330 research outputs found

    Correcting Interdevice Bias of Horizontal White-to-White and Sulcus-to-Sulcus Measures Used for Implantable Collamer Lens Sizing.

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    PURPOSE: To assess the agreement and repeatability of horizontal white-to-white (WTW) and horizontal sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) diameter measurements and use these data in combination with available literature to correct for interdevice bias in preoperative implantable collamer lens (ICL) size selection. DESIGN: Interinstrument reliability and bias assessment study. METHODS: A total of 107 eyes from 56 patients assessed for ICL implantation at our institution were included in the study. This was a consecutive series of all patients with suitable available data. The agreement and bias between WTW (measured with the Pentacam and BioGraph devices) and STS (measured with the HiScan device) were estimated. RESULTS: The mean spherical equivalent was -8.93 ± 5.69 diopters. The BioGraph measures of WTW were wider than those taken with the Pentacam (bias = 0.26 mm, P < .01), and both horizontal WTW measures were wider than the horizontal STS measures (bias >0.91 mm, P < .01). The repeatability (Sr) of STS measured with the HiScan was 0.39 mm, which was significantly reduced (Sr = 0.15 mm) when the average of 2 measures was used. Agreement between the horizontal WTW measures and horizontal STS estimates when bias was accounted for was г = 0.54 with the Pentacam and г = 0.64 with the BioGraph. CONCLUSIONS: Large interdevice bias was observed for WTW and STS measures. STS measures demonstrated poor repeatability, but the average of repeated measures significantly improved repeatability. In order to conform to the US Food and Drug Administration's accepted guidelines for ICL sizing, clinicians should be aware of and account for the inconsistencies between devices

    Évaluation du risque toxique lié à la prévalence de trihalométhanes dans l'eau utilisée pour la dialyse

