159 research outputs found

    PPAR-, Microglial Cells, and Ocular Inflammation: New Venues for Potential Therapeutic Approaches

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    The last decade has witnessed an increasing interest for the role played by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) in controlling inflammation in peripheral organs as well as in the brain. Activation of PPAR-γ has been shown to control the response of microglial cells, the main macrophage population found in brain parenchyma, and limit the inflammation. The anti-inflammatory capacity of PPAR-γ agonists has led to the hypothesis that PPAR-γ might be targeted to modulate degenerative brain diseases in which inflammation has been increasingly recognized as a significant component. Recent experimental evidence suggests that PPAR-γ agonists could be exploited to treat ocular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, autoimmune uveitis, and optic neuritis where inflammation has relevant role. Additional PPAR-γ agonist beneficial effects could involve amelioration of retinal microcirculation and inhibition of neovascularization. However, PPAR-γ activation could, in some instances, aggravate the ocular pathology, for example, by increasing the synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor, a proangiogenic factor that could trigger a vicious circle and further deteriorate retinal perfusion. The development of new in vivo and in vitro models to study ocular inflammation and how to modulate for the eye benefit will be instrumental for the search of effective therapies

    Amyloid Oligomer Neurotoxicity, Calcium Dysregulation, and Lipid Rafts

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    Amyloid proteins constitute a chemically heterogeneous group of proteins, which share some biophysical and biological characteristics, the principal of which are the high propensity to acquire an incorrect folding and the tendency to aggregate. A number of diseases are associated with misfolding and aggregation of proteins, although only in some of them—most notably Alzheimer's disease (AD) and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs)—a pathogenetic link with misfolded proteins is now widely recognized. Lipid rafts (LRs) have been involved in the pathophysiology of diseases associated with protein misfolding at several levels, including aggregation of misfolded proteins, amyloidogenic processing, and neurotoxicity. Among the pathogenic misfolded proteins, the AD-related protein amyloid β (Aβ) is by far the most studied protein, and a large body of evidence has been gathered on the role played by LRs in Aβ pathogenicity. However, significant amount of data has also been collected for several other amyloid proteins, so that their ability to interact with LRs can be considered an additional, shared feature characterizing the amyloid protein family. In this paper, we will review the evidence on the role of LRs in the neurotoxicity of huntingtin, α-synuclein, prion protein, and calcitonin

    The Slowly Aggregating Salmon Calcitonin: A Useful Tool for the Study of the Amyloid Oligomers Structure and Activity

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    Amyloid proteins of different aminoacidic composition share the tendency to misfold and aggregate in a similar way, following common aggregation steps. The process includes the formation of dimers, trimers, and low molecular weight prefibrillar oligomers, characterized by the typical morphology of globules less than 10 nm diameter. The globules spontaneously form linear or annular structures and, eventually, mature fibers. The rate of this process depends on characteristics intrinsic to the different proteins and to environmental conditions (i.e., pH, ionic strength, solvent composition, temperature). In the case of neurodegenerative diseases, it is now generally agreed that the pathogenic aggregates are not the mature fibrils, but the intermediate, soluble oligomers. However, the molecular mechanism by which these oligomers trigger neuronal damage is still unclear. In particular, it is not clear if there is a peculiar structure at the basis of the neurotoxic effect and how this structure interacts with neurons. This review will focus on the results we obtained using salmon Calcitonin, an amyloid protein characterized by a very slow aggregation rate, which allowed us to closely monitor the aggregation process. We used it as a tool to investigate the characteristics of amyloid oligomers formation and their interactions with neuronal cells. Our results indicate that small globules of about 6 nm could be the responsible for the neurotoxic effects. Moreover, our data suggest that the rich content in lipid rafts of neuronal cell plasma membrane may render neurons particularly vulnerable to the amyloid protein toxic effect

    CNF1 Improves Astrocytic Ability to Support Neuronal Growth and Differentiation In vitro

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    Modulation of cerebral Rho GTPases activity in mice brain by intracerebral administration of Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor 1 (CNF1) leads to enhanced neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity and improves learning and memory. To gain more insight into the interactions between CNF1 and neuronal cells, we used primary neuronal and astrocytic cultures from rat embryonic brain to study CNF1 effects on neuronal differentiation, focusing on dendritic tree growth and synapse formation, which are strictly modulated by Rho GTPases. CNF1 profoundly remodeled the cytoskeleton of hippocampal and cortical neurons, which showed philopodia-like, actin-positive projections, thickened and poorly branched dendrites, and a decrease in synapse number. CNF1 removal, however, restored dendritic tree development and synapse formation, suggesting that the toxin can reversibly block neuronal differentiation. On differentiated neurons, CNF1 had a similar effacing effect on synapses. Therefore, a direct interaction with CNF1 is apparently deleterious for neurons. Since astrocytes play a pivotal role in neuronal differentiation and synaptic regulation, we wondered if the beneficial in vivo effect could be mediated by astrocytes. Primary astrocytes from embryonic cortex were treated with CNF1 for 48 hours and used as a substrate for growing hippocampal neurons. Such neurons showed an increased development of neurites, in respect to age-matched controls, with a wider dendritic tree and a richer content in synapses. In CNF1-exposed astrocytes, the production of interleukin 1β, known to reduce dendrite development and complexity in neuronal cultures, was decreased. These results demonstrate that astrocytes, under the influence of CNF1, increase their supporting activity on neuronal growth and differentiation, possibly related to the diminished levels of interleukin 1β. These observations suggest that the enhanced synaptic plasticity and improved learning and memory described in CNF1-injected mice are probably mediated by astrocytes

