23 research outputs found


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    Purpose: Karshya is a clinical condition that can be correlated with under nutrition in which body gets emaciated gradually. Among the eight socially undesirable physical state mentioned by Charak, Karshya has been categorized under nutritional deficiency. Altered function of Vayu and Agni leads to insufficient production of Rasa Dhatu. Uposhoshan of Rasa Dhatu takes place leading to Dhatu Kshaya chronologically. Hence the patients of Karshya suffers from indigestion, malabsorption, defective metabolism. Meda Dhatu and Mamsa Dhatu Kshaya at microscopical level ultimately express its symptom macroscopically. So, the purpose of my study is to provide an Ayurvedic management and prove the efficacy of Shatavari in the management of Karshya which Valya Vayasthapan.Method: 35 patients were diagnosed as Karshya from O.P.D G.B Ayurvedic college, on the basis of subjective and objective parameters which includes sign and symptoms and Anthropometric measurement respectively. Powder Shatavari was administered to every patient at the dose of 12 gm/day in two divided doses for 3 months. Anthropometric measurement like BMI, MUAC etc are computed before and after treatment.Result: Significant reduction in sign and symptoms was found in almost all patients. Statistical analysis of anthropometric measurement of 35 patients showed highly significant where p value was <0.001.Conclusion: Karshya can be efficiently and effectively managed with Ayurvedic medication and the complication be prevented


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    Obesity is the world’s oldest metabolic disorder. Now a days it is common growing life style disorder. Globally one in six adults is obese & nearly 2. 8 million individuals die each year due to overweight or obesity. According to WHO, BMI more than 25 kg /m2 and 30 kg/m2 is considered as overweight and obese respectively. It is mentioned in Ayurveda in term of Sthoulya or Atisthoulya. The Nidan, Samprapti, Chikitsa sutra all are mentioned in detail in Ayurveda. The main pathology of this disease is formation of Ama which produce Sanga or Avarana of all the Srotas of the body, so there is deficiency of Rasadi Dhatus except Medadhatu. Untreated cases of Sthoulya may develop various types of diseases like Prameha, Prameha Pidaka, Vataroga etc. & ultimately proceed towards death, So proper diagnosis & therapeutic management is needed to treat the disease as well as to prevent the complications also. Hence in this present case study Mustak (Cyperus rotundus) is selected to treat Sthoulya. The drug is given at the dose of 6 gm twice daily for consecutive two months, follow up was done one month interval. level. The sign and symptoms and the BMI level were observed before and after treatment. The result shows marked improvement of sign and symptoms along with decrease in BMI, lipid profile level. According to Charak, Mustak is included in Lekhaneeya mahakashaya which possess Katu, Tikta, Kashaya rasa, Ama Pachak property. By this phenomenon it causes digestion of Amadosa, Kshaya of excess Medadhatu. So from this present case study it can be concluded that Mustak is very much effective to treat Sthoulya as a single drug therapy.

    Sperm Motility Regulatory Proteins: A Tool to Enhance Sperm Quality

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    Sperm forward motility is an essential parameter in mammalian fertilization. Studies from our laboratory have identified and characterized a few unique sperm motility regulatory proteins/glycoproteins from the male reproductive fluids and mammalian blood serum. The purified sperm motility-initiating protein (MIP) from caprine epididymal plasma as well as the forward motility-stimulating factor (FMSF) and motility-stimulating protein (MSP) from buffalo and goat serum, respectively, have high efficacy to initiate or increase motility in nonmotile or less motile sperm. Antibody of sperm motility inhibitory factor (MIF-II) has the high potential to enhance sperm vertical velocity and forward motility by increasing intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) level. The appearance and disappearance of D-galactose–specific lectin and its receptor along the epididymis has been reported to be involved in motility regulation in spermatozoa. A novel synthetic cryopreservation method and role of lipid to protect membrane damage during cryopreservation have been demonstrated. Motility-promoting proteins may be extremely useful for improving cattle breeding and breeding of endangered species, thereby helping in enhanced production of animal products as well as in the conservation of animals. Isolated proteins and developed cryopreservation technology may also be beneficial in human infertility clinics to increase the chance of fertilization

    Development of Derivatives of 3, 3′-Diindolylmethane as Potent Leishmania donovani Bi-Subunit Topoisomerase IB Poisons