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    L'hémodialyse est une thérapeutique réservée aux sujets insuffisants rénaux en attente d'une greffe. Elle permet de recueillir dans un soluté aqueux les déchets que l'organisme ne peut plus évacuer par voie rénale. L'eau nécessaire à la préparation de ce dialysat représente un volume de 90 à 200 litres par séance et par sujet. Elle est obtenue en faisant subir à l'eau du réseau de distribution un traitement complémentaire. Celui-ci comporte en milieu spécialisé une chloration, un adoucissement par résines cationiques, une filtration sur colonne de charbon actif en grains et une osmose inverse.Les trihalométhanes sont probablement les sous-produits de chloration les plus répandus dans les eaux distribuées. Certains parmi eux sont cancérigènes chez l'animal et mutagènes in vitro. Chez l'homme, leurs effets à faibles doses et à long terme restent discutés. Compte tenu des importants volumes d'eau nécessaires à la pratique de l'hémodialyse, il nous a paru intéressant d'observer l'efflcacité du circuit de pré-traitement sur ces composés et d'évaluer les doses auxquelles sont exposés les patients qui bénéficient de cette thérapeutique.Des prélèvements ont été réalisés aux différentes étapes du pré-traitement, de façon hebdomadaire dans deux installations identiques, à la recherche de trihalométhanes. Ils permettent de constater que du chloroforme à une concentration moyenne de 10,5 llgA est encore présent en bout de chaîne. En tenant compte des volumes d'eau utilisés pour chaque séance, ceci signifie que les patients dialysés sont exposés, selon leur âge, à des doses pouvant atteindre jusqu'à dix fois la valeur préconisée dans l'eau potable par l'OMS. La moitié de ce chloroforme est susceptible de passer dans la circulation sanguine et d'exercer un effet toxique. Cette situation peut être corrigée par le choix d'une ressource en eau à charge organique faible, par un renouvellement fréquent du charbon actif et par l'utilisation de membranes en polyamides dans les modules d'osmose inverse. Ces résultats doivent amener à une réflexion plus générale sur la présenoe de sous-produits de la chloration et de micropolluants dans l'eau utilisée en dialyse. Ils doivent également inciter les cliniciens à rechercher, chez les dialysés les plus exposés, d'éventuels effets délétères liés à ces produits.Hemodialysis is an indispensable therapy for patients with chronic renal failure. Two or three times a week and over several years, their blood is dialyzed in an artificial kidney against a dialysis fluid called dialysate.Each time, 90 to 200 liters of this fluid will flow through the apparatus. Before being mixed with the dialysis concentrate, the water will be treated in order to eliminate harmful substances such as aluminum or endotoxins.Trihalomethanes (THM) are probably the most widespread chlorination byproducts of tap water. Most of them are known as carcinogens for animals and mutagens in vitro. Although their hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity are obvious after acute intoxication, their effects at low doses on human health have still not been clearly demonstrated.Considering the great amount of water required by hemodialysis patients, we found interested in determining wether the control of these substances by the hospital water treatment plant was efficient. We decided then to analyze weekly and during two months, the tap water of two hemodialysis departments for THM, before and after various forms of treatment. The treatment in both departments was the same and made up of four important stages: chlorination, softening, charcoal filtering and reverse osmosis.THM determinations were conducted using the headspace technique with a gas chromatograph equipped with a split injector and an [sup]63Ni electron capture detector.Our results show that chloroform and dichlorobromomethane were present in tap water. Their respective mean concentration in both department came to 56 µg/l and 5 µg/l. After chlorination and water softening, these figures had moderately but significantly increased. In the first department, thanks to new granular activated carbon, a large part of THM (especially dichlorobromomethane) had been removed. However after seven weeks, this treatment was no longer efficient and only 7% of the influent chloroform and 50% of the dichlorobromomethane could be removed. In the second department, the charcoal filter had already been working for more than one year at the beginning of our study. No decrease of the chloroform concentration had been observed and dichlorobromomethane had significantly increased. 80 to 90% of influent THM were removed after the double stage of reverse osmosis using polyamide membranes. With new granular activated carbon, the dialysis fluid only contains 1 µg/l of chloroform. But after seven weeks or more, it will reach an average of 10.5 g/l of chloroform and 1 µg/l of dichlorobromomethane. These figures are probably underestimated as our study was performed in winter and THM concentrations are less important during that season.These results mean that during a single session, 0.9 to 2.1 mg of chloroform will reach the artificial kidney. Depending on the weight of the patients, this exposure will be equivalent up to 10 times the value recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water.The last part of our study monitored the chloroform concentration in dialysate coming out the artificial kidney during an hemodialysis period. A significant decrease, reaching up to 45% of the influent amount, was observed. This result suggests that some of the chloroform must have crossed the dialysis membrane.According to all these results, we think that it would be of great interest to explore the metabolism of chloroform on hemodialysis patients and to search for eventual toxic effects. Practical advices to people in charge of water treatment plants in hemodialysis department would be to use raw water with low concentrations of humic materials, in order to restrict THM formation. The charcoal filter should be changed more often (probably after 6 or 7 weeks). Alternatively, ways could be found for rapid regeneration of charcoal for THM removal. Finally and according to previous studies, a polyamide membrane should be systematically used for reverse osmosis.Our study could eventually be completed by searching in the dialysis fluid any other chlorination by-products which are responsible to a large extent for tap water mutagenicity

    Clinical Outcomes and Cataract Formation Rates in Eyes 10 Years After Posterior Phakic Lens Implantation for Myopia.

