152 research outputs found


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    Masalah yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan tanaman kopi adalah masalah pembibitan yang berkwalitas dan pemupukan di tingkat petani. Hal ini mendorong dilakukan penelitian pupuk organik cair. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh aplikasi berbagai dosis pupuk organi cair terhadap Pertumbuhan bibit tanaman kopi. Ā Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), yang terdiri dari enam perlakuan pemberian pupuk organik cair (POC), yaitu 50 ml pupuk organik cair per liter air, 100 ml pupuk organik cair per liter air,150 ml pupuk organik cairĀ  per liter air, 200 ml pupuk organik cair per liter air, 250 ml pupuk organic cair per liter air dan 300 ml pupuk organik cair per liter air. Setiap perlakuan diulang 5 kali sehingga terdapat 30 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun berpengaruh sangat nyata pada taraf uji Duncan 0,05 dan 0,01 dan memberikan rata-rata hasil tertinggi pada perlakun 200 ml per liter air dengan nilai 39,6 cm terhadap tinggi tanaman, dan perlakuan 50 ml perliter air dengan nilai 39,8 helai terhadap jumlah daun pada pertumbuhan bibit tanaman kopi. Parameter diameter batang pada perlakuanĀ  50 ml per liter air memberikan hasi tertinggi dengan nilai 3,96 mm bibit tanaman kopi

    Motivasi Inovasi Karyawan Akademik

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    This research is in order to measure the level motivation of innovation for employee University of Pasir Pengaraian campus that is expected to serve as a campus employee evaluation of the level of creativity and also in terms of the training plan what to do college-related skills development of employees in the future. The study population was all employees University of Pasir Pengaraian campus, the selection of the size and method of sampling is purposive as many as 35 employees divided into several work areas and segments of the faculty. The main data source of this research is primary data obtained by questionnaire research techniques. The data were analyzed descriptively quantitative analysis techniques. Results of the study is that the level of motivation of innovation University of Pasir Pengaraian employees generally enough categorized, the three indicators in the low category, three other indicators in the categories less, and two indicators in the high category. From the results of the study suggested that management institutions evaluate the competency of the employees, the need for the development of the practice of learning organization for employees, the need for policy development working methods from the ground up, the need for evaluation of the performance apparaisal employees, the need for the development of policy incentives and bonuses of employees, there needs to be a certain standard setting in the completion of the employee's job, the need for the development and establishment of organizational work culture character following the application of training, and also the need for trainings work motivation

    Perilaku Spiritual Dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Perusahaan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of spiritual behavior on employee job satisfaction through the intervening variable of spiritual intelligence. By using quantitative research-survey design, sample was selected by purposive sampling technique as much as 108 people at one of the company employees of palm oil mill in Rokan Hulu. Primary data were obtained with the technique using a Likert scale questionnaire and the data were analyzed with descriptive and path analysis approach. The study concluded that spiritual behavior (X1) does not directly affect the job satisfaction of employees, but directly affects the spiritual intelegency employees (X2) and spiritual intelligence employees (X2) also directly affects employee's job satisfaction palm oil mills. The findings suggested that management should facilitated formal learning and informal learnin, organizations also related understanding of spirituality, it is advisable also to strengthen employees' sense of security, well explained about the promotion, whether or not the employee has an opportunity to be promoted and be claritied of career, as well as the need for style situational leadership, especially in explaining the perceive of employees' fairness treatment

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Hasil Belajar Matematika dengan Metode Two Stay Two Stray pada Siswa SMP Negeri 10 Padangsidimpuan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab apakah setelah penggunaan metode two stay two stray ada peningkatan kreativitas dan bagaimana hasil belajar matematika siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika pada sub materi luas dan volume kubus dan balok di kelas IX SMP Negeri 10 Padangsidimpuan. Jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 40 siswa yang berasal dari kelas IX T.P 2014/2015 yang terdiri dari 30 siswa perempuan dan 10 siswa laki-laki. Untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan penelitian untuk mengumpulkan data dengan cara pemberian tes dan observasi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II yang pada setiap siklusnya terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yakni tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, tahap observasi dan tahap refleksi, yang masing-masing memiliki 2 pertemuan tiap siklusnya. Pada setiap pertemuan, peneliti memberikan tes untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dan observasi untuk melihat peningkatan kreativitas dalam belajar matematika. Dari analisis hasil belajar pada sub materi luas dan volume kubus dan balok pada tes awal menunjukkan 9 siswa (22,40%) yang memenuhi KKM. Pada siklus I diperoleh 19 siswa (44,17%) yang memenuhi KKM dengan hasil observasi kreativitas 2,3 dengan kategori kurang. Sedangkan pada siklus II terjadi pelonjakan yakni 30 siswa (84,01%) telah memenuhi KKM dengan hasil observasi kreativitas 3,4 dengan kategori sangat baik

