42 research outputs found

    モンゴルコク カチクニュウ オヨビ ニュウセイヒンチュウ ノ サイキン ノ クローン ライブラリーホウ ニヨル カイセキ

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    Various animal milks and their dairy products like AIRAG (fermented horse milk) and yogurt are very popular among Mongolian people. The climate of Mongolia is very severe, and they preserve their health by the intake of above animal milks and dairy products. In this study, we explored the diversity of bacteria in Mongolian animal milks (Cow, Horse, Goat, and Camel), AIRAG, and Camel milk yogurt by the clone library method of their 16S rRNA genes. Firstly, we prepared the whole genomic DNA from four animal milks and two dairy products, and amplified each 16S rRNA genes by PCR. PCR products (about 1.4kbp) were cloned into pGEM-T vector, and analyzed DNA sequences of totally 79 clones from AIRAG, Camel milk yogurt, and four animal milks. It was revealed that homologous clones to Lactobacillus helveticus are dominant in the clone libraries of both dairy products, whereas the other clones to Lactococcus from AIRAG, and Acetobacter from camel milk yogurt. Furthermore, We found that homologous clones to Lactococcus are dominant in Mongolian cow and horse milks, whereas Leuconostoc in camel milk. Therefore, it might be useful information for screening the bioactive strains from milk products in Mongolia


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    Background In vitro and in vivo studies have indicated that the sea cucumber has biological and pharmacological activities, including antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antibiofilm, and wound healing activities. However, there have been no studies to evaluate the effects of sea cucumber on wound healing in clinical settings.ObjectiveThis study was performed to evaluate wound healing of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) using sea cucumber and to evaluate the effects of sea cucumber on biofilm, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-2), and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-9).Subjects and MethodsThis study had a prospective cohort design. The study population consisted of 42 DFU patients with new ulcers; 21 each were treated using sea cucumber and honey. This study was conducted at two sites: Kitamura Wound Care Clinic and the Outpatient Wound Care Clinic at Soedarso General Hospital, Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, from March 2016 to February 2017. The participants were followed up for 12 weeks.ResultsThere were significant differences in the TNF-αlevel between weeks 0 vs. 8, 0 vs. 10, and 0 vs. 12 in the sea cucumber group (p = 0.005, p = 0.006, and p = 0.010, respectively; Steel post hoc test). There was no significant difference in the change in pattern of biofilm-like staining from positive to negative between the groups (p = 0.55, Fisherʼs exact test). There was no significant difference in wound healing between the sea cucumber and honey groups (p = 0.66; Kaplan-Meier analysis, log rank test).ConclusionThese results indicated that sea cucumber could be used as an alternative wound dressing for DFUs in a clinical setting.【背景】海鼠の抗炎症作用、抗菌作用、創傷治癒効果については生物学的、薬理学的にあるいは実験動物にて報告されている。しかし臨床においての創傷治癒効果については報告されていない。【目的】本研究の目的は海鼠の糖尿病足潰瘍(DFU)における創傷治癒効果をバイオフィルム、腫瘍壊死因子(TNF-α)、マトリックス分解酵素(MMP)-2、9 を指標として評価することである。【対象・方法】研究デザインは前向き観察研究である。42 名の糖尿病患者に新規に発生した DFU に、海鼠あるいは蜂蜜が創部に使用された(各群 21 名)。調査場所は、インドネシア西カリマンタン・ポンティアナックにある創傷専門クリニックまたは創傷外来であった。調査期間は 2016 年 3 月から 2017 年 2 月であった。創傷は 12 週間観察された。【結果】海鼠使用群では、調査開始時と比べ 8 週、10 週、12 週の TNF- αが有意に低下した(p=.005, 006, 010)。両群のバイオフィルム陽性→陰性変化割合に有意差はなかった(p =.55、Fisher exact test)。さらに群間の創傷治癒に有意差はなかった(p=.66, Kaplan-Meier 解析、log rank test)。【結論】海鼠は DFU の創傷局所療法として使用可能であると示唆された

