19 research outputs found

    Studi In Silico Senyawa Aktif Daun Tagalolo (Ficus septica Burm F) sebagai Ligan Uji pada Enzim L-Histidin Decarboxylase

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    Histamine is one of the parameters in the tuna export trade that needs to be considered so that the product can be well received in the United States (USA), European Union (EU), and Japan. Histamine is used as a quality indicator for food safety of tuna products, because high histamine can cause toxic effects in humans. The leaves of the tagalolo/awar-awar plant (Ficus septica Burm. F) contain active compounds that function to cure several types of diseases such as ulcers, itching, wounds, diarrhea, dysentery and drugs to reduce fever and are used as inflammatory drugs. This study aims to determine the types of active compounds in tagalolo/awar-awar leaves from the literature search and their potential to react with the enzyme L-histidine decarboxylase through non-empirical research in silico. The compounds obtained from the literature search are Genistin, ß-amyrin, Pyrrolidine and Phenanthroindollizidine. These compounds were then tested In Silico with molecular docking. The results of the in silico study showed that the compounds Genistin, ß-amyrin, Pyrrolidine and Phenanthroindollizidine could not react with the L-histidine decarboxylase enzyme because all the tested ligands did not react or bind to the receptor.Keyword:     Tagalolo plant, Histamine, In Silico, Molecular Docking. Histamin merupakan salah satu parameter dalam perdagangan ekspor tuna yang perlu diperhatikan agar produk dapat diterima dengan baik di Amerika Serikat (USA), Uni Eropa (UE), maupun Jepang. Histamin dijadikan indikator mutu untuk keamanan pangan produk tuna, karena histamin yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan efek keracunan pada manusia. Daun tanaman tagalolo/awar-awar (Ficus septica Burm. F) mengandung senyawa aktif yang berfungsi menyembuhkan beberapa jenis penyakit seperti obat bisul, gatal-gatal, luka, diare, disentri dan obat untuk menurunkan demam serta digunakan sebagai obat radang atau inflamasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis senyawa aktif daun tagalolo/awar-awar hasil penelusuran pustaka dan potensinya untuk bereaksinya dengan enzim L-histidin dekarboksilase melalui riset non-empirik secara in silico. Senyawa yang didapatkan dari penelusuran pustaka yaitu Genistin, β- amyrin, Pyrrolidine dan Phenanthroindollizidine. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut kemudian diuji secara In Silico dengan penambatan molekul (molecular docking). Hasil studi secara in silico menunjukkan bahwa senyawa Genistin, β- amyrin, Pyrrolidine dan Phenanthroindollizidine tidak dapat bereaksi dengan enzim L-histidin dekarbokasilase karena semua ligan uji tidak bereaksi atau terikat dengan reseptor.Kata kunci:  Tanaman Tagalolo, Histamin, In Silico, Molecular Docking

    Studi Pengolahan Cumi-Cumi (Loligo SP.) Asin Kering Dihubungkan Dengan Kadar Air Dan Tingkat Kesukaan Konsumen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari tentang pengolahan cumi-cumi (Loligo sp) asin kering dihubungkan dengan kadar air dan tingkat kesukaan konsumen. Cara perlakuan awal dengan menggunakan alat pengering buatan sumber panas dari sinar matahari dengan lama pengeringan 5 jam dengan suhu 30–31°C dan dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan alat pengering buatan sumber panas dari kompor dengan suhu 45–60°C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai kadar air cumi-cumi asin kering pada penelitian ini sudah memenuhi standar mutu SNI (2326:2010) sehingga masih layak untuk dikomersilkan, dengan nilai 20%. Sedangkan dari penelitian ini, nilai kadar air 19,85% pada lama pengeringan 12 jam dan menggunakan alat pengering buatan dengan sumber panas dari kompor. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik, produk yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah produk yang diberi perlakuan lama pengeringan selama 12 jam dengan cara pengeringan menggunakan pengering buatan di bawah sinar matahari dan dilanjutkan dengan sumber panas dari kompor yaitu dengan nilai: kenampakan (8,733), bau (8,533), cita rasa (8,600), dan tekstur dengan nilai tertinggi (8,600)

    Pengujian TPC, Kadar Air dan pH pada Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus Affinis) Asap Cair Yang Disimpan Pada Suhu Ruang

