13 research outputs found

    Scientometric Characteristic of Theses on Criminal Law Defended At the Universities of the Russian Empire (1815-1917)

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    There are analyzed the works of scientists who defended their criminal law theses at the universities of the Russian Empire. The chronological scopes of the research are limited by the date of defense of the first and the last theses on criminal law which are known to the authors. The territorial scope of this article covers the limits of the Russian Empir

    Smart windows: cation internal and anion external activation for electrochromic films of nickel hydroxide

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    Two methods - internal and external - were used for improving the electrochemical activity and electrochromic properties of Ni(OH)2 films. In the case of internal activation, Al3+ ions were added to the electrolyte composition during the electrochemical precipitation process. In the case of external activation, [Fe(CN)6]4− ions were used in the electrolyte during the cycling process. In all the experiments there were used Ni(OH)2 films synthesized by the electrochemical template method with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) addition to the electrolyte composition. It was shown that the addition of [Fe(CN)6]4− ions into the electrolyte for cycling leads to significant improvement of electrochemical and electrochromic (colorization-bleaching) properties. At the same time, the addition of Al3+ ions into the electrolyte for Ni(OH)2 films precipitation leads to drastic worsening of their properties. Also, possible mechanisms of Al3+ and [Fe(CN)6]4− ions influence were considered in this work


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    The epizootological pattern for intensive technologies of livestock management and natural ecosystems were determined. The epizootic situation on parasitic zoonoses in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tadzhikistan, and Kyrgyzstan was studied. The technology of veterinary and sanitary expertise of meat products of animals’ slaughtering was improved. The antiparasitic drugs discovery was conducted; their efficacy against ecto and endoparasites evaluated, a pharmacological and toxicological assessment submitted, a drug administration schedule developed. The influence of infections and preventive measures on the host immune response has been determined, and the drugs having immunocorrection properties are proposed. 41 scientific institutions were involved in the implementation of Interdepartmental and Interstate Science programs. 294 research associates were participants in these programs.Выявлены закономерности эпизоотического процесса при интенсивных технологиях ведения животноводства и в природных экосистемах. Изучена эпизоотическая ситуация по паразитарным зоонозам в России, Казахстане, Белоруссии, Таджикистане и Кыргыстане. Усовершенствована технология ветеринарно-санитарной оценки продуктов убоя животных. Проведен поиск антипаразитарных препаратов и определена их эффективность при экто- и эндопаразитозах, дана фармакотоксикологическая оценка и разработаны схемы применения. Выяснено влияние инвазий и средств защиты животных на иммунный ответ организма и предложены препараты с иммунокоррегирующими свойствами.  В выполнении Межведомственной и Межгосударственной тематик научно-технических программ было задействовано 41 научное учреждение. Исполнителями являлись 294 научных сотрудника


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    42 scientific Institutions and High Schools were involved in fulfillment of In- terdepartmental and Interstate programs in 2013. In all regions of Russian Federa- tion and CIS countries were conducted regular monitoring studies on epizootic sit- uation in relation to parasitosis in domestic and wild animals, birds, fish and bees. Based on information system of collecting and analysis of data a monitoring me- thodology of parasitic diseases is elaborated that allows to forecast the develop- ment of epizootic situation and to optimize the struggle against parasitic diseases within particular region. Forecast of epizootic situation on main helminthosis of animals made for 2013 is basically confirmed. Compared to the previous year the epizootic situation got worse in relation to paramphystomatosis in Yakutia, strongi- latosis of gastrointestinal tract and lungs in Southern Siberia and in the Far East as well as in regions infected with eurytremosis and orientobilharciosis. Parasitic fau- na, spread of parasitosis and features of parasitosis course in ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats and deers) are studied on the territory of Moscow, Kalinigrad, Ryasan, Samara and Tyumen regions, Altai, South Ural, North Caucasus, Yakutia, West Kazakhstan, Central and South-Eastern Tajikistan. Features of parasitosis course in carnivorous in Black Earth and Non-Black Earth zones, Krasnodar Krai and Altai are studied. Continuous monitoring studies in regions unfavorable for trichinellosis are being conducted. Features of circulation of trichinellosis in natural biocenosis of Central region of Russia are investigated and methodical guidelines for its pre- vention in hunting farms are developed where a wide range of issues is embraced. A new patented device «Gelmi» is destined for release of eggs and larvae from helminths using peptolysis of muscle tissue samples; a digestion technique for the detection of trichenellosis and opisthorchosis is developed. Furthermore for the first time metacercariae opisthorchis, mesocercariae alaria and larvae of trematodes using a method of peptolysis are released. Techniques for axonomic identifying of genotype of northern isolates of Trichinella spp. on the territory of RF are devel- oped that allows to complete the system characteristic and to detect phylogenetic relationship inside different taxonomic groups. Helminthophauna of predators on the territory of Central Black Earth State Biosphere Reserve are analyzed. Age- related and season infection dynamics are revealed in main commercial fish in Tsimlyansk, Varvarovka, Karpovka reservoirs as well as in Volga and Lena rivers. Monitoring of spread of invasions and infections in honey bees in the South of Tyumen region is conductedПроведен анализ работ научных учреждений и ВУЗов России и стран СНГ, посвященных исследова- ниям в области ветеринарной паразитологии за 2013 г. Изучена паразитофауна, распространение и особенно- сти течения паразитозов у крупного рогатого скота, овец, коз, северных оленей, лошадей, свиней, плотояд- ных, птиц, рыб и пчел на территории России, Белорус- сии, Казахстана, Кыргызстана и Таджикистана. Раз- работаны методы диагностики, профилактики и схе- мы лечения паразитозов. Выявлены особенности им- мунного ответа при паразитозах и их лечении. Созда- ны и испытаны новые комплексные противопарази- тарные препараты, изучены их фармакотоксикологи- ческие свойств


