926 research outputs found

    Optical characterization of patterned nanowire arrays using solid immersion microscopy

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    The nanowires technology has proved itself to be fairly promising in order to develop more ecient optoelectronic devices such as solar cells and LEDs. It becomes therefore interesting to be able to characterize nanowires samples with a high precision, so that the light emitted from each single nanowire can be detected and analyzed. The purpose of this thesis project was to test if solid immersion microscopy represents a valid tool in order to increase the resolution of optical microscopy enough to distinguish between single nanowires in arrays. A solid im- mersion lens was fabricated, and then it was tested on a number of dierent samples in order to characterize it and to compare the re- sults with the ones obtained by standard optical microscopy. Solid immersion microscopy led generally to a higher resolution in case of white light images. Photoluminescence and electroluminescence mea- surements were also performed; even though the experimental real- ization of such measurements was somehow trickier, solid immersion microscopy provides room for further improvements in resolution

    Requesting on WhatsApp: The interplay of interactional competence and deontics in English as an additional language

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    This exploratory study focuses on changes in the accomplishment of requests by an adult English as an additional language speaker/learner interacting on WhatsApp for nine months. The analysis follows a microanalytic approach to digital interaction informed by recent developments within longitudinal conversation analysis. It unpacks the array of semiotic and interactional resources that the focal learner employs to make class-related requests to the teacher. Longitudinal comparison of four request sequences over time suggests that the differences in how the requesting posts are designed and responded to index both increased interactional competence to accomplish requests in English on WhatsApp - through more contextually-sensitive and conventional semiotic resources - as well as evolving socio-interactional ties and related deontic concerns between the learner and the teacher. Despite the popularity of text chats, only a handful of studies have investigated the practices employed by additional language learners to engage in text chat interaction change over time and this work has not focused on naturally occurring interactions or on requesting. The present study thereby contributes new understandings to text chat interaction with additional language speakers and to longitudinal research on interactional competence development in online settings

    Ictiofauna de aguas continentales Chilenas

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    The genital and anal papillae of Compsura heterura (Characidae: Cheirodontinae): morphological structure and possible role in insemination

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    The function of the genital and anal papillae for insemination in Compsura heterura is discussed based on the description of their morphologies at different stages of the life cycle and during copulation and spawning. In males and females both the genital and anal papillae are involved in copulation in C. heterura. A pre-anal organ, anterior to the anus and stretched posteriorly, is present in adult males. The openings of the urinary channel and oviduct are separate in females. During copulation, there is an approximation between the female genital and anal papillae which become temporarily juxtaposed, forming a chamber enclosing the opening of the oviduct, which may also function in sperm capture. During spawning, the lateral edges of the female genital papilla are projected anteriorly, acquiring a tubular shape for oviposition.A função das papilas genital e anal na inseminação em Compsura heterura é discutida com base na descrição de suas morfologias em diferentes estágios do ciclo de vida e por ocasião da cópula e desova. Em machos e fêmeas, as papilas genital e anal estão envolvidas na cópula. Um órgão pré-anal, anterior ao ânus e alongado posteriormente, está presente em machos adultos. Fêmeas possuem aberturas urinária e genital separadas. Durante a cópula, ocorre uma aproximação entre as papilas genital e anal femininas, que se justapõem temporariamente, formando uma câmara fechada onde se abre o oviduto, e que serve possivelmente à captura de esperma. Durante a desova, as bordas laterais da papila genital feminina são projetadas anteriormente, adquirindo um formato tubular para ovoposição

    Comparing classical and quantum equilibration

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    Systematic revision of the Neotropical catfish genus Scleronema (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae), with descriptions of six new species from Pampa grasslands

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    The Neotropical genus Scleronema is revised based on the re-examination of the type specimens and 1,713 newly collected specimens. Scleronema is diagnosed from other trichomycterids by the following unambiguous derived characters: fleshy flap at the base of the maxillary barbell; skin flap in the posterior margin of the opercle; articulation between the autopalatine and the vomer ventrally located, with the medial margins of the autopalatines very close to each other; and autopalatine with an interrupted or not interrupted ossified arch-shaped process on its dorsal surface forming a canal. Scleronema minutum and S. operculatum are redescribed, S. angustirostre is considered a junior synonym of S. minutum, and six new species are described. A lectotype is designated for Trichomycterus minutus. The type localities of S. angustirostre, S. minutum, and S. operculatum are reviewed in order to correct erroneous information cited in articles and catalogs subsequent to the original descriptions. Species of Scleronema are geographically distributed in the La Plata basin and Atlantic coastal drainages from Southern Brazil, Southern Paraguay, Northeastern Argentina and Uruguay. They inhabit rivers or streams with sand- or gravel-bottoms across the Pampa grasslands. We provide evidences to recognize two putative monophyletic units within the genus, namely the S. minutum species group and the S. operculatum species group, and discuss the distribution patterns of their species.O gênero Neotropical Scleronema é revisado com base na análise do material-tipo e outros 1.713 espécimes recentemente coletados. Scleronema é diagnosticado de outros tricomicterídeos pelos seguintes caracteres derivados não ambíguos: aba de pele na base do barbilhão maxilar; aba de pele na margem posterior do opérculo; articulação entre o autopalatino e o vômer posicionada ventralmente, deixando as margens mediais dos autopalatinos muito próximas entre si; e o autopalatino com um processo com formato de arco na sua superfície dorsal. Scleronema minutum e S. operculatum são redescritas, S. angustirostre é considerada um sinônimo júnior de S. minutum e seis novas espécies são descritas. Um lectótipo é designado para S. minutum. As localidades-tipo de S. angustirostre, S. minutum e S. operculatum são revisadas com o intuito de corrigir informações errôneas citadas em artigos e catálogos após suas descrições. As espécies de Scleronema distribuem-se na bacia do rio da Plata e drenagens costeiras atlânticas no sul do Brasil, sul do Paraguai, nordeste da Argentina e Uruguai, habitando rios e riachos ao longo do Pampa com fundos de areia ou cascalho. Dois grupos de espécies supostamente monofiléticos, o grupo S. minutum e o grupo S. operculatum, são reconhecidos no gênero e os padrões de distribuição de suas espécies são discutidos

