42 research outputs found

    The Patterns of Plant Community Distribution in the South-East Altai

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    The South-East Altai is the northern outpost of arid regions of Central Asia. It encompasses the Chuya depression (1800–2100 m), surrounding mountain ranges (2800–4000 m), mountain plateaus (2900–3200 m) and highland depressions (2200– 2400 m). Eight types of altitudinal plant communities create the base of the plant cover pattern; each has its own specific set of active species. The altitudinal belt series is shown to include two belts: the steppe (1800–2400 m) and alpine belts (2400–2800 m). The belts are composed of lower and upper subbelts. The upper steppe subbelt has two variants, corresponding to relief peculiarities; two variants of the lower alpine subbelt are limited geographically. Keywords: species activity, altitudinal belt series, steppe belt, alpine belt, Southeast Alta

    Global patterns and drivers of alpine plant species richness

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    Aim Alpine ecosystems differ in area, macroenvironment and biogeographical history across the Earth, but the relationship between these factors and plant species richness is still unexplored. Here, we assess the global patterns of plant species richness in alpine ecosystems and their association with environmental, geographical and historical factors at regional and community scales. Location Global. Time period Data collected between 1923 and 2019. Major taxa studied Vascular plants. Methods We used a dataset representative of global alpine vegetation, consisting of 8,928 plots sampled within 26 ecoregions and six biogeographical realms, to estimate regional richness using sample‐based rarefaction and extrapolation. Then, we evaluated latitudinal patterns of regional and community richness with generalized additive models. Using environmental, geographical and historical predictors from global raster layers, we modelled regional and community richness in a mixed‐effect modelling framework. Results The latitudinal pattern of regional richness peaked around the equator and at mid‐latitudes, in response to current and past alpine area, isolation and the variation in soil pH among regions. At the community level, species richness peaked at mid‐latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, despite a considerable within‐region variation. Community richness was related to macroclimate and historical predictors, with strong effects of other spatially structured factors. Main conclusions In contrast to the well‐known latitudinal diversity gradient, the alpine plant species richness of some temperate regions in Eurasia was comparable to that of hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems, such as the páramo. The species richness of these putative hotspot regions is explained mainly by the extent of alpine area and their glacial history, whereas community richness depends on local environmental factors. Our results highlight hotspots of species richness at mid‐latitudes, indicating that the diversity of alpine plants is linked to regional idiosyncrasies and to the historical prevalence of alpine ecosystems, rather than current macroclimatic gradients

    Cancer-testis antigen MAGE-C1/ CT7 in multiple myeloma: literature review

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    Group of tumor-associated antigens, which is normally expressed in placental cells and testicular germ cells, is called cancer-testis antigens. To date, more than 40 gene families have been identified that encode cancer-testis antigens, and their expression has been studied in many types of malignant diseases. It is assumed that the expression of cancer-testis antigens can contribute to the development of the tumor transformation process, including hematological diseases. Of particular interest in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma is the MAGE-C1/CT7 antigen, the expression of which is most often detected in this case. According to data published by various authors, the expression of MAGEC1 in multiple myeloma can be considered as an additional marker of a poor disease prognosis, represent the effectiveness of chemotherapy approaches, and, possibly, be an earlier predictor of relapse or progression

    Fallow Lands of Tuva (Russia): 30 years of Steppe Demutation

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    Tuva has been a cattle-breeding region since ancient times, extremely continental climate of this region is little suitable for agriculture. However, the steppes of intermountain depressions in Tuva were heavily plowed by the early 1980s. In the 1990s most of the arable lands were abandoned; the process of restoration (demutation) of natural vegetation on fallow lands began. By now, 30 years later, the old fallows are expected to achieve the stage of the secondary steppe.The purpose of this work is to estimate the differences between virgin steppes and corresponding secondary steppes in Tuva. Tussock, hummock, and desert virgin steppes have been compared with corresponding to three types of 30-year-old fallow communities. For this study, 330 geobotanical releves have been used. The criteria for comparison have been chosen as follows: the similarity of species composition, the spectrum of dominant species, species richness, grass cover, and grass height. The statistical validity of their differences has been verified. According to these criteria, virgin steppes and their 30-year-old fallow derivatives are shown to differ significantly

    Bioclimatic modeling of moss distribution: MaxEnt interpretation for test species

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    Bioclimatic modeling method MaxEnt is tested to micro-habitats occupying objects on the example of five moss species. Modeling is done out on a planetary and regional scale. Results are discussed


