78 research outputs found

    Impact of the Ussr state policy on the vepsians’ assimilation in the 20<sup>th</sup>century

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article describes the impact of the USSR state policy on the socio-cultural development of the Vepsian ethnic group in the 1920-80s. The Vepsians are considered as one of the Finno-Ugric nations affected by different aspects of the USSR national policy (from the national localization in the 1930s to the struggle against the so-called “bourgeois nationalism” and mass political repressions after 1938). The authors of the work pay special attention to the reasons of the Vepsians’ migration, considerable reduction of the traditional inhabitance areas and, finally, their assimilation. The aim of the article is to classify these factors and to establish the correlation between their negative impact and the dramatic decrease of the Vepsian population from 32800 in 1926 to 12500 in 1989 (according to the census reports)

    Positioning of the republic of tatarstan in the Volga Federal District

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. At the moment the struggle of the regions for investment and innovations has increased. In this struggle the regions that try to increase their competitiveness in the frames of various territorial associations, get the advantage. In connection with this the question of evaluation of competitiveness and positioning of the regions is becoming rather urgent. At that both the purely economic, as well as the complex approaches to the assessment of competitiveness of regions are possible. But taking into account that the increase of competitiveness of the region must be accompanied by the improvement of the quality of life which is impossible without improving social and environmental conditions, the assessment of competitiveness should be carried out taking into account both economic and non-economic indicators. The concept of competitiveness should be built up with interbalance of all principles of social-economic development. Competitiveness of the region should be considered by the whole complex of indicators that are components of the subsystems: population, economy, infrastructure and ecology. The aim of this work is to review the positioning of the Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the Volga Federal District, as well as the analysis of changes of the position of the Republic for the period from 2007 to 2011. The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the most developed regions of the Volga Federal District which unites fourteen regions of Russia. The method based on a diagnostic set of indicators, including twelve indicators, is used for assessment. These indicators characterize the gross regional product, the turnover of companies, innovative activities of companies, density of the transport network, emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, the capital assets of companies, life expectancy, population morbidity, the level of education of population, household income, coverage of television broadcasting, fixed capital investment

    The state of competitiveness of russia on the world food market

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All right reserved. The article analyses the modern state of Russia's competitiveness on the world market of agricultural products, the competitiveness of the Russian Federation concerning certain types of food products, identifies problems of the current competitiveness of Russia and the suggested solutions

    Possibilities of "Smart city" concept implementing: Russia' s cities practice

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    The article deals with the "smart city" concept which comprises the intellectual transport system, public security, energy consumption management and control, measures to protect the environment, and information-communication technologies (ICT). To analyze and assess the state of affairs, we have chosen one of the five "smart city" key elements, namely, the information-communication technologies including the following: new urban technologies, ICT in education, ICT in public health care, in electronic government and public services. The situation in three biggest Volga Federal Region cities (Kazan, Samara and Nizhniy Novgorod) has been analyzed. Recommendations on how to implement the "smart city" concept in other Russia's cities are made

    University as a social phenomenon

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    © Serials Publications. The paper analyzes the mission of the university as a social phenomenon which implies, first of all, that having rich cultural and academic traditions as well as advanced facilities and resources, the university is destined to become a major educational, cultural, and business center of the Region, its driving force. There are various mechanisms for the university to perform its multipurpose role. One of them is based on its educational and cultural functions and can be presented by a variety of options beyond its academic curriculum. The paper presents the experience of Kazan Federal University in implementing a life-long learning (LLL) program, its basic stages and achievements. The authors arrive at the conclusion that the LLL program can help to promote social inclusion and personal fulfillment, as well as to increase people's employability and social adaptability The central point of the program is the idea that people at any age and at any stage of their life should have a chance to take intense training courses in various fields of knowledge. Kazan Federal University offers a multifaceted LLL program that has several levels and profiles (Children's University, Minor University, optional short- and long-term courses for undergraduates in different fields of knowledge, University of the Third Age). The LLL program contributes a lot to further creative development of the people of the Volga Region

    Assessment of cities in Russia according to the concept of "smart city" in the context of the application of information and communication technologies

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    The article deals with the smart city concept, which is understood as such a model of the city, which provides, on the one hand, the sustainability of its development, and on the other - to stay in the comfort of its occupants. To analyze and assess the state of affairs, we have chosen one of the five "smart city" key elements, namely, the information-communication technologies including the following: new urban technologies, ICT in education, ICT in public health care, in electronic government and public services. The situation in three biggest Volga Federal Region cities (Kazan, Samara and Nizhniy Novgorod) has been analyzed. Recommendations on how to implement the "smart city" concept in other Russia's cities are made

    4.各部門の活動内容 透析室

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study is devoted to the relevance of internet resources of educational, information and entertainment character for the students' audience. The study was aimed at identifying the preferences, goals and needs of students as implemented in the I-net as well as their attitude to modern media. The results of the study are presented in this study

    Typology of export specialization of the russian regions

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The work carries out the primary analysis of the mass economic-geographical information which includes: 1) the stage of systematization using the methods of typing and zoning, 2) the analysis of the existing sectorial and regional characteristics of the foreign trade activity of the Russian Federation. Balances of foreign trade operations of all organizations as parts of the subjects of the Russian Federation that carry out these operations in the period from 2000 to 2010 within major product groups, are in the basis of the typing. Combining the indicators of foreign trade in seven groups is according to state statistics: food supplies, supply of fuel and energy components, petrochemical products, the supply of timber and related forest products, supply of products of the metallurgical and machine-building industries, as well as the group that unites all the other types of products. In the result of the research of the branch structure of the regions’ export we managed to allocate 8 types of subjects of the Russian Federation, where the regions without prevalent specialization belong to the 8th type


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    Long-term monitoring and literary data on the effect of wild ungulate acclimatization and introduction on territory helminth fauna complex are reviewed. It is shown that in several cases introduced wild ungulates may lose their specific parasites and aquire indigenous ones thus maintaining foci of native parasitic diseases. Brought with introduced animals new parasites colonize new hosts and inflict significant losses to game management.Обобщены многолетние наблюдения и литературные данные о влиянии акклиматизации и интродукции диких копытных на территориальный гельминтофаунистический комплекс. Показано, что в некоторых случаях завезенные дикие копытные могут терять своих специфических паразитов, но приобретают местных паразитов и могут поддерживать очаги местных паразитарных болезней. С завезенными животными могут быть привезены новые паразиты, которые осваивают новых для них хозяев и наносят значительный ущерб охотничьему хозяйству

    Готовность населения к экономическому поведению в условиях электронной экономики: проблемы электронного здравоохранения

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    A study was conducted of the readiness of the population of Belarus for economic behavior in the e-health market. It is believed that there is a low awareness of the possibilities of using services and goods provided by the population, as well as of the experience in obtaining data and services. Lack of alternative e-health, the possibility of learning to receive services, guaranteed security of data transmission.Проведено исследование готовности населения Беларуси к экономическому поведению на рынке электронного здравоохранения. Со стороны спроса сдерживающими факторами выступают низкая осведомленность о возможности использования услуг и товаров электронного здравоохранения, отсутствие навыков и опыта покупок и потребления данных товаров и услуг, убежденность в справедливости безвозмездности электронного здравоохранения. Побуждающими факторами могут являться отсутствие альтернатив электронному здравоохранению, возможность обучения получению услуг, гарантированность безопасности передачи данных