49 research outputs found

    Spontaneous and induced secretion of the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot syndrome

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    AIMS: Investigation of spontaneous and induced secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and the anti-inflammatory chemokine C-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 18 (CCL18) by monocytes isolated from blood of patients with long-term type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), both with or without foot ulcers and the effect of the course use of the combined metabolic drug Kokarnit as part of complex therapy on the dynamics of the severity of symptoms of DSPN and the cytokine phenotype in patients with long-term non-healing ulcers of the lower extremities MATERIALS AND METHODS: 121 patients with T2DM, 79 without diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) and 42 patients with DFS were included. CD14+ monocytes were isolated from patients’ blood and stimulated by interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and interleukine-4 (IL-4) for induction of pro- and anti-inflammatory monocyte activation, respectively. The concentrations of TNF-α and CCL18 in the culture medium were measured using ELISA on day 1 and day 6 after cell stimulation in all patients before taking the combined metabolic drug Kokarnit. Then they were randomly allocated either to the control group (57 people), to whom Kokarnit was added to standard treatment, or to the comparison group. After a 9-day course of application of Kokarnit, the dynamics of indicators was evaluated on a TSS scale. Assessment of cytokine status was carried out in 18 people with long-term non-healing ulcerative defects of the lower extremities, on the first and ninth day of treatment. RESULTS: A correlation was found between HbA1c and levels of stimulated secretion of TNFα (r=0.726, p=0.027), CCL18 (r=-0.949, p=0.051) in patients with DSPN. In all patients with different duration of VDS, an increase in secretion of TNF-α and CCL18 was observed (p<0.05). However, stimulation of anti-inflammatory activation was not observed in patients with ulcerative defects lasting more than 6 months (p=0.033). The use of cocarnit in these patients had a decrease in stimulated secretion of TNFα and an increase in CCL18. Throughout the entire observation period with the therapy, the score for the symptoms of polyneuropathy on the TSS scale in patients of the control group was statistically significantly higher. CONCLUSION: Against the background of therapy in patients of the main group, a statistically significant dynamics of indicators on the TSS scale was established. The cytokine modulating ability of Kokarnit to switch the cytokine status into the category of anti-inflammatory

    Loss of Exotic Flavor and the Emergence of New Metaphorical Meanings of Anglo-American Loanwords in the Sphere of Management under the Influence of the Lexical Environment of the Recipient Language

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    The aim of the study is to reveal the regularities of Anglo-American metaphorical borrowings in Russian, and specifically in the sublanguage of management/В статье рассматривается выявление закономерностей появления и освоения англо-американских метафорических заимствований в русском языке, а именно в подъязыке управления

    Platinum preparations in the treatment of trophoblastic tumors

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    The N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, has developed and used new polychemotherapy regimens including platinum preparations for the treatment of patients with trophoblastic tumors. A cysplatin + ethoposide or carboplatin + ethoposide (CyE/CaE) combination was used as second-line chemotherapy in methotrexate-resistant locally advanced form (Stages I-II) of the disease. A cysplatin or carboplatin + methotrexate + dactinomycin + vincristine) (CyMDV/CaMDV) regimen was used as first-line therapy in patients with disseminated (Stage III-IV) disease and as second-line therapy in patients with its resistant form (Stages III-IV). The CyE/CaE regimen could cure 21 patients with Stages I-II without surgical intervention. When the CyMDV/CaMDV regimen was used as first-line therapy in 24 patients with Stages III-IV disease, of them 21 (87.5%) patients achieved a complete therapeutic effect, they all have been survivors to the present time. The CyMDV/CaMDV regimen used as second-line chemotherapy in patients with the resistant form turned out to be effective in 5 (83.3%) of 6 cases. The follow-up lasted > 3 years.The benefit of the developed regimens including platinum preparations is that they are effective, less toxic, require long hospitalization and are technically simpler, which allows them to be used in the outpatient setting of the wide oncological network


