1,327 research outputs found

    Studies on the relationship between the function of reticuloendothelial system and the hematopoiesis. II. Experimental studies on 59Fe ferrokinetics in the induced hematological disorders of mice

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    The following conclusions were drawn from the ferrokinetic studies using 59Fe in mice, whose hematological disorders were induced by various treatments. 1. The ferrokinetics in the normal mice were studied. 2. Chloramphenicol (CP) administration in mice first induced ferrokinetics disturbances and then suppressed erythropoiesis. 3. Splenectomy induced hyper-erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, and CP administration after splenectomy suppressed this hyper-erythropoiesis. 4. Human gamma-globulin (H.G.G.) caused hypersplenism and a marked suppression of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, and Chlorabulin administration suppresed erythropoiesis. Finally, the author has summarized the relationship of the RES function and hematopoiesis in mice as follows. 1. The spleen and liver reacted in the same manner with respect to the RES function to sequestrate 51Cr-labelled heat-damaged erythrocytes when hematological failures were induced. 2. The spleen and bone marrow reacted reversely with regard to the RES function. 3. When the RES function, especially that of the spleen was accentuated, the suppression of hematopoiesis was observed. 4. Chloramphenicol administration was followed by the suppressed hematopoiesis and the accentuated RES function. 5. Splenectomy accentuated the RES function in the bone marrow and liver, and also increased hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. 6. Human &#947;-globulin hypersensitization induced hyperfunction of the RES, especially of the spleen and suppression of the hematopoiesis.</p

    Studies on the relationship between the function of reticuloendothelial system and the hematopoiesis. I. Experimental studies on the RES functions using 51Cr-labelled heat-damaged iso-erythrocytes in the induced hematological disorders of mice

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    The following conclusions were drawn from the above data concerning the RES function to sequestrate 51Cr-labelled heat-damaged iso-erythrocytes in mice. (l) When the hematological disorders of mice were induced, the RES of the liver and spleen reacted in the same manner. (2) The RES function of the bone marrow and liver were observed to react reversely except in the case of splenectomized mice. (3) Human gamma globulin hypersensitization and chloramphenicol administrations suppressed RES function of the bone marrow and augmented that of the liver and spleen. (4) The RES function of the bone marrow was activated after splenectomy. (5) The massive human gumma globulin administration was followed by the increased RES function of the bone marrow and by the suppressed one of the liver and spleen.</p

    6d Dirac fermion on a rectangle; scrutinizing boundary conditions, mode functions and spectrum

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    We classify possible boundary conditions of a 6d Dirac fermion Ψ\Psi on a rectangle under the requirement that the 4d Lorentz structure is maintained, and derive the profiles and spectrum of the zero modes and nonzero KK modes under the two specific boundary conditions, (i) 4d-chirality positive components being zero at the boundaries and (ii) 2d-chirality positive components being zero at the boundaries. In the case of (i), twofold degenerated chiral zero modes appear which are localized towards specific directions of the rectangle pointed by an angle parameter θ\theta. This leads to an implication for a new direction of pursuing the origin of three generations in the matter fields of the standard model, even though triple-degenerated zero modes are not realized in the six dimensions. The emergence of the angle parameter θ\theta originates from a rotational symmetry in the degenerated chiral zero modes on the rectangle extra dimensions since they do not feel the boundaries. In the case of (ii), this rotational symmetry is promoted to the two-dimensional conformal symmetry though no chiral massless zero mode appears. We also discuss the correspondence between our model on a rectangle and orbifold models in some details.Comment: 26 pages, 2 tables (v1); 39 pages, 3 tables, accepted to Nuclear Physics B (v2

    キャリア教育政策の展開と今日的課題 ―初等中等教育から高等教育への接続を視点に―

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    本稿の目的は、日本のキャリア教育政策の動向をふまえ、初等中等教育と高等教育の接続の観点から、学校教育のキャリア教育の現状と課題について検討することである。 はじめに1990 年代以降のキャリア教育の動向を整理し、その後、大学生へのアンケート調査を基に分析を進めた。その結果、性別、分野別によって、キャリア教育に対する意識に差がみられ、また、初等中等教育のキャリア教育の評価が高い者は、大学においてもキャリア教育を肯定的に捉える傾向があることがわかった。This study is to clarify the present conditions and the problem of the career education of the school education from the viewpoint of connection of an elementary and secondary education and the higher education on the basis of the trend of the Japanese career education policy.I settled the trend of the career education after the 1990s first. And I analyzed it based on the questionary survey to a university student. The result stopped by according to sex, a field, and a difference was seen in the consciousness for the career education. In addition, the person whom the evaluation of the career education of the elementary and secondary education was high in understood that I tended to catch a career education affirmatively in the university

    A Study of Fermi Surfaces of the α-Phase Cu-Ge and Cu-Si Alloys by Positron Annihilation(Physics)

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    Angular correlation measurements on the fcc solid solutions of Cu-Ge and Cu-Si alloys have been carried out on single crystals with four crystallographic orientations by a crossed-slit geometry. The results on both the alloys are nearly the same. The -neck radius and the -radius of the Fermi surfaces increase almost linearly with increasing electron concentration in accord with previous results on Cu-Al and Cu-Zn alloys. The Fermi surface does not touch the square faces of the Brillouin zone at the solubility limit. The results agree fairly well with a calculation based on the sinking-conduction band model