101 research outputs found

    Voltage controlled nuclear polarization switching in a single InGaAs quantum dot

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    Sharp threshold-like transitions between two stable nuclear spin polarizations are observed in optically pumped individual InGaAs self-assembled quantum dots embedded in a Schottky diode when the bias applied to the diode is tuned. The abrupt transitions lead to the switching of the Overhauser field in the dot by up to 3 Tesla. The bias-dependent photoluminescence measurements reveal the importance of the electron-tunneling-assisted nuclear spin pumping. We also find evidence for the resonant LO-phonon-mediated electron co-tunneling, the effect controlled by the applied bias and leading to the reduction of the nuclear spin pumping rate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Features of the procedure of joint exercises for physical education with students of basic and special medical groups

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    Purpose : justification of viability of joint physical education classes with students of primary and specialized medical groups. Material: the study involved 96 students of the Faculty of Philology. Results: notes the need to work on physical education teacher at the same time with students of all medical groups. The technique of holding joint sessions with students basic and special medical groups. The proposed technique is useful to use an individual approach to dealing with students with varying degrees of physical fitness and various health deviations. Conclusions : simultaneous work with students of various medical groups possible. Given the inclusive education, this technique is not appropriate due to the declining interest of students for classes and loss of quality of the lesson itself

    Optically tunable nuclear magnetic resonance in a single quantum dot

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    We report optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance (ODNMR) measurements on small ensembles of nuclear spins in single GaAs quantum dots. Using ODNMR we make direct measurements of the inhomogeneous Knight field from a photoexcited electron which acts on the nuclei in the dot. The resulting shifts of the NMR peak can be optically controlled by varying the electron occupancy and its spin orientation, and lead to strongly asymmetric line shapes at high optical excitation. The all-optical control of the NMR line shape will enable position-selective control of small groups of nuclear spins inside a dot

    Overhauser effect in individual InP/GaInP dots

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    Sizable nuclear spin polarization is pumped in individual InP/GaInP dots in a wide range of external magnetic fields B_ext=0-5T by circularly polarized optical excitation. We observe nuclear polarization of up to ~40% at Bext=1.5T and corresponding to an Overhauser field of ~1.2T. We find a strong feedback of the nuclear spin on the spin pumping efficiency. This feedback, produced by the Overhauser field, leads to nuclear spin bi-stability at low magnetic fields of Bext=0.5-1.5T. We find that the exciton Zeeman energy increases markedly, when the Overhauser field cancels the external field. This counter-intuitive result is shown to arise from the opposite contribution of the electron and hole Zeeman splittings to the total exciton Zeeman energy

    Overhauser effect in individual InP/GaInP dots

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    Sizable nuclear spin polarization is pumped in individual InP/GaInP dots in a wide range of external magnetic fields B_ext=0-5T by circularly polarized optical excitation. We observe nuclear polarization of up to ~40% at Bext=1.5T and corresponding to an Overhauser field of ~1.2T. We find a strong feedback of the nuclear spin on the spin pumping efficiency. This feedback, produced by the Overhauser field, leads to nuclear spin bi-stability at low magnetic fields of Bext=0.5-1.5T. We find that the exciton Zeeman energy increases markedly, when the Overhauser field cancels the external field. This counter-intuitive result is shown to arise from the opposite contribution of the electron and hole Zeeman splittings to the total exciton Zeeman energy

    Pumping of nuclear spins by the optical solid effect in a quantum dot

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    We demonstrate that efficient optical pumping of nuclear spins in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) can be achieved by resonant pumping of optically "forbidden" transitions. This process corresponds to one-to-one conversion of a photon absorbed by the dot into a polarized nuclear spin, which also has potential for initialization of hole spin in QDs. Pumping via the "forbidden" transition is a manifestation of the "optical solid effect", an optical analogue of the effect previously observed in electron spin resonance experiments in the solid state. We find that by employing this effect, nuclear polarization of 65% can be achieved, the highest reported so far in optical orientation studies in QDs. The efficiency of the spin pumping exceeds that employing the allowed transition, which saturates due to the low probability of electron-nuclear spin flip-flop.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Path-dependent initialization of a single quantum dot exciton spin in a nanophotonic waveguide

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    We demonstrate a scheme for in-plane initialization of a single exciton spin in an InGaAs quantum dot (QD) coupled to a GaAs nanobeam waveguide. The chiral coupling of the QD and the optical mode of the nanobeam enables spin initialization fidelity approaching unity in magnetic field B=1 T and >0.9 without the field. We further show that this in-plane excitation scheme is independent of the incident excitation laser polarization and depends solely on the excitation direction. This scheme provides a robust in-plane spin excitation basis for a photon-mediated spin network for quantum information applications

    Suppression of nuclear spin diffusion at a GaAs/AlGaAs interface measured with a single quantum dot nano-probe

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    Nuclear spin polarization dynamics are measured in optically pumped individual GaAs/AlGaAs interface quantum dots by detecting the time-dependence of the Overhauser shift in photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Long nuclear polarization decay times of ~ 1 minute have been found indicating inefficient nuclear spin diffusion from the GaAs dot into the surrounding AlGaAs matrix in externally applied magnetic field. A spin diffusion coefficient two orders lower than that previously found in bulk GaAs is deduced.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys Rev