3,236 research outputs found

    Acerca de las dificultades que tienen los profesores de secundaria para visualizar y representar objetos tridimensionales

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    El trabajo involucra reacciones y dificultades de los profesores de secundaria ante actividades innovadoras de geometría tridimensional, que exigen la visualización de los efectos que producen ciertos giros sobre objetos sólidos, bajo diversos ángulos, con el fin de ser representados en papel isométrico

    Improving awareness about the meaning of the principle of mathematical induction

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    This work is based on our conviction that it is possible to minimize difficulties students face in learning the principle of mathematical induction by means of clarifying its logical aspects. Based on previous research and theory, we designed a method of fostering students’ understanding of the principle. We present results that support the effectiveness of our method with teachers in training who are not specializing in mathematics. Fomentar la conciencia sobre el significado del principio de inducción matemática Este trabajo está basado en nuestra convicción de que es posible minimizar las dificultades de los alumnos cuando se enfrentan al aprendizaje del principio de inducción matemática mediante la clarificación de sus aspectos lógicos. Basándonos en la investigación y teoría previas, diseñamos un método para fomentar la comprensión del principio por los alumnos. Presentamos resultados que respaldan la efectividad de nuestro método con profesores en formación no especializados en matemáticas.Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/350


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    In this paper there is presented the corrosion behavior of the cast magnesium alloys as cast state, after heat and laser treatment. Pitting corrosion resistance of the analyzed alloys was carried out using the potentiodynamic electrochemical method (direct current), based on a anodic polarization curve. On the basis of the achieved anodic polarization curves, using the Tefel extrapolation method near to the corrosion potential, the quantitative data were determined, which describe the electrochemical corrosion process of the investigated alloys: value of the corrosion potential Ecorr (mV), polarization resistance RP (kohm.cm2), corrosion current density icorr (10-6A/cm2), corrosion rate Vcorr (mm/year) as well the mass loss Vc (g/m2<)

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Malaria Pada Anak Di Wilayah Kerja Pkm Tona Kecamatan Tahuna Kabupaten Sangihe

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    Abstrack : Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito by Plasmodium falciparum. The emergence of malaria is caused by a variety of factors that support vector mosquito Anopheles that is environment factors first, then the behavior, health and heredity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with the incidence of malaria in children in the District Work Area PKM Tona Tahuna Sangihe. The research method using analytical survey and research using cross sectional design. The samples in this study using purposive sampling technique to sample 58 respondents. Conclusions The results of research and analysis using Chi Square statistical test to the limit of significance α = 0.05. Results of statistical tests for environment factors p value = 0.207 which means H01 is rejected. Behavioral factors in getting the value p = 0.953 means H02 is rejected. Health care factors in getting the value of p = 0.522 which means H03 is rejected. Recommendation service in PKM Tona more improved quality in the provision of information of malaria in children

    Hubungan Response TIME Perawat Dengan Tingkat Kepercayaan Keluarga Pasien Pada Triase Kuning (Urgent) Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSU Gmim Kalooran Amurang

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    : Hospital is institution in healthy service which held individual healthy service by paripurna that provide service protect and opname, protect and stay home, and emergency. Response Time is the time between from beginning of particular responsed request in other word can called response time. The good response time for patient's is ≤ 5 minutes. Truth more easier to grow among people who those have the equality of joint and goal, so, it caused make easy to change truth of individually more than the truth of group. Goal of research is to analyze Relation Between Nurse Response Time With Truth Level of Patient's Family At Yellow Triage In Instalation Emergency Unit RSU GMIM Kalooran Amurang. Research Designe in this research is analytical observational, with using planning Cross Sectional. Sample taken by Total Sampling technique which approximately amount around 69 respondences. Research Result with using chi-square try got score p value = 0,008 more fewer from α = 0,05. Conclusion in this research is, lied relation that significant between Nurse Response Time With Truth Level of Patient's Family At Yellow Triage In Instalation Emergency Unit RSU GMIM Kalooran Amurang. Recommendation really hope this research can be used for develope research to continue study for the researchers who have will to developing research in the same discussion field in nursing section of emergency

