803 research outputs found

    Vibration-based structural health monitoring

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Ageing and degradation of the infrastructures, especially critical infrastructures (such as power plants, high-rise buildings, long-span bridges, dams, airports, railway tracks, etc.) impose a major concern that affects national assets of each country and endangers public safety. On this point, structural health monitoring (SHM) potentially provides solution to the problem by evaluating the integrity of the infrastructures to determine their current health state. Basically, structural health monitoring deals with early warning on the state of health of infrastructures, localisation and quantification of damage in the structures and prediction of their remaining service life. This, consequently reduces asset management costs, effectively prolongs operational lifetime and ensures public safety. Hence, getting access to a robust paradigm to deal with aforementioned concerns is a major challenge introduced here. Despite high level of research activities in this field, few robust methods of indicating an adverse condition of a structure in service has been demonstrated as effective, which is the motivation for this research work. The main objective of this study is to investigate a more robust scheme of damage identification, including damage detection and damage localisation, to overcome some of the shortcomings with the current methods. In this regard, firstly, a background on the existing methods is presented in Chapter 1 to evaluate the advantages and limitations with the current methods. According to the literature, frequency response-based damage identification methods are superior to conventional modal-based approaches as they are less error prone and provide abundance of information in a wide range of frequencies; hence, this study starts with developing a more robust frequency response function (FRF) – based damage identification method in Chapter 2 to detect and localise structural damage in single or multiple states. The novelty of the approach is implementation of two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2-D DWT) along with the second derivative of the reconstructed operational mode shapes obtained by FRFs to enhance the sensitivity of the approach to damage. Based on the numerical results of this stage, it can be concluded that the method’s performance is quite acceptable once the level of undesirable noise is negligible; however, by increasing the level of uncertainty in the system, the performance of the method deteriorates. Therefore, to overcome this problem, the harmful effects of measurement noise on FRFs are investigated in Chapter 3 and its undesirable effect is suppressed by employing a novel idea using Gaussian Kernel on FRFs. The numerical and experimental damage identification results obtained by the presented noise-suppression approach demonstrate its efficiency to cope with the issue of noise. At this stage, and although, the method is performing well, in terms of its sensitivity to damage as well as its robustness against noise, it still needs to be modified; in real-life applications the source of excitation is random and this important issue has not been taken into account in the methodology described in Chapter 3. Hence, in Chapter 4, the issue of stochastic systems is investigated and a novel spectral-based approach is presented to deal with the issue of random excitation in damage identification process. In this regard, the frequency distribution of the power spectral density of the time responses is analysed by introducing the spectral moments which represent some major statistical properties of a stochastic process. The efficiency of the approach is validated by several numerical case studies. The method presented in Chapter 2 to Chapter 4 is a frequency-based approach and, therefore, raw time measured responses are first required for transfer from time domain into the frequency domain before further analysis. In some applications, it might be advantageous to deal with directly measured time responses without transferring them into the frequency domain. In this regard, in Chapter 5, a novel time series-based damage identification method is presented based on the idea of symbolic time series analysis. The main idea of the method is to generate the symbol sequences by mapping the time data from the state space into the constructed symbol space and then study any change in the statistical properties of the obtained symbol sequences by developing the probability vectors. This method is very easy to implement, is robust against noise and it has shown a considerable sensitivity to slight structural damage. The efficiency of the method is successfully demonstrated by several numerical and experimental investigations. The scope of Chapter 1 to Chapter 5 of this thesis is mainly on structural damage identification; however, it might be of great interest to obtain a reliable and representative model of the structure considering the effects of structural damage. This is of considerable demand, as in many applications, it is required to estimate the serviceability and remaining life of a structure after damage occurrence. Because of this, the author explores the issue of finite element model updating in Chapter 6 to investigate how a reliable model of the structure can be obtained. A particular damage case is investigated and the idea of thin layer interface elements is introduced and implemented. It is demonstrated, that by updating the finite element model of the structure, using this technique, the reliability of the model significantly improves. According to this journey from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6, more robust schemes of damage identification are developed and verified both in time and frequency domains; and, some future works are suggested by the author in Chapter 7 to conclude the work and motivate other researchers to pursue the work further

