12 research outputs found

    Technologie wykorzystywane w telepielęgniarstwie.

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    Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Technologia komunikacyjna jest obecna w naszym codziennym życiu korzystamy z telefonu, wiadomości tekstowych, e- maila i wideo. Na rozkwit telemedycyny ma wpływ kilka złożonych czynników: postęp informatyczny, ochrona zdrowia a także czynniki demograficzne, społeczne i ekonomiczne. Technologia ma pomóc pacjentom i personelowi medycznemu w szybkiej i wczesnej diagnostyce  problemów zdrowotnych. Najbardziej pożądanym urządzeniem telemedycyny przez lekarzy kardiologów jest przekaz opisu EKG a przez lekarzy rehabilitantów- postępy rehabilitacyjne pacjentów. Natomiast personel pielęgniarski od telemedycyny oczekuje możliwości monitorowania pacjentów. Narzędzia telemedycyny podniosą nie tylko jakość wykonywanych usług ale także wzrost poczucia bezpieczeństwa pacjenta przebywającego w szpitalu, jak i w domu. Zmniejszająca się z różnych względów liczba personelu pielęgniarskiego wpływa na poziom wykonywanych usług a możliwość wykorzystania sprzętu medycznego w telepielęgniarstwie poprawi opiekę nad pacjentem.Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest zwrócenie uwagi na szybki rozwój urządzeń telemedycznych stosowanych na świecie i w Polsce oraz dalsze rozpowszechnienie w placówkach służby zdrowia jak i warunkach domowych pacjenta.Wnioski: Wprowadzenie urządzeń telemedycznych do praktyki pielęgniarskiej spowoduje nie tylko poprawę relacji lekarz-pacjent-pielęgniarka ale także usprawniłoby działanie systemu w placówkach ochrony zdrowia. Urządzenia wykorzystywane przez personel pielęgniarski w telemedycynie umożliwiłyby sprawowanie ciągłego nadzoru nad  zdrowiem pacjenta.Słowa: telemedycyna, telepielęgniarstwo, teleopieka, urządzenia i usługi telemedyczne

    MET receptor is a potential therapeutic target in high grade cervical cancer

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    Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women suffering from tumors. Current treatment options are insufficient. Here, we investigated the MET receptor as a potential molecular target in advanced cervical cancer. Downregulation of MET receptor expression via RNA interference in different cervical carcinoma cell lines dramatically decreased tumor growth and forced tumor differentiation in vivo. MET receptor silencing also led to a dramatic decrease in cell size and a decrease in proliferation rate under normal and stress conditions. MET receptor downregulation also resulted in decreased cyclin D1 and c-myc levels but did not increase apoptosis. Subsequent experiments showed that downregulation of the MET receptor decreased the expression of a key regulator of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, SLUG. and increased the expression of E-cadherin, a hallmark of the epithelial phenotype. Moreover, MET downregulation impairs expression and signaling of CXCR4 receptor, responsible for invasive phenotype. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that the MET receptor influences the oncogenic properties of cervical carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. These findings highlight a unique role of the MET receptor in cervical carcinoma cells and indicate the MET receptor as a potential therapeutic target for advanced cervical carcinoma

    Downregulation of the CXCR4 receptor inhibits cervical carcinoma metastatic behavior in vitro and in vivo

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    Cervical carcinoma is frequently diagnosed among women, particularly in low and middle income countries. In this study, we investigated the role of the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis during cervical carcinoma growth and progression in vitro and in vivo. Downregulation of CXCR4 receptor using an RNA interference system led to almost complete inhibition of the receptor expression, activation and function. CXCR4 receptor silencing led to decreased ability to signal, to induce migration and to form holoclone-like colonies, with no influence on viability/proliferation of the cells. CXCR4-deficient cells had also significantly lower levels of MMP-9. Interestingly, downregulation of CXCR4 expression resulted in reduced tumor growth in vivo. Tumors generated by CXCR4-deficient cells had also lower expression of the proliferation marker Ki‑67 and decreased ability to engraft into lungs and spleen. Taken together, our results indicate that CXCR4 receptor may play an important role during cervical carcinoma invasion. In our study CXCR4 influenced invasive properties of cervical carcinoma cells both in vitro and in vivo

    Satisfaction and discontent of Polish patients with biological therapy of rheumatic diseases : results of a multi-center questionnaire study