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    Intraocular collamer lenses (ICLs) are posterior chamber phakic lenses that provide a refractive surgery option for those with high myopia or astigmatism. The short-term and midterm results indicate good refraction stability, efficacy, and safety. Cataract has been suggested to be an important long-term complication of ICL implantation. To report the rates of cataract development and refractive outcomes 10 years after ICL implantation. The study included 133 eyes of 78 patients undergoing consecutive V4 model ICL implantations, which took place from January 1, 1998, through December 31, 2004, at Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland. Data analysis was performed from January 1, 2014, to May 31, 2014. The lenses implanted were as follows: 53 V4 model ICLs of -15.5 D or greater, 73 V4 model ICLs of less than -15.5 diopter (D), and 7 V4 model toric ICLs for myopia. Rate of cataract surgery, lens opacity, ocular hypertension, refractive safety, predictability, and stability. A total of 133 eyes of 78 patients (34 men and 44 women, with a mean [SD] age of 38.8 [9.2] years at enrollment) met the inclusion criteria. The rate of lens opacity development was 40.9% (95% CI, 32.7%-48.8%) and 54.8% (95% CI, 44.7%-63.0%) at 5 and 10 years, respectively. Phacoemulsification was performed in 5 eyes (4.9%; 95% CI, 1.0%-8.7%) and 18 eyes (18.3%; 95% CI, 10.1%-25.8%) at 5 and 10 years after ICL implantation, respectively. The vault height (distance between the posterior ICL surface and anterior lens surface) measured a mean (SD) of 426 (344) μm immediately postoperatively, decreasing to 213 (169) μm at 10 years. A smaller vault height was associated with the development of lens opacity and phacoemulsification (P = .005 and .008, respectively). The intraocular pressure was 15 mm Hg postoperatively, and there was no significant increase in intraocular pressure observed until the 10-year follow-up (16 mm Hg, P = .02). At 10 years, 12 eyes (12.9%; 95% CI, 5.6%-19.6%) had developed ocular hypertension that required topical medication. At 10 years, the mean (SD) safety index was 1.25 (0.57), with a manifest spherical equivalent of -0.5 D at 1-year postoperatively vs -0.7 D at 10 years postoperatively in eyes aimed at emmetropia. This retrospective single center study indicates that ICL implantation provides good long-term safety and stability of refraction in patients with high myopia compared with similar short-term studies. However, the rates of cataract formation and ocular hypertension at 10 years have important clinical implications, and as such this information should be part of the available patient information before ICL implantation

    Ultrasonographic measurements of abdominal lymph nodes in growing puppies

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    The sonographic appearance of the normal abdominal lymph nodes in adult dogs has been well described, but the data in puppies are scarce and of poor quality. The aim of the current study was to evaluate any differences in abdominal lymph node sonographic measurements in puppies of various sizes and to determine whether any differences were correlated with growth and weight gain during the first 10 weeks of life. By an approach based on prospective and serial measurements, length, width and thickness of jejunal, medial iliac and hypogastric nodes were obtained in twenty-one healthy puppies of various sizes, at six (T0), eight (T1) and ten (T2) weeks of age. The relationship between body weight and length, width and thickness of lymph nodes was evaluated using a Pearson correlation analysis. An ANOVA test was used to compare the measurements at different ages. Jejunal and iliac lymph nodes were the largest in large breed dogs. In large-sized puppies only the length of the jejunal lymph nodes correlated positively with width and body weight. Length of medial iliac lymph nodes correlated positively with width and body weight in all three sizes. None of the measurements of hypogastric lymph nodes were related to body weight. In large-sized puppies jejunal and iliac lymph nodes increased in length and width with age; in medium-sized puppies only iliac lymph nodes increased; in small-sized puppies jejunal and iliac lymph nodes significantly decreased in length and thickness. In conclusion, the lymph node sizes in young animals are directly related to body weight and do not decrease with growth during the first 10 weeks of life, except in small-sized puppies


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    La tassazione d’impresa: le riforme continuano

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    Identifying more reliable parameters for the detection of change during the follow-up of mild to moderate keratoconus patients.