    ハンカイ シンケイ ドウテイ ニ NIMシステム オ モチイタ Zenkerケイシツ ノ 1レイ

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     Zenker憩室はKillian’s間隙に発生した憩室であり,全消化管憩室の0.1%の頻度と稀である.今回われわれは,術中神経モニタリングシステムであるNIMシステム(NERVE INTEGRITY MONITORING SYSTEM;以下,NIMと略記)をZenker憩室の手術で使用し,反回神経を容易に同定することが可能であったので報告する. 症例は67歳,女性.数年前から咽頭部の違和感を自覚し,2カ月前から増悪したため当院外来を受診した.精査の結果,症状を認めるZenker憩室と診断し,手術を施行した.NIMを使用して反回神経の走行を確認しつつ憩室を同定した.憩室を切除後,二層縫合(Albert-Lembert吻合)して閉鎖した.術中内視鏡検査を施行し,食道に狭窄や漏れがないことを確認した.輪状咽頭筋切開を追加し,甲状腺を縫合部の前面で固定して縫合部を補強した.ドレーンを留置して手術を終了した.術後経過は良好で手術から14日目に退院とし,退院後1ヶ月の時点で症状は改善していることを確認した. Zenker憩室の手術で反回神経損傷は回避すべき合併症のひとつである.甲状腺手術で使用するNIMはZenker憩室の手術においても反回神経の同定に使用することで,神経損傷のリスクを下げる可能性がある. Zenker’s diverticulum is a diverticulum that develops in the Killian’s gap. The frequency of its occurrence is 0.1% of all digestive tract diverticulum. The present study reports that the NIM system can be useful during Zenker’s diverticulum surgery for easily identifying recurrent laryngeal nerve. The present case is of a 67-year-old woman. She was aware of discomfort in her pharyngeal region for several years. She had been aggrieved for the past 2 months, and therefore was admitted to our hospital’s outpatient clinic. Following examination, we diagnosed Zenker’s diverticulum and performed surgery. We identified recurrent laryngeal nerve using NIM. We dissected the diverticulum and sutured in layers and closed. Intraoperative endoscopy was performed to confirm that there was no stenosis or leakage in the esophagus. We performed ring pharyngeal muscle incision. We fixed the thyroid gland in front of the suture to reinforce it. There was no untoward event postoperatively, and the patient was discharged from the hospital on day 14 after the surgery. We confirmed that the symptom had improved at 1 month after discharge. NIM used in thyroid surgery is also useful in identifying the recurrent laryngeal nerve during Zenker’s diverticula surgery and may help reduce the risk of nerve damage


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系 / 東京大学糖尿病性足潰瘍の治癒過程を明らかにするために、潰瘍の写真をスケッチし、言語化、概念化した結果、カテゴリ“深さ”“創縁”“壊死組織のタイプ”“壊死組織の割合”“炎症/感染”が抽出された。潰瘍は“深さ”が浅くなり“壊死組織の割合”と“創縁”の浸軟が減少し治癒した。このカテゴリを用いた評価スケールを作成した。肉眼的に同定困難な骨髄炎のスクリーニング法を開発するために、サーモグラフィ所見を検証した結果、足関節まで皮膚温が上昇している場合に有意に骨髄炎合併の割合が高かった。糖尿病足潰瘍の評価には、サーモグラフィで骨髄炎をスクリーニングし、評価スケールの“感染/炎症”の骨髄炎を採点することが提案された。Photographs of ulcers were sketched, verbalized and conceptualized to clarify the healing process of diabetic foot ulcers. As a result, the following categories were extracted: "depth," "wound edge," "type of the necrotic tissue," "extent of necrotic tissue," and "inflammation/infection." Ulcers were found to become shallower in "depth," reduce the "extent of necrotic tissue" and maceration at the "wound edge," and heal. An assessment scale using these categories was prepared.Thermographic findings were reviewed to develop a screening method for osteomyelitis difficult to grossly identify. The results showed that the rate of being complicated by osteomyelitis was significantly higher when skin temperatures, including those of the ankles, were increased. For evaluation of diabetic foot ulcers, it was suggested to screen osteomyelitis by thermography and score osteomyelitis of "infection/inflammation" on the assessment scale.研究課題/領域番号:23792580, 研究期間(年度):2011 – 201


