82 research outputs found

    Light-induced sulfur transport inside single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Filling of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and extraction of the encapsulated species from their cavities are perspective treatments for tuning the functional properties of SWCNT-based materials. Here, we have investigated sulfur-modified SWCNTs synthesized by the ampoule method. The morphology and chemical states of carbon and sulfur were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopies. Successful encapsulation of sulfur inside SWCNTs cavities was demonstrated. The peculiarities of interactions of SWCNTs with encapsulated and external sulfur species were analyzed in details. In particular, the donor-acceptor interaction between encapsulated sulfur and host SWCNT is experimentally demonstrated. The sulfur-filled SWCNTs were continuously irradiated in situ with polychromatic photon beam of high intensity. Comparison of X-ray spectra of the samples before and after the treatment revealed sulfur transport from the interior to the surface of SWCNTs bundles, in particular extraction of sulfur from the SWCNT cavity. These results show that the moderate heating of filled nanotubes could be used to de-encapsulate the guest species tuning the local composition, and hence, the functional properties of SWCNT-based materials


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    Objective: Study the influence of the mechanical preparation methods (grinding, fluidization) of solid pharmaceutical substances (PS) and herbal raw material on their physicochemical properties and biological activities. Methods: Test substances and solvents-Lactose monohydrate (DFE Pharma, Germany). Sodium chloride, bendazol hydrochloride (all Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and herbal raw material (Callisia fragrans). The dispersity and native structure of pharmaceutical substances were analyzed by several methods: optical microscopy–Altami BIO 2 microscope (Russia); low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method (Malvern Instruments, UK); Spirotox method–Quasichemical kinetic of cell transition of cellular biosensor Spirostomum ambiguum; Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy–the analysis in the middle IR region was carried out using an IR Cary 630 Fourier spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, USA). The analysis of dried leaves of C. fragrans before and after mechanical activation was performed using Shimadzu EDX-7000 X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer without mineralization (Shimadzu, Japan). Results: It was established that the mechanical change, such as dispersion and drying, alters the biological activity of PS and herbal raw materials. The observed increase in the influence of the dispersed substance on the biosensor S. ambiguum is quantitatively estimated from the values of the activation energy (obsEa), which turns to be valued 1,5 (P≤0,05) times more than for the native form substance. In the study of the dependence of the availability of chemical elements K, Ca, Zn on the degree of dispersion of herbal raw materials was established a quantitative 4-fold (P≤0,05) increase in the concentration of elements in mechano-activated raw materials. Conclusion: By the example of the biological model of Spirotox (single-celled biosensor S. ambiguum) and herbal raw materials obtained from C. fragrans, the increase of biological activity of PS at the dispersion of initial preparations was proved

    NURSING PRACTICE The main duties and profesional activity of a nurse in the surgical department

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    The book is providing different aspects of Nursing in General Surgery and associated disciplines focusing on preparation of future general practitioners and nurses. Information is presented in a form of manual given by authors in relation to and corresponding with current curriculum. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product liability: The publisher can give no guarantee for information about drug dosage and application thereof contained in this book. In every individual case the respective user must check its accuracy by consulting other pharmaceutical literature

    Возрастная эпидемиология распространенности антительного ответа у детей с пищевой аллергией