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    The review of works of research establishments of Russia is given in veterinary parasitology 2012. Distribution of parasitosis of cattle, sheep, raindeers, horses, pigs, carnivorous and fishes in territory of Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Tadjikistan is investigated. The basic sources and factors of transfer of activators parasitic zoonosis are determined. Researches are carried out in the field of development of new generation of ecologically safe, modern means of preventive maintenance and immunodiagnostics of parasitic diseases. The new complex parasiticides are created and tested and their pharmacotoxicological properties investigated.Приведен обзор работ научно-исследовательских учреждений России и стран СНГ в области ветеринарной паразитологии за 2012 г. Изучено распространение паразитозов у крупного рогатого скота, овец, северных оленей, лошадей, свиней, плотоядных и рыб на территории России, Белоруссии, Украины, Казахстана и Таджикистана. Определены основные источники и факторы передачи возбудителей паразитарных зоонозов. Проведены изыскания в области разработки нового поколения экологически безопасных, современных средств профилактики и иммунодиагностики паразитарных болезней. Созданы и испытаны новые комплексные противопаразитарные препараты, изучены их фармакотоксикологические свойства

    Scientometric Characteristic of Theses on Criminal Law Defended at the Universities in the Russian Empire (1815-1917)

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    This study analyzes the works of scientists who defended their theses on criminal law at the universities of the Russian Empire. The chronological scope of the research is limited by the date of defense of the first and the last theses on criminal law which are known to the authors. The territorial scope of this article covers the limits of the Russian Empire

    Scientometric Characteristic of Theses on Criminal Law Defended At the Universities of the Russian Empire (1815-1917)

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    There are analyzed the works of scientists who defended their criminal law theses at the universities of the Russian Empire. The chronological scopes of the research are limited by the date of defense of the first and the last theses on criminal law which are known to the authors. The territorial scope of this article covers the limits of the Russian Empir


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    The epizootological pattern for intensive technologies of livestock management and natural ecosystems were determined. The epizootic situation on parasitic zoonoses in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tadzhikistan, and Kyrgyzstan was studied. The technology of veterinary and sanitary expertise of meat products of animals’ slaughtering was improved. The antiparasitic drugs discovery was conducted; their efficacy against ecto and endoparasites evaluated, a pharmacological and toxicological assessment submitted, a drug administration schedule developed. The influence of infections and preventive measures on the host immune response has been determined, and the drugs having immunocorrection properties are proposed. 41 scientific institutions were involved in the implementation of Interdepartmental and Interstate Science programs. 294 research associates were participants in these programs

    Current situation in relation to parasites and measures of struggle against them in Russia and cis countries (based on materials of coordinating reports)