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    Reaching a consensus on which parameters are most reliable at detecting progressive keratoconus patients with serial topography imaging is not evident. The aim of the study was to isolate the parameters best positioned to detect keratoconus progression using the Pentacam HR® measures based on the respective limits of repeatability and range of measurement. Using the Pentacam HR®, a tolerance index was calculated on anterior segment parameters in healthy and keratoconic eyes. The tolerance index provides a scale from least to most affected parameters in terms of measurement noise relative to that observed in healthy eyes. Then, based on the "number of increments" from no disease to advanced disease, a relative utility (RU) score was also calculated. RU values close to 1 indicate parameters best positioned to detect a change in keratoconic eyes. The tolerance index values indicated that 36% of ocular parameters for keratoconic eyes had repeatability limits which were wider than normative limits (worse), but 28% of the ocular parameters were narrower than normative limits (better). Considering only those parameters with a RU greater than 0.95, a small number of parameters were within this range, such as corneal curvature and asphericity indices. This study demonstrates that measurement error in keratoconic eyes is significantly greater than healthy eyes. Indices implemented here provide guidance on the levels of expected precision in keratoconic eyes relative to healthy eyes to aid clinicians in distinguishing real change from noise. Importantly maximal keratometry (Kmax), central corneal thickness (CCT) and thinnest corneal thickness (TCT) were highlighted as problematic indices for the follow-up of keratoconus in terms of repeatability

    Mapping modeled exposure of wildland fire smoke for human health studies in California

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    Wildland fire smoke exposure affects a broad proportion of the U.S. population and is increasing due to climate change, settlement patterns and fire seclusion. Significant public health questions surrounding its effects remain, including the impact on cardiovascular disease and maternal health. Using atmospheric chemical transport modeling, we examined general air quality with and without wildland fire smoke PM2.5. The 24-h average concentration of PM2.5 from all sources in 12-km gridded output from all sources in California (2007–2013) was 4.91 μg/m3. The average concentration of fire-PM2.5 in California by year was 1.22 μg/m3 (~25% of total PM2.5). The fire-PM2.5 daily mean was estimated at 4.40 μg/m3 in a high fire year (2008). Based on the model-derived fire-PM2.5 data, 97.4% of California’s population lived in a county that experienced at least one episode of high smoke exposure (“smokewave”) from 2007–2013. Photochemical model predictions of wildfire impacts on daily average PM2.5 carbon (organic and elemental) compared to rural monitors in California compared well for most years but tended to over-estimate wildfire impacts for 2008 (2.0 µg/m3 bias) and 2013 (1.6 µg/m3 bias) while underestimating for 2009 (−2.1 µg/m3 bias). The modeling system isolated wildfire and PM2.5 from other sources at monitored and unmonitored locations, which is important for understanding population exposure in health studies. Further work is needed to refine model predictions of wildland fire impacts on air quality in order to increase confidence in the model for future assessments. Atmospheric modeling can be a useful tool to assess broad geographic scale exposure for epidemiologic studies and to examine scenario-based health impacts

    An unusual case of testicular disorder in sex development of arabian mare (64,xx sry-negative)

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    A 3-year-old Arabian mare underwent medical examinations due to the presence of abnormalities of the reproductive apparatus and stallion behavior (nervous temperament, aggressiveness, masculine attitude). During the clinical visit, an anovulvar distance shorter than normal was observed; moreover, vulvar lips were dorsally fused except for the lower neckline, showing a blind ending from which a penis-like structure protruded. The ultrasound examination revealed the presence of a cervix and corpus of a uterus, hypoplastic uterine horns, and small gonads with an echogenicity similar to a testis. Blood testosterone levels ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 ng/mL. Cytogenetic analysis showed a normal female karyotype (2n = 64,XX), while PCR amplification of SRY and ZFY genes revealed the absence of a Y chromosome. At necroscopic examination, internal genitalia arising from the genital ridge in the form of masculine type structures were found, while those deriving from the Mullerian ducts were of feminine type. In addition, an infundibular portion of the salpinx at the cranial pole of the gonads was found. This is the first case in equine species of DSD 2n = 64,XX SRY-negative, with the simultaneous presence of male (hypoplastic testicles, epididymal portions, and a penis-like structure) and female (cervix, horn and body of a hypoplastic uterus) genital structures