17 research outputs found

    Differences in Anticipatory Behaviour between Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Housed in Standard versus Semi-Naturalistic Laboratory Environments.

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    Laboratory rats are usually kept in relatively small cages, but research has shown that they prefer larger and more complex environments. The physiological, neurological and health effects of standard laboratory housing are well established, but fewer studies have addressed the sustained emotional impact of a standard cage environment. One method of assessing affective states in animals is to look at the animals' anticipatory behaviour between the presentation of a cue signalling the arrival of a reward and the arrival of that reward. The primary aim of this study was to use anticipatory behaviour to assess the affective state experienced by female rats a) reared and housed long-term in a standard laboratory cage versus a semi-naturalistic environment, and b) before and after treatment with an antidepressant or an anxiolytic. A secondary aim was to add to the literature on anticipatory behaviour by describing and comparing the frequency and duration of individual elements of anticipatory behaviour displayed by rats reared in these two systems. In all experiments, total behavioural frequency was higher in standard-housed rats compared to rats from the semi-naturalistic condition, suggesting that standard-housed rats were more sensitive to rewards and experiencing poorer welfare than rats reared in the semi-naturalistic environment. What rats did in anticipation of the reward also differed between housing treatments, with standard-housed rats mostly rearing and rats from the semi-naturalistic condition mostly sitting facing the direction of the upcoming treat. Drug interventions had no effect on the quantity or form of anticipatory behaviour, suggesting that the poorer welfare experienced by standard-housed rats was not analogous to depression or anxiety, or alternatively that the drug interventions were ineffective. This study adds to mounting evidence that standard laboratory housing for rats compromises rat welfare, and provides further scientific support for recommendations that current minimum standards be raised

    Data from: Rat aversion to isoflurane versus carbon dioxide

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    Some experts suggest that sedation of laboratory rodents with isoflurane before euthanasia with carbon dioxide (CO2) is a humane alternative to euthanasia with CO2 alone, but little research has compared aversion to these agents. Albino rats were tested in a light/dark box where they had the choice between remaining in a dark compartment filling with isoflurane or CO2, or escaping to a lit compartment. Experiment 1 validated the procedure by confirming that rats responded to agent and light intensity. In Experiment 2, 9/16 and 0/16 rats remained in the dark compartment until recumbent when initially exposed to isoflurane and CO2, respectively. In Experiment 3, more rats remained in the dark compartment until recumbent during initial (10/16) versus re-exposure (1/16) to isoflurane. These results indicate that initial exposure to CO2 is more aversive than isoflurane, and that re-exposure to isoflurane is more aversive than initial exposure. We conclude that sedation with isoflurane is a refinement over euthanasia with CO2 alone for rats that have not been previously exposed to inhalant anaesthetics

    Frequency per minute (a) and percent time (b) for behavioural elements displayed in Experiments 1 and 2.

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    <p>Bars represent LS means ± SEM. In Experiment 1, n = 4 standard cages and n = 6 semi-naturalistic cages, and in Experiment 2, n = 4 standard cages and n = 5 semi-naturalistic cages. Asterisks denote significant differences between the two housing conditions, where *p<0.05; **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001.</p

    Timeline for Experiment 2.

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    <p>Timeline for Experiment 2.</p

    Testing apparatus used in the Pilot Study for rats housed in standard (a) and semi-naturalistic (b)cages.

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    <p>In both cases, the treat cage (48 x 38 x 20 cm) is on the right and is connected to the home cage via a red transparent tunnel (7.6 cm diameter x 7.7 cm long). Tunnel exit into the treat cage was blocked with a piece of Plexiglas during 60 s cue-reward interval. For semi-naturalistic-housed rats, an inverted standard cage was placed inside the home cage. One end of this inverted cage connected to the red tunnel while the other side had a hole (10 cm diameter) covered from the outside with an oversized piece of Plexiglas (‘flap door’) on hinges. A rope system allowed the experimenter to open the flap door when a rat approached, allowing her to enter. This way, rats could not enter unless let in by the experimenter, but once inside, they could exit by pushing on the flap door from the inside. Only one rat was allowed inside at a time.</p

    Frequency per minute and percent time for behavioural elements displayed in Experiment 1.

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    <p>Frequency per minute and percent time for behavioural elements displayed in Experiment 1.</p

    Frequency (a) and percent time (b) of behavioural elements displayed in the Pilot Study.

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    <p>Data presented as medians with 1<sup>st</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> quartiles as lower and upper limits of the box, and whiskers as lowest and highest data values;; n = 4 standard cages and n = 5 semi-naturalistic cages; *p<0.05.</p

    Time spent in dark compartment during gas exposure

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    This data was collected in the UBC Centre for Disease Modelling from 2010-2011. Three experiments were carried out separately, with each tab in the excel file representing one experiment. There are two abbreviations: "ISO" represents isoflurane and "CO2" represents carbon dioxide