60 research outputs found

    Semiotics of Vaccination Adver-tising in Media Discourse

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the verbal and visual means in advertising COVID-19 vaccination. The task is to examine the peculiarities of semiotics in vaccination advertising based on campaigns from different countries around the world, identify successful advertising strategies, and discover the reasons for communicative failures. The study analyzes the techniques of combining visual and verbal narratives in creolized advertising texts. It emphasizes that it is the visual narrative that appeals to the subconscious, which often contributes to the recipient’s necessary post-communicative action. The article examines the tactics of argumentation used in vaccination advertising (including appeals to authority, values such as health, love, freedom, etc.), studies the semiotics of the visual elements involved in argumentation. The article also analyzes the semiotics of color signals in advertising discourse, revealing their influence on the recipient’s subconscious. Examples of using semantic signs taken from other semantic domains, such as election campaigns and road sign systems, are separately considered in vaccination campaigns. The creativity of these techniques is noted, but the danger of visual disconnect with slogans and communicative failure is also indicated. The conclusion is drawn that advertising appealing to positive feelings of social responsibility, comfort, and well-being is more effective than advertising using threat-based argumentation

    Продуктивність молодняку качок за різних способів нормування мікроелементів у комбікормі

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    In the article, results of researches on an establishment of an optimum source of Manganese, Zinc, Iron and Copper are resulted. Different source Manganese, Zinc, Iron and Copper was additionally added mixed fodder for ducklings grown for meat. Experimental studies conducted in terms of problem research laboratory of feed additives National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Independent experiment was conducted with growing meat ducklings. We conducted a randomized block experiment with 5 treatments, each with 4 replicates of 25 growing ducks (1 to 42 d of age). A diet consisting of corn, soybean and sunflower meal, fish meal, premix (22.5% CP, 2.92 kcal of ME/g on 1 to 14 d of age, 18.5% CP, 2.90 kcal of ME/g on 15 to 42 d of age) having severally Manganese, Zinc, Iron, Copper at sulphate, glycinate and citrate. The premix was formulated to contain the requirements of trace elements in combination of either inorganic (sulphate form) or organic form (glycinate and citrate form). Diets were supplemented with the organic form of zinc, copper, manganese or iron at the rate of 100% or 75% of the total requirements of the elements. Diets and water were offered ad libitum. After 6 weeks of dietary treatments the growth performance (feed intake, body weight, daily gain, feed conversion, homogeneity of the poultry) were affected by dietary treatments. Results indicated that chicks fed diets containing 100% organic minerals (Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu) had significantly higher body weight, better feed conversion compared with those of inorganic control minerals treatment. Use of fodder for ducklings, which are grown for meat glycinate Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu versus sulfate improves their productive performance. The body weight of ducklings at 42 d of age is more by 1.6% (P < 0.05) and the conversion of feed is 1.0% higher. The conversion of feed from consumption was rather high (R2=0.84), which confirms the change in the productive indicators of duckling from the feed factor.Наведено результати досліджень з встановлення оптимального джерела Мангану, Цинку, Феруму та Купруму, який додатково вводять у комбікорми для каченят, яких вирощують на м’ясо. Експериментальні дослідження проводились в умовах проблемної науково-дослідної лабораторії кормових добавок Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Було проведено науково-господарський дослід на молодняку качок м’ясного напряму продуктивності. Дослід проводився за методом груп. Птахи були поділені на 5 груп, кожна з яких складалася з 4 підгруп по 25 добових каченят кожна (каченят вирощували від 1 до 42 діб). Базові комбікорми, що складалися з кукурудзи, соєвої макухи, соняшникового шроту, рибного борошна, вапняку та преміксу (22,5% СП, 2,92 ккал/г у віці від 1 до 14 діб, 18,5% СП, 2,90 ккал/г у віці від 15 до 42 доби), містили відповідно такі джерела Мангану, Цинку, Феруму та Купруму: сульфат, гліцинат та цитрат. Премікс був складений таким сином, що комбікорм містив досліджувані мікроелементи або в неорганічній формі (сульфати) або в органічній (гліцинати та цитрати). Раціони містили у контрольній групі 100%, а у дослідних 100% та 75% досліджуваних елементів від загальної потреби. Комбікорм та воду каченята отримували вволю. Після 6-тижневого вирощування було встановлено зміни у показниках росту залежно від досліджуваного фактору. Використання у комбікормі для каченят, яких вирощують на м’ясо гліцинатів Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu порівняно з сульфатами сприяє покращенню їх продуктивних показників. Маса тіла таких каченят у 42-добовому віці збільшується на 1,6% (Р < 0,05), а конверсія корму у продуктивність на 1,0% ефективніша. Конверсія корму від споживання була досить високою (R2 = 0,84), що підтверджує зміну продуктивних показників каченят від кормового фактору

    On one approach to using of fractional analysis for hybrid modeling of information distribution processes

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    The article discusses a technique for constructing a model and a method for finding solutions in the problem of imitating the process of information dissemination based on the use of a boundary value problem for a fractional differential equation in partial derivatives. It is proposed to use the analogy technique for modeling information dissemination processes, which is based on the use of the features of a fractional analysis and the diffuse nature of information penetration processes. A method for constructing hybrid models is proposed, which makes it possible to take into account changes in the interval of values of the spatial variable over time. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous models of diffusion processes are considered, which make it possible to numerically obtain and analyze experimental data for solving problems of monitoring the levels of information dissemination in social groups

    Scattering properties of carbon nanotube antennas

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    The boundary problem of diffraction and excitation of system of nanotubes-vibrators was reduced to solution of the integral equation (IE) with logarithmic kernel. After regularization the IEs were solved by means of collocation method considering th current’s behaviour at the vibrator's endings. The existence of resonances in the frequency range 0.1-1.0 THz was shown

    Calculation of properties of carbon nanotube antennas

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