
Studies on the relationship between the function of reticuloendothelial system and the hematopoiesis. II. Experimental studies on 59Fe ferrokinetics in the induced hematological disorders of mice


The following conclusions were drawn from the ferrokinetic studies using 59Fe in mice, whose hematological disorders were induced by various treatments. 1. The ferrokinetics in the normal mice were studied. 2. Chloramphenicol (CP) administration in mice first induced ferrokinetics disturbances and then suppressed erythropoiesis. 3. Splenectomy induced hyper-erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, and CP administration after splenectomy suppressed this hyper-erythropoiesis. 4. Human gamma-globulin (H.G.G.) caused hypersplenism and a marked suppression of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, and Chlorabulin administration suppresed erythropoiesis. Finally, the author has summarized the relationship of the RES function and hematopoiesis in mice as follows. 1. The spleen and liver reacted in the same manner with respect to the RES function to sequestrate 51Cr-labelled heat-damaged erythrocytes when hematological failures were induced. 2. The spleen and bone marrow reacted reversely with regard to the RES function. 3. When the RES function, especially that of the spleen was accentuated, the suppression of hematopoiesis was observed. 4. Chloramphenicol administration was followed by the suppressed hematopoiesis and the accentuated RES function. 5. Splenectomy accentuated the RES function in the bone marrow and liver, and also increased hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. 6. Human &#947;-globulin hypersensitization induced hyperfunction of the RES, especially of the spleen and suppression of the hematopoiesis.</p

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