    Cargo hold and delivery: Ankyrins, spectrins, and their functional patterning of neurons

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    The highly polarized, typically very long, and nonmitotic nature of neurons present them with unique challenges in the maintenance of their homeostasis. This architectural complexity serves a rich and tightly controlled set of functions that enables their fast communication with neighboring cells and endows them with exquisite plasticity. The submembrane neuronal cytoskeleton occupies a pivotal position in orchestrating the structural patterning that determines local and long-range subcellular specialization, membrane dynamics, and a wide range of signaling events. At its center is the partnership between ankyrins and spectrins, which self-assemble with both remarkable long-range regularity and micro- and nanoscale specificity to precisely position and stabilize cell adhesion molecules, membrane transporters, ion channels, and other cytoskeletal proteins. To accomplish these generally conserved, but often functionally divergent and spatially diverse, roles these partners use a combinatorial program of a couple of dozens interacting family members, whose code is not fully unraveled. In a departure from their scaffolding roles, ankyrins and spectrins also enable the delivery of material to the plasma membrane by facilitating intracellular transport. Thus, it is unsurprising that deficits in ankyrins and spectrins underlie several neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders. Here, I summarize key aspects of the biology of spectrins and ankyrins in the mammalian neuron and provide a snapshot of the latest advances in decoding their roles in the nervous system

    Curcumin protects against NMDA-induced toxicity: A possible role for NR2A subunit

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    PURPOSE. Curcumin, a phenolic compound extracted from the rhizome of Curcuma longa, was found to attenuate NMDAinduced excitotoxicity in primary retinal cultures. This study was conducted to further characterize curcumin neuroprotective ability and analyze its effects on NMDA receptor (NMDAr). METHODS. NMDAr modifications were analyzed in primary retinal cell cultures using immunocytochemistry, whole-cell patch-clamp recording and western blot analysis. Cell death was evaluated with the TUNEL assay in primary retinal and hippocampal cultures. Optical fluorometric recordings with Fura 2-AM were used to monitor [Ca 2ϩ ] i . RESULTS. Curcumin dose-and time-dependently protected both retinal and hippocampal neurons against NMDA-induced cell death, confirming its anti-excitotoxic property. In primary retinal cultures, in line with the observed reduction of NMDAinduced [Ca 2ϩ ] i rise, whole-cell patch-clamp experiments showed that a higher percentage of retinal neurons responded to NMDA with low amplitude current after curcumin treatment. In parallel, curcumin induced an increase in NMDAr subunit type 2A (NR2A) level, with kinetics closely correlated to time-course of neuroprotection and decrease in [Ca 2ϩ ] i . The relation between neuroprotection and NR2A level increase was also in line with the observation that curcumin neuroprotection required protein synthesis. Electrophysiology confirmed an increased activity of NR2A-containing NMDAr at the plasma membrane level. CONCLUSIONS. These results confirm the neuroprotective activity of curcumin against NMDA toxicity, possibly related to an increased level of NR2A, and encourage further studies for a possible therapeutic use of curcumin based on neuromodulation of NMDArs. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Sulphated glycosaminoglycans expression in the basement membranes of colorectal adenocarcinomas. Preliminary study: correlation with histological grading.

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    The expression of sulphated glycosaminoglycans was studied at the ultrastructural level by the high iron diamine technique in the basement membranes of 26 colorectal adenocarcinomas (10 well-differentiated, 7 moderately-differentiated, 9 poorly-differentiated). Sulphated glycosaminoglycan expression was highly variable. It was scored as regular (5 cases), slightly irregular (6 cases), highly irregular (15 cases). In general, poor histological differentiation could be correlated with absent or highly irregular expression. However, in a limited number of cases, severe alterations of basement membranes were also present in well-differentiated (2 cases) and moderately-differentiated (4 cases) tumours. Such a variability shows up a heterogeneity which is not revealed by histological grading


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    The effects on tissue ultrastructural appearance of fixation with cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC)-additioned formaldehyde were studied at the ultrastructural level in human colonic mucosa. We found that CK did not impair tissue morphology and induced a remarkable osmiophilia in glycosaminoglycan-like structures, which did not require further staining


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    The glycocalyx of absorptive cells in large intestinal hyperplastic polyp was characterized histochemically at the electron microscope level by the use of the Alcian Blue pH 2.5 and high iron diamine techniques with the aim of comparing their ability in preserving the fine reticular network of the structure. Both the reagents stained glycocalyx, indicating the presence of sulphated acidic glycoconjugates. However, they showed different degrees of condensation of the reactive sites. Alcian Blue preserved its filamentous appearance better