21 research outputs found
Sociodemographic portrait of a student - a future preschool teacher in Serbia
U radu je predstavljeno empirijsko istraživanje s ciljem da se ispitaju sociodemografske karakteristike studenata strukovnih I akademskih studija koji se obrazuju za poziv vaspitaÄa. Zadatkom istraživanja bilo je predviÄeno da se utvrde sociodemografske karakteristike studenata buduÄih vaspitaÄa-pol, mesto porekla, struÄna sprema roditelja, zanimanje roditelja, naslednost zanimanja u porodici, naÄin izdržavanja tokom studija, vrsta srednje Å”kole I proseÄan uspeh u prethodnom Å”kolovanju. Rezultati istraživanja sociodemografskih karakteristi-ka pokazuju da su studenati buduÄi vaspitaÄi skoro iskljuÄivo ženskog pola, da najÄeÅ”Äe potiÄu iz manjih I srednje velikih gradova, kao I da, kada je reÄ o nivou obrazovanja, Mali procenat roditelja ima zavrÅ”en fakultet. TakoÄe, analiza zanimanja roditelja pokazala je da se za poziv vaspitaÄa najÄeÅ”Äe opredeljuju studenti koji dolaze iz porodica nižeg socioekonomskog statusa u kojima su primanja niža od proseÄnih I da petina studenata potiÄe iz porodica u kojima je neko od Älanova prosvetni radnik. Nalazi istraživanja pokazali su da najviÅ”e studenata dolazi sa zavrÅ”enom srednjom medicinskom Å”kolom ili gimnazijom I proseÄnim uspehom preko 4,0.This paper presents an empirical study with the objective to examine the sociodemographic characteristics of the students of applied and academic studies that educate future preschool teachers. The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of students, future teachers: sex, place of origin, education of parents, parental occupation, hereditary occupational tendencies interest in the family, source of funding your studies, the type of secondary school and the average mark in previous education. The results of the research of sociodemographi
Motivation for occupation and socio-demographic characteristics of students - future preschool teachers
Ispitivanje motivacije studenata - buduÄih vaspitaÄa za poziv znaÄajno je iz viÅ”e razloga. Relevatna istraživanja ukazuju na to da motivacija studenata koji se opredeljuju za poziv u prosveti i obrazovanju predstavlja jednu od najbitnijih determinanti kvaliteta njihovog rada, da je usko povezana s njihovom kasnijom posveÄenoÅ”Äu pozivu i profesionalnoÅ”Äu. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje motivacije studenata buduÄih vaspitaÄa za poziv. Zadatkom je bilo predviÄeno da se ispita povezanost izmeÄu motivacije i sociodemografskih karakteristika studenata. Istraživanjem je obuhvaÄen 241 student prve godine studija, od toga 130 studenata Visoke i kole strukov ih studija za vaspitaÄe u Å apcu i 111 studenata akademskih studija UÄiteljskog fakulteta u Beogradu - smer vaspitaÄ. Poseban akcenat u radu stavljen je na analizu odreÄenih sociodemografskih varijabli i motivacije studenata za poziv vaspitaÄa. U radu se sugeriÅ”e i na to da detaljnije upoznavanje sociodemografskih i liÄnih karakteristika studenata buduÄih vaspitaÄa može biti jedan od oslonaca i za kreiranje programa inicijalnog obrazovanja vaspitaÄaResearching the motivation of students - future preschool teachers for their professional choice is important for several reasons. Relevant studies indicate that the motivation of students who have an interest for teaching is one of the most important determinants of the quality of their work and that is closely related to their later dedication to vocation and professionalism. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between the motivation of students, future preschool teachers, for this occupation and their socio-demographic characteristics. We investigated the most important reasons that guided students in choosing a future occupation, whether they had previous experience in working with children and whether the selected studies were their first choice. Also, it was examined whether there are statistically significant differences among students in the motivation for a future call with respect to certain socio-demographic characteristics. The research involved 241 students of the first year, of which 130 students of the Faculty of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers in Å abac and 111 students of the Faculty of Teacher Training in Belgrade, the study course for preschool teachers. The obtained results show that students who completed secondary medical school had more experience in working with children than respondents who attended another secondary school. It was also noticed that the largest number of students in the cause think that the working time of the educator is appropriate, while the smallest number of respondents agree with the perception of preschool teacher occupation as "permanent". The paper also concludes that a detailed introduction of socio-demographic and personal characteristics that influenced the choice of the vocation can be a significant support for the creation of programmes of initial education of preschool teachers
