Uticaj sistema gajenja u promenljivim vremenskim uslovima na prinos bosiljka


The effect of weather conditions, precipitations and mean daily air temperatures in the vegetation period 2012-2016 on the fresh mass yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the organic and conventional production systems was investigated. Trials were carried out on chernozem at the experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops located in Bački Petrovac. The highest yield in the first harvest was obtained in 2016, in the second in 2013, while the lowest yield was recorded in both harvests in 2012. Growing system is not affect the yield of the basil fresh mass, while the changeable weather conditions in different years had a significant or highly significant effect to the yield.Analiziran je uticaj vremenskih uslova, padavina i srednjih dnevnih temperatura vazduha u vegetacionom periodu 2012-2016. godine na prinos sirove mase bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum L.) koji je gajen u sistemu organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje. Ispitivanja su vršena na zemljištu tipa černozem, na eksperimentalnim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Bačkom Petrovcu. Najveći prinos u prvom otkosu ostvaren je 2016, u drugom 2013. godine, dok je najmanji prinos u oba otkosa postignut 2012. Sistem gajenja nije značajnije uticao na prinos sirove mase bosiljka, dok su promenljivi vremenski uslovi, odnosno različite godine imale značajan ili veoma značajan uticaj na prinos

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