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    According to the reconstructions of plant cover of Siberia, the late glacial was time of domination of cryoarid steppes and tundra-steppes, which existed in the cold and dry climate [1]. Since that time climatic conditions have changed dramatically. However due to current climatic features, the high mountain plateau Ukok (the South-Western part of the South-East Altai, 2 200–3 200 m) is the unique place where the fragments of tundra-steppe landscapes could still exist. The plateau is characterized by temperate sharply continental climate with cool summers and mild winters [8]. To find tundra-steppes, we investigated the vegetation of «oroplacors» and steep southern slopes (possible steppe locations) throughout high-mountain belt (2 200–2 800 m above s.l.); 6 formations were revealed: 1. formation with Kobresia myosuroides dominance; 2. formation with Festuca krylovii and Helictotrichon altaicum dominance; 3. formation with Festuca krylovii and Poa attenuata dominance; 4. petrophytic formation with Carex rupestrisand Festuca tschuensis dominance; 5. petrophytic formation with Artemisia frigidaand Festuca tschuensis dominance; 6. petrophytic formation with Artemisia frigidaandbunch-grass dominance. To determine the phytocoenotic identity of these formations, we analyzed their altitudinal belt spectra. Formation 1 represents mountain tundra (alpine species prevail), formation 6 is steppe (steppe species dominate). The basis of the spectra of formations with Festuca krylovii dominance (formations 2, 3) is formed by alpine and steppe species. According to B. A. Yurtsev’s opinion [10], they must be named the «tundra-steppes». Two petrophytic formations with Festucatschuensis dominance (formations 4, 5) represent cryophytic steppes. On plateau Ukok the tundra-steppes (formation 2, 3) are found out to be altitudinal zonal communities of the low part of high-mountain belt (2 200–2 600 m above s. l.). The background vegetation of the upper part of high-mountain belt (> 2 600 m above s.l.) is Kobresia communities (formation 1).Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Центрального сибирского ботанического сада СО РАН № 0312-2016-0004 по проекту «Ценотическое разнообразие растительного покрова Западной Сибири и ее горного обрамления: экологические и географические закономерности формирования», а также при частичной поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (проект № 18-04-00822-А)

    On plant communities of arid regions of Altai-Sayan mountains

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    8 basic types of plant communities of arid regions of Altai- Sayan mountains have been revealed, their floristic classification has been carried out. Short description of the basic types has been given, their altitudinal distribution has been characterized

    Comparison Analysis and Control Procedures of Labor Workforce Efficiency of Milk Processors in Visegrad Group and Russia

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    The aim of an article is to make comparison analysis of labor productivity efficiency in milk processing industry. An investigated object is a data base of accounting reports of 5 countries in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Poland, Hungary and Russia over the period of 2011–2013. The number of selected companies is 619. a hypothesis of the research: there is significant correlation between salary and labor productivity in milk processing industry. Difference between Visegrad group and Russia is tested with Kolmogorov‑Smirnov test at significance level of 0.05. Representativity of data is checked by Chi‑Square test. Relationship between workforce productivity and salary is made by Spearman’s rank correlation. In Visegrad group, relationship between workforce productivity and salary are presented by volume of coefficient 0.7189. Russian companies have coefficient 0.1208. Generally speaking, there is sufficiently great dependence between salary and labor productivity in Visegrad group and there is no dependence in Russia. a worker can see no dependence between high salary and high productivity in Russia that is The possible reason of low correlation between salary and labor productivity. This fact suggests methodology to control efficiency of labor workforce. The methodology is based on coefficients, given to each employee, in order to estimate his productivity and compare it with other employees or compare companies between each other

    Adolescents’ Cardiorespiratory System Adaptive Mechanisms to Muscle Loads Improving

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    The research results of young skiers’ cardiorespiratory system depending on their motor regime intensity are presented in the article. It is established that the young athletes’ physiological functions regulation is carried out by increasing aerobic performance. The sports qualifications growth is accompanied by an increase in resistance to hypoxemia. An increase in the blood oxygenation level by the end of the work indicates the improvement of anaerobic mechanisms.В статье представлены результаты исследования кардиореспираторной системы юных лыжников в зависимости от интенсивности двигательного режима. Установлено, что регулирование физиологических функций у юных спортсменов осуществляется путем увеличения аэробной производительности. Рост спортивной квалификации сопровождается повышением устойчивости к гипоксемии. Повышение уровня оксигенации крови к концу работы свидетельствует о совершенствовании анаэробных механизмов

    Search for reserves to improve the efficiency of forest soil preparation technology and land clearing during reforestation by reducing the energy intensity of the process

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    The intensive development of forest areas in the Russian Federation leads to the need for a significant amount of work related to reforestation. High-quality soil preparation is the key to successful survival of forest planting material of economically valuable species. Traditional technologies of forest soil preparation by dump plowing are outdated today and do not allow to radically increase the level of labor productivity. In the work, calculations were made of the power costs required for soil preparation in the process of mineralization by a forest plow of the PLP-70 type. It has been established that a standard tractor of the Onezhets-300 series, when moving with a plow in a cutting area with simultaneous cutting of shrubs and small forests, allows for confident processing at a speed of no more than 0.3 m/s. This ensures productivity up to 1.5 hectares per shift. To ensure the growth of shift output up to 3.5...4 ha per shift, the required tractor power is at least 250 kW. Domestic serial forestry tractors cannot provide productivity growth, since they have an internal combustion engine power less than required