Characteristics of a doubly-fed asynchronous generator applied in wind turbines
A mathematical model of a doubly-fed asynchronous generator is defined in the paper, using spatial vector theory, in relation to the reference axis associated with the stator. Expressions for characteristic quantities are derived, and operational characteristics for the torque, active and reactive power, power factor, and efficiency are plotted, from which generator operation is analysed at different rotational speeds. Based on this, possibilities and advantages of using doubly-fed asynchronous generators in wind turbines, for obtaining electrical energy from wind energy, are deduced
Uticaj provenijence bikova oÄeva na proizvodne osobine krava simentalske rase
The aim of the present study was to obtain relevant results related to the basic indicators of fertility and milk yield of Simmental cows, in production conditions on farms of agricultural producers, using appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures, i.e. to determine the influence of bull sires originating from Serbia, Austria and Germany on the implementation of the main breeding program and improvement of production traits of Simmental cows on the territory of Å umadija district. The study of the effect of bull sires who are originally from Serbia, Austria and Germany on performance traits of Simmental cows included a total of 303 cows in first three lactations. Milk production of cows descendents of bulls from the German population was higher compared with the production of cows originating from Austria in the first lactation by 58.29 kg and in the third by 67.72 kg, but in the second it was lower by 12.31 kg. The variability of age at first calving ranged from 766.93 (cows progeny of domestic bulls) to 813.06 days (cows progeny Austrian bulls). Average duration of service period had the interval of variation of 86.80 in cows from domestic bulls in the third lactation to 109.88 days in cows originating from Austrian bulls in the first lactation.UnapreÄenje fenotipova mleÄnosti krava zahteva kontinuiran rad koji obuhvata sistematsko poboljÅ”anje kvantitavnih genetskih osobina i permanentni rad na njihovom poboljÅ”anom ispoljavanju. Visok prinos mleka, mleÄne masti i proteina, pored selekcije zahteva i optimalno obezbeÄenje paragenetskih faktora kao Å”to su ishrana, držanje, odgoj, nega i dr. Proizvodnja mleka kod krava poreklom od bikova iz NemaÄke populacije, bila je veÄa u poreÄenju sa proizvodnjom krava poreklom od bikova iz Austrije u prvoj lataciji za 58, 29 kg, u treÄoj za 67,72 kg, ali je u drugoj bila manja za 12,31 kg. KÄeri domaÄih bikova su imale niži sadržaj mleÄne masti u I standardnoj laktaciji (3,91%) u odnosu na prvotelke Äiji oÄevi potiÄu iz NemaÄke (3,93%) i Austrije (3,96%), ali to pravilo nije uoÄeno u II i III laktaciji u kojima su razlike bile neznatne. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata osobina plodnosti krava prema poreklu bikova-oÄeva ustanovljene su razlike u uzrastu pri prvom telenju od 766,93 (krave od domaÄih bikova) do 813,06 dana (krave od austrijskih bikova). TakoÄe, proseÄno trajanje servis perioda kretalo se od 86,80 kod krava od domaÄih bikova posle treÄeg teljenja, do 109,88 dana kod krava poreklom od austrijskih bikova posle prvog teljenja. Na osnovu iznetog u zakljuÄku može se konstatovati da je uvoz kvalitetnih priplodnih junica simentalske rase koje vode poreklo od bikova iz NemaÄke i Austrije znaÄajno uticao na poboljÅ”anje osobina mleÄnosti i plodnosti populacije krava u Å umadijskom okrugu
Agriculture around the world faces a number of challenges. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of gross investments and agriculture investments on the level of food security in the member countries of the European Union (EU) and non-EU member countries. In the paper as a method of research hierarchical regression analysis was used. The results of the research showed that there is a statistically significant influence of gross investments and agriculture investments on the level of food security in the EU and non-EU member countries. The largest amount of gross investments and investments in agriculture was recorded in Croatia and Slovenia, as a EU members countries, which have the highest level of food security. On the other hand, the lowest volume of gross investments and investments in agriculture was recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as non-EU member country, which has the lower level of food security
Seme i cvet kestena u gradskim podruÄjima - komunalni otpad ili sirovina?
