175 research outputs found

    National competitiveness as the object of indicative planning in the context of re-industrialization

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    Three years after the adoption of legislation regarding strategical planning we are able to see the first statistical results, reflecting actual conditions of regulated objects. The subject of this article is to examine the system of indicators of state economic policy, targeting to stimulate the development of economic potential with the aim to improve national economic competitiveness. The objective is the competitiveness of domestic economy as the subject of regulation. The aim is the analysis of the system of indicators on the basis of comparison of actual and planned data, detecting weakly correlated indicators and to make recommendations to correct the system of indicators. The article analyses the indicators that are being used in normative and legal documents. The authors consider long-term and medium-term targets for economic frontier development, as well as main factors that should be accounted while formulating the system of indicators for the economic potential in long- and medium-term. As the list of indicators of economic development in the strategic documents is vast, the chosen direction considers the production with high added value. The indicators considered reflect the indicative aim of scientific development, national innovation system and technology as the most important foundations for improvement of national economic competitiveness. Multidirectional trend of economic development and administration indicators has been detected. The formation of system of supplementary indicators that reflect the development of production frontier has been proposed.peer-reviewe


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    The modern concept of civilization, processes of civilizational identification and identity on the basis of allocation of basic values have been considered. Traditional spiritual and moral values of Russian population have been studied. Methodological and methodical issues of sociological diagnostics of civilizational identity of Russian students have been revealed. Some results of the author’s sociological research with presentation of a comparative assessment of the orientation of young people on the values of the Russian civilization have been adduced. On the basis of comparative analysis, the description of social constructs (patterns) of values of the Russian civilization has been given, the data on the statistical connection of the civilizational identity of students and their integration into virtual forms of social interaction have been presented. The measures to improve the conditions of the process of civilizational identification of Russian students and to include them in the process of digitalization of society have been substantiated

    Genetic environment of the blaKPC-2 gene in a Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate that may have been imported to Russia from Southeast Asia

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    The nucleotide sequence of a blaKPC-2-harboring plasmid (pKPCAPSS) from Klebsiella pneumoniae ST273 isolated in Saint Petersburg, Russia, from a patient with history of recent travel to Vietnam is presented. This 127,970-bp plasmid possessed both IncFII and IncR replicons. blaKPC-2 was localized on a hypothetical mobile element. This element was flanked by 38-bp inverted Tn3 repeats and included a Tn3-specific transposase gene, macrolide resistance operon (mphA-mrx-mphR), and a fragment of blaTEM with unique polymorphisms. © 2017 American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved

    Оценка устойчивости состояния мерзлоты на шельфе Восточной Арктики при экстремальном сценарии потепления в XXI в.

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    A state of permafrost in the Arctic is the key to understanding whether methane, stored in the permafrost related gas hydrate, can release into the atmosphere. The global warming can lead to destabilization of the submarine permafrost and, thus, cause the methane releasing into the water. The near-bottom water temperature plays a significant role in the current state of the submarine permafrost, because it specifies a depth of thawing of the permafrost. We have numerically simulated evolution of the submarine permafrost on the East Siberia Arctic shelf for the last glacial cycle. In order to estimate a possible state and stability of the submarine permafrost we did carry out a numerical run based on the ICMMG SB RAS the coupled ocean-ice and submarine permafrost model. For the atmosphere forcing, the GFDL CM3 coupled climate model output, simulated under the scenario RCP8.5, was used. The scenario RCP8.5 was used since it predicted the strongest warming by the end of the 21-st century. The GFDL СM3 model, predicting the most pronounced Arctic warming, was also used in order to put the tentative upper boundary on the submarine permafrost degradation in this century.The results obtained show that the offshore permafrost exists across the vast East Siberia shelf. This permafrost occurs continuously but its thickness changes. Thickness of the permafrost within the most part of the East Siberia shelf is estimated 470–590 m when the value of 60 W/m2 was used for the geothermal flux. Our results reveal a certain rising of the bottom layer temperature on the shelf and subsequent penetration of a heat flux into the sediments. However, our results show that even the extreme warming is not sufficient to destabilize the submarine permafrost on the shelf of both, the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea. By the end of the 21st century, upper boundary of the permafrost deepens by value from 1 to 11 m only due to the thermal effects, and by 5–10 m in addition if we take into account the salinity of sediments. However, the depth of the permafrost upper boundary is still smaller than that of the hydrate stability zone. The thickness of the methane hydrate stability zone on the shelf is estimated 770–870 m. Moreover, upper boundary of this zone occurs at a depth of 120–220 m below the sea bottom, which makes the gas hydrates be isolated from the seabed surface by the permafrost layer. The submarine permafrost functions as an impermeable lid and prevents the methane from destroyed gas hydrates.Приведены результаты расчётов динамики субаквальной мерзлоты на шельфе морей Восточной Арктики до 2100  г. с учётом атмосферного воздействия, соответствующего наиболее экстремальному сценарию потепления RCP8.5. Получены пространственные изменения в состоянии подводной мерзлоты и выделены области шельфа, наиболее чувствительные к возможным климатическим изменениям. Понижение границы мёрзлых пород при заданном сценарном потеплении до конца XXI в. в зависимости от области шельфа может составить 1–11 м только в результате теплового воздействия и дополнительно 5–10 м за счёт учёта засоления порового пространства донных отложений. Расчётная мощность зоны стабильности газогидратов метана на шельфе составила около 770–870  м. При этом её верхняя граница находится на глубине 120–220  м ниже дна, что делает газогидратный слой изолированным от поверхности морского дна слоем мёрзлого грунта


