461 research outputs found

    Stratégies de composition dans la musique mixte et assistée par ordinateur

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    La version intĂ©grale de ce mĂ©moire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle Ă  la BibliothĂšque de musique de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).La recherche propose une analyse des stratĂ©gies qui entrent en jeu dans la composition de musique mixte et la composition assistĂ©e par ordinateur. Elle met en relief les caractĂ©ristiques de trois Ă©critures (instrumentale, Ă©lectroacoustique et programmation informatique) afin de les postuler comme fondements de diffĂ©rentes approches musicales. Ces approches sont ensuite examinĂ©es en tant qu’entrĂ©es possibles dans un projet, dĂ©marches impliquant un statut spĂ©cifique du compositeur, et caractĂ©ristiques qui rĂ©sultent de leur interaction, afin de former l’ensemble des stratĂ©gies de composition. À travers la rĂ©alisation de projets musicaux, la recherche propose d’appliquer quatre stratĂ©gies diffĂ©rentes dans l’objectif d’explorer de nouvelles mĂ©thodologies. L’expĂ©rimentation a mis en Ă©vidence les facteurs conduisant au respect ou Ă  la dĂ©viation des partis pris, et a ouvert la voie au questionnement de l’influence du « faire » sur « l’entendre ».This research proposes an analysis of the strategies that come into play in the composition of mixed and computer-assisted musical works. It highlights the characteristics of three compositional practices (instrumental, electroacoustic, and computer programming) in order to represent them as the foundation of different musical approaches. These approaches are then analyzed as possible starting points for a project, as processes implying a particular status of the composer and characteristics which result from their interaction, in order to form the entirety of compositional strategies. Through the realization of musical projects, the research proposes to apply four different strategies with the goal of exploring new methodologies. This experimentation has demonstrated the factors leading to the respect for or the deviation from biases and has opened the way to the questioning of the influence of the “doing” on the “hearing”

    Majorana coupling and Kondo screening of localized spins

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    We perform a theoretical analysis of the fate of local magnetic moment of a quantum dot coupled to a normal metallic lead and a topological superconducting wire hosting Majorana modes at the ends. By means of simple analytical tools and numerical renormalization group calculations we show that the proximity of Majorana mode reduces the magnetic moment from 1/41/4, characteristic of a free spin 1/21/2, to 1/161/16. The coupling to the normal lead then causes the Kondo effect, such that the magnetic moment is fully screened below the Kondo temperature. The latter is vastly increased for strong coupling to Majorana mode.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Activation of arene-heteroatom bonds by photoredox catalysis with visible light

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    Aim of this thesis is the use of photo-redox catalysis for the activation of Ar-X bonds, and development of new synthetic methods based on this approach. In the beginning, the evolution that led to the development of modern photo-redox catalysis is discussed. Explanation of basic theories and definitions, which are encountered in the field of photo-redox catalysis is given. This is followed by a short overview of common photocatalysts, and the most important photocatalytic reactions discovered so far. Main part of the thesis deals with generation of aryl radical intermediates from diazonium salts by photoredox catalysis with eosin dyes. Intermediate aryl radicals were trapped by σ- and n-electron donors. New procedures for synthesis of aryl sulfides, benzoates and selectively deuterated aromates were developed, using this strategy. Mechanistic studies were performed, including spectroscopic and computational techniques and isotopic labeling, to prove the proposed mechanisms. Investigations on the effect of pH and light source on the eosin Y photocatalysis were performed, proving that pH and light spectral distribution are critical for the efficient photocatalysis. In an attempt to develop a photocatalytic synthesis of ÎČ-aryl ketones from diazonium salts and cyclopropyl alcohols, we obtained unexpected products – N-aryl pyrazoles. We have proposed a mechanism of their formation, and synthesized a variety of N-aryl pyrazoles based on this method. Cyclopropyl alcohols, required for this synthesis were obtained by Kulinkovich reaction from benzoates. In the last part of this thesis, a new strategy of activation of unreactive aryl-halide bonds is proposed, by using photon VIS-to-UV upconversion by triplet-triplet annihilation. We have successfully applied this strategy for photocatalytic dehalogenations of aryl bromides. We have explained the selectivity of this reaction by DFT calculation, using Marcus theory of electron transfer

    La pensée mixte : une approche de la composition par l'interaction des pensées instrumentale, électroacoustique et informatique

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    La « pensĂ©e mixte » est une approche de la composition caractĂ©risĂ©e par l’interaction de trois pensĂ©es: la pensĂ©e instrumentale, la pensĂ©e Ă©lectroacoustique et la pensĂ©e informatique. Elle prend la forme d’un rĂ©seau oĂč le compositeur fait des aller-retours entre les trois pensĂ©es et rĂ©alise des Ă©quivalences paramĂ©triques