    Caracterização funcional do gene VviAgl11 durante a morfogênese da semente em videira e seu potencial uso biotecnológico

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    A ausência de semente em videira, também chamada de apirenia, é amplamente apreciada pelo mercado consumidor de uvas de mesa. No entanto, os mecanismos moleculares que controlam a morfogênese da semente não são totalmente compreendidos. Por este trabalho, buscou-se caracterizar funcionalmente o gene candidato VviAGL11, avaliando seu papel na morfogênese de sementes de Vitis vinifera. Dados prévios permitiram determinar o padrão de expressão de VviAGL11 na camada da endotesta da casca da semente, que precisa alongar e aumentar o número de células para que haja a lignificação e a determinação do tamanho final da semente. No presente estudo, a função de VviAGL11 foi avaliada por meio de sua expressão ectópica no mutante de seedstick (AGL11) de Arabidopsis thaliana, o que restaurou o fenótipo e confirmou o papel direto deste gene no desenvolvimento da semente, sugerindo que a depleção de sua expressão é responsável pelo desenvolvimento errôneo da camada de endotesta da semente, culminando no fenótipo de apirenia típico. Além disso, a função de VviAGL11 foi avaliada em videira com o uso de plasmídeos vegetais. Os resultados permitiram demonstrar que a alta expressão de VviAGL11 na cultivar apirênica Linda, após tratamento, está relacionada com a presença de pequenas sementes que não foram encontradas nas amostras-controle não tratadas Além disso, cachos de ‘Italia’ e ‘Ruby’ tratados com o plasmídeo de silenciamento VviAGL11 mostraram diminuição da expressão desse gene, número reduzido de sementes e aumento do número de traços de sementes. Em conjunto, os resultados confirmam que VviAGL11 é um importante regulador da morfogênese de sementes em videira. Em adição, populações segregantes para ausência de sementes foram testadas com cinco marcadores SSR, dos quais três marcadores microssatélites mostraram-se relacionados à ausência de sementes e poderiam ser usados com 100% de eficiência em um haplótipo para seleção assistida. Ao mesmo tempo, nove marcadores do tipo SNPs e INDELs foram desenvolvidos com base na sequência do alelo de VviAGL11 associado à ausência de sementes em V. vinifera. Para os marcadores VvAGL11_KASP_2, VvAGL11_KASP_3, VvAGL11_KASP_8 e VvAGL11_KASP_9, polimorfismos foram observados segregando em indivíduos apirênicos genotipados, confirmando sua associação com a ausência de sementes e sugerindo seu uso na estratégia de seleção assistida rápida e eficaz de videiras apirênicas.Grapevine seedlessness, also known as apyreny, is widely appreciated by the table grape’s market. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms that control seed morphogenesis are not fully understood. This study aimed to characterize the function of the candidate gene VviAGL11, evaluating its role in Vitis vinifera seed morphogenesis. Previous data allowed us to determine the VviAGL11 expression pattern in the endotesta layer of the seed coat, which needs to elongate and increase in cell number to accomplish seed lignification and final seed size. In the present study VviAGL11 function was evaluated by its ectopic expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedstick (AGL11) mutant background, which restored the phenotype and confirmed the direct role of this gene in seed development, suggesting that depletion of its expression is responsible for the erroneous development of the endotesta layer of the seed, therefore culminating in the typical seedless phenotype. Furthermore, we evaluated VviAGL11 function in grapevine with the use of plant plasmids. The results showed that a high expression of VviAGL11 in the seedless cultivar Linda, after treatment, was related with the presence of small seeds that were not found in untreated control samples Additionally, seeded ‘Italia’ and ‘Ruby’ bunches treated with a VviAGL11-silencing plasmid showed decreased gene expression, reduced number of seeds and increased number of seed traces. Taken together, the results confirm that VviAGL11 is a key master regulator of seed morphogenesis in grapevine. Moreover, segregating populations for seedlessness were tested with five SSR markers of which three microsatellite markers were proven to be related with seedlessness and could be used with 100% efficiency in a haplotype for assisted selection. Additionally, nine unique SNPs and INDELs markers were developed based on VviAGL11 allele associated with the absence of seeds in V. vinifera. For the markers VvAGL11_KASP_2, VvAGL11_KASP_3, VvAGL11_KASP_8 and VvAGL11_KASP_9, polymorphisms were observed segregating in genotyped seedless individuals, confirming their seedlessness association and suggesting their use in fast and effective assisted selection strategy for seedlessness grapevines

    Cupania tenuivalvis (Sapindaceae). is recorded for the first time for Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná states, Brazil

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    Cupania tenuivalvis (Sapindaceae), se cita por primera vez para los estados de Mato Grosso do Sul y Paraná, Brasil. La especie se describe e ilustra, y se menciona la distribución geográfica.Cupania tenuivalvis (Sapindaceae), is recorded for the first time for Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná states, Brazil. The species is described and illustrated, and its geographical distribution is also given.Fil: Ferrucci, MarÍa Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: De Souza, Maria C de. Universidade Estadual de Maringá; Brasi