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    The aim of this study is to measure the level of the endothelin-1 in blood samples and to assess vasoactive function of the endothelial in asthma patients with different phenotypes and to develop the methods of the objective assess of the ongoing treatment. Materials and methods. 119 asthma patients were separated into several phenotypes: patients with atopic asthma (60 pat); patients with ACOS (35 pat); asthma with obesity (24 pat). In all patients endothelium-dependent vasodilation and plasma level of endothelin-1 were assessed. Results. Endothelial dysfunction revealed in all asthma phenotypes. The highest level of the endothelin-1 shown in ACOS patients. In patients which achieved asthma control during three month of the anti-inflammatory therapy showed decreasing of the endothelin-1 level by 1,5 times in comparison with basic level (0,35 ± 0,06 fmol/ml and 0,64 ± 0,15 fmol/ml respectively, р < 0,01). But in patients with persistent symptoms and/or without lung function improvement the level of the endothelin-1 was not decreased significantly. Conclusions. Change of the functional conditions of the endothelial depend on the time and severity and phenotype of the asthma. The endothelin-1 level and the endothelium-dependent vasodilatation assess on the course of the treatment allow to reveal success of this anti- inflammatory therapy

    The influence of the meal and emotional tension on the content of ghrelin and leptin in the blood serum of persons characterized by different tonus of the vegetative nervous system

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    У 34 человек в возрасте 18-22 лет исследовано содержание в сыворотке крови гормонов грелина и лептина утром натощак и через 15 и 45 минут после приема стандартного белкового завтрака (100 г мяса в виде котлеты+200 мл несладкого чая) в покое и после действия эмоционального стресса. С учетом исходного тонуса автономной нервной системы и математического анализа вариабельности сердечного ритма все испытуемые были разделены на три группы: нормотоники, ваготоники и симпатотоники. Установлено, что при преобладании парасимпатического или симпатического тонуса нервной системы наблюдаются различия в содержании грелина и лептина в условиях покоя и после совместного действия белкового завтрака эмоционального напряжения. Существенное увеличение концентрации лептина после действия белкового завтрака и эмоционального напряжения характерного для симпатотоников, а повышение концентраций грелина на 45 минуте выявлено у ваготоников.34 persons aged 18-22 have been examined in order to compare the serum levels of hormones ghrelin and leptin in the morning in a fasted state and 15 and 45 minutes after consuming a standard breakfast of protein (100 g of meat in the form of burgers and 200 ml unsweetened tea) at rest and after a situation of emotional stress. Taking into account the initial tone of the autonomic nervous system and mathematical analysis of the heart rate variability, all the examinees were divided into three groups: normotonics, vagotonics and simpatotoniks. We stated that predominance of the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system tone implies differences in the content of ghrelin and leptin levels at rest and after the joint influence of a protein breakfast and emotional stress. A significant increase in the concentration of leptin after protein breakfast and emotional stress is characteristic of simpatotoniks, and increasing concentrations of ghrelin in the 45th minute were found in vagotonics

    Silicon with an increased content of monoatomic sulfur centers: Sample fabrication and optical spectroscopy

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    The effect of the high-temperature heating (at 1340°C) of sulfur-doped silicon samples and their subsequent quenching is studied. The results of such a treatment are analyzed on the basis of Hall-effect data obtained in the temperature range T = 78–500 K. It is shown that the heating duration strongly affects the relative concentrations of different types of deep sulfur-related centers. At comparatively short heating durations of t = 2–10 min, the concentration of quasi-molecular S2 centers and S X complexes substantially decreases, whereas the density of monoatomic S1 centers grows. At the same time, the heating of a sample is accompanied by a monotonic decrease in the total concentration of electrically active sulfur over time. The results obtained make it possible to give recommendations concerning the optimal conditions for the fabrication of samples with a high concentration of S1 centers. The absorption spectra of the samples show that the method is promising for the observation of a number of quantum-optical effects involving deep S1 donors in silicon

    The synthesis of 3-nitroso-4-R-furazanes

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