    Hubungan Response TIME Perawat Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Kategori Triase Kuning Di Igd RSU Gmim Kalooran Amurang

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh karena adanya pasien gawat darurat pada triase kuning yang menyatakan lama mendapat penanganan dan dibiarkan menunggu dengan kondisi yang tidak nyaman karena nyeri dan keletihan sehingga menyebabkan meningkatnya kecemasan saat berada di ruang gawat darurat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan response time perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan pasien ketegori triase kuning di IGD RSU GMIM Kalooran Amurang. Desain penelitian yaitu observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional, populasi yaitu semua pasien IGD yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sampel penelitian ini 77 responden yang didapat dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner state anxiety dan lembar observasi response time. Hasil penelitian uji statistik menggunakan uji Chi Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 95% (α ≤ 0,05), maka didapatkan nilai p = 0,001. Ini berarti bahwa nilai p < α (0,05). Dengan demikian bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara response time perawat dengan tingkat kecemasan pasien ketegori triase kuning di IGD RSU GMIM Kalooran Amurang. Saran lebih ditingkatkan response time melalui upaya peningkatan SDM, sarana prasarana dan manajemen yang ada agar tercapainya kualitas pelayanan yang bermutu sehingga pelayanan yang diberikan dapat optimal dan pasien bisa merasa lebih tenang dan kecemasan pasien dapat menurun selama berada di IGD

    Intermittency in MHD turbulence and coronal nanoflares modelling

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    High resolution numerical simulations, solar wind data analysis, and measurements at the edges of laboratory plasma devices have allowed for a huge progress in our understanding of MHD turbulence. The high resolution of solar wind measurements has allowed to characterize the intermittency observed at small scales. We are now able to set up a consistent and convincing view of the main properties of MHD turbulence, which in turn constitutes an extremely efficient tool in understanding the behaviour of turbulent plasmas, like those in solar corona, where in situ observations are not available. Using this knowledge a model to describe injection, due to foot-point motions, storage and dissipation of MHD turbulence in coronal loops, is built where we assume strong longitudinal magnetic field, low beta and high aspect ratio, which allows us to use the set of reduced MHD equations (RMHD). The model is based on a shell technique in the wave vector space orthogonal to the strong magnetic field, while the dependence on the longitudinal coordinate is preserved. Numerical simulations show that injected energy is efficiently stored in the loop where a significant level of magnetic and velocity fluctuations is obtained. Nonlinear interactions give rise to an energy cascade towards smaller scales where energy is dissipated in an intermittent fashion. Due to the strong longitudinal magnetic field, dissipative structures propagate along the loop, with the typical speed of the Alfv&#233;n waves. The statistical analysis on the intermittent dissipative events compares well with all observed properties of nanoflare emission statistics. Moreover the recent observations of non thermal velocity measurements during flare occurrence are well described by the numerical results of the simulation model. All these results naturally emerge from the model dynamical evolution without any need of an ad-hoc hypothesis

    Sleep bruxism and sdb in albanian growing subjects: A cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to evaluate a possible correlation between sleep bruxism and risk factors of developing obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in a sample of growing subjects and to assess parental awareness about sleep bruxism in their children. Methods: The sample was composed of 310 subjects (173 females and 137 males), with a mean age of 8.9 years, attending "Ndre Mjeda" school of Tirana (Albania). All parents of the children participating in the study were asked to fill in a questionnaire manually or via a digital version. The questionnaire was composed of three sections: personal data, sleep quality data, and OSAS risk factors, and it was filled out by both parents. Results: Of our samples, 41.3% presented with bruxism, and 16.5% of the parents ground their teeth. Oral breathing was reported in 11.9% of the subjects, and among these, 40% of the subjects were affected by bruxism (p &gt; 0.05). Of the subjects, 18.7% snore overnight. Comparing it with sleep bruxism, the two phenomena are often related (p = 0.00). Conclusions: Heredity, night-sweating, nycturia, oral breathing, and snoring seem to have a significant correlation with bruxism
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