    Dekonstruksi Doktrin Ekonomi Islam dalam Perbankan Syariah

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    Ekonomi Islam dibangun berdasarkan al-Qur'an dan Sunnah dan tidak ada korelsinya dengan teoriteori ekonomi modern dunia yang konvensional. Jadi, dapat dipahami bahwa tidak ada kompropi dan korelasi antara sistem ekonomi Islam dan sistem ekonomi konvensional karena secara hakikat dan filosofis, keduanya sangat kontradiktif.ekonomi Islam bukanlah sebuah disiplin ilmu, melainkan sebuah mazhab atau doktrin yang direkomendasikan Islam, dengan demikian, ekonomi Islam adalah doktrin karena ia membicarakan semua aturan dasar dalam kehidupan ekonomi yang dihubungkan dengan ideologinya mengenai keadilan (sosial). Semanagatnya bukan profit oriented akan tetapi profit alfalah oriented

    The importance of design characteristics in walking from student's perspective: a case study in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Walking is a common form of physical activity, which has a lot of both social and recreational impacts. It is studied as a way of achieving sustainability. Many researchers recommend that walking can increase mental and physical health. Spectators of new urbanism recommend that the good design will encourage walking. There are several characteristics for designing walkable communities, which were frequently described in researches by many authors. In this paper, the four criteria noticed for making walkable university campus include connectivity, accessibility, safety/security and comfort. These criteria have been assessed by gathering survey in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to find out if these criteria can cause or affect walkability in university campus and it has been supported by previous studies. The result of the survey shows that these criteria are important from students’ perspective as high numbers of the students consider these characters as important for walking activity. The conclusion is to achieve walkable university campus as it will be necessary to evaluate present walking conditions, research walking behavior in different settings and consider these four criteria in designing campus for improving walking condition

    Kemampuan Berbicara Mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan

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    Kemampuan berbicara adalah kemampuan berbahasa yang paling sering digunakan. Pelajaran berbicara di sekolah-sekolah maupun di perguruan tinggi kurang mendapat perhatian dan pembinaan. Demikian pula di Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia yang sangat berkaitan dengan kemampuan berbicara. Akibatnya, mahasiswa kurang menguasai kemahiran ini. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Indonesia angkatan 2017/2018 dari aspek kebahasaan dan aspek non-kebahasaan dan juga Faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa tersebut kurang maksimal. Peneliti menggunakan menggunakan Mixed Method (metode campuran) dengan desain Sequential Explanatory Research Design. Data penelitian yang akan dikumpulkan berupa pidato dari populasi seluruh mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia tahun 2017/2018, sedangkan sampel yang diambil adalah 13% atau 16 mahasiswa. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan Three Flow Model dari Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan Tahun Akademik 2017/2018 termasuk dalam kategori (cukup) dengan nilai 63,91. Pada aspek kebahasaan termasuk kategori (kurang) dengan nilai rata-rata 58,75; dan (cukup) pada aspek non-kebahasaan dengan nilai 69,06. Untuk itu diharapkan bagi guru dan mahasiswa untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa karena berbicara merupakan kemampuan berbahasa yang sangat penting.(The ability to speak is the language skills most often used. Lessons learned in schools and in universities are not given enough attention and guidance. Likewise, in the Indonesian Language Tadris Study Program which is closely related to speaking ability. As a result, students lack mastery in this skill. The researcher used a Mixed Method with the Sequential Explanatory Research Design. The research data will be collected in the form of speeches from the population of all these students, while the samples taken were 13% or 16 students. Analyzed data using descriptive statistics and Three Flow Models from Miles and Huberman. The results of this study are the students' speaking ability of the Indonesian Language Study Program, Department of Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan 2017/2018 Academic Year included in the category (sufficient) with a value of 63,91. In linguistic aspects including (less) category with an average value of 58,75; and (sufficient) on non-linguistic aspects with a value of 69,06. For this reason, it is expected that teachers and students can improve students' speaking skills because speaking is a very important language ability.)