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    Objectives: Biologics are medications widely applied in the management of inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The drugs were found to be effective but their application is associated with some disadvantages. Medication with biologics is relatively expensive, and in Poland, it is carried out in specialized centers. The study was designed to evaluate various aspects of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of Polish patients treated with biologics. Material and methods: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed in 23 Polish rheumatological centers involved in the treatment; 1212 returned questionnaires were used for analysis. Responses were received from 606 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 427 with ankylosing spondylitis, 117 psoriatic arthritis, and 62 adult patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (in whom administration of the drugs had been introduced before they were 18 years old). The investigated group constituted about one-fifth of all rheumatic patients on biologics in Poland. Results: A beneficial or very beneficial influence of the medication on the state of physical health was found mostly in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (51.3 and 30.5%) and ankylosing spondylitis (51.0 and 36.8%). Family life was improved by the treatment especially in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (40.7 and 35.6% beneficial and very beneficial, respectively), sleep quality and sexual life mostly in those with ankylosing spondylitis (beneficial/very beneficial influence 41.5/38.4, and 38.7/23.9, respectively). There was a rather small influence of biological treatment on the financial situation of the patients. In general, satisfaction with the treatment was evaluated as positive or very positive in 88% of all investigated patients. In a significant part of the patients, transportation to the medical center was considered as a disadvantage of the treatment. About one-third of the patients considered laboratory and imaging tests to be done before initiation of the medication as a difficulty, and for about 40% waiting time for qualification for the medication was a significant disadvantage. The route of drug administration was without importance for 4/5 of the patients. Conclusions: Summing up, the results were similar in the patients suffering from various diseases although those with psoriatic arthritis felt the highest satisfaction (possibly due to the positive aesthetic effect), and those with ankylosing spondylitis had significant improvement in sexual life (probably due to younger age). Relatively low satisfaction was found in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. There was a small influence of medication on financial status of the patients. Application of biologics has few disadvantages and most of them are associated with the organization of health services (waiting time for the tests, transportation to the medical centers)

    The decreased metastatic potential of rhabdomyosarcoma cells obtained through MET receptor downregulation and the induction of differentiation

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common type of pediatric soft tissue sarcoma. The MET receptor has an important role in the biology of RMS, and its overexpression and hyperactivation correlate with the metastatic ability of RMS. Consequently, interfering with MET expression or functionality may constitute a sound strategy for reducing the progression and metastatic potential of RMS. Our study reveals that downregulation of the MET receptor leads to changes in the morphology of ARMS cell in vivo. Tumors acquire a spindle shape that is characteristic of muscle fibers. Inhibition of MET expression or function leads to (i) a decreased expression of the early myogenic marker MyoD, (ii) a decreased ability of ARMS cells to metastasize to bone marrow cavities, (iii) downregulation of CXCR4 receptor expression and (iv) a decreased migration of MET-depleted cells towards gradients of HGF and SDF-1. Finally, we demonstrate that in vitro differentiation of alveolar RMS cells decreases their metastatic behavior by reducing both the expression of the MET and CXCR4 receptors and their migratory response to HGF and SDF-1. These findings suggest that blockers of MET receptor function and inducers of RMS cells differentiation may be clinically useful for reducing the aggressiveness and metastatic potential of RMS and may have significant implications for its treatment

    A high-throughput method for the quantification of iron saturation in lactoferrin preparations

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    Lactoferrin is considered as a part of the innate immune system that plays a crucial role in preventing bac- terial growth, mostly via an iron sequestration mechanism. Recent data show that bovine lactoferrin prevents late-onset sepsis in preterm very low birth weight neonates by serving as an iron chelator for some bacterial strains; thus, it is very important to control the iron saturation level during diet supplementation. An accurate estimation of lactoferrin iron saturation is essential not only because of its clinical appli- cations but also for a wide range of biochemical experi- ments. A comprehensive method for the quantification of iron saturation in lactoferrin preparations was developed to obtain a calibration curve enabling the determination of iron saturation levels relying exclusively on the defined ratio of absorbances at 280 and 466 nm ( A 280/466 ). To achieve this goal, selected techniques such as spectrophotometry, ELISA,and ICP-MS were combined. The ability to obtain samples of lactoferrin with determination of its iron content in a simple and fast way has beenproven tobe veryuseful. Furthermore, a similar approach could easily be implemented to facilitate the determination of iron saturation level for other metalloproteins in which metal binding results in the appearance of a distinct band in the visible part of the spectrum

    The new adipokine zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG) as a link between adipose tissue and kidney? [Czy nowa adipocytokina cynkowa α2-glikoproteina (ZAG) stanowi ogniwo między tkanką tłuszczową a nerkami?]

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    Adipose tissue is currently considered not only as an energy store but also as an organ of internal secretion. Numerous adipocytokines regulating a number of human body processes are important in many disease processes, including chronic kidney disease (CKD). Nowadays, the role of zinc a2-glycoprotein (ZAG) is being sought as a potential link between these two organs. ZAG, through its lipolytic effect, contributes to progressive malnutrition in patients undergoing dialysis, and this significantly increases their mortality. It seems that ZAG may be a new potential biomarker of kidney damage, and the specific pharmacotherapy will significantly reduce the progressive process of cachexia.Obecnie tkankę tłuszczową rozpatruje się nie tylko jako magazyn energii, ale jako narząd wydzielania wewnętrznego. Liczne adipocytokiny, regulując szereg procesów ustroju człowieka, mają znaczenie w wielu procesach chorobowych, w tym w przewlekłej chorobie nerek (PChN). Obecnie poszukuje się roli cynkowej α2-glikoproteiny (ZAG) jako potencjalnego ogniwa pomiędzy tymi dwoma organami. Poprzez efekt lipolityczny ZAG przyczynia się do postępującego niedożywienia u chorych dializowanych, a to znacząco zwiększa śmiertelność w tej grupie pacjentów. Wydaje się, że ZAG może stanowić nowy potencjalny biomarker uszkodzenia nerek, a swoista farmakoterapia mogłaby w istotny sposób zredukować postępujący proces wyniszczenia