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    Food allergy (FA) is an important health problem which determines lower life quality of a patient and his family. Egg proteins, milk, soy, wheat, and nuts provoke FA more often but any food product may potentially cause allergic reactions. So the aim was to study the age-specific dynamics of antibody response and select the most meaningful IgE production triggers in children with PA. Materials and Methods. The study included 682 children with FA divided into groups according to age: 2−5 months, 6−18 months, 1.5−4 years, 4−10 years, older than 10 years. The IgE levels to cereals, vegetables, bananas, meat, and poultry allergens were measured in blood samples. Results. The age dynamic of IgE-positive responses was detected. The frequency of positive responses was higher in older children. The most significant IgE production triggers for 2−5 months children were allergens of potatoes, pork and cereals (8−14%); for 6−18 month children potatoes (22.7%), buckwheat (19,3%), cereals (10−15%); for 1.5−4 years children ― bananas (29.5%), cereals, carrots and potatoes (19,5−24%); for 4−10 years children ― bananas, carrots and cereals (20−28%); for the senior children ― carrots (47.5%), bananas, cereals and tomatoes (30−36%). Chicken-specific IgE-positive response was minimal for all ages, and meat or poultry specific IgE were observed in 8−15% of patients. Conclusion. Different groups of food allergens provoke sensitization in children during their life. The range of food products with low allergenic activity remains constant in various ages. Age characteristics of IgE production requires differentiated diagnosis approach. Пищевая аллергия (ПА) ― важная проблема здравоохранения, значительно ухудшающая качество жизни пациента и членов его семьи. ПА у детей наиболее часто обусловлена белками яйца, молока, сои, пшеницы и орехов, однако любой пищевой продукт может потенциально вызвать аллергическую реакцию. В связи с этим цель исследования ― изучить возрастную динамику антительного ответа и выбрать наиболее значимые триггеры образования специфических IgE у детей с ПА. Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 682 ребенка с ПА, разделенные на группы в соответствии с возрастом: 2−5 месяцев, 6−18 месяцев, 1,5−4 года, 4−10 лет, старше 10 лет. Пациентам определен уровень IgE к аллергенам злаков, овощей, банана, мяса и птицы. Результаты. Выявлена возрастная динамикачисла IgE-положительных ответов. Для детей 2−5 месяцев наиболее значимыми триггерами образования IgE являлись картофель, свинина и злаки (8−14%). Высокая частота позитивных ответов наблюдалась у более старших детей. Наиболее значимыми триггерами образования IgE для детей 6−18 месяцев являлись аллергены картофеля (22,7%), гречки (19,3%), злаков (10−15%), для детей 1,5−4 лет ― аллергены банана (29,5%), злаков, моркови и картофеля (19,5−24%), для детей 4−10 лет ― аллергены банана, моркови и злаков (20−28%), для детей старше 10 лет ― аллергены моркови (47,5%), банана, злаков и томатов (30−36%). Среди всех детей, включенных в исследование, число пациентов с позитивным ответом на курицу было минимальным, а IgE к животным аллергенам встречались у 8−15% из них. Заключение. У детей разных возрастных периодов сенсибилизация обусловлена различными аллергенами, она расширяется по мере взросления, при этом спектр пищевых продуктов с низкой аллергенной активностью остается для пациентов постоянным. Возрастные особенности антительного ответа требуют дифференцированного подхода в диагностике.

    Endogenous polypeptide growth factors in children with duodenal ulcer

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    У цей час увага багатьох дослідників привертається до визначення особливостей регенерації слизової оболонки шлунково-кишкового тракту при виразкових ураженнях як одного з найважливіших захисних факторів при цій патології. Мета – дослідити показники ендогенних поліпептидів (epidermal growth factor – EGF and transforming growth factor α-TGF-α) у сироватці крові дітей, хворих на виразку дванадцятипалої кишки (ДПК). Висновки. Перебіг виразки ДПК призводить до порушень у системі регуляції проліферативних процесів у слизовій оболонці, що проявляється підвищенням рівнів EGF та TGF-α у сироватці крові хворих дітей, при цьому чим тяжчий перебіг, тим вищі показники вказаних факторів, що можна використати для прогнозування перебігу патологічного процесу. Дослідження виконано відповідно до принципів Гельсінської декларації. Протокол дослідження ухвалено Локальним етичним комітетом зазначеної в роботі установи. На проведення досліджень отримано інформовану згоду батьків, дітей. Автори заявляють про відсутність конфлікту інтересів. Currently, the attention of many researchers is drawn to determine the features of the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract in ulcers, as one of the most important protective factors in this pathology. Purpose – to investigate the indicators of endogenous polypeptides (epidermal growth factor – EGF and transforming growth factor α-TGF-α) in the serum of children with duodenal ulcers. Conclusions. The course of duodenal ulcer leads to disorders in the regulation of proliferative processes in the mucous membrane, which is manifested by increased levels of EGF and TGF-α in the serum of sick children, the more severe the course, the higher process. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local ethics committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies. No conflict of interest was declared by the authors