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    Mackarel Tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) is a leading commodity as a source of food for people in North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to process mackarel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) using liquid smoke stored at room temperature and then tested the product quality, namely) water content, total plate count (TPC), and pH value. The results of the research the resulting moisture content ranged from 35.7 to 58.3%, according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 2725: 2013 that the maximum water content of smoked fish with the maximum heat smoking method was 60%, the total plate count (TPC) was around The average total plate number of smoked fish produced is 0.52 x 10-4 to 2.83 x 10-5 cabbage / g, this value shows in accordance with SNI 2725: 2013 that the total plate number of smoked fish with the maximum heat smoking method is 5 x 104 kol / g, while the average pH value is 5.64, this value shows the pH of smoked fish is below neutral pH, so it can be concluded that the smoked fish contains acid. It is concluded that this research has fully met the requirements for public consumption so that it can be produced as a fishery product

    Mutu Makaroni Tuna Saus Karbonara

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, people are faced with adapting new habits, namely people are encouraged to maintain health and increase body immunity to avoid exposure to COVID-19. One of them is by consuming fish meat which has good nutritional value for the body, high protein and omega-3 in fish meat makes fish an excellent intake for consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the diversified product of macaroni tuna carbonara. with parameters of water content, pH to determine the level of preference for macaroni tuna carbonara by organoleptic test and Total Plate Number (ALT). The results of testing the water content on macaroni tuna carbonara got the best value on 0 days of sample A1 which is boiling for 5 minutes, namely 40% as the lowest value and on observation for 4 days, sample A3 boiling for 15 minutes, which is 61.3% as the highest value. The results of the pH test on macaroni tuna carbonara obtained the best value in sample A2 (10 minutes) 0 days, namely 6.41 and at 4 days 6.9 as the lowest value in sample A3 (15 minutes) 0 days, namely 41 and at 4 days 61, 3 as the highest value. The results of the ALT test on 0 days of sample A1 boiling 5 minutes 1.2x103 as the lowest value of sample A3 boiling 15 minutes 2,3x103 as the highest value. Observation for 4 days of sample A2 boiling 10 minutes 2.7x103 as the lowest value of sample A3 boiling 15 minutes 1.3x105 as the highest value. The results of the organoleptic test observations obtained the highest average value in samples A1 boiling for 5 minutes and A1 boiling for 10 minutes, namely 8.Keywords:    tuna, karbonara, macaroni, Thunnus albacares. Masa pandemik Covid-19 masyarakat dihadapkan dengan adaptasi kebiasaan baru yaitu masyarakat dihimbau untuk tetap menjaga kesehatan serta meningkatkan imunitas tubuh agar terhindar dari paparan covid-19. Salah satunya dengan mengkonsumsi daging ikan yang memiliki nilai gizi yang baik bagi tubuh, tingginya protein dan omega-3 pada daging ikan menjadikan ikan sebagai asupan yang sangat baik dikonsumsi di masa pandemik covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui mutu dari produk diversifikasi makaroni tuna karbonara. dengan parameter kadar air, pH mengetahui tingkat kesukaan makaroni tuna karbonara dengan uji organoleptik dan Angka Lempeng Total (ALT). Hasil pengujian kadar air pada makaroni tuna karbonara didapatkan nilai terbaik pada 0 hari sampel A1 yaitu perebusan 5 menit yaitu 40% sebagai nilai terendah dan pada pengamatan 4 hari sampel A3 perebusan 15 menit yaitu 61,3% sebagai nilai tertinggi. Hasil pengujian pH pada makaroni tuna karbonara didapatkan nilai terbaik pada sampel A2 (10 menit) 0 hari yaitu 6,41 dan pada 4 hari 6,9 sebagai nilai terendah pada sampel A3 (15 menit) 0 hari yaitu 41 dan pada 4 hari 61,3 sebagai nilai tertinggi. Hasil pengujian ALT pada 0 hari sampel A1 perebusan 5 menit 1,2x103 sebagai nilai terendah sampel A3 perebusan 15 menit 2,3x103 sebagai nilai tertinggi. Pengamatan 4 hari sampel A2 perebusan 10 menit 2,7x103 sebagai nilai terendah sampel A3 perebusan 15 menit 1,3x105 sebagai nilai tertinggi. Hasil pengamatan uji organoleptik didapatkan nilai rata-rata nilai tertinggi pada sampel A1 perebusan 5 menit dan A1 perebusan 10 menit yaitu 8.Kata kunci:  tuna, karbonara, macaroni, Thunnus albacares

    Supplementary material 2 from: Calcinai B, Bastari A, Bavestrello G, Bertolino M, Horcajadas SB, Pansini M, Makapedua DM, Cerrano C (2017) Demosponge diversity from North Sulawesi, with the description of six new species. ZooKeys 680: 105-150. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.680.12135

