225 research outputs found

    Some didactic studies on the Spanish theatre of the 18th century

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    Nuestro trabajo pretende analizar las propuestas didácticas reales llevadas a cabo en distintos institutos de la comunidad extremeña y madrileña en torno al teatro del siglo XVIII. Desde este punto de partida, es nuestra intención proponer nuevas vías de trabajo que no se recogen en los manuales de aula al uso, amplificando de este modo la cultura teatral del alumnado para estos niveles.This essay aims to analyze the actual didactic strategies carried out in different secondary schools within the Extremadura and Madrid areas concerning the 18th century theatre. Under these premises, it is our intention to propose new learning and teaching methodologies, which are not gathered in regular classroom textbooks. By so doing we aim to enhance student´s theatrical knowledge and background at those levels.peerReviewe

    Visión periodística de una normalización frustrada

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    Álgebra lineal en paralelo: factorizaciones en clusters heterogéneos

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    En este trabajo se presenta una solución paralela a la factorización LU de matrices para ser utilizada en clusters heterogéneos interconectadas por redes Ethernet. Primero se describe el problema a resolver y las principales características de la solución secuencial por bloques y la solución paralela propuesta. Luego se presentan distintos métodos para la distribución de trabajo entre los nodos con el objetivo de obtener balance de carga. Para cada método se describe la experimentación realizada y los resultados obtenidos. Por último, se describen las conclusiones y el trabajo futuro.Eje: IV - Workshop de procesamiento distribuido y paralel

    Balance de carga para factorización LU de matrices en clusters heterogéneos

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    En este trabajo se intenta resolver de forma correcta el balance de carga para la factorización LU de matrices en clusters heterogéneos. Se utiliza una solución paralela a la factorización LU especialmente desarrollada para obtener buen rendimiento en clusters heterogéneos. Se proponen distintas alternativas para distribuir los datos entre los procesos, las cuales se han implementado y evaluado. Se muestran los resultados obtenidos, su análisis y las conclusiones a las que se llegaron.VI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP

    Fire propagation visualization in real time

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    Our motivation comes from the need of a tailored computational tool for simulation and prediction of forest fire propagation, to be used by firefighters in Patagonia, Argentina. Based on previous works on Graphic Processing Units (GPU) for fitting and simulating fires in our region, we developed a visualization interface for real time computing, simulation and prediction of fire propagation. We have the possibility of changing the ensemble of raster maps layers to change the region in which fire will propagate. The visualization platform runs on GPUs and the user can rotate and zoom the landscape to select the optimal view of fire propagation. Opacity of different layers can be regulated by the user, allowing to see fire propagation at the same time that underlying vegetation, wind direction and intensity. The ignition point can also be selected by the user, and firebreaks can be plotted while simulation is going on. After the performance of a high number of stochastic simulations in parallel in GPUs, the application shows a map of the final fire surface colored according to the probability that a given cell burns. In this way the user can visually identify the most critical direction for fire propagation, a useful information to stop fire optimizing resources, which is specially important when they are scarce like is the case of our Patagonia region.Facultad de Informátic

    Chiaroscuro: a podcast to shed light on drugs

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    La presente ponencia busca dar divulgación a mi Trabajo Integrador Final, que se encuentra enmarcado en la categoría de producción sonora, en formato de podcast, y propone compartir la investigación que llevé adelante sobre el consumo de psicoactivos en la Argentina. De esta manera busco problematizar el consumo de drogas legales e ilegales y la percepción de los riesgos; deconstruir tabúes, mitos y prejuicios (imaginarios sociales) que existen respecto a sus usos y, evidenciar las tensiones discursivas en el debate público sobre esta temática.This presentation persue to disseminate my Final Integrative Work for my bachelor in social science. The proyect is framed in the category of sound production in a podcast format. In this way it proposes to share the research that I carried out of the use of psychoactive drugs in Argentina. I seek to problematize the consumption of legal and illegal drugs and the perception of risks; deconstructing taboos, myths and prejudices (social imaginaries) that exist regarding the consume of it and highlighting the discursive tensions in the public debate on this issue.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Algebra lineal en clusters basados en redes ethernet

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    Algunas de las ventajas que tienen las redes de computadoras utilizadas para cómputo paralelo (o clusters) son muy conocidas y de hecho se aprovechan en múltiples áreas de investigación y aplicación [3] [4] [11]:\n· Creciente potencia de cálculo, con costo casi constante o en algunos casos disminuyendo a medida que avanza el tiempo y la tecnología.\n· Creciente disponibilidad en el mercado de nuevas tecnologías, o al menos de tecnologías avanzadas a bajo costo (cómputo superescalar en las computadoras de escritorio, por ejemplo).\n· Creciente disponibilidad de sofware de uso libre y gratuito, que abarca desde sistemas operativos (Linux) hasta software de cálculo numérico especializado (LAPACK en el caso de los problemas provenientes del álgebra lineal).\n· Redes de interconexión muy simples de instalar en términos de hardware y software, a muy bajo costo y con amplia disponibilidad en el mercado.\n· Redes de computadoras ya instaladas que tienen “costo cero” al menos desde el punto de vista del hardware de cómputo paralelo disponible y aprovechable.Eje: Sistemas Distribuido

    Fire propagation visualization in real time

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    Our motivation comes from the need of a tailored computational tool for simulation and prediction of forest fire propagation, to be used by firefighters in Patagonia, Argentina. Based on previous works on Graphic Processing Units (GPU) for fitting and simulating fires in our region, we developed a visualization interface for real time computing, simulation and prediction of fire propagation. We have the possibility of changing the ensemble of raster maps layers to change the region in which fire will propagate. The visualization platform runs on GPUs and the user can rotate and zoom the landscape to select the optimal view of fire propagation. Opacity of different layers can be regulated by the user, allowing to see fire propagation at the same time that underlying vegetation, wind direction and intensity. The ignition point can also be selected by the user, and firebreaks can be plotted while simulation is going on. After the performance of a high number of stochastic simulations in parallel in GPUs, the application shows a map of the final fire surface colored according to the probability that a given cell burns. In this way the user can visually identify the most critical direction for fire propagation, a useful information to stop fire optimizing resources, which is specially important when they are scarce like is the case of our Patagonia region.Facultad de Informátic

    Fire propagation visualization in real time

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    Our motivation comes from the need of a tailored computational tool for simulation and prediction of forest fire propagation, to be used by firefighters in Patagonia, Argentina. Based on previous works on Graphic Processing Units (GPU) for fitting and simulating fires in our region, we developed a visualization interface for real time computing, simulation and prediction of fire propagation. We have the possibility of changing the ensemble of raster maps layers to change the region in which fire will propagate. The visualization platform runs on GPUs and the user can rotate and zoom the landscape to select the optimal view of fire propagation. Opacity of different layers can be regulated by the user, allowing to see fire propagation at the same time that underlying vegetation, wind direction and intensity. The ignition point can also be selected by the user, and firebreaks can be plotted while simulation is going on. After the performance of a high number of stochastic simulations in parallel in GPUs, the application shows a map of the final fire surface colored according to the probability that a given cell burns. In this way the user can visually identify the most critical direction for fire propagation, a useful information to stop fire optimizing resources, which is specially important when they are scarce like is the case of our Patagonia region.Facultad de Informátic