234 research outputs found

    Angiotensinogen expression in neonates

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    Background We recently demonstrated that preterm neonates have higher urinary angiotensinogen (AGT) levels than full-term neonates. Here, we tested the hypothesis that enhanced neonatal AGT expression is associated with intrarenal renin-angiotensin system (RAS) status during kidney development. Methods We prospectively recruited neonates born at our hospital and healthy children with minor glomerular abnormalities between April 2013 and March 2017. We measured neonatal plasma and urinary AGT levels at birth and one year later and assessed renal AGT expression in kidney tissues from neonates and healthy children using immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. Results Fifty-four neonates and eight children were enrolled. Although there were no changes in plasma AGT levels, urinary AGT levels were significantly decreased one year after birth. Urinary AGT levels at birth were inversely correlated with gestational age, and urinary AGT levels at birth and one year later were inversely correlated with estimated glomerular filtration rate one year after birth. IHC analysis showed that renal AGT expression in neonates was higher than that in healthy children and inversely correlated with gestational age. Conclusions Enhanced AGT expression and urinary AGT excretion may reflect intrarenal RAS activation associated with kidney development in utero

    Isolation of monomethylarsonic acid-mineralizing bacteria from arsenic contaminated soils of Ohkunoshima Island

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科物質情報解析Chemical warfare agents, composed of harmful organoarsenic compounds have contaminated the soils of Ohkunoshima Island with high levels of arsenic. As a basic research establishing useful bioremediation techniques, environmental factors such as arsenic concentrations and bacterial biomass in the soils were investigated. Among the five stations of Ohkunoshima Island, the soils of four stations were contaminated by high levels of arsenic compounds at concentrations of 125,12.7, 3.29 and 0.504 g/kg soil, while the other station with low arsenic concentrations of 0.007 g/kg soil was considered an uncontaminated area. The distribution of arsenic compounds originating from the chemical weapon agent differs among the various areas of Ohkunoshima Island. The cell densities of arsenate-resistant bacteria also varied among the five stations, ranging from 106 to 108 cells/g soil. In an attempt to isolate bacteria that strongly mineralize the organoarsenic compounds, the mineralization activities for monomethylarsonic acid [MMAA(V)] of 48 isolates of arsenate-resistant bacteria were determined. Only nine isolates reduced 140 μg/1 of MMAA(V), giving decreasing percentages ranging from 5 to 100% within 14 days. Among the nine isolates, two remarkably converted 140 μg/1 of MMAA to more than 71 μg/1 of inorganic arsenic. Presumably only specific members of the environmental bacterial population have strong mineralization activities for MMAA. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences showed that the two isolates belonged to the Pseudomonas putida strains, which are known to have strong mineralization activity for various organic compounds. In the soil contaminated by arsenic at a high level, few bacteria in the arsenate-resistant bacterial group would significantly mineralize organoarsenic compounds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    In Search of a Binding Agent: Nano-Scale Evidence of Preferential Carbon Associations with Poorly-Crystalline Mineral Phases in Physically-Stable, Clay-Sized Aggregates

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    Mechanisms of protecting soil carbon (C) are still poorly understood despite growing needs to predict and manage the changes in soil C or organic matter (OM) under anticipated climate change. A fundamental question is how the submicron-scale interaction between OM and soil minerals, especially poorly-crystalline phases, affects soil physical aggregation and C stabilization. Nano-sized composites rich in OM and poorly-crystalline mineral phases were presumed to account for high aggregate stability in the Andisol we previously studied. Here we searched for these nanocomposites within a sonication-resistant aggregate using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) as well as electron microscopy (SEM, TEM). Specifically, we hypothesized that nanometer-scale spatial distribution of OM is controlled by poorly-crystalline minerals as both co-exist as physically-stable nanocomposites. After maximum dispersion of the cultivated Andisol A-horizon sample in water, one aggregate (a few p.m in diameter) was isolated from 0.2-2 mu m size fraction which accounted for 44-47% of total C and N and 50% of poorly-crystalline minerals in bulk soil. This fraction as well as 2 mu m size fractions, implying high abundance of the nanocomposites in the smaller fractions. The isolated aggregate showed a mosaic of two distinctive regions. Smooth surface regions showed low adsorption intensity of carbon K-edge photon energy (284-290 eV) with well-crystalline mineralogy, whereas rough surface regions had features indicative of the nanocomposites: aggregated nanostructure, high C intensity, X-ray amorphous mineral phase, and the dominance of Si, O, Al, and Fe based on SEM/EDX and TEM/EDX. Carbon functional group chemistry assessed by NEXAFS showed the dominance of amide and carboxyl C over aromatic and aliphatic C with some variation among the four rough surface regions. Together with C and N isotopic patterns among the size fractions (relatively low C:N ratio, high N-15 natural abundance, and more positive Delta C-14 of the <2 mu m fractions), our results provided the direct evidence of preferential binding of microbially-altered, potentially-labile C with poorly-crystalline mineral phases at submicron scale. The role of the nanocomposite inferred from this study may help to bridge the knowledge gap between physical aggregation process and biogeochemical reactions taking place within the soil physical structure

