467 research outputs found

    Diastolic And Systolic Right Ventricular Dysfunction Precedes Left Ventricular Dysfunction In Patients Paced From Right Ventricular Apex

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    Background: Cardiac dysfunction after right ventricular (RV) apical pacing is well known but its extent, time frame of appearance and individual effect on left ventricular (LV), RV systolic and diastolic parameters has not evaluated in a systematic fashion. Methods: Patients with symptomatic bradycardia and ACC-AHA Class I indication for permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI) were implanted a single chamber (VVI) pacemaker. They were followed prospectively by echocardiographic examination which was done at baseline, 1 week, 1 month and 6 months after implantation. Parameters observed were chamber dimensions (M-line), chamber volumes, cardiac output (modified Simpson's method), systolic functions (ejection fraction, pre-ejection period, ejection time and ratio) and diastolic functions( isovolumic relaxation time & deceleration time) of left and right heart. Results: Forty eight consecutive patients (mean age 65.6±11.8 yrs, 66.7% males, mean EF 61.82±10.36%) implanted a VVI pacemaker were enrolled in this study. The first significant change to appear in cardiac function after VVI pacing was in diastolic properties of RV as shown by increase in RV isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) from 65.89±15.93 to 76.58±17.00 ms,(p<0.001) at 1week and RV deceleration time (DT) from 133.84±38.13 to 153.09±31.41 ms, (p=0.02) at 1 month. Increase in RV internal dimension (RVID) from 1.26±0.41 to 1.44±0.44, (p<0.05) was also noticed at 1 week. The LV diastolic parameters were significantly altered after 1 month with increase in LV-IVRT from 92.36±21.47 to 117.24±27.21ms, (p<0.001) and increase in LV DT from 147.56±31.84 to 189.27±28.49ms,(p<0.01). This was followed by LV systolic abnormality which appeared at 6 months with an increase in LVPEP from 100.33±14.43 to 118.41±21.34ms, (p<0.001) and increase in LVPEP/LVET ratio from 0.34±0.46 to 0.44±0.10, (p<0.001)]. The reduction in LV EF was manifested at 6 months falling from 61.82±10.36% to52.52±12.11%, (p<0.05) without any significant change in the resting cardiac output. Conclusion: The present study shows that dysfunction of right ventricle is the first abnormality that occurs in VVI paced patients, which manifests by 1 week followed by LV dysfunction which starts appearing by 1 month and the diastolic dysfunctions precede the systolic dysfunction in both ventricles

    Evolving Therapy for Celiac Disease

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    Gluten is known to be the main triggering factor for celiac disease (CeD), an immune-mediated disorder. CeD is therefore managed using a strict and lifelong gluten-free diet (GFD), the only effective treatment available currently. However, the GFD is restrictive. Hence, efforts are being made to explore alternative therapies. Based on their mechanisms of action on various molecular targets involved in the pathogenesis of CeD, these therapies may be classified into one of the following five broad approaches. The first approach focuses on decreasing the immunogenic content of gluten, using strategies like genetically modified wheat, intra-intestinal gluten digestion using glutenases, microwave thermal treatment of hydrated wheat kernels, and gluten pretreatment with either bacterial/ fungal derived endopeptidases or microbial transglutaminase. The second approach involves sequestering gluten in the gut lumen before it is digested into immunogenic peptides and absorbed, using binder drugs like polymer p(HEMA-co-SS), single chain fragment variable (scFv), and anti- gluten antibody AGY. The third approach aims to prevent uptake of digested gluten through intestinal epithelial tight junctions, using a zonulin antagonist. The fourth approach involves tissue transglutaminase (tTG) inhibitors to prevent the enhancement of immunogenicity of digested gluten by the intestinal tTG enzyme. The fifth approach seeks to prevent downstream immune activation after uptake of gluten immunogenic peptides through the intestinal mucosal epithelial layer. Examples include HLA-DQ2 blockers that prevent presentation of gluten derived- antigens by dendritic cells to T cells, immune- tolerizing therapies like the vaccine Nexvax2 and TIMP-Glia, cathepsin inhibitors, immunosuppressants like corticosteroids, azathioprine etc., and anti-cytokine agents targeting TNF-α and interleukin-15. Apart from these approaches, research is being done to evaluate the effectiveness of probiotics/prebiotics, helminth therapy using Necator americanus, low FODMAP diet, and pancreatic enzyme supplementation in CeD symptom control; however, the mechanisms by which they play a beneficial role in CeD are yet to be clearly established. Overall, although many therapies being explored are still in the pre-clinical phase, some like the zonulin antagonist, immune tolerizing therapies and glutenases have reached phase II/III clinical trials. While these potential options appear exciting, currently they may at best be used to supplement rather than supplant the GFD

    Is There True Gender Difference of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Asia?