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    42 scientific Institutions and High Schools were involved in fulfillment of In- terdepartmental and Interstate programs in 2013. In all regions of Russian Federa- tion and CIS countries were conducted regular monitoring studies on epizootic sit- uation in relation to parasitosis in domestic and wild animals, birds, fish and bees. Based on information system of collecting and analysis of data a monitoring me- thodology of parasitic diseases is elaborated that allows to forecast the develop- ment of epizootic situation and to optimize the struggle against parasitic diseases within particular region. Forecast of epizootic situation on main helminthosis of animals made for 2013 is basically confirmed. Compared to the previous year the epizootic situation got worse in relation to paramphystomatosis in Yakutia, strongi- latosis of gastrointestinal tract and lungs in Southern Siberia and in the Far East as well as in regions infected with eurytremosis and orientobilharciosis. Parasitic fau- na, spread of parasitosis and features of parasitosis course in ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats and deers) are studied on the territory of Moscow, Kalinigrad, Ryasan, Samara and Tyumen regions, Altai, South Ural, North Caucasus, Yakutia, West Kazakhstan, Central and South-Eastern Tajikistan. Features of parasitosis course in carnivorous in Black Earth and Non-Black Earth zones, Krasnodar Krai and Altai are studied. Continuous monitoring studies in regions unfavorable for trichinellosis are being conducted. Features of circulation of trichinellosis in natural biocenosis of Central region of Russia are investigated and methodical guidelines for its pre- vention in hunting farms are developed where a wide range of issues is embraced. A new patented device «Gelmi» is destined for release of eggs and larvae from helminths using peptolysis of muscle tissue samples; a digestion technique for the detection of trichenellosis and opisthorchosis is developed. Furthermore for the first time metacercariae opisthorchis, mesocercariae alaria and larvae of trematodes using a method of peptolysis are released. Techniques for axonomic identifying of genotype of northern isolates of Trichinella spp. on the territory of RF are devel- oped that allows to complete the system characteristic and to detect phylogenetic relationship inside different taxonomic groups. Helminthophauna of predators on the territory of Central Black Earth State Biosphere Reserve are analyzed. Age- related and season infection dynamics are revealed in main commercial fish in Tsimlyansk, Varvarovka, Karpovka reservoirs as well as in Volga and Lena rivers. Monitoring of spread of invasions and infections in honey bees in the South of Tyumen region is conducte

    Вегетативне забезпечення центральної гемодинаміки і фізичної працездатності жінок-бігунів на середні дистанції

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    Aims. To determine the autonomic provision of the central hemodynamics and physical performance in middle distance sportswomen-runners.Methods and results. A comprehensive survey of 34 sportswomen-sprinters, qualifications from II-III level to the IMS, was carried out. For the analysis of vegetative cardiovascular regulation mathematical methods of HRV were used. In middle distance sportswomen-runners with qualifications of MS-IMS parasympathetic link of autonomic nervous system, hypokinetic types of circulation, large quantities of physical performance and index of functional state prevail compared with sportswomen-runners with qualifications of CMS, I-st, II-nd and III-rd level.Conclusion. Correlation analysis showed a significant interconnection, indicating that the optimal vegetative providing of training process of middle distance runners is accompanied by hypokinetic TC and high digits of PWC170/kg and IFS.Актуальной проблемой является повышение эффективности технологии тренировочного процесса, необходимость получения достоверной информации о состоянии основных функциональных систем организма легкоатлетов, их физического и психического состояния. Для определения вегетативного обеспечения центральной гемодинамики и физической работоспособности у бегуний на средние дистанции в начале подготовительного периода проведено комплексное обследование, включающее определение показателей электрокардиограммы, вариабельности сердечного ритма, центральной гемодинамики и физической работоспособности у 34 легкоатлеток. Результаты исследования показали, что у бегуний на средние дистанции уровня МС-МСМК превалирует парасимпатическое звено ВНС, гипокинетический тип кровообращения, большие величины физической работоспособности и индекса функционального состояния по сравнению со спортсменками квалификации КМС, I и II–III разряды. Корреляционный анализ продемонстрировал достоверную взаимосвязь, свидетельствующую, что оптимальное вегетативное обеспечение тренировочного процесса бегуний на средние дистанции сопровождается гипокинетическим типом кровообращения и высокими цифрами PWC170/кг и ИФС.Актуальною є проблема підвищення ефективності технології тренувального процесу, необхідності отримання достовірної інформації про стан основних функціональних систем організму легкоатлетів, їхнього фізичного й психічного стану. Для визначення вегетативного забезпечення центральної гемодинаміки і фізичної працездатності у жінок-бігунів на середні дистанції на початку підготовчого періоду здійснили комплексне обстеження, що включало визначення показників електрокардіограми, варіабельності серцевого ритму, центральної гемодинаміки й фізичної працездатності у 34 легкоатлеток. Результати дослідження показали, що у бігунів (жінки) на середні дистанції рівня МС-МСМК превалює парасимпатична ланка ВНС, гіпокінетичний тип кровообігу, значні величини фізичної працездатності та індексу функціонального стану порівняно зі спортсменками кваліфікації КМС, I і II–III розряди. Кореляційний аналіз продемонстрував вірогідний взаємозв’язок, який свідчить: оптимальне вегетативне забезпечення тренувального процесу бігунів на середні дистанції супроводжується гіпокінетичним типом кровообігу і високими цифрами PWC170/кг і ІФС