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系 / 東京大学本研究の目的は、サーモグラフィを用いた糖尿病足潰瘍予防支援システムを開発することである。糖尿病患者449名の足底の胼胝、潰瘍部のサーモグラフィ画像を分析した。胼胝部から足底弓蓋までの皮膚温上昇範囲拡大、皮膚温の最高値部位が胼胝部と一致、中足骨部の皮膚温の平均値-足底の皮膚温の平均値の高値が潰瘍化の指標となる可能性が示唆された。スマートフォンにサーモグラフィカメラを装着し、自撮り棒を用いて自身の足底の皮膚温を観察するデバイスを開発し、糖尿病患者2名に貸与した。カメラの接続と固定方法を変更し、手元でスマートフォンが操作できるよう改良した。今後、潰瘍化リスク状態の検出機能を開発する必要がある。The purpose of this study is to develop the diabetic foot ulcer prevention system using thermography.Thermographic images of the plantar calluses and ulcer regions of 449 patients with diabetes were analyzed. It might be suggested that elevated skin temperature in the range from the callus region to the arch, the sections with the highest skin temperature coincided with the callus region, and the highest value of [the average of the metatarsal skin temperature minus the average of the sole skin temperature] could be an index of ulceration.We developed a device with a thermography camera attached to a smartphone to observe the sole skin temperature using a selfie stick and lent it to two patients with diabetes. The method of connection and fixation of the camera has been changed to allow the smartphone operation at hand. An automatic detection function for the risk status of ulceration should be developed in the future.研究課題/領域番号:17K12209, 研究期間(年度):2017-04-01 – 2020-03-31出典:「サーモグラフィを用いた糖尿病足潰瘍予防支援システムの開発」研究成果報告書 課題番号17K12209(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-17K12209/17K12209seika/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系 / 東京大学本研究の目的はインドネシアの研究者とともに糖尿病足潰瘍の治癒過程を評価するアセスメントスケールを開発することである。8名の創傷ケアの専門家(日本人4名、インドネシア人4名)を対象にノミナル・グループ法にて糖尿病足潰瘍のアセスメントに必要な項目を抽出し、スケール案を作成した。皮膚科医の助言を受け、項目を精選した。英語版のスケールを日本語に翻訳し、バイリンガルの皮膚科医が修正をした。深さ、サイズ【実測法】、サイズ【スケール法】、炎症/感染、肉芽組織の割合、壊死組織のタイプ、壊死組織の割合、スラフの割合、浸軟、創縁の種類、トンネルの11項目が抽出され、0から98点で評価するスケールが提案された。We developed an assessment scale to evaluate healing process of diabetic foot ulcers with Indonesian researchers. We created a draft of the scale by extracting variables required for the assessment of diabetic foot ulcers by using the nominal group technique for 8 experts of wound care (4 Japanese experts and 4 Indonesian experts). We selected variables based on an advice from a dermatologist specialized in diabetic foot ulcers. The scale in English version was translated into Japanese version and corrected by a bilingual dermatologist.We made a draft of the scale which has 11 variables (including depth, size, size scores, inflammation/infection, proportion of granulation tissue, type of necrotic tissue, proportion of necrotic tissue, proportion of slough, maceration, type of wound edge, and tunneling) and these variables are rated by score from 0 to 98.研究課題/領域番号:26861882, 研究期間(年度):2014-04-01 – 2017-03-3