over different catalytic system configurations of Pt/SiO 2 and HY catalysts (Pt>>HY, HY>>Pt, and Pt+HY) under high hydrogen/feed molar ratio were investigated. Under these conditions, mainly ring-contraction and one-ring opening reactions take place over these catalysts. These products are important intermediates for high cetane number compounds. The results of this investigation show that HY zeolites with an optimum acidity can be effective catalysts for the ring-contraction and one-ring-opening of decalin in order to give high conversion, but slow deactivation. In addition, cis-decalin shows higher reactivity to ring-opening than trans-decalin.High demand for transport fuels (both diesel and gasoline) and the increasingly stringent environmental legislation associated with clean fuels have stimulated intense research for a development of new catalytic systems in order to produce high quality fuels with less negative environmental impact. Environmental regulations set limits in the content of (poly)aromatics in diesel and gasoline so that imposes a challenge to refiners who need to maintain high quality (cetane number for diesel and octane numbers for gasoline) while decreasing the (poly)aromatic content.Similarly to diesel fuel, aromatics in gasoline fuel have to decrease, even though they have a high octane number (ON). In this study, the ring-contraction reaction followed by selective ring-opening is proposed. The reaction of methylcyclohexane is investigated over various catalysts (HY, Pt and Ir/SiO2) and different catalytic system configurations with high hydrogen/feed molar ratio. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    Management of the Mekong River Basin:Contesting its sustainability from a Communication Perspective

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    Linking Work Integrated Learning and Competency of Graduates pursuing Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession

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    The objective of this research was to study the level of work integrated learning (WIL), and the competency of the teaching profession based on the standards of knowledge of the graduates at St. Theresa International College. The study group consisted of 115 graduates pursuing Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession Program. The questionnaire was constructed by the researcher and tested for validity, which evidenced that it holds good reliability. The statistical tools used for the study were descriptive statistics and Pearson’s simple correlation moment. It is found that the work integrated learning (WIL) and competency of graduates pursuing Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession is at high level. It is also found that the relationship between work integrated learning and competency of the graduates in teaching profession is at moderate level .505, with a statistical significance value of .01. Hence, strong relationship was not found between the individual dimensions. Further measures should be taken to reduce the gaps. Recommendations are presented for the further study. Keywords: Work integrated learning, competency of graduates, teaching professio

    Opinion Leader and Nutritional Marketing Communication of Nutritional Product in Thailand

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    The rules and regulations for communicating nutritional product in Thailand involve to scrutinize marketing message and information. Marketers have increasing difficulties in conveying their advertising message. Many studies in this field have focused exclusively on marketing communication with traditional mass media sources, yet the role and influence of expert people so called, “opinion leader”, in regard to the provision of information has not been paid attention. To assure marketing information is effectively communicated, the roles and influences of opinion leaders should be considered. This paper reviews the marketing communication of nutritional product in Thailand and discusses the concept of opinion leaders with the application of the two-step flow theory. The findings present an integrated model for marketing communication of nutritional product in Thailand which involves the role and influence of opinion leader as another source of information to provide effective communication. The model could serves as strategic guidelines for providing effective nutritional marketing communication strategy

    Thailand’s Destination Image and Intention to Visit Perception Tourist in Indonesia

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    Thailand isa popular tourist country in southeast Asia where millions of tourists come to visit each year. However, most of the first visitors left the question why so few people have tourist behavior back to the destination of Thailand. The study is to find out how the image of destinations, access surveys affect the behavior behavior through the satisfaction of Indonesian tourists on the travel destination in Thailand. The research method used is quantitative, sample retrieval technique using non-sampling and obtained samples as much as 385 respondents, the analysis tools used are path analysis and hypotheses using the import analysis tools used by Amos and SPSS. The study suggests that the live test of destination image and access reading variables affected the behavioral test of Indonesian tourists on Thai tour destinations and then for the satisfaction of tourists able to improve the relationship between the image of destinations and the behavior of Indonesian tourists on the Thai tour destinations, it contributed by reviewing the behavior patterns of tourists in Indonesia while visiting the destination of tourism. The academic and managerial implications of this discovery are useful in devising a tourist destination country tourism strategy in Thailand.

    An Ontology Based Approach To The Integration Of Heterogeneous Information Systems Supporting Integrated Provincial Administration In Khon Kaen, Thailand

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    Information systems are a necessity to the administration of organizations. In a recent reform to the Thai administration, the governor of each province is entrusted with the full responsibility for the strategic planning and execution of the Integrated Provincial Administration (IPA). This presents a big challenge and many difficult problems for a potentially fast growing, both economically and demographically, province, such as Khon Kaen. To provide the administrator of the province with reliable and up to date information, the Provincial Operation Centre (POC) has been set up and assigned the task of collecting all required information from disparate information systems, many of which are legacy systems. This information lacks interoperability and integration of data due to many different structures and semantic heterogeneity encountered in many information systems. This research is a part of a collaborative data sources community development project. It attempts to aid high-level decision makers by using ontology to resolve heterogeneities among many disparate data sources. After relevant data sources are identified, they are analysed to reveal important and corresponding concepts, attributes and relations. They are then used in the creation of ontologies to resolve schematic and semantic conflicts in the data sources. The integration of many heterogeneous information systems will provide a unified view of information facilitating the provincial administrator in his decision making
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