    The phagocytosis oxidase/Bem1p domain-containing protein PB1CP negatively regulates the NADPH oxidase RBOHD in plant immunity

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    Perception of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) by surface-localized pattern recognition receptors activates RESPIRATORY BURST OXIDASE HOMOLOG D (RBOHD) through direct phosphorylation by BOTRYTIS-INDUCED KINASE 1 (BIK1) and induces the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). RBOHD activity must be tightly controlled to avoid the detrimental effects of ROS, but little is known about RBOHD downregulation. To understand the regulation of RBOHD, we used co-immunoprecipitation of RBOHD with mass spectrometry analysis and identified PHAGOCYTOSIS OXIDASE/BEM1P (PB1) DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN (PB1CP). PB1CP negatively regulates RBOHD and the resistance against the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum higginsianum. PB1CP competes with BIK1 for binding to RBOHD in vitro. Furthermore, PAMP treatment enhances the PB1CP-RBOHD interaction, thereby leading to the dissociation of phosphorylated BIK1 from RBOHD in vivo. PB1CP localizes at the cell periphery and PAMP treatment induces relocalization of PB1CP and RBOHD to the same small endomembrane compartments. Additionally, overexpression of PB1CP in Arabidopsis leads to a reduction in the abundance of RBOHD protein, suggesting the possible involvement of PB1CP in RBOHD endocytosis. We found PB1CP, a novel negative regulator of RBOHD, and revealed its possible regulatory mechanisms involving the removal of phosphorylated BIK1 from RBOHD and the promotion of RBOHD endocytosis

    Dynamics of dissolved and bubbled methane in Lake Youngrang and HwaJlnPO, Korea

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    Article信州大学山地水環境教育研究センター研究報告 6: 69-72(2010)departmental bulletin pape

    Plasma S100A12 Levels and Peripheral Arterial Disease in End-Stage Renal Disease

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    Background: S100A12 is an endogenous ligand of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). Plasma S100A12 levels are high in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis (HD). Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is common in HD patients and is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates in this population. To date, however, no study has specifically assessed the relationship between plasma S100A12 and PAD in HD patients. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 152 HD patients in our affiliated hospital. We investigated PAD history and patient characteristics and quantified plasma S100A12 levels in all participants. Results: HD patients with PAD (n = 26; 21.9 [13.6–33.4] ng/ml) showed significantly higher plasma S100A12 levels than HD patients without PAD (n = 126; 11.8 [7.5–17.6]ng/ml; p Conclusion: These results suggest that plasma S100A12 levels are strongly associated with PAD prevalence in ESRD patients undergoing HD

    High-absorption curcumin reduces BNP in hypertensive heart disease

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    Aims Hypertension is a strong risk factor for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Curcumin has p300-specific histone acetyltransferase inhibitory activity, suppresses cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and fibrosis, and significantly reduces myocardial brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) expression without altering blood pressure in a rat model of hypertensive heart disease. This double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study, for the first time, aimed to examine the efficacy of a high-absorption curcumin for the prevention of hypertensive heart disease in humans. Methods and results Patients exhibiting initial signs of hypertensive heart disease with left ventricular ejection fraction ≥60% and stable blood pressure <140/90 mmHg orally took a double-blinded capsule (either a 90 mg curcumin capsule or placebo) twice daily for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint was per cent changes in left ventricular diastolic function (E/E′) from baseline to 6 months after administration. The secondary endpoint was the per cent change in plasma BNP levels. The E/E′ ratio per cent change from baseline to 6 months after administration was similar between the placebo (n = 69) and the curcumin (n = 73) groups. The per cent change in plasma BNP levels was significantly lower in the curcumin group than in the placebo group. In patients <65 years, BNP per cent changes were significantly lower in the curcumin group than in the placebo group, but similar between groups in ≥65 years (<65 vs. ≥65 years: P for interaction = 0.011). Conclusions A high-absorption curcumin agent did not affect the E/E′ ratio, rather it significantly inhibited the increase in plasma BNP levels in patients with initial signs of hypertensive heart disease

