38 research outputs found

    Practical advices for optimal CT scanner dose in children

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    Radiation protection and dose optimisation in computerized tomography (CT) for pediatric patients are of utmost importance because of the potential risk of cancer induction by exposure to ionizing radiation. A review of available technical features in modern CT machines aiming at reducing and/or optimizing patient dose was performed. Practical advices to operators were listed according to dose-related technical solutions studied to decrease the doses and to practically implement dose optimisation

    Conceptual design for assembly in aerospace industry: A method to assess manufacturing and assembly aspects of product architectures

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    In recent years, the air transport market has quickly grown, creating new civil aircrafts demand, challenging the actual production rate of aerospace industries. The bottleneck of the current civil aircrafts production rate lies in the capability of the manufacturing and assembly facilities in relation to the aircrafts architecture design. The aim of this work is to develop a methodology and a related mathematical model that can be used at the conceptual design phase for the assessment of criticalities related to the product assemblability. The methodology allows to recognize modules and/or interfaces which are mostly affecting the assembly time providing a design tool for the comparison and evaluation of product architecture alternatives. A preliminary application has been done on the nose-fuselage of a civil aircraft for passenger transport. The test case provides interesting outcome in the identification of modules and module interfaces which are strongly affecting the assembly phase and required a re-arrangement (new architecture design) for the process improvement

    Design for Assembly in the Conceptual Development of Aircraft Systems

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    Conceptual design for assembly and installation is a key enabler for the improvement and development of an aircraft and related components. This work attempts to define a design for assembly methodology suitable for the evaluation and architecture design of aircraft systems in the preliminary phases of product development (conceptual design). Three main aspects are covered within this work: (i) the definition of a design framework, (ii) the characterization of suitable parameters driving the assessment and development of product architectures, and (iii) the formalization of internal knowledge for that purpose. The proposed approach has been tested in the assessment and development of an aircraft nose section with positive outcomes in terms of knowledge formalization and robustness of results in relation with the issues retrieved by the analysis of the assembly line. Future works will focus on the methodology optimization including automatic data input and mathematical models refinement


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    The work aims at the definition of a design methodology able to drive designers in the definition of product architectures, starting from rough information available at the conceptual design. The methodology identifies design guidelines useful for the development of product architectures optimized for a given target (i.e. assembly, cost). The methodology is based on domains which combine attributes related to a specific aspect of the target. The exploratory application of the methodology was performed to address the equipment installation of a civil aircraft for assembly/installation target

    Biomass production in experimental grasslands of different species richness during three years of climate warming

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    Here we report on the single and combined impacts of climate warming and species richness on the biomass production in experimental grassland communities. Projections of a future warmer climate have stimulated studies on the response of terrestrial ecosystems to this global change. Experiments have likewise addressed the importance of species numbers for ecosystem functioning. There is, however, little knowledge on the interplay between warming and species richness. During three years, we grew experimental plant communities containing one, three or nine grassland species in 12 sunlit, climate-controlled chambers in Wilrijk, Belgium. Half of these chambers were exposed to ambient air temperatures (unheated), while the other half were warmed by 3 degrees C (heated). Equal amounts of water were added to heated and unheated communities, so that warming would imply drier soils if evapotranspiration was higher. Biomass production was decreased due to warming, both aboveground (-29%) and belowground (-25%), as negative impacts of increased heat and drought stress in summer prevailed. Complementarity effects, likely mostly through both increased aboveground spatial complementarity and facilitative effects of legumes, led to higher shoot and root biomass in multi-species communities, regardless of the induced warming. Surprisingly, warming suppressed productivity the most in 9-species communities, which may be attributed to negative impacts of intense interspecific competition for resources under conditions of high abiotic stress. Our results suggest that warming and the associated soil drying could reduce primary production in many temperate grasslands, and that this will not necessarily be mitigated by efforts to maintain or increase species richness

    Vivre chez soi après 65 ans. Atlas des besoins et des acteurs à Bruxelles

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    Cet atlas est le résultat d’une collaboration entre le Centre de Documentation et de Coordination Sociales et l’Observatoire de la Santé et du Social, soutenue par les trois commissions communautaires bruxelloises. Après un chapitre décrivant la situation socio-sanitaire des Bruxellois âgés, on trouve un inventaire de l’offre de services sociaux et de santé permettant aux plus de 65 ans de vivre le plus longtemps possible à domicile. Le chapitre suivant est consacré à l’analyse de cette offre par rapport aux besoins et des pistes pour l’avenir sont dégagées

    Characterisation of grids of point detectors in maximum skin dose measurement in fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures

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    Työssä on tutkittu uudentyyppisen ilmaisimen, termoloistedosimetreistä (TLD) muodostetun verkon, käyttöä toimenpideradiologian ihoannosmäärityksissä. Kyseiset mittaukset liittyvät yleensä toimenpiteisiin, joissa potilaan ihoannos on niin korkea, että ihovauriot ovat mahdollisia. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todetaan, että vaikka TLD-ilmaisimien hyvä energia- ja annosvaste puoltaa niiden käyttöä ihoannosmittauksissa, on verkon paikkaerottelukyky sen verran puutteellinen, että se johtaa hyvin suurella todennäköisyydellä ihoannoksen (merkittäväänkin) aliarvioon. Myös TLD-verkon lukeminen ja tulosten käsittely on työlästä suuresta ilmaisimien lukumäärästä johtuen

    Measurement of maximum skin dose in interventional radiology and cardiology and challenges in the set-up of European alert thresholds

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    Toimenpideradiologiassa ja kardiologiassa potilaan iho saattaa saada niin suuren paikallisen säteilyannoksen, että ihovauriot (palovammat) ovat mahdollisia. Artikkelissa tutkitaan ja vertaillaan eri menetelmiä, jolla potilaan paikallinen ihoannoksen maksimi voidaan mittauksin määrittää. Mittausten yhtenä tarkoituksena on selvittää, voiko röntgenlaitteen raportoimaa annostietoa suoraan käyttää potilaan ihoannoksen määrittämiseen. Tuloksena todetaan, että vaikka joidenkin tutkimustyyppien osalta korrelaatio ihoannoksen ja laitteen näyttämän välillä onkin kohtalainen, yleispätevää korrelaatiota ei kuitenkaan pystytty löytämään. Täten esim. yhteiseurooppalaisten ihoannoksen hälytysrajojen asettaminen laitteen näyttämän perusteella on haastavaa