    Automated Operational Modal Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Bridge

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    © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers. Automated techniques for analyzing the dynamic behavior of full-scale civil structures are becoming increasingly important for continuous structural health-monitoring applications. This paper describes an experimental study aimed at the identification of modal parameters of a full-scale cable-stayed bridge from the collected output-only vibration data without the need for any user interactions. The work focuses on the development of an automated and robust operational modal analysis (OMA) algorithm, using a multistage clustering approach. The main contribution of the work is to discuss a comprehensive case study to demonstrate the reliability of a novel criterion aimed at defining the hierarchical clustering threshold to enable the accurate identification of a complete set of modal parameters. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated to work with any parametric system identification algorithm that uses the system order n as the sole parameter. In particular, the results from the covariance-driven stochastic subspace identification (SSI-Cov) methods are presented

    Kecerdasan Sosial dalam Ca’-oca’an Madura: Kajian Hermeneutik Bersusun

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    This research examines proverbs in the Madurese ethnic community with a focus on proverbs Ca'oca'an which have a relationship with social intelligence. The construct of social intelligence used is five dimensions according to Albreht, namely situational Awareness, Presence, Authenticity, Clarity and Emphaty. The research method used is tiered hermeneutic. The results showed that five Madurese ca'oca'an were found which reflected social intelligence which prohibited Madurese as a guide in establishing social interaction so that they had a high level of social intelligence, namely Taoh Tèngka, Jijib, Seduhuna, Jhârna' and Andi' Atè.Penelitian ini mengkaji ca’-oca’an Madura yang memiliki relasi dengan kecerdasan sosial. Konstruk kecerdasan sosial yang digunakan adalah lima dimensi menurut Albreht  yaitu  situasional Awarness, Presence, Autenticity, Clarity dan Emphaty. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah hermenitik bersusun. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ditemukan lima ca’-oca’an Madura yang mencerminkan kecerdasan sosial yang mengajarkan orang Madura sebagai pedoman dalam menjalin interaksi sosial agar memiliki tingkat kecerdasan sosial yang tinggi, yaitu Taoh Tengka, Jijib, Seduhuna, Jhârna’ dan Andi’ Ate’

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Keterampilan Berbicara Peserta Didik

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the STAD cooperative learning model on the speaking skills of fifth-grade students SDN Pidada for the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method used is a quantitative approach with an experimental design. The experimental design used is an experimental design with a shape nonequivalent control group design. The results of data analysis of students' speaking skills in the experimental class which were given treatment with the STAD learning model underwent changes, the speaking skills acquired by students in the experimental class showed an average value pre-test of 57,552 and the average value post-test of 76,041, while the average value pre-test in the control class of 50,520 and the average value post-test of 57,291. Thus, the cooperative learning model typeStudent Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) can improve students' speaking skills

    Pain, Functional Disability, Psychological Status, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

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    Background Subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) is the comments painful shoulder condition leading to considerable functional loss. Considering numerous existing conservative and surgical interventions for SAIS, the use of optimal patient-centred outcome measures is essential. Study assessed various generic and shoulder-specific outcome measures in patients and healthy controls to provide baseline data and facilitate the development of evidence-based interventions. Methods A total of 75 participants including 39 patients and 36 healthy controls were evaluated and compared by a battery of validated outcome tools: McGill Pain Questionnaire, Oxford Shoulder Score, Constant Murley Score, The Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand, Upper Limb Function Index, Functional Impairment Test–Hand and Neck/Shoulder/Arm, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Short-Form Health Survey, and shoulder muscle strength. Results All selected measures showed significant differences in the pain experience, upper limb functional capacity, psychological status (anxiety and depression), and health-related quality of life between SAIS patients and healthy controls in both female and male participant groups (p<0.05 - p<0.001). Conclusion The use of an array of patient-centred upper limb regional/joint-specific pain and functional measures combined with psychological status and quality of life tools is recommended for the evidence-based assessment of intervention outcome in patients with SAIS

    The Taikoo Shing Superblock: Addressing Urban Stresses Through Sequential Evolutionary Simulations

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    The multiplicity of networks, connections and relationships that exist in every city - complex and varied - are inherent to the urban fabric. Variation within the built form is integral to ensure adaptability to environmental and climatic conditions imposed on cities over generations. This research aims to highlight the benefits of utilizing sequential evolutionary simulations, to arrive at a more resolved solution-set that addresses urban challenges of the Taiko Shing superblock in Hong Kong
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