654 research outputs found

    Multinational Corporations and Nation-States: Managing Shared- and Conflicts of Interest

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    Abstract. Satisfactory and mutually beneficial relationships between multinational corporations and individual nation-states are sustainable as long as their perceived shared interests exceed any conflicts of interest. However, when events, or actions intentionally taken by either side or dictated by circumstances, alter an acceptable balance between the shared- and conflicts of interest, a good business relationship can deteriorate fast to the detriment of one or both sides. Thus, shared-interests cannot be assumed to continue over the long-range without consistent efforts by both sides to maintain them and, in the meantime, keep conflicts of interest within a tolerable level. This paper explores the factors that contribute to sustaining shared interests and containing conflicts of interest between multinational corporations and nation-states in order to avoid a deteriorations or possible disruption of an otherwise mutually beneficial relationship. Of the questions to be addressed are: what strategies and actions can help in strengthening the shared interests, and what actions and policy changes contribute to an increase in the conflicts of interest between nation-states and multinational corporations?Keywords. Multinational corporations, Joint interests, Conflict of interest, Host countries, Transfer prices, Profit shifting, Transfer-pricing, Earning stripping.JEL. F23, G18, G38

    The Rewards and Challenges of Export-Led Strategies

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    Abstract. The economic achievements of post- WWII Japan and Germany, the success of the Asian Four Tigers in the 1970s and 1980s, and the impressive growth of China, after adopting an export-led strategy in 1978, have caused many nations to view the export-ledmodel as the fastestroute to economic growth and financial stability. As a result, many governments started to promote and protect their countries’ exports,and mix politics, diplomacy and trade as well as seek greater access to friendly countries’ markets. Export-led development strategies, however, carry some risks, such as increased dependence on foreign markets and political forces that are beyond the exporters’ control. Global market forces, at times, cause export-dependent countries to have a sudden decline in their export revenues as the oil exporting countries have been experiencing as a result of a sharp decline in the world price of crude oil since 2014. This paper examines the main benefits, costs, and risks associated with export-led strategies, particularly as adopted by developing countries. It further explores the motives and risks faced by individual companies as they sell some of their products outside their home markets.Keywords. Import substitution, Trade liberalization, Infant industries, Export promotion, Foreign investment, Export infrastructure.JEL. F10, F16, F17, F41

    Social Entrepreneurship: Generating Solutions To Global Challenges

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    Social entrepreneurship is not new, but has gained greater visibility and recognition in recent years due to its growing worldwide impact.  As in the case of business entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship starts with an entrepreneur who has a novel idea, an innovative product or service, a creative approach to solving a perceived problem, a new business model, and/or a previously untried approach to product or service delivery. However, social entrepreneurship differs from business entrepreneurship because it is after sustainable solutions to societal problems and aims at social change rather than market expansion. It is, therefore, seen more as an agent of change than a profit-seeking enterprise.  This paper explores the characteristics of social entrepreneurship, and the factors that make a difference in its success or failure. It also sheds some light on what a social entrepreneurship is and what it is not. Finally, it examines the missions and contributions of six successful social entrepreneurships: The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, ADAPT of Egypt, BRAC of Bangladesh, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas of Brazil,  the Aravind Eye Care Hospitals  of India, and Televerde’s Prison Call Centers of the United States. The impact of the first four has spread beyond their countries of origin, either through the geographic expansion of their operations or the application of the same concept or business model by social enterprises in other countries

    The Multi-Dimensional Impact Of International Tourism

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    Most countries – be they developed or developing, rich or poor, and large or small – compete for a larger share of the international tourism dollars. They capitalize on their cultural heritage, historic landmarks, rich wildlife, ancient monuments, scenic beauty, and other distinctive attractions and invest in world class resorts, hotels, and entertainment facilities to increase their appeal to the greatest numbers and different types of international travelers. However, success in international tourism is not without a cost. Aside from the investment needed for developing, upgrading, and maintaining the tourism infrastructure, there are environmental and social costs that need to be measured and carefully managed. Although many economists point to the revenues that are earned by destination countries from international tourism, some observers in developing countries show concern about the creation of a state of economic, political and cultural dependency that may have long-term negative consequences. This article explores the history, present importance, trends, and growth patterns of international tourism. It addresses a number of questions: 1) Has international tourism been a curse or a blessing for countries that have become economically dependent on it?, 2) Have recent trends been more or less favorable to the poorest countries?, 3) What are the forces that bring about shifts and changes in international tourism?, and 4) What are the future prospects for this industry

    Investigation on the Effect of Chemical and Biological Control of Bacterial Soft Root Disease of Potato in Storage.

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    Potato soft rot, caused by Erwiniacarotovora subsp. carotovora, greatly affect potato tuber quality in storage of Egypt and indicated that it can affect all potato cultivars. Erwiniacarotovora subsp. carotovora was isolated from the infected potato tuber and was identified by pathological, morphological and biochemical studies.  One antimicrobialchemical compound chitosans (CS) with concentration (1, 3, 5 %) combine with three biocontrol agents (Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichodermavirdi) each. These treatments were screened out in vitro and in storage against the growth of Erwinia carotovora subsp carotovora. All bio-control agents combined with Cs reduced the bacterial soft rot disease to various degrees. The stronger antagonistic activity against Erwinia carotovora was found in treatment Cs 5% with biocontrolagaints (T. virdi, P. fluorescens and B. subtilis respectively). All treatments reduced the soft rot infection to 20-week storage with two types of potatoes (Spunta and Cara) varieties by (91, 86, 83.6 and 77.3% respectively in Spunta c.v.) and (88.6, 86.4 and 79.8% in Cara c.v.). The lowest antagonistic activity against Erwinia carotovora was found in treatment CS 1% with biocontrol agents (T. virdi, P. fluorescens and B. subtilis respectively) varieties by (64.2, 58.6 and 43.7% respectively) compared with the treatments of biocontrol agents individually. Keywords: Potato - Erwiniacarotovora- Chitosan- T. virdi - P. fluorescens- Bacillus subtili

    A journey to entrepreneurship: Converting a dream into reality - A case study

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    Abstract. Owning one’s own business is the realization of the dreams of many ambitious young men and women. However, business ownership has its rewards and challenges. The rewards are often financial and non-financial. It is one of the best means of wealth creation, but it can be a big disappointment and could have disastrous consequences if the entrepreneur chooses the wrong product/service, does not prepare a complete and realistic business plan, or is not adequately prepared to react to unanticipated difficulties and challenges. The subject in this case, Uchechi Tatsa, is contemplating starting an import business, and trying to prepare the necessary plans that would be appealing enough to a venture capital firm to provide needed seed money.  Thus, this case focuses on the planning phase in entrepreneurships, and the ability of a young entrepreneur, with no prior business experience, to create and run a new venture. It is written for potential entrepreneurs and students in Entrepreneurship and introductory business classes.Keywords. Entrepreneurship, The business plan, The business concept, Venture capital, Profit margin, Return on investment (ROI).JEL. F23, G18, G38

    Ternary Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras induced by Hom-Lie algebras

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate ternary multiplications constructed from a binary multiplication, linear twisting maps and a trace function. We provide a construction of ternary Hom-Nambu and Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras starting from a binary multiplication of a Hom-Lie algebra and a trace function satisfying certain compatibility conditions involving twisting maps. We show that mutual position of kernels of twisting maps and the trace play important role in this context, and provide examples of Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras obtained using this construction
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