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    Role of acute viral hepatitis as a confounding factor in antituberculosis treatment induced hepatotoxicity

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    Background &amp; Objective: Drug induced hepatotoxicity (DIH) is an important and commonly encountered adverse effect with antituberculosis (anti-TB) treatment. Acute viral hepatitis (AVH) is an important confounding reason which clinically, biochemically and histologically mimics DIH. Methods: The contributory role of acute viral hepatitis as a confounding factor in patients with normal baseline liver functions who developed acute hepatitis while receiving short-course anti-TB treatment was prospectively studied. The sera of all patients who developed acute hepatitis were analysed for markers for hepatitis A, B, C and E viruses. Results: Viral hepatitis was present in 15 of the 102 (14.7%) patients who developed acute hepatitis while receiving anti-TB treatment with hepatitis E virus being the most common cause Later onset of acute hepatitis [58 (5-133) vs. 26 (3-221) days; P=0.04], large elevations in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) [371 (30-2643) vs. 212 (63-1990 IU/l); P=0.03] and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) [388 (31-2997) vs. 225 (52- 1670 IU/l); P= 0.002] and a longer time for normalization of deranged liver functions [36.7 ± 13.3 vs. 24.5 ± 19.3 days; P=0.02] indicated acute viral hepatitis as the cause of liver function derangement. Interpretation &amp; Conclusion: Our findings showed AVH in 14.7 per cent patients who developed hepatotoxicity while an anti-TB treatment. Therefore, in endemic areas, viral hepatitis should be sought after and excluded in all patients suspected to have DIH before attributing the hepatotoxic effect to the anti-TB drugs

    Inflammatory and deleterious role of gut microbiota-derived trimethylamine on colon cells

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    Trimethylamine (TMA) is produced by the intestinal microbiota as a by-product of metabolism of dietary precursors. TMA has been implicated in various chronic health conditions. However, the effect of TMA in the colon and the underlying mechanism was not clear. In this study, TMA exhibited toxic effects in vitro as well as in vivo. TMA-induced oxidative stress causes DNA damage, and compromised cell membrane integrity leading to the release of LDH outside the cells which ultimately leads to cell death. Besides, TMA also exhibited pronounced increase in cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase in both HCT116 and HT29 cell lines. TMA was found to be genotoxic and cytotoxic as the TMA concentration increased from 0.15 mM. A decreased ATP intracellular content was observed after 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h treatment in a time and dose-dependent manner. For in vivo research, TMA (100 mM, i.p. and intra-rectal) once a week for 12 weeks caused significant changes in cellular morphology of colon and rectum epithelium as assessed by H &amp; E staining. TMA also significantly increased the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the colon and rectal epithelium indicating the severity of inflammation. In addition, TMA caused extensive mucosal damage and distortion in the epithelium, decrease in length of small intestine compared to control mice. In conclusion, these results highlight the detrimental effects of TMA in the colon and rectal epithelium

    Mechanistic Insights into the Oxygen Reduction Reactionon Metal–N–C Electrocatalysts under Fuel Cell Conditions

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    Three different transition metal-C-N catalysts are tested under a range of fuel cell conditions. It is found that common features of the polarisation curve can be explained by a change in electrocatalytic mechanism. Utilising a simple model to quantify the change in mechanisms, iR free results of the fuel cell experiments are fit and found to be represented by a common set of parameters. The change in mechanism is assumed to be a switch from four electron reduction of oxygen to water to a two electron reduction to hydrogen peroxide followed by disproportionation of the hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. The data is used to estimate a mass specific exchange current density towards the ORR in the range 10-11-10-13 A g-1 depending on the catalyst. For the reduction of oxygen to hydrogen peroxide, the mass specific exchange current density is estimated to be in the range 10-2-10-3 A g-1. Utilising the electrokinetic model, it is shown how the mass transport losses can be extracted from the polarisation curve. For all three catalyst layers studied, these mass transport losses reach about 100mV at a current density of 1 A cm-2. Finally a discussion of the performance and site density requirements of the non-precious metal catalysts are provided, and it is estimated that the activity towards the ORR needs to be increased by an order of magnitude, and the site density by two/three orders of magnitude in order to compete with platinum as an ORR electrocatalyst