    ゲンゴ ノウリョク ノ ジュクタツド オ アラワス Can-do キジュツ ノ ブンセキ : JF Can-do サクセイ ノ タメノ ガイドライン サクテイニ ムケテ

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    国際交流基金(以下、基金)ではJF 日本語教育スタンダード開発の一環で、日本語能力のフレームワークとして「能力記述文データ検索ウェブサイト」を開発し、コース設計や学習評価など日本語教育の実践を支援したいと考えている。本サイトでは、CEFR が提供する493 の例示的能力記述文と、日本語教育現場で活用しやすい例示的能力記述文として基金が作成するJF Can-do を提供する。本稿では、基金がJF Can-do を新しく作成するためのガイドラインを検討するために、CEFR 共通参照レベルと各レベルの例示的能力記述文の特徴を分析した結果について述べる。CEFR の例示的能力記述文を4つの要素〔条件〕〔話題・場面〕〔対象〕〔行動〕に分解して分析した結果、各レベルの特徴やレベル間の変化を把握することができた。In developing the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education, The Japan Foundation (below, “the Foundation”) is creating a website called “Minna no Can-do Website” as a framework for Japaneselanguage proficiency, with the purpose of supporting Japanese-language education practices such as course development and student assessment. This website will provide CEFR’s 493 illustrative descriptors, as well as new illustrative descriptors created by the Foundation that are easier to use in Japanese− language classrooms. This report focuses on the results of an analysis of CEFR’s Common Reference Levels and the illustrative descriptors at each level,which the Foundation conducted to better understand the characteristics of each level and the differences across levels. By breaking down and analyzing CEFR’s illustrative descriptors into four components [condition], [topic/setting], [object] and [action], it was possible to make considerations about a guideline for creating new illustrative descriptors

    The effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecic experience on daily living

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    がん化学療法に伴う脱毛体験が患者の日常生活にもたらす影響について明らかにすることを目的に,15名の患者に対して自由回答法による半構造化面接を実施した.同意を得て録音した面接内容の逐語録をデータとして,Krippendorff. Kの内容分析の手法を用いて分析を行った.分析の結果,がん化学療法に伴う脱毛体験が患者の日常生活にもたらす影響として,【脱毛した自分に違和感を感じながら人目を気にして生活する】【脱毛に備えて事前に準備する】【脱毛は仕方がないと捉え治療を受けることを優先させる】【予想以上の急速大量脱毛にがんであることの事実を突きつけられる】【時間をかけて脱毛の事実を受け入れ違う捉え方を見出す努力をする】【他者と距離を取りながら生活する】【立場,性差による脱毛の捉え方の違いを実感する】【脱毛した毛髪の処理を気にかけながら生活する】【脱毛のつらい経験から検診の啓蒙活動を行う】の9つが明らかとなった.脱毛に対して事前に十分な準備が行え,自分なりの対処法についてイメージできるよう具体的な情報提供を行うとともに,性差,治療効果や患者の治療への思いなどによって脱毛に対する捉え方はさまざまであることから,看護師はその人自身の脱毛の受け止め方や,脱毛が及ぼす生活への支障について把握し,必要な情報を提供することや患者の思いが表出しやすい環境を整えることが大切である.The present study aimed to clarify the effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecia on the daily lives of cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews comprising free-answer questions based on an interview guide were conducted on 15 cancer patients experiencing chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Analysis revealed the following 9 effects of chemotherapy-induced alopecia on patients’ daily lives : ‘self-consciousness accompanied by feeling strange about oneself due to hair loss’, ‘preparing for hair loss in advance’, ‘prioritizing treatment and perceiving hair loss as inevitable’, ‘come to terms with chemotherapy-induced alopecia gradually, make an effort to find out a different kind of ways for it’, ‘being hit by the reality of cancer due to greater than anticipated rapid loss of large quantities of hair’, ‘intentionally living daily life at a distance from others’, ‘recognizing the situation and the gender-based differences in perception of hair loss’, ‘worrying about disposing of the lost hair’, ‘becoming more informed about medical examinations due to the hard experience of hair loss’. The present findings indicated that chemotherapy-induced alopecia is perceived in various ways depending on gender, treatment effectiveness and patients’ feelings towards treatment. It is important for nurses to understand patients’ individual acceptance of alopecia and related difficulties in daily life while creating an environment that allows patients to express their feelings. Nurses should also provide specific information enabling patients to visualize personal coping techniques and sufficiently prepare for alopecia