48 research outputs found

    Reproductive strategies and population structure in Leishmania : substantial amount of sex in Leishmania Viannia guyanensis

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    Leishmania species of the subgenus Viannia and especially Leishmania Viannia guyanensis are responsible for a large proportion of New World leishmaniasis cases. Since a recent publication on Leishmania Viannia braziliensis, the debate on the mode of reproduction of Leishmania parasites has been reopened. A predominant endogamic reproductive mode (mating with relatives), together with strong Wahlund effects (sampling of strains from heterogeneous subpopulations), was indeed evidenced. To determine whether this hypothesis can be generalized to other Leishmania Viannia species, we performed a population genetic study on 153 human strains of L. (V.) guyanensis from French Guiana based on 12 microsatellite loci. The results revealed important homozygosity and very modest linkage disequilibrium, which is in agreement with a high level of sexual recombination and substantial endogamy. These results also revealed a significant isolation by distance with relatively small neighbourhoods and hence substantial viscosity of Leishmania populations in French Guiana. These results are of epidemiological relevance and suggest a major role for natural hosts and/or vectors in parasite strain diffusion across the country as compared to human hosts

    Axillary proliferation and tuberisation of Dioscorea cayenensis-D-rotundata complex

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    peer reviewedYams (Dioscorea spp) are tuber crops used as staple food in Africa because of their nutritional value. However agronomic constraints, phytosanitary problems and the lack of good healthy planting material restrict their production. In contrast to the inefficiency of traditional method of planting, tissue culture techniques allow to increase the multiplication and the rapid production of pathogen- free plant material. This work was undertaken to provide farmers in African countries with healthy microplants and microtubers as seeds. In vitro nodal segments of two varieties of local yams D. cayenensis-D. rotundata complex (cv.'Singo', cv. 'Singou' and cv. 'Gnidou') were micropropagated on the modified medium of Murashige and Skoog. The morphogenesis, the growth of microplants and microtuber formation have been found to be controlled by external factors that act individually and synergistically. Addition of kinetin (2 mg l(-1)) to the culture media could reduce multiplication rate (node number) of some clones. An increase of the sucrose concentration from 3% to 5% induced no change in the multiplication and tuberisation parameters. An important reduction of the multiplication (shoot number, height and node number) and the tuberisation (tuber number and length) was observed with 8% sucrose. Multiplication (shoot and node number) was increased in the presence of jasmonic acid (10 mu M). JA also induced an increase of tuber number in the absence of Kin. Multiplication of yam by in vitro growth of nodal segments is a way for rapid clonal multiplication and could allow solving the problem of lack of seed material faced by farmers. This method could also be used for multiplication of elite cultivars, independently of the growing season