46 research outputs found

    Regulation of Pancreatic β Cell Mass by Cross-Interaction between CCAAT Enhancer Binding Protein β Induced by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activity

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    During the development of type 2 diabetes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress leads to not only insulin resistance but also to pancreatic beta cell failure. Conversely, cell function under various stressed conditions can be restored by reducing ER stress by activating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). However, the details of this mechanism are still obscure. Therefore, the current study aims to elucidate the role of AMPK activity during ER stress-associated pancreatic beta cell failure. MIN6 cells were loaded with 5-amino-1-ϐ-D-ribofuranosyl-imidazole-4-carboxamide (AICAR) and metformin to assess the relationship between AMPK activity and CCAAT enhancer binding protein ϐ (C/EBPϐ) expression levels. The effect of C/EBPϐ phosphorylation on expression levels was also investigated. Vildagliptin and metformin were administered to pancreatic beta cell-specific C/EBPϐ transgenic mice to investigate the relationship between C/EBPϐ expression levels and AMPK activity in the pancreatic islets. When pancreatic beta cells are exposed to ER stress, the accumulation of the transcription factor C/EBPϐ lowers the AMP/ATP ratio, thereby decreasing AMPK activity. In an opposite manner, incubation of MIN6 cells with AICAR or metformin activated AMPK, which suppressed C/EBPϐ expression. In addition, administration of the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor vildagliptin and metformin to pancreatic beta cell-specific C/EBPϐ transgenic mice decreased C/EBPϐ expression levels and enhanced pancreatic beta cell mass in proportion to the recovery of AMPK activity. Enhanced C/EBPϐ expression and decreased AMPK activity act synergistically to induce ER stress-associated pancreatic beta cell failure


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    我々は、膝前十字靱帯(ACL)再建術後のリハビリテーションに閉鎖性運動連鎖(CKC)の下肢筋力トレーニングであるレッグプレスを取り入れている。立位でのCKCトレーニングでは、その姿勢によって下肢の筋活動が変化することが知られている。本研究では、体幹の前傾角度がレッグプレスにおける下肢の筋活動に及ぼす影響を検証した。その結果、体幹の前傾角度を増加させると、ハムストリングスや大殿筋の筋活動量が増加した。よって、ACL損傷膝や再建膝においてレッグプレスを行う時には、体幹の前傾が深い肢位の方が、より安全であると考えられた。We have provided the leg press exercise in closed kinetic chain (CKC) for the rehabilitation program to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructed knees. It is known by the previous studies that the muscles activity of lower extremities during the CKC exercise depends on upright positions of the patients. The purpose of this study is to verify the influence of various positions of the trunk on muscle activity during leg press exercise. We statistically confirmed that the hamstrings and the gluteus maximus muscles were increased their activities when the forward bending of the trunk was increased. This result concludes that the leg press exercise for ACL reconstructed knees in trunk flexion is safer than the exercise in trunk extension


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    本学の学生に対するスポーツ傷害の予防及び改善と、またリハビリテーション学部学生の実地研修の場として、2004年4月学園町敷地内にリハビリテーション総合研究所(以下、リハ総研)が開設された。開設以降、250件を超えるコンディショニング指導を実施し、また研究所内に限らず、校内でのクラブ活動現場や大会に帯同してのサポートも行ってきた。我が国のスポーツ活動を行う学生のコンディショニングを支援する人材、施設は不足しているのが現状であり、リハ総研のようなシステムは他に例が少ない。今後は、当研究所の活動の場や人材を増やし、さらに展開させていきたいと考える。In April of 2004, the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Research Institute (In Japanese, it is called Rehabilitation Sogo Kenkyujyo, and also Reha-So-Ken. as an abbreviation.) was established in our college. The purpose of establishing this institute is the prevention and the remedy for sports injuries of our college students, and providing a practical training place for students who major in Rehabilitation. We have given the conditioning guidance programs which exceed 250 cases since the establishment. In addition, the fields of our activities are not limited inside the institute; for example, we tied up with the club activities on campus and the competitions, and obtained an experience by supporting them. In fact, students who are also sports players are not commonly supported by any trainers or facilities in over country. Therefore, such a system as Reha-So-Ken rarely can be seen in other colleges. Towards the future, we would like to gather talented staffs, to expand the field of our activities with hoping further more development


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    Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS) are widely used in athletes. Poultice are also widely used in athletes. One of them has side effect of photosensitive. It can be avoided if athlete knows its side effects. So in general, athletes should know medicinal of NSAIDS of their own use. Risk of injury occasion in athletes is high. Injured fingers or elbow of athletes should be rightly receiving cure of them. So they would not have hangover from them in future

    Ablation of TSC2 Enhances Insulin Secretion by Increasing the Number of Mitochondria through Activation of mTORC1

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    ) mice. The present study examines the effects of TSC2 ablation on insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells. mice and TSC2 knockdown insulin 1 (INS-1) insulinoma cells treated with small interfering ribonucleic acid were used to investigate insulin secretion, ATP content and the expression of mitochondrial genes. mice exhibit hyperinsulinemia due to an increase in the number of mitochondria as well as enlargement of individual beta cells via activation of mTORC1.Activation of mTORC1 by TSC2 ablation increases mitochondrial biogenesis and enhances insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells


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    Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease of the elderly with characteristic symptoms Including gait abnormality. This study was carried out to reveal whether the provision of a goal affects the walking for patients with PD. Ten patients with PD aged 60-77 as well as 6 normal volunteers aged 64-72, as a control group, were examined. All these subjects were tested to walk straight forward 10 meters, with and without a chair (as a goal) placed forward to sit on. Walking of these subjects were analyzed by estimation of temporal, distance and kinematic factors on motion pictures taken by video camera system. When the goal was provided, patients with PD walked significantly slower with shorter step length than in non-provision. Besides, the goal restricted their knee joint movement and increased the ratio of double supporting period. These results suggest that patients with PD may be less able to walk with a goal provided than without one

    ERIK: an isokinetic exercise device for the lower limbs

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    Abstract In the current study, we tested a prototype of an isokinetic exercise device for the lower limbs, named the ERIK. The ERIK enables a type of single-limb squat exercise with a translational load on the swing leg in a closed kinetic chain, putting load on the muscles of the stance leg in the standing position. This training applies load to the gluteal muscles, which is effective for avoiding excessive knee valgus moment, a major factor in anterior cruciate ligament injuries. To enhance the quality of the load, an electro-rheological (ER) fluid brake system is implemented in the ERIK. The ER brake can reversibly control resistive torque with a rapid response. This paper reports a prototype of the device with four training modes, verifying its performance through basic experiments. Although high resistance is created within a wide motion area and requires isokinetic training by controlling the velocity of the trainee’s legs, the ERIK has the advantage of a high level of safety because of its passive resistive function