30 research outputs found

    Improvement of organizational and legal support of venture capital funds created under investment partnerships agreement in the Russian Federation

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    Russia’s private equity and venture capital industry is in the early stages of development. In 2011 the federal law on investment partnership (335-FZ) was enacted. It brought international best practices of collective investments into Russian legal system by making it possible to create venture capital funds through investment partnership. This particular type of funds is the closest in substance to the most popular legal form of venture capital funds globally which is limited liability partnership. Unlike international practice, in the Russian Federation this form of financing technology companies has not become widespread, which, among other things, is explained by the insufficient development of the terms of an investment partnership agreement that are understandable and open to a wide range of investors, as well as the lack of a system for information disclosure to investors about financial results, fund’s return, investment portfolio information, fees, carried interest of a venture fund created by under an investment partnership agreement. The purpose of the article is to develop proposals that help increase the investment attractiveness and efficiency of venture capital funds established under an investment partnership agreement. To achieve this goal, the following set of scientific methods and techniques were used: classification, induction and deduction, critical and logical analysis, generalization, structuring. The theoretical and methodological basis is the scientific achievements of foreign researchers, legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as international documents that are developed by professional associations in order to improve the investment climate in the private equity and venture capital investment industry. The novelty of the study is represented by the following results: recommendations were developed on the formation of the terms of an investment partnership agreement in matters of distribution of profits of a venture fund, remuneration of a managing partner, which will ensure clear and transparent conditions for interaction between managers and investors, and also reflect practical significance. In order to ensure comparability of information at the macro level, disclosed by investment funds, a proposal has been put forward to prepare a report for investors using one of the following documents: a) International Private Equity and Venture Capital Investor Reporting Guidelines; b) Investor Reporting Guidelines

    The Legal Consolidation of Investment Right of Individuals Protection Measures in Shared Construction

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    The article is dedicated to analysis of the existing legal consolidation of investment right of individuals protection measures in shared construction. The author notes following disadvantages of the legal consolidation in escrow invoicing: the lack of indexing of investors’ money in the account; the lack of partial disclosure with the purpose of avoiding bankruptcy. The article shows the necessity of legal confirmation of investor control over the developer’s activities during the investment project implementation and proposes measures to enhance the protective mechanisms and investment risks reduction aimed at stimulating the citizens’ investment in construction

    Charitable activity of the merchant of Nikolaev in the second half of XIX – in the beginning of the XX century

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    Стаття присвячена благодійній діяльності купецтва міста Миколаєва другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. Історик вивчила сучасний стан розвитку історіографії даної проблеми. Наукова новизна теми полягає у тому, що вперше проаналізовано діяльність благодійних товариств Миколаєва в контексті участі в них представників купецтва, виявлено ступінь діяльності та активність окремих представників цього стану і доведено, що в Миколаєві такий вид діяльності реалізовувався через участь купців у житті благодійних товариств. Результати дослідження показують, що в другій половині ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. сформувалась та розвивалась та частина купецького стану міста, яка бачила необхідність у власній благодійній діяльності. Купці допомагали потребуючим особам у навчанні, вдовам та сиротам, дітям загиблих під час бойових дій, починаючи від Кримської до Першої світової війн. Представники купецтва міста Миколаєва брали участь у благодійній діяльності. Найактивніше вона проходила у межах «Миколаївського благодійного товариства» та «Товариства взаємодопомоги прикажчиків-християн». Окремо слід виділити боротьбу за ведення прибутково-видаткових книг з коробочного збору. Головним завданням купецтва з благодійної діяльності було забезпечення матеріальної допомоги товариствам. Як правило, ті купці, які займались благодійністю серйозно, робили внески в казну декількох різних товариств. Найактивнішими особистостями в благодійній діяльності міста слід назвати голову Миколаївського купецького товариства М. Авраамова та купців Т. Баздирєва, Г. Властеліцу, Л. Мєшуреса, І. Пархоменка. Благодійна діяльність купецтва міста Миколаєва в другій половині ХІХ – на почату ХХ ст. є перспективною темою, бо потребує окремого дослідження в контексті вивчення історії купців міста Миколаєва та Півдня України. В подальших дослідженнях варто звернути увагу на релігійну діяльність купецтва, архітектуру купецьких будинків, торгівельну та промислову діяльність, юридичний статус та політичну культуру цього стану. Також необхідно дослідити благодійну діяльність купецтва Південної України.The article is devoted to the charitable activities of the merchant of Nikolaev in the second half of 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. The historian has studied the current state of development of the historiography of this problem. The scientific novelty of this topic is that the activities of the benevolent societies of Nikolaev were first analyzed in the context of the participation of representatives of the merchants in them, the degree of activity and activity of certain members of this class was revealed, and it was proved that in Nikolaev this kind of activity was realized through the participation of merchants in the life of charitable societies. The results of the research show that in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century, that part of the merchant class of the city was formed and developed, which saw the need for its own charitable activities. The merchants helped those in need of training, widows and orphans, children who died during the hostilities, from the Crimean to the First World War. Representatives of the merchants of the city of Nikolaev took part in charity activities. Most actively, it was held within the framework of the "Mykolaiv Charitable Society" and "The Society of Mutual Aid of Christian Bonds". Separately, one should highlight the struggle for maintaining income-expense books from the box-office. The main task of the merchants from charitable activities was to provide material assistance to the societies. As a rule, those merchants who took charity seriously, made contributions to the treasury of several different societies. The most active personalities in the charitable work of the city should be the head of the Nikolaev Merchant Society M. Avraamov and merchants T. Bazdirev, G. Vlaselitsu, L. Meshurez, I. Parkhomenko. Charity activity of the merchants of the city of Nikolaev in the second half of the nineteenth century - the beginning of the twentieth century. is a promising topic, because it requires a separate study in the context of studying the history of merchants in the cities of Mykolayiv and the South of Ukraine. In further research it is worth paying attention to the religious activity of the merchants, the architecture of merchant houses, trade and industry, the legal status and political culture of this state. It is also necessary to investigate the charitable activity of the merchants of Southern Ukraine

