155 research outputs found

    Platforming Effect in Rendering Culturonyms` Coinage at the Expert Translation and Interpreting Level in International Activities

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    The given paper views the impact of the process of platforming and digital translation platforms (DTP) on the rendering of cultural meaning in the dialogue of cultures at the expert translation and interpreting level. The main topic is the problem of finding mechanisms for preventing loss and distortion of the meaning of key cultural concepts in the digital age. The authors aim at analyzing methods of adequate translation and interpreting of the interlinguistic meaning of culturonyms (key cultural concepts) as influenced by platforming processes and DTP use, and their unambiguous understanding by representatives of foreign-language culture, including these interpretations in the dictionary-manual elaborated by the authors. The issue in question is the inclusion into the dictionary-manual the adequate translation determining interlanguage correlation, new culturonyms,unknown cultural meanings, and revealing and describing hidden meanings of English and Russian culture-specific elements and idioms. The authors applied a culturally oriented approach to translation and interpreting that has showed the diversity and cultural value of culturerelated codes. The cultural analysis has indicated most significant culturonyms. The authors have systematized examples of the use of cultural concepts and their translation into Russian in the word entries within the dictionary-manual, which now comprises 151 word entries. A contrastive analysis of nonequivalent lexis has revealed lacunae and non-included meanings in both printed and electronic dictionaries. The heuristic method has been used to create open-type heuristic translation tasks. The authors have received practical approval of the results. The empirical research method was used to analyze digitalization processes and assess the suitable DTP for the research purposes. The dictionary proposed herein is of theoretical and practical significance in new understanding of culturonyms, training foreign affairs specialists, and may be used in teaching translation and interpreting in higher school linguistic and cultural studies, creative education, as well as in business consulting for international companies

    Simplified mathematical modeling of the distribution process of licuroside and glycyram between the extractant and Glycyrrhizae radices

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    Theoretical development of the extraction process is an important task for further modeling and calculation of optimal conditions for extraction of biologically active compounds from the plant raw material. The aim of the study was to propose and test a theoretical model to describe the process of Licuroside and Glycyram distribution between the solid phase of Glycyrrhiza radices and the extractant. For studies, we used Glycyrrhiza radices (Liquorice roots). For extraction, we used plant raw material with particle size of 0.1-0.5 mm, and ethanol-water solution 70 % v/v was used as an extractan

    Интеллектуальный анализ текстовой информации в специализированных областях в системе электронного правительства

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    The given paper considers application of data mining technology in scientific research as one of intellectual analysis methods in the domain field of e-Government. The topicality of the issue is stipulated by the current absence of the researches of the kind in the Republic of Belarus. The paper illustrates how the programme package Rapid Miner and the language R have been applied in text mining. Concept indexing has been admitted as the most resultative form of analyzing domain field ontologies. Formal and linguistic approaches are found most effective in analyzing domain field ontologies. The paper identifies the problems of word redundancy and word polysemy. The prognosis for the further research investigation is in interconnectivity of specialized ontologies studying heterogeneous terms on the basis of artificial intelligence (AI).Настоящая статья посвящена изучению применения технологии text mining в научных исследованиях как одного из методов интеллектуального анализа текстовой информации в специализированных областях системы электронного правительства. Значимость работы объясняется тем, что в настоящее время в Республике Беларусь не существует исследований, аналогичных проведенному. Продемонстрировано применение программного пакета Rapid Miner и языка R как сред для глубинного анализа текста. Оптимальной формой изучения предметных онтологий признано так называемое концептуальное индексирование. Обозначены оптимальные подходы к его рассмотрению: формальный и лингвистический. Выявлены проблемы избыточности и многозначности слов. Разработка данной проблематики нацелена на согласование разрозненности русскоязычных и иноязычных терминологических систем специализированных онтологий на основе технологий искусственного интеллекта

    Автоматизация труда переводчиков и развитие технологий перевода на международном рынке переводов: состояние и тенденции развития