This study deals with the examination of total aescin content in flowers and seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum L. and Aesculus x carnea Hayne (Hippocastanaceae), collected in urban areas, as well as the content of Pb, Cd and Hg as an indicator of potential aerial pollution. Aescin identification was performed by TLC. Total aescin content was determined by UV-VIS spectrophotometry and HPTLC densitometry. The contents of Pb, Cd and Hg was determined by AAS. The concentration of aescin varied in a wide range between 0.17% (A. hippocastanum hulls) and 2.95% (A. hippocastanum cotyledons), as determined by spectrophotometric assay. Slightly lower results were recorded in HPTLC densitometry assay, ranging from 0,10% (the hulls of both plant species) to 2.39% (A. x carnea cotyledons). The extractable matter yield was between 5% and 26%, with a high share of total aescin (5% - 13%, depending on the source). The levels of Pb, Cd and Hg both in the plant material and the extracts remained low, indicating that the health safety of the plant specimens was not compromised. Our results suggest that the seeds and flowers of Chestnut trees in urban areas could be considered as a raw material for chemical and pharmaceutical industry in Serbia.Osnovni cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi ukupni sadržaj escina u cvetu i plodu Aesculus hippocastanum L. i Aesculus x carnea Hayne (Hippocastanaceae), sakupljenim u gradskom podruÄju, kao i sadržaj Pb, Cd i Hg kao indikatora potencijalnog gradskog aerozagaÄenja. Identifikacija escina u ispitivanom materijalu je izvrÅ”ena primenom TLC. Ukupni sadržaj escina je odreÄen primenom UV-VIS spektrofotometrije i HPTLC denzitometrije, kako u biljnom materijalu, tako i u ekstraktima dobijenim ekstrakcijom pomoÄu 60% etanola. Sadržaj Pb, Cd i Hg je odreÄen primenom AAS. Rezultati spektrofotometrijskog odreÄivanja pokazuju da se koncentracija escina nalazi u Å”irokom rasponu izmeÄu 0,17% (semenjaÄa ploda A. hippocastanum) i 2,95% (kotiledoni semena A. hippocastanum). NeÅ”to niži rezultati su dobijeni primenom HPTLC denzitometrije, izmeÄu 0,10% (semenjaÄa ploda obe biljne vrste) i 2,39% (kotiledoni semena A. x carnea). Biljni materijal sadrži izmeÄu 5% i 26% ekstraktibilnih materija, sa visokim udelom ukupnog escina (5% - 13%, u zavisnosti od izvora). Koncentracija Pb, Cd i Hg, kako u biljnom materijalu, tako i u ekstraktima, bila je niska, Å”to implicira da zdravstvena ispravnost uzoraka biljnog materijala nije ugrožena Äinjenicom da je biljni materijal sakupljen u gradskoj sredini. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju na to da seme i cvet obe vrste kestena, koji se gaje u urbanim sredinama radi svojih dekorativnih svojstava, ali proizvode znaÄajnu koliÄinu komunalnog otpada, mogu da se koriste kao sirovina za proizvodnju vrednih proizvoda za upotrebu u hemijskoj i farmaceutskoj industriji
The effect of bull sire provenance on production traits of Simmental cows
The aim of the present study was to obtain relevant results related to the basic indicators of fertility and milk yield of Simmental cows, in production conditions on farms of agricultural producers, using appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures, i.e. to determine the influence of bull sires originating from Serbia, Austria and Germany on the implementation of the main breeding program and improvement of production traits of Simmental cows on the territory of Å umadija district. The study of the effect of bull sires who are originally from Serbia, Austria and Germany on performance traits of Simmental cows included a total of 303 cows in first three lactations. Milk production of cows descendents of bulls from the German population was higher compared with the production of cows originating from Austria in the first lactation by 58.29 kg and in the third by 67.72 kg, but in the second it was lower by 12.31 kg. The variability of age at first calving ranged from 766.93 (cows progeny of domestic bulls) to 813.06 days (cows progeny Austrian bulls). Average duration of service period had the interval of variation of 86.80 in cows from domestic bulls in the third lactation to 109.88 days in cows originating from Austrian bulls in the first lactation
Expression of matrix metalloproteinases and endogenous inhibitors in abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortoiliac occlusive disease (syndrome leriche)
