191 research outputs found

    Asiakaslähtöinen palvelujen kehittäminen: toimintamallina kiertävä kokous

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    Purpose: rationale for using bony landmarks of the femoral intercondylar space for an accurate determination of ACL attachment during arthroscopic reconstruction. Material and methods: anatomic research of 57 femur bones in which were studied anterior cruciate ligament femoral footprint, lateral intercondylar ridge and lateral bifurcate ridge. Results: research has shown, that lateral intercondylar ridge was present at 52 supervision (91 %), and its average length was 15.4 ± 0.46 mm; lateral bifurcate ridge was determined in 28 (49 %), which average length was 3.95 ± 0.26 mm. Conclusions: these bone formation can be considered as the reference structure for the identification of the anterior cruciate ligament femoral insertion.Цель исследования: обоснование использования анатомических образований наружного мыщелка бедренной кости в качестве возможных ориентиров для точного интраоперационного определения области прикрепления ПКС. Материал и методы: исследовано 57 мацерированных бедренных костей, на которых анатомическим методом изучены особенности области прикрепления передней крестообразной связки, латеральный межмыщелковый край и латеральный бифуркационный край. Результаты: латеральный межмыщелковый край протяженностью 15.4 ± 0.46 мм обнаружен на 52 препаратах (91%), латеральный бифуркационный край длиной 3.95 ± 0.26 мм отмечен на 28 костях (49%). Выводы: данные костные образования могут рассматриваться как референтные структуры для идентификации места прикрепления ПКС к бедренной кости

    Improving Bacillus Altitudinis B-388 Genome Scaffolding Using Mate-Pair Next-Generation Sequencing

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Bacillus species, generally regarded as soil microorganisms, are present in human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in quantities, which cannot be explained by their entrance with food only. They are capable of growing in GIT and interacting with intestinal microbiota and host organism by excretion of enzymes and low-molecular weight compounds, which exert digestion-facilitating, antagonistic, immunomodulating, antiviral, anticancer properties or mediate cell communication. For better understanding of its probiotic potential, we have sequenced genome of Bacillus altitudinis B-388 using mate-pair technology. It allowed us to improve quality of the genome sequence. The number of contigs decreased from 59 to 8. N50 contig length increased by four times. The number of identified genes raised from 3730 to 3774 (3645 proteins and 73 RNAs) with the reduction of frameshifted genes. The calculated size of B. altitudinis B-388 genome is 3,743,699 bp, with a G + C content of 41.17 mol%. Additional incomplete prophage sequence in genome of B. altitudinis B-388 was revealed. It was found that cryptic plasmid encodes SoxR, an oxidative stress response regulator. To date, the reported sequence is the most thorough presentation of B. altitudinis genome among four whole-genome sequences of this species deposited in GenBank

    Femoral tunnel formation using reference anatomical structures of the femoral intercondylar space during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Purpose: a clinical rationale for using reference structures of the intercondylar space to determine the femoral footprint of the ACL. Material: sixty one patients with ACL deficiency who underwent anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using single-bundle «bone-patellar tendon-bone» autograft. Methods: radiography and radiometry, computed tomography, arthroscopy, arthrometry. Results: lateral intercondylar and lateral bifurcate ridges can be verified arthroscopically with a frequency of 94% and 48%. Orientation of the femoral tunnel formed using reference structures is more horizontal in coronal plane and has increased sagittal slope compare with traditional technique. Conclusions: The lateral intercondylar and lateral bifurcate ridges can be used as reference structures for femoral tunnel formation during anatomical anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

    Внутрикостное введение аутологичных концентрата костного мозга и обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы при лечении остеоартрита коленного сустава

