6 research outputs found

    Diminution in environment pollution by revaluating wastes and crop residues

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    The paper assesses the amount of by-products from crops obtained every year in Romania (about 20,637,000 t), pointing out the opportunity of a more economic revaluation of these produces and of pollution diminution. Cereals straw (about 5 million t each year) could be used as raw material in the industry of celluloses. Straw residues, maize stalks, marc, domestic wastes, etc. could be changed into compost, which is used as crop fertilizer. Sunflower heads (774,000 t each year) and husks (227,000 t each year) represent a source for producing food vegetable jelly and furfural. Grain legumes stalks (130,000 t), together with 218,000 t leaves and necks, resulted from sugar beet processing, could be used for animal feeding. Oil is extracted from apricot, sweet cherry, peach, plum, and grape stones (about 87,000 t each year), as well as from tomato seeds

    Racionalizacija đubrenja u cilju zaštite zemljišta

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    Application of fertilizers could influence the activation of desirable microbiological processes in field. In this experiment we applied methods with and without irrigation followed by addition of microbiologicam fertilizer NS Betafixin and mineral fertilizers in the amount 90, 120 150 and 180 kg N ha-1. Irrigation had positive effect. Fertilization by nitrogen in the interval of 150-180 kg ha-1 and application of NS Betafixin is the most desirable, as it provided the highest yeald of sugars. Application of NS Betafixin could reduce addition of fertilizers, which reduce field contamination with carriors of nutritients originated from fertilizers and increase diversity of microorganisms in the field.Primenom mikrobioloških đubriva može se uticati na aktiviranje poželjnih mikrobioloških procesa u zemljištu. U ogledu su bile zastupljene varijante sa i bez navodnjavanja uz đubrenje mikrobiološkim đubrivom NS Betafixin-om i mineralnim đubrivima u količini 90, 120, 150, 180 kg N ha-1. Navodnjavanje je imalo pozitivan efekat. Đubrenje azotom u intervalu 150-180 kg ha-1 i primena preparata NS Betafixin najprihvatljivije su, jer su na njima ostraveni najviši prinosi šećera. Primenom NS Betafixin-a može se smanjiti upotreba mineralnih đubriva, čime se smanjuje zagađivanje zemljišta nosačima hranljivih materija iz đubriva, a povećava se sadržaj i raznosvrsnost mikroorganizama u zemljištu

    Effect of soil particle size on copper availability

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    This paper deals with the effect of soil particle size on copper availability. Twelve vineyards, (at three depths) all on the territory of the Vojvodina Province, were observed for soil contamination with copper. Soil samples were taken in four locations (5 soil types). The samples were analyzed for total copper and available copper (in EDTA). and sequential extraction was conducted. Correlations between soil particle size and copper fractions were calculated and analyzed. The obtained results indicated that the increase in the portion of smallest soil separates, clay and silt, tended to reduce copper availability, whereas the larger separates tended to increase it. The available fractions, C u e x and C u c a r , were significantly negatively correlated with the content of clay and silt along the entire soil profile of the analyzed vineyards. Simultaneously, these two factions were positively correlated with the content of fine sand, also along the entire soil profile. The results confirmed that, when assessing the extent of soil contamination with copper, soil mechanical composition should be taken into account as an important factor of copper availability

    Uticaj sistema gajenja u promenljivim vremenskim uslovima na prinos bosiljka

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    The effect of weather conditions, precipitations and mean daily air temperatures in the vegetation period 2012-2016 on the fresh mass yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the organic and conventional production systems was investigated. Trials were carried out on chernozem at the experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops located in Bački Petrovac. The highest yield in the first harvest was obtained in 2016, in the second in 2013, while the lowest yield was recorded in both harvests in 2012. Growing system is not affect the yield of the basil fresh mass, while the changeable weather conditions in different years had a significant or highly significant effect to the yield.Analiziran je uticaj vremenskih uslova, padavina i srednjih dnevnih temperatura vazduha u vegetacionom periodu 2012-2016. godine na prinos sirove mase bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.) koji je gajen u sistemu organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje. Ispitivanja su vršena na zemljištu tipa černozem, na eksperimentalnim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu. Najveći prinos u prvom otkosu ostvaren je 2016, u drugom 2013. godine, dok je najmanji prinos u oba otkosa postignut 2012. Sistem gajenja nije značajnije uticao na prinos sirove mase bosiljka, dok su promenljivi vremenski uslovi, odnosno različite godine imale značajan ili veoma značajan uticaj na prinos


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    The research of production and economic effects of irrigation to the sugarbeet and sugar growth per hectare was carried out on the carbonate humus of favourable water-physical and chemical characteristics on the location of Rimski Šančevi during the period from 2004 to 2006. The experiment was set according to the method of the Split-plot system being done in four repetitions with the usage of raindrop irrigation. During the experiment there were kept humidity soil treatments from 60 to 65% and the field water capacity (FWC) of 75-80% with a controlling variant being included. The realized profit per hectare during irrigation is 1607 $/ha and it is approximately greater of 17,6% in comparison with the production in the controlling variant. Economy shows that to a unit of invented capital there is realized 1,49 unit of profit during irrigation or more than 4,2% comparing the production without irrigation. Profitability measured from the point of relationship between profit and incomes is 32,8% during irrigation and it is greater of 6,8% than the production in the controlling variant. The productivity indicator tells us that for one produced tone of sugar-beet during irrigation is approximately spent 1,28 hours of total working time or it is produced 0,783 t/working hour of sugar-beet

    Assessment of the FAO AquaCrop model in the simulation of rainfed and supplementally irrigated maize, sugar beet and sunflower

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    Farming in Serbia is traditionally rainfed. Analyses show that drought events of varying severity are frequent in this region, although there is no specific pattern. There is a distinct need for an objective assessment of the impact of drought on strategic field crops, to solve the dilemma whether irrigation is required or not. For this reason, and based on available field data, the FAO AquaCrop water driven model was selected to simulate yield and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) for three major field crops (maize, sunflower, and sugar beet), under two scenarios: (1) natural water supply and adequate supply of nutrients, and (2) supplementary irrigation and adequate supply of nutrients. The experiments presented here were conducted between 2000 and 2007 in northern Serbia, where chernozem soil is prevalent. Data of 2003 cropping seasons were used for local calibration, whereas the remaining years for validation. Results were such that local calibration resulted in very minor changes of AquaCrop coefficients (e.g., maize basal crop coefficient, sunflower harvest index, etc.). Simulated maize yield levels exhibited the greatest departure from measured data under irrigation conditions (-3.6 and 3.3% during an extremely dry and an extremely wet year, respectively). Simulated sunflower yield levels varied by less than 10% in 8 out of 10 comparisons. The most extreme variation was noted during the extremely wet year. The difference between simulated and measured values in the case of sugar beet was from -10.2 to 12.2%. Large differences were noted only in two or three cases, under extreme climatic conditions. Statistical indicators - root mean square error (RMSE) and index of agreement (d) - for all three crops suggested that the model can be used to highly reliably assess yield and IWUE. This conclusion was derived based on low values of RMSE and high values of d (in the case of maize and sugar beet 0.999 for both yield and IWUE, and in the case of sunflower 0.999 for yield and 0.884 for IWUE). It is noteworthy that under wet conditions, the model suggested that sunflower and sugar beet do not require irrigation, as confirmed by experimental research. These data are significant because they show that the AquaCrop model can be used in impartial decision-making and in the selection of crops to be given irrigation priority in areas where water resources are limited.AquaCrop Model Simulations Maize Sugar beet Sunflower