    Efficacy of Topical Corticosteroid Monotherapy in Inducing and Maintaining Clinical and Histologic Remission in Adolescent and Adult Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is the second most common cause of esophagitis. Topical steroids represent a promising group of drugs for inducing and maintaining clinical and histological remission in these patients.Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of topical steroids in inducing and maintaining clinical and histological remission in adolescent and adult patients with EoE.Methods. A systematic literature search using defined keywords was performed up to March 20, 2021 in the MEDLINE / PubMed, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, ClinicalTrial.gov databases.Results. 390 patients from 5 studies were included in this systematic review with meta-analysis. The meta-analysis showed that topical steroids, compared with placebo, was more effective in inducing (odds ratio (OR) 75.77; 95 % confidence interval (CI): (21.8; 263.41), p < 0.001) and maintaining complete histological remission (OR 103.65; 95 % CI: (36.05; 298.01), p < 0.001) in patients with EoE. Also, topical steroids significantly relieved disease symptoms compared with placebo in inducing and maintaining clinical remission (OR 4.86; 95 % CI: (1.4; 16.86), p = 0.01) and (OR 11.06; 95 % CI: (4.62; 26.45), p < 0.001) respectively.Conclusions. Topical steroids represent an effective group of drugs for inducing and maintaining histologic and clinical remission in adolescent and adult patients with EoE

    Reflection of the cossacks in the history of Russian sport

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    В статье рассмотрены история взаимосвязи казачества и спорта, современное состояние данного вопроса, а также проблемы и перспективы развития казачьего спорта.The article discusses the history of the relationship of the Cossacks and sports, the current state of this issue, as well as problems and prospects for the development of Cossack sports

    Severe Diverticulitis Associated to <i>Clostridioides difficile</i> Infection in a 91 Year Old Patient (Clinical Case)

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    Aim. To present a clinical case of a 91-year-old patient with a severe course of diverticulitis combined with the development of Clostridioides difficile-associated disease.Key points. On admission the patient complained of pain in the left iliac region, increased body temperature, constipation and bloating. The medical history showed that constipation increased on the background of prolonged bed rest and discontinuation of psyllium. According to the laboratory and instrumental examinations, the patient had signs of acute diverticulitis, antibacterial therapy was corrected twice, positive dynamics of the condition was noted. However, a few days later, the patient developed a clinic of C. difficile-associated disease, which required the prescription of anticlostridial therapy (vancomycin), until the laboratory confirmation of the accession of this infection was obtained. Combined therapy of exacerbation of diverticular disease and C. difficile-associated disease made it possible to achieve a steady improvement of the condition.Conclusion. The exclusion of possible development of C. difficile-associated disease on the background or prior antibiotic therapy is an important condition for correct and adequate management of a patient with exacerbation of diverticular disease. If the patient develops a clinical picture of C. difficile-associated disease, treatment may be initiated before laboratory confirmation

    Figure as an integral part of humanity

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    Макушина, І. В. Рисунок як невід’ємна частина діяльності людства / І. В. Макушина // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2012. – Вип. 5. – С. 95–97.Стаття присвячена рисунку як результату художньої діяльності, його значенню в розвитку форм культурного існування людиниThe article is devoted to drawing as a result of artistic activity, its importance in the development of cultural existence

    The method of learning drawing with canons and proportions

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    Макушина, І. В. Методика засвоєння рисунка за допомогою канонів і пропорцій =The method of learning drawing with canons and proportions / І. В. Макушина // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2016. – Вип. 9. – С. 128–141.У статті зроблена спроба розглянути методику засвоєння рисунка за допомогою канонів і пропорцій, які використовувалися у різні історичні епохи – у Стародавньому Єгипті, Греції, добі Відродження, Класицизмі та сучасностіThis article attempts to describe the technique of drawing using canons and proportions used in different historical periods – in ancient Egypt, Greece, Renaissance, classicism and modernity