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of autologous bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) intraosseous injection in the treatment of patients with knee OA stages II-III. Materials and Methods. The multicenter randomized study involved 40 patients (27 women, 13 men, average age 67.07.8 years, BMI 32.74.8, duration of disease 17.33.7 months) with knee OA of stages II-III according to the Kellgren-Lawrence (K-L) classification. Patients of the main (BMAC group) group (n = 19) underwent a single intraosseous injection of BMAC, in the comparison group (n = 21) a PRP injection (PRP group). The results were evaluated after 1, 3, 6, 12 months with the verbal rating scale (VRS), VAS, Leken and WOMAC scales. Results. Comparison of the results in the groups on the VRS showed that at an earlier time (3 and 6 months), the preferences of patients were in favor of the treatment of BMAC (65% and 55% positive reviews) before PRP (55% and 45% positive reviews), whereas after 12 months the differences were insignificant. Analysis of VAS indicators in patients of both groups indicated a more pronounced decrease in the severity of pain syndrome after BMAC intraosseous injection. The analysis of the Leken scale indicators showed in favor of BMAC throughout the entire observation period, the differences were most pronounced in the first 3 months of observation. The ratio of the values of the WOMAC index in both patients groups indicated statistically significant differences that persisted in all periods of follow-up, the increase in indicators occurred to a lesser extent after the introduction of BMAC compared with PRP. Conclusion. A single intraosseous BMAC injection has an advantage over a similar PRP injection in terms of pain, knee function and physical activity of patients at all follow-up periods. Both methods of treatment are equally safe.Целью исследования являлось сравнение эффективности вводимых внутрикостно аутологичных концентрата костного мозга (ККМ) и обогащенной тромбоцитами плазмы (ОТП) при лечении пациентов с ОА коленного сустава IIIII стадий. Материал и методы. В многоцентровом рандомизированном исследовании приняли участие 40 пациентов (27 женщин, 13 мужчин, средний возраст 677,8 лет, индекс массы тела 32,74,8, продолжительность заболевания 17,33,7 мес.) с ОА коленного сустава IIIII стадий по классификации Kellgren Lawrence (K-L). Пациентам основной группы (группа ККМ) (n = 19) выполняли однократную внутрикостную инъекцию ККМ, в группе сравнения (группа ОТП) (n = 21) инъекцию ОТП. Результаты оценивали через 1, 3, 6, 12 мес. с использованием шкалы вербальной оценки удовлетворенности пациентов (ШВОУ), ВАШ, шкал Лекена и WOMAC. Результаты. Сравнение результатов в группах по ШВОУ показало, что в более ранние сроки (3 и 6 мес.) предпочтения пациентов оказывались в пользу лечения ККМ (65% и 55% положительных отзывов) перед ОТП (55% и 45% положительных отзывов), тогда как через 12 мес. различия были несущественными. Анализ показателей ВАШ у пациентов обеих групп указал на более выраженное снижение выраженности болевого синдрома после внутрикостного введения ККМ. Анализ показателей шкалы Лекена свидетельствовал в пользу ККМ на протяжении всего периода наблюдения, различия были наиболее выраженными в первые 3 мес. наблюдения. Соотношение значений индекса WOMAC в обеих группах пациентов свидетельствовало о статистически значимых различиях, сохраняющихся во всех сроках наблюдения, увеличение показателей происходило в меньшей степени после введения ККМ по сравнению с ОТП. Заключение. Однократное внутрикостное введение ККМ имеет преимущество перед аналогичным введением ОТП по показателям боли, функции коленного сустава и физической активности пациентов на всех сроках наблюдения. Оба метода лечения являются в равной мере безопасными

    Variations in the 6.2 μ\mum emission profile in starburst-dominated galaxies: a signature of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (PANHs)?

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    Analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) feature profiles, especially the 6.2 μ\mum feature, could indicate the presence of nitrogen incorporated in their aromatic rings. In this work, 155 predominantly starburst-dominated galaxies (including HII regions and Seyferts, for example), extracted from the Spitzer/IRS ATLAS project (Hern\'an-Caballero & Hatziminaoglou 2011), have their 6.2 μ\mum profiles fitted allowing their separation into the Peeters' A, B and C classes (Peeters et al. 2002). 67% of these galaxies were classified as class A, 31% were as class B and 2% as class C. Currently class A sources, corresponding to a central wavelength near 6.22 μ\mum, seem only to be explained by polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (PANH, Hudgins et al. 2005), whereas class B may represent a mix between PAHs and PANHs emissions or different PANH structures or ionization states. Therefore, these spectra suggest a significant presence of PANHs in the interstellar medium (ISM) of these galaxies that could be related to their starburst-dominated emission. These results also suggest that PANHs constitute another reservoir of nitrogen in the Universe, in addition to the nitrogen in the gas phase and ices of the ISM