Ā© 2017 Charles University. All rights reserved. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) play a complex role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We compared (1) the histopathological findings in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) and aortoiliac occlusive disease (AOD); (2) the expression of MMP-2/MMP-9 and TIMP-1/TIMP-2 in aortic layers, inflammatory cells and smooth muscle cells (SMCs), aiming to identify the common underlying pathogenic mechanisms of the disease development. Samples were obtained from 30 patients with AAA and 30 with AOD. Aortic histology and immunohistochemistry were performed to evaluate inflammatory changes and MMP and TIMP expression. Thrombosis and ulceration were more frequent in AOD than in AAA. The MMP-9 expression was elevated in all aortic layers of AAA patients and in media/adventitia of AOD patients, mainly followed by lower expression of its inhibitor TIMP-1. Higher MMP-9 expression was also found in SMCs and macrophages of both AAA and AOD specimens, while higher TIMP-1/TIMP-2 were predominantly observed in the lymphocytes and macrophages of the aneurysm. These results showed that both conditions exhibited increased MMP-9 expression; however, the MMP expression pattern differed to some degree between the aneurysms and occlusive disease. The variations in molecular mechanisms underlying dilatative/stenosing disease warrant further investigation
This study deals with the examination of total aescin content in flowers and seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum L. and Aesculus x carnea Hayne (Hippocastanaceae), collected in urban areas, as well as the content of Pb, Cd and Hg as an indicator of potential aerial pollution. Aescin identification was performed by TLC. Total aescin content was determined by UV-VIS spectrophotometry and HPTLC densitometry. The contents of Pb, Cd and Hg was determined by AAS. The concentration of aescin varied in a wide range between 0.17% (A. hippocastanum hulls) and 2.95% (A. hippocastanum cotyledons), as determined by spectrophotometric assay. Slightly lower results were recorded in HPTLC densitometry assay, ranging from 0,10% (the hulls of both plant species) to 2.39% (A. x carnea cotyledons). The extractable matter yield was between 5% and 26%, with a high share of total aescin (5% - 13%, depending on the source). The levels of Pb, Cd and Hg both in the plant material and the extracts remained low, indicating that the health safety of the plant specimens was not compromised. Our results suggest that the seeds and flowers of Chestnut trees in urban areas could be considered as a raw material for chemical and pharmaceutical industry in Serbia
Motivation for occupation and socio-demographic characteristics of students - future preschool teachers
Ispitivanje motivacije studenata - buduÄih vaspitaÄa za poziv znaÄajno je iz viÅ”e razloga. Relevatna istraživanja ukazuju na to da motivacija studenata koji se opredeljuju za poziv u prosveti i obrazovanju predstavlja jednu od najbitnijih determinanti kvaliteta njihovog rada, da je usko povezana s njihovom kasnijom posveÄenoÅ”Äu pozivu i profesionalnoÅ”Äu. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje motivacije studenata buduÄih vaspitaÄa za poziv. Zadatkom je bilo predviÄeno da se ispita povezanost izmeÄu motivacije i sociodemografskih karakteristika studenata. Istraživanjem je obuhvaÄen 241 student prve godine studija, od toga 130 studenata Visoke i kole strukov ih studija za vaspitaÄe u Å apcu i 111 studenata akademskih studija UÄiteljskog fakulteta u Beogradu - smer vaspitaÄ. Poseban akcenat u radu stavljen je na analizu odreÄenih sociodemografskih varijabli i motivacije studenata za poziv vaspitaÄa. U radu se sugeriÅ”e i na to da detaljnije upoznavanje sociodemografskih i liÄnih karakteristika studenata buduÄih vaspitaÄa može biti jedan od oslonaca i za kreiranje programa inicijalnog obrazovanja vaspitaÄaResearching the motivation of students - future preschool teachers for their professional choice is important for several reasons. Relevant studies indicate that the motivation of students who have an interest for teaching is one of the most important determinants of the quality of their work and that is closely related to their later dedication to vocation and professionalism. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between the motivation of students, future preschool teachers, for this occupation and their socio-demographic characteristics. We investigated the most important reasons that guided students in choosing a future occupation, whether they had previous experience in working with children and whether the selected studies were their first choice. Also, it was examined whether there are statistically significant differences among students in the motivation for a future call with respect to certain socio-demographic characteristics. The research involved 241 students of the first year, of which 130 students of the Faculty of Applied Studies for Preschool Teachers in Å abac and 111 students of the Faculty of Teacher Training in Belgrade, the study course for preschool teachers. The obtained results show that students who completed secondary medical school had more experience in working with children than respondents who attended another secondary school. It was also noticed that the largest number of students in the cause think that the working time of the educator is appropriate, while the smallest number of respondents agree with the perception of preschool teacher occupation as "permanent". The paper also concludes that a detailed introduction of socio-demographic and personal characteristics that influenced the choice of the vocation can be a significant support for the creation of programmes of initial education of preschool teachers