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    Bioaccumulation of mercury and other trace elements in the edible holothurian Holothuria (Halodeima) atra in relation to gold mining activities in North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Artisanal and small-scale gold mines (ASGMs) have been accompanied by widespread usage of mercury amalgamation to extract gold from ores, putting Indonesia among the top three global emitters of this pollutant and posing potential risks to the marine ecosystem and human health. Although the use of mercury has been largely eliminated following the signature of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the practice of mercury amalgamation in ASGM has persisted in several regions, including the North Sulawesi. This study assesses how on the contamination of mercury and other trace elements coming from both industrial mines and ASGMs affects marine sediments and their bioaccumulation in two tissues (body wall and guts) of the edible holothurian Holothuria (Halodeima) atra, by comparing samples collected downstream of four mining areas to four control sites in the North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. In sediments, mean concentrations of arsenic, gold, cobalt, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, antimony, and zinc were significantly higher at sites receiving mine discharges than at control sites. Downstream to gold mines, compared to control sites, significant higher concentrations of As, Au, Cr, Hg, and Ni in holothurians body walls and of As, Au, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, Sn, and Zn in holothurians guts were found. In general, higher contaminations in sediments and tissues were found at the site near the oldest artisanal mine. Trace element levels in H. atra specimens in North Sulawesi were generally higher than those reported in other regions. In the study area, these holothurians significantly bioaccumulate Hg, As, Zn, Cd, Cu, Sn, and biota-sediment accumulation factors were higher in guts than in body walls. From an environmental and human health perspective, Hg is resulted the most concerning element in surface sediment and H. atra specimens. Based on this evidence, further studies are urgently needed to understand better the effect of mercury and other potentially toxic trace elements in marine ecosystems and food webs in mining areas both in North Sulawesi and in many still poorly investigated southeast Pacific areas

    Efek Suhu dan Waktu Simpan terhadap Kualitas Bagian Tengah Yellowfin Tuna Segar (Thunnus albacares)

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    Decline quality of Tuna as a result of abuse temperature and long shelf life time. Histamine, microbial and sensory odours become one of the global problems that can cause health problems. Large number of bacteria dominated in viscera area rather than other fish parts. This study was conducted to determine the effect of storage temperature on histamine, microbial and sensory odours on middle of Yellowfin Tuna. This study used descriptive explorative method, sampel were periodically taken for analyses at intervals 48 hours (0ºC), 8 hours (10ºC) and 4 hours (25ºC). Yellowfin Tuna was rejected earlier by the sensory odours than TPC and histamine. During storage at 0ºC for 720 hours histamine levels still acceptable for consumption however TPC already exceeded the limit after 672 hours and rejected by sensory odours for 624 hours storage. During storage at temperature 10ºC did not reached the limit for 120 hours while TPC value already reached 2x106 cfu/g for 88 hours storage and rejected by sensory odours for 72 hours storage. During storage at temperature 25ºC histamine reached 67.3 ppm for 32 hours, ALT reached 5.5x105 cfu/g for 24 hours and rejected by sensory odour for 20 hours of storage. Histamine formation correlates with the growth of microbial counts and decrease of sensory odours value. Suhu yang tinggi dalam waktu simpan lama berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kualitas ikan tuna. Histamin, mikroba dan bau busuk menjadi salah satu permasalahan global yang dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan. Bagian tengah ikan menjadi sumber bakteri paling tinggi dibandingkan bagian lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perkembangan histamin, ALT dan sensori bau pada bagian tengah Tuna sirip kuning dalam penyimpanan suhu yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif eksploratif, sample di analisis secara berkala pada suhu 0ºC (48 jam), 10ºC (8 jam) dan 25ºC (4 jam). Tuna sirip kuning mengalami pembusukan lebih awal berdasarkan parameter sensori bau, kemudian disusul ALT dan Histamin. Kandungan histamine pada suhu 0ºC masih layak untuk dikonsumsi setelah 720 jam, namun nilai ALT melebihi batas aman setelah 672 jam penyimpanan dan nilai sensori bau setelah 624 jam penyimpanan. Penyimpanan suhu 10ºC tidak menyebabkan peningkatan histamin melebihi batas limit setelah penyimpanan selama 120 jam, sedangkan nilai ALT mencapai 2x106 cfu/g setelah 88 jam dan nilai sensori bau menyatakan ikan busuk setelah penyimpanan selama 72 jam. Penyimpanan suhu 25ºC histamin mencapai 67,3 ppm setelah penyimpanan 32 jam dan nilai ALT 5,5x105 cfu/g pada penyimpanan ke 24 jam serta ikan dinyatakan busuk berdasarkan sensori bau setelah 20 jam penyimpanan. Peningkatan histamin berkorelasi dengan pertumbuhan jumlah mikroba dan penurunan nilai sensori bau