6 research outputs found

    Unveiling the actual progress of Digital Building Permit: Getting awareness through a critical state of the art review

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    Growing interest is awarded to the digitalization of the building permitting use case and many works are developed about the topic. However, the subject is very complex and many aspects are usually tackled separately, making it very hard for traditional literature reviews to grasp the actual progress in the overall topic. This paper unveils the detailed state of the art in Digital Building Permitting (DBP) by critically analysing the literature by means of a set of coding tags (research progress, implementation, affected DBP workflow steps, ambitions addressed) assigned by a multidisciplinary team. The executed research shows that the mainly addressed aspects of the digitalization of building permit process are the technologies to check the compliance of design proposals against regulations, followed by the digitalization of regulations. Improvable aspects identified in the entire building permit system are instead e.g. the involvement of officers, scalability of solutions and interoperability of data, intended both as data validation and as integration of geospatial data with building models. © 2022 The Author

    Burnout syndrome in health care personnel: the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on work-related stress

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    reservedLa sindrome da burnout, anche nota come "sindrome da esaurimento professionale", è stata riconosciuta e descritta negli anni '70. Si tratta di una condizione di stress cronico legata al lavoro, caratterizzata da una esaurimento emotivo, depersonalizzazione e ridotta realizzazione personale. La categoria di lavoratori che, negli anni, ne ha maggiormente sofferto è quella delle professioni d’aiuto. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di analizzare, attraverso la revisione della letteratura, l’impatto della sindrome di burnout tra i professionisti sanitari prima, durante e dopo il periodo pandemico da COVID-19, mettendo, poi, a confronto lo scenario italiano con quello estero. La revisione della letteratura è stata costruita con l’aiuto della ricerca delle banche dati internazionali, rintracciando materiale pertinente al problema. I criteri di selezione degli articoli sono pubblicazioni con la presenza di fulltext, con spazio temporale degli ultimi 20 anni, dal 2003 al 2023, in lingua inglese e italiana. Dall’analisi dei risultati raccolti possiamo ricavare che, per quanto riguarda l’Italia, la pandemia ha determinato un acuirsi straordinario di questa problematica portando a un aumento dei livelli di esaurimento emotivo tra i lavoratori. Per quanto riguarda lo scenario estero, invece, in Cina si sono riscontrate percentuali simili, se non sovrapponibili, tra il prima e il dopo la pandemia. In Turchia, pur registrando alte percentuali di infermieri con ridotta realizzazione personale, non si sono verificati cambiamenti di rilievo con il diffondersi del COVID-19. In Iran, al contrario, in seguito allo sviluppo della pandemia, sono notevolmente aumentati gli infermieri con ridotta realizzazione personale e professionale. In Belgio si è evidenziato come la percentuale di infermieri colpiti da burnout sia aumentata tra gli infermieri di terapia intensiva e sia, invece, rimasta invariata tra gli infermieri di emergenza. Possiamo quindi concludere che, tra gli Stati presi in considerazione, quelli in cui si sono registrati livelli più alti di burnout, dopo la pandemia di COVID-19, ossia Italia e Iran, sono quelli che si sono trovati impreparati, da un punto di vista economico, sociale ed organizzativo, di fronte a un'emergenza sanitaria di questa portata. Per mitigare l'impatto della pandemia di COVID-19 sulla salute mentale degli infermieri sarebbe perciò utile introdurre nuove misure preventive, in modo da fornire il sostegno necessario per garantire la salute e il benessere di coloro che lavorano nelle professioni a rischio