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    Background: The development of 3, 39-diindolyl methane (DIM) resistant parasite Leishmania donovani (LdDR50) by adaptation with increasing concentrations of the drug generates random mutations in the large and small subunits of heterodimeric DNA topoisomerase I of Leishmania (LdTOP1LS). Mutation of large subunit of LdTOP1LS at F270L is responsible for resistance to DIM up to 50 mM concentration. Methodology/Principal Findings: In search of compounds that inhibit the growth of the DIM resistant parasite and inhibit the catalytic activity of mutated topoisomerase I (F270L), we have prepared three derivatives of DIM namely DPDIM (2,29diphenyl 3,39-diindolyl methane), DMDIM (2,29-dimethyl 3,39-diindolyl methane) and DMODIM (5,59-dimethoxy 3,39diindolyl methane) from parent compound DIM. All the compounds inhibit the growth of DIM resistant parasites, induce DNA fragmentation and stabilize topo1-DNA cleavable complex with the wild type and mutant enzyme. Conclusion: The results suggest that the three derivatives of DIM can act as promising lead molecules for the generation of new anti-leishmanial agents

    Betelvine (Piper betle L.): A comprehensive insight into its ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, and pharmacological, biomedical and therapeutic attributes

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    Piper betle L. (synonym: Piper betel Blanco), or betel vine, an economically and medicinally important cash crop, belongs to the family Piperaceae, often known as the green gold. The plant can be found all over the world and is cultivatedprimarily in South East Asian countries for its beautiful glossy heart-shaped leaves, which are chewed or consumed as betelquidand widely used in Chinese and Indian folk medicine, as carminative, stimulant,astringent, against parasitic worms, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, wound, etc., andis also used for religious purposes. Hydroxychavicol is the most important bioactive compound among the wide range of phytoconstituents found in essential oil and extracts. The pharmacological attributes of P. betle are antiproliferation, anticancer, neuropharmacological, analgesic, antioxidant, antiulcerogenic, hepatoprotective, antifertility, antibacterial, antifungal and many more. Immense attention has been paid to nanoformulations and their applications. The application of P. betle did not show cytotoxicity in preclinical experiments, suggesting that it could serve as a promising therapeutic candidate for different diseases. The present review comprehensively summarizes the botanical description, geographical distribution, economic value and cultivation, ethnobotanical uses, preclinical pharmacological properties with insights of toxicological, clinical efficacy, and safety of P. betle. The findings suggest that P. betle represents an orally active and safe natural agent that exhibits great therapeutic potential for managing various human medical conditions. However, further research is needed to elucidate its underlying molecular mechanisms of action, clinical aspects, structure–activity relationships, bioavailability and synergistic interactions with other drugs.This research was funded by projects APOGEO (Cooperation Program INTERREG-MAC 2014–2020, with European Funds for Regional Development-FEDER, ‘Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) del Gobierno de Canarias’ (project ProID2020010134), and CajaCanarias (project 2019SP43).Peer reviewe


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    Diabetes mellitus is a major problem now a days throughout the World. The incidence of the both types ofDiabetes are rising, it is estimated that in 2000, 171 million people had Diabetes and this is expected to doubleby 2030 by worldwide. It is explained in Ayurveda as Madhumeha. Acharya Charak described themanagement of Madhumeha considering the body constitution &strength of the patient. There are twotypes madhumehi, one is having stout body structure with good strength (sthula&valasali) & another is havinglean & thin body structure without strength (krisha&durbal). AcharyaCharakhas mentioned to give brimhan orsantarpan therapy in Krishamadhumehi. Shatavari (Asperagus racemosus) is such a drug whichhas brimhaneeya property as well as it is also found to be effective in the treatment and control of madhumeha.In the present study Shatavari (Asparagus recemosus Linn.) is selected for clinical trial to the patienthaving Madhumeha with Krishata. The assessment was done on the basis of subjective parameters andobjective parameters like BMI, blood sugar and urine sugar level of patient who was selected from OPD ofGaur Brahaman Ayurvedic College, Haryana. Shatavari moola churan was given at the dose of 6 gm twicedaily for consecutive 2 months. BMI,Fasting and PP blood sugar and urine sugar level were computed beforeand after treatment. Result showed marked improvement in sign and symptoms of the patient along withimprovement in BMI and lowering of blood and urine sugar level.After evaluating the total effect of therapiesit was revealed that Shatavari is very much beneficial to increase the body weight of the patient along withgood control of blood sugar level

    Goat sperm membrane: lectin-binding sites of sperm surface and lectin affinity chromatography of the mature sperm membrane antigens