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    Fundamental and applied studies on the regularities of formation and functioning of parasitic systems and their components in natural and agricultural biocenoses of different ecological and climatic zones in Russian Federation and some CIS countries were carried out.  Monitoring and forecast of epizootic situation on parasitic diseases in farm animals and wildlife was conducted. Methods for prevention and fight against parasitoses were elaborated. Search for the next generation of diagnostic tools and complex remedies for protection of animals was conducted.Проведены фундаментальные и прикладные исследования по изучению закономерностей формирования и функционирования паразитарных систем и их компонентов в условиях естественных и сельскохозяйствен­ных биоценозов в различных эколого-климатических регионах на территории Российской Федерации и неко­торых стран СНГ, по мониторингу и прогнозированию эпизоотической ситуации по паразитарным болезням с.х. и диких животных и разработке методов борьбы и профилактики паразитозов, поиску нового поколения диагностических и комплексных средств защиты животных

    The analysis of the demographic situation in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The analysis showed a reverse crossing of birth and mortality rates in the Sverdlovsk Region over the period of 2014-2017. From 2016, the mortality rate started to exceed the birth rate. The structure of causes of death remained stable over the four years, just like the sex structure.Получено, что за рассмотренный период с 2014-2017 гг. в Свердловской области произошел обратный перекрест рождаемости и смертности. С 2016 г. смертность стала превышать рождаемость. Структура причин смертности на протяжении четырех рассмотренных лет сохраняется неизменной. Половая структура также неизменна

    The analysis of the demographic situation in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The analysis showed a reverse crossing of birth and mortality rates in the Sverdlovsk Region over the period of 2014-2017. From 2016, the mortality rate started to exceed the birth rate. The structure of causes of death remained stable over the four years, just like the sex structure.Получено, что за рассмотренный период с 2014-2017 гг. в Свердловской области произошел обратный перекрест рождаемости и смертности. С 2016 г. смертность стала превышать рождаемость. Структура причин смертности на протяжении четырех рассмотренных лет сохраняется неизменной. Половая структура также неизменна

    The analysis of the demographic situation in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The analysis showed a reverse crossing of birth and mortality rates in the Sverdlovsk Region over the period of 2014-2017. From 2016, the mortality rate started to exceed the birth rate. The structure of causes of death remained stable over the four years, just like the sex structure.Получено, что за рассмотренный период с 2014-2017 гг. в Свердловской области произошел обратный перекрест рождаемости и смертности. С 2016 г. смертность стала превышать рождаемость. Структура причин смертности на протяжении четырех рассмотренных лет сохраняется неизменной. Половая структура также неизменна


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    The purpose of our study was the evaluation of time of knockdown effect on insects, and of the height the ticks climb to on the clothing treated with prepara-tions «RolfClub 3D drops for dogs» and «RolfClub 3D drops for cats». «RolfClub 3D drops for dogs» and «RolfClub 3D drops for cats» contain respectively the fol-lowing acting agents: Fipronil, D-сifenotrin, Pyriproxyfen and Fipronil, Etofenprox, Pyriproxyfen. Medications are solutions applied in practice on skin singly «spot on». It was determined that the tested medications have a highly ex-pressed knockdown effect, the time of knockdown effect by applying of «RolfClub 3D drops for dogs» is 2,16±0,23 min, «RolfClub 3D drops for cats» – 2,03±0,23 min by average climbing height respectively 21,4±2,16 and 25,2±2,3 cm.Определены скорость наступления состояния нокдауна, высота подъема клещей по обработанной ткани препаратами «Рольф клуб 3D капли для собак» и «РольфКлуб 3D капли для кошек». «РольфКлуб 3D спрей для собак» содержит в составе фипронил, D-цифенотрин, пирипроксифен; «РольфКлуб 3D спрей для кошек», этофенпрокс, пирипроксифен. Препараты представляют собой раствор, в практических условиях применяются однократно путем точечного нанесения на кожу. Установлено, что тестируемые препараты обладают выраженным нокдаун-эффектом, время наступления состояния нокдауна составляет: у препарата для собак 2,16±0,23, для кошек - 2,03±0,23 мин при средней высоте подъема соответственно 21,4±2,16 и 25,2±2,3 см