    1123 Environmental performances evaluation through building information models

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    The construction industry produces several negative environmental impacts. To promote solutions that reduce these negative impacts, it is crucial to increase awareness among all parties involved in the supply chain. Currently, certification protocols, environmental labels and declarations are the most common tools for promoting sustainability in the construction industry. However, these tools are generally non-mandatory and require specific competencies to thoroughly understand and interpret their outputs, especially for non-specialized users in sustainability assessment. This paper presents a tool for visualizing environmental impacts directly through a Building Information Model, by assigning different colours to model objects according to their environmental performances. Understanding environmental performances data is thus more accessible to non-expert users. Unlike several BIM LCA integration studies that primarily focus on the needs of designers, this contribution considers the perspective of manufacturers. The developed tool focuses on building products and has been carried out with the Autodesk Revit BIM authoring platform and its VPL-based Dynamo plug-in. Through the combination of 3D models and histograms, the tool facilitates manufacturers to visualize with real time updates which phase of a product life cycle requires sustainable innovation, which sub components or process determine the major environmental impacts and calculate the environmental cost indicator of a product

    Prefabricated Timber Façade for the Energy Refurbishment of the Italian Building Stock: The Ri.Fa.Re. Project

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    AbstractThis paper describes the Ri.Fa.Re. timber-based solution, an innovative timber-based prefabricated panel for the energy refurbishment of the existing Italian buildingś façades. Although similar technologies have already been tested in several European countries, they are not feasible to be used in the Italian context characterized by specific geometric features of the building stock and by seismic constraints which are not relevant for most of European countries. Moreover, this research does not aim only at developing a product but also at adopting a new process, based on parametric design and lean construction principles. The main outcome of this project is a concrete kit for energy refurbishment suitable for the Italian context, including: a) a technological prefabricated but customizable product and b) a more efficient process to decrease time and cost wastes during the whole process

    Unveiling the actual progress of Digital Building Permit: Getting awareness through a critical state of the art review

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    Growing interest is awarded to the digitalization of the building permitting use case and many works are developed about the topic. However, the subject is very complex and many aspects are usually tackled separately, making it very hard for traditional literature reviews to grasp the actual progress in the overall topic. This paper unveils the detailed state of the art in Digital Building Permitting (DBP) by critically analysing the literature by means of a set of coding tags (research progress, implementation, affected DBP workflow steps, ambitions addressed) assigned by a multidisciplinary team. The executed research shows that the mainly addressed aspects of the digitalization of building permit process are the technologies to check the compliance of design proposals against regulations, followed by the digitalization of regulations. Improvable aspects identified in the entire building permit system are instead e.g. the involvement of officers, scalability of solutions and interoperability of data, intended both as data validation and as integration of geospatial data with building models.Urban Data Scienc

    Positive predictive values and outcomes for uninformative cell-free DNA tests: An Italian multicentric Cytogenetic and cytogenomic Audit of diagnOstic testing (ICARO Study)

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    Objectives: To establish the positive predictive values (PPV) of cfDNA testing based on data from a nationwide survey of independent clinical cytogenetics laboratories. Methods: Prenatal diagnostic test results obtained by Italian laboratories between 2013 and March 2020 were compiled for women with positive non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT), without an NIPT result, and cases where there was sex discordancy between the NIPT and ultrasound. PPV and other summary data were reviewed. Results: Diagnostic test results were collected for 1327 women with a positive NIPT. The highest PPVs were for Trisomy (T) 21 (624/671, 93%) and XYY (26/27, 96.3%), while rare autosomal trisomies (9/47, 19.1%) and recurrent microdeletions (8/55, 14.5%) had the lowest PPVs. PPVs for T21, T18, and T13 were significantly higher when diagnostic confirmation was carried out on chorionic villi (97.5%) compared to amniotic fluid (89.5%) (p < 0.001). In 19/139 (13.9%), of no result cases, a cytogenetic abnormality was detected. Follow-up genetic testing provided explanations for 3/6 cases with a fetal sex discordancy between NIPT and ultrasound. Conclusions: NIPT PPVs differ across the conditions screened and the tissues studied in diagnostic testing. This variability, issues associated with fetal sex discordancy, and no results, illustrate the importance of pre- and post-test counselling