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    The given paper views automatic translation process and the current state of translation market in different countries of the world. The author has analysed digitalization of translators and interpreters’ activity on international translation market, creation of translator’s workstation with computer making sophisticated multi-component working environment. The author underlines new IT translation technologies presuppose computer use as a tool in complex specialized translation software implementation. The author, as a practical translator, analyses the computer use in translation process, and translation and interpretation issues which is equal in its complexity for all countries in the world. The paper considers topical issues of machine translation, new economy, digital culture. It suggests some findings in streamlining translation process both in theRepublicofBelarusand in the world markets.В настоящей публикации рассматривается система автоматизации труда переводчиков и состояние рынка переводов в разных странах мира. Автором изучена компьютеризация переводческой деятельности на мировом рынке с обустройством современного рабочего места переводчика, где компьютер создает довольно сложную рабочую среду со множеством входящих в нее компонентов. В статье подчеркивается, что новые информационные технологии в переводе предполагают использование компьютера как средства реализации сложнейшего специализированного программного обеспечения. Автор, как действующий переводчик, анализирует внедрение информационных технологий в процесс перевода и его влияние на огромную переводческую проблему, равную по значимости и сложности для всех стран мира. В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы машинного перевода, новой экономики, цифровой культуры. Предложены выводы по оптимизации рынка переводов как в Республике Беларусь, так и на мировых рынках

    Cellulose Acetate Sulfate as a Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Polyelectrolyte: Synthesis, Properties, and Application

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    The optimal conditions of cellulose acetate sulfate (CAS) homogeneous synthesis with the yield of 94–98 wt.% have been determined. CAS was confirmed to have an even distribution of functional groups along the polymer chain. The polymer was characterized by an exceptionally high water solubility (up to 70 wt.%). The isothermal diagrams of its solubility in water-alcohol media have been obtained. CAS aqueous solutions stability, electrolytic, thermal, and viscous properties have been defined. The main hydrodynamic characteristics such as intrinsic viscosity, Huggins constant, and crossover concentration have been evaluated. The parameters of polymer chain thermodynamic rigidity have been calculated. The formation of liquid crystalline structures in concentrated CAS solutions has been confirmed. CAS was recommended to be used as a binder for the medicinal forms of activated carbon and carbon sorbent for water treatment, hydrophilic ointment foundation

    Observations of high-velocity SAPS-like flows with the King Salmon SuperDARN radar

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    In this study, a focused investigation of the potential for the King Salmon (KS) SuperDARN HF radar to monitor high-velocity flows near the equatorial edge of the auroral oval is undertaken. Events are presented with line-of-sight velocities as high as 2km/s, observed roughly along the L-shell. Statistically, the enhanced flows are shown to be typical for the dusk sector (16:00–23:00 MLT), and the average velocity in this sector is larger (smaller) for winter (summer) conditions. It is also demonstrated that the high-velocity flows can be very dynamical with more localized enhancements existing for just several minutes. These short-lived enhancements occur when the luminosity at the equatorial edge of the auroral oval suddenly decreases during the substorm recovery phase. The short-lived velocity enhancements can be established because of proton and ion injections into the inner magnetosphere and low conductance of the ionosphere and not because of enhanced tail reconnection. This implies that some KS velocity enhancements have the same origin as subauroral polarization streams (SAPS)

    First E region observations of mesoscale neutral wind interaction with auroral arcs

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    We report the first observations of E region neutral wind fields and their interaction with auroral arcs at mesoscale spatial resolution during geomagnetically quiet conditions at Mawson, Antarctica. This was achieved by using a scanning Doppler imager, which can observe thermospheric neutral line-of-sight winds and temperatures simultaneously over a wide field of view. In two cases, the background E region wind field was perpendicular to an auroral arc, which when it appeared caused the wind direction within ∼50 km of the arc to rotate parallel along the arc, reverting to the background flow direction when the arc disappeared. This was observed under both westward and eastward plasma convection. The wind rotations occurred within 7–16 min. In one case, as an auroral arc propagated from the horizon toward the local zenith, the background E region wind field became significantly weaker but remained unaffected where the arc had not passed through. We demonstrate through modeling that these effects cannot be explained by height changes in the emission layer. The most likely explanation seems to be the greatly enhanced ion drag associated with the increased plasma density and localized ionospheric electric field associated with auroral arcs. In all cases, the F region neutral wind appeared less affected by the auroral arc, although its presence is clear in the data