    Peranan Ulama Dalam Membina Masyarakat Banjar Di Kalimantan Selatan

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    : The Role of Ulama in Developing Banjarese Society of South Kalimantan. This research aims at comprehending the role of ulama in developing Banjar society of South Kalimantan. The author concludes that ulama plays traditional role, provided that they live in modern era. Without considering the typology, ulama has brought the Banjarese society into unity. They have also taken important role in keeping up stability, harmony and diversity from various perspectives, interest, and social groups of Banjarese. It is also revealed that demographic and socio-cultural factors are not closely related with the role of ulama, except that of religiosity. In Banjarese society, ulama is regarded as having high esteem position, due to their knowledge, good character, piety, and their concrete role in social development. In addition, due to their religiosity, their opinions on such fields as social transformation, modernization and development in South Kalimantan are positively responded

    Analisis Pembinaan Koperasi sebagai Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This study wanted to see cooperatives as a coaching analysis of poverty reduction programs in Rokan Hulu district . The problem is the background of this research are :1 . How is the development of a cooperative partner with the company in Rokan Hulu district? 2 . What factors are the bottlenecks in developing cooperative in Rokan Hulu ?This study is a qualitative research , the data collection techniques in this study is a descriptive analysis . This research uses documentation ( observation ) and interviews with key informants as information objects that aim to achieve goals for the sake of getting information in the study . Data used in this study is primary data and secondary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with key informants in this study .Based on the research and discussion that has been the writer explained in the previous chapter are based on the formulation of the problem , the authors conclude that the Cooperative Program in Rokan Hulu is one of the main programs that successfully participate in reducing poverty in Rokan Hulu to create new job opportunities for the community Rokan Hulu .However, this program can not be used as the main government program Rokan Hulu in the alleviation of poverty , because there are other programs that are also successful in reducing poverty in Rokan Hulu .Keywords : cooperatives , local governments , developmen

    Evaluasi Pemenuhan Indikator Standar Pelayanan Minimal Jalan Tol Di Indonesia

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    The Minimum Service Standard for toll road services is needed to ensure the achievement of comfort, smoothness, and traffic safety for road users. The Minimum Service Standard that applies to all toll roads in Indonesia is the Minimum Service Standard, which refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 392/PRT/M/2005 on Minimum Service Standards for Toll Road. Monitoring and evaluation of the fulfillment of the Minimum Service Standard has been done periodically, but there are still some indicators that cannot always be met by Toll Road Operators. This study is intended to assess the indicators which cannot always be met in the toll road sections that have been operating in Indonesia. The study was conducted based on monitoring data, the result of field survey, conducted in 27 toll roads in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Based on the analysis, it is found that there are 6 indicators of the Minimum Service Standard that often cannot be met, or 29 % of the indicators in the Minimum Service Standard

    Pelaksanaan Program Smart Transport Sekolah di Kota Mojokerto Tahun 2017 The Implementation of School Smart Transport Program in Mojokerto City in 2017)

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    AbstractThisstudy aims to describe the implementation of School Smart Transport Program inMojokerto City in 2017. This descriptive stu dy employed a qualitative approach. Datawere collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data wereanalyzed by using interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman which consisted of datareduction, data presentation, and drawing c onclusion. To test the data validity,researchers used source and technique triangulations. The theory used to analyze theimplementation of School Smart Transport Program was owned by Van Meter and VanHorn with six variables namely standard and policy ta rget, resource, characteristics ofimplementing organization, communication between implementing organizations,communication between related organizations, implementing activities, and social,economic and political environments. Based on the findings, th e implementation ofSchool Smart Transport Program run in accordance with the established track or route,but the Mojo E Transchool application was not optimally used by the community.Keywords: i mplementation , program, and School Smart Transpor
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