    Пищевая аллергия у детей с врожденным буллезным эпидермолизом. Результаты собственного наблюдательного исследования

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    Background: Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) refers to a group of rare inherited disorders characterized by severe damage of skin and in most patients — the gastrointestinal mucosa, what leads to a violation of skin and mucosal barrier properties in relation to allergens. However, the issues of food sensitization and food allergy in this category of patients have not been studied, and the study of this problem is important.Aim: To evaluate the clinical manifestations of food allergy (FA) and IgE-response to food proteins in children with EB.Methods: 82 patients with EB aged from 2 months to 16 years were entered this open non-randomized observational prospective study, including 20 patients with simple form of EB and 62 patients with dystrophic form of EB. We analyzed allergic history and clinical manifestations of the FA in all the patients. Every patient in this study underwent of determination of the concentration of total serum IgE and specific serum IgE to the most important food allergens, as well as to mixtures of household allergens in some cases (UniCAP System, Phadia AB). Results: Skin lesion in patients with EB masks allergic skin manifestations, causing a hypodiagnosis of the FA in this category of patients, which in turn leads to erroneous organization of nutritional support. FA (clinical manifestations) was identified in 20.7% of children with EB (in 10% of cases with simple form of EB and in 24.2% — in patients with dystrophic form of EB). Products containing cow’s milk protein, cereals, and eggs were identified as etiologic factors of FA in most cases. In the group of children with comorbidity FA and EB high and very high levels of total IgE (1000 kUA / l) were detected most frequently. The main cause-significant allergens are cow’s milk proteins, cereals, eggs. Conclusions: Comorbidity with FA is high in patients with dystrophic form of EB. The main cause-significant allergens are cow’s milk proteins, cereals, eggs.Обоснование. Врожденный буллезный эпидермолиз (ВБЭ) относится к группе редких наследственных заболеваний, характеризующихся тяжелым поражением кожных покровов и у большинства больных ― слизистой оболочки желудочно-кишечного тракта, что приводит к нарушению их барьерных свойств по отношению к аллергенам. Однако вопросы пищевой сенсибилизации и пищевой аллергии у данной категории больных не исследованы, и изучение этой проблемы является актуальным. Цель исследования ― оценить особенности клинических проявлений пищевой аллергии (ПА) и сенсибилизации к пищевым белкам у детей с ВБЭ. Методы. Проведено открытое нерандомизированное наблюдательное проспективное исследование. Включены 82 ребенка с ВБЭ в возрасте от 2 мес до 16 лет, в том числе 20 детей с простой и 62 ― с дистрофической формой ВБЭ. Оценивались аллергологический анамнез и клинические проявления ПА; всем больным проводилось определение общей концентрации IgE в сыворотке крови, sIgE сыворотки крови к наиболее значимым пищевым аллергенам, по показаниям ― к смесям бытовых аллергенов с применением технологий UniCAP System, Thermo Fisher Scientific (ранее Phadia АВ). Результаты. Поражение кожи при ВБЭ маскирует проявления ПА у детей, обусловливая гиподиагностику заболевания у этой категории пациентов, что в свою очередь ведет к неправильной организации нутритивной поддержки. ПА была выявлена у 20,7% детей с ВБЭ (в 10% случаев при простой и в 24,2% при дистрофической форме ВБЭ). В качестве этиологического фактора наиболее часто выступали продукты, содержащие белок коровьего молока, злаки, яйца. В группе детей с коморбидностью ПА и ВБЭ наиболее часто встречались высокие и крайне высокие уровни общего IgE(1000 kUA/l). Заключение. Дети с дистрофической формой ВБЭ по сравнению с пациентами с простой формой заболевания чаще имеют клинические проявления ПА. Основными причинно-значимыми аллергенами являются белки коровьего молока, злаки, яйца.