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    The cell surface glycoproteins of goat epididymal maturing sperma~r;zoa have been investigated using lectins as surface probes that interact with specific sugars with high a~,aity. Concanavalin A (ConA) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) showed high affinity for mature cauda epidi~ymal sperm ~gg[utination, whereas RCA,, kidney beans lectin and peanut agglutinin caused much lower or little aggluth,~fion of the cells. The mature sperm exhibited markedly higher efficacy than the immature caput epididymal sperm fo)r binding both ConA and WGA, as evidenced by sperm agglutination and the binding of the fluorescence isothiocyanate (FITC)-Iabeiled lecfins. FITC-ConA binds uniformly to the entire mature sperm surface whereas FITC.WGA binds to the acrosemai cap region of the head. The FITC-RCA 2 mainly labelled the posterior head of mature cauda sperm. However. no WGA-speciflc glycoprotein receptors could be detected in sperm plasma membrane (PM) by WGA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The data implied that the epididymal sperm maturation is associated with a marked increase in the ConA/WGA receptors and that WGA receptors may be glycolipids rather than glyco~r~teins. Analysis of the ConA receptors of cauda sperm PM identified by ConA-S:pbarose affinity chromatography and subsequent resolution in SDS-PAGE demonstrated the presence of five glycopolypeptides of different concentrations (98, 96, 43, 27 and 17 kDa) of goat sperm membrane. The immunobbt of these ConA-specific glycopeptides with anti-sperm membrane antiserum showed that 98- and 96-kDa receptors are immunor~spo~sive

    End-Game Algorithm for Guided Weapon System Against Aerial Evader

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    An efficient and generalized method of end-game algorithm has been proposed to engage air-borne evaders, including high-speed, highly maneuvering, and small evaders, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Performance of interceptors using time delay estimation and guidance integrated real-time prediction algorithm has been simulated to estimate the errors in engaging maneuvering evader targets. After extensive modeling of engagement geometry and simulation studies of the proposed algorithm, it is concluded that the algorithm can be used for defeating ballistic as well as maneuvering targets with higher accuracy compared to other methods that are reported in the literature. The accuracy of estimation is found to improve by 12% over the reported methods used for engaging maneuvering evaders. The algorithm is implemented in hardware and results are presented for a typical case of engagement geometry against a small maneuvering target, which ensured maximum damage to the target. © 1965-2011 IEEE

    The molecular characterization of clinical isolates from Indian Kala-azar patients by MLEE and RAPD-PCR

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    Background: Kala-azar is a serious health problem in India. The situation has worsened further due to the occurrence of cases unresponsive to antimonials. About 30-50% patients do not respond to the prevailing regimen of antimonials. The etiological agent for Indian kala-azar has long been known to be Leishmania donovani. Recently, in a somewhat startling report, it was claimed that L. tropica causes nearly 25% of current kala-azar cases in India. It was also suggested that this might be in some way related to the unresponsiveness to pentavalent antimonials in the field. Material/Methods: Two independent molecular characterization techniques, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) and RAPD-PCR, were employed to analyze 15 clinical isolates from confirmed Indian kala-azar patients collected from the eastern part of the country over a period of nearly 20 years. The collection included six Sb5+-unresponsive and one PKDL case. Results: Our observations strongly suggest that all the clinical isolates, including the antimony (Sb5+)-unresponsive and PKDL ones, we studied were identical to the WHO reference strain (DD8) for Leishmania donovani by both the above methods and no strain variation might have occurred in two major epidemic and inter-epidemic periods. We also observed that none of the Sb5+-unresponsive stains we analyzed was related to L. tropica. Conclusions: We conclude that L. donovani may be the causal agent for Indian kala-azar and that L. tropica is most likely not an etiological agent for Indian Kala-azar cases that are unresponsive to antimonials

    An unusual pro-inflammatory role of interleukin-10 induced by arabinosylated lipoarabinomannan in murine peritoneal macrophages

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    Various species of Mycobacteria produce a major cell wall-associated lipoglycan, called Lipoarabinomannan (LAM), which is involved in the virulence of Mycobacterial species. In this study, we tried to establish the role of the increased IL-10 secretion under Arabinosylated-LAM (Ara-LAM) treatment, the LAM that induces apoptosis in host macrophages or PBMC. We have studied the survival and apoptotic factors by western blotting, and estimated nitrite generation by Griess reaction, quantified iNOS mRNA by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and ultimately the fate of the cells were studied by Flow Cytometric Analysis of AnnexinV-FITC binding. As per our observations, neutralization of released IL-10 in C57BL/6 peritoneal macrophages prior to Ara-LAM treatment, as well as macrophages from IL-10 knockout (KO) mice treated with Ara-LAM, showed significant down regulation of pro-apoptotic factors and up regulation of survival factors. These effects were strikingly similar to those when peritoneal macrophages were subjected to TNF-α and IL-12 neutralization followed by Ara-LAM-treatment. However, under similar conditions virulent Mannosylated-LAM (from Mycobacterium tuberculosis) treatment of macrophages clearly depicts the importance of IL-10 in the maintenance of pathogenesis, proving its usual immunosuppressive role. Thus, from our detailed investigations we point out an unusual pro-inflammatory action of IL-10 in Ara-LAM treated macrophages, where it behaves in a similar manner as the known Th1 cytokines TNF-α and IL-12