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    Soil technological and other ecological aspects of state of trees in Moscow

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    Moscow is one of the world's largest cities. Its height levels are such that the urban vegetation generally cannot benefit from groundwater. The natural soil is strongly modified by anthropogenic influences. Examples are the construction activities for the underground railways (metro) which reached down to a depth of 100m and the leading of river sections through underground tubes. In Moscow, street trees in pavement do occur, but most city trees grow on surfaces covered by a grass vegetation (lawn). Tree rows in a strip of grass occur frequently. The trees in Moscow are in a crisis. Especially the small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata), which occurs most frequently, shows a sub-optimal condition on many locations. This may have many causes. The thesis reports a research that aimed at finding relations between: results of visual assessment of tree condition (degree of withering); leaf size; shoot length; leaf transpiration; available water in the soil; heavy metals in the soil; heavy metals in the leaves; de-icing salt that has been applied to streets in winter (salt in the soil; salt in the leaves); nutrition ions in the soil; pH; humidity of the root zone; state of soil structure in the root zone. A major part of the measurements occurred in an area between the city centre (Kremlin) and a north-eastern suburb (Schelkovo). This area had bad ecological conditions. Measurements were done in the years 1998, 1999, and 2000. The measurements in 1998 had the function of learning Moscow's stock of trees and training adequate application of the measuring methods. The latter is especially necessary for the visual tree assessment, which requires a great expertise. The thesis is based on measuring data from the years 1999 and 2000. Sampling of leaves and shoots occurred in a specific growing stage and from a specific part of the tree boles. The leaf evaporation was measured on leaves that were cut from their branches by periodically weighing during the first 30 minutes (frequently) and during the first 5-7 hours (less frequently) after separation. Soil water characteristics of growing sites were estimated from particle size distribution and organic matter content using so-called pedotransfer-functions. Here, the so-called Staring Series was used. The evaporation data indicated that the trees suffered from water shortage. No clear relation was found between tree condition and leaf transpiration during the first 15 minutes after leaf separation. The course of leaf evaporation during a few hours after separation showed a much better correlation with tree condition. The estimated soil water characteristics did not show a relation with tree condition. This is probably due to the inaccuracy that is inherent to pedotransfer-functions. A simple water balance confirmed the shortage of water for the vegetation. The structure of the soil in the root zones appeared to be surprisingly bad. Much dust-like material was found in sieving analyses. This had several causes, like: the negative influence of de-icing salt; frequent moving of the earth material; immigration of fine particles from residues of building breaking. The large differences in soil stucture between city soils and natural/agricultural soils is, globally, studied very little and deserves much more attention. Tree condition appeared to be connected with soil nutrients status. The contents of heavy metals in the leaves showed relationships with tree condition if these contents were expressed in ppm/cm2 leaf area. These relationships had an optimum. The leaf area plays a role in the catchment of fine matter. The leaf contents of chlorine were high and showed a high correlation with tree condition. The use of an excessive amount of de-icing salt in winter was an important cause of the bad condition of many city trees. The measurements showed that trees at the sunny side of streets suffered more from the negative influence of de-icing salt than trees at the shady side. The leaf size as a function of tree condition showed an optimum. Relations were also found between tree condition, water content in the root zone, and shoot length

    Predictive method of inventory optimization in industrial manufacturer performance

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    Strong collaboration in supply chain at B2B market may improve operational and financial performance of both suppliers and clients. Need for collaboration benefits realization is especially actual for supplying manufacturers with huge investments in inventory as well as high ordering and carrying costs. Traditional stock level optimization models rely on historic data which makes them inefficient when supply if influenced by changing customized demand of key B2B clients. Strong collaboration with key clients, synchronization of planning process through the whole supply chain up to the end user and a forward-looking demand adjustment (ΔD, %) to the forecasting model are suggested to improve efficiency of planning. The model is validated at the B2B industrial manufacturer with positive effect. Application of the demand adjustment reorients the whole inventory planning practices towards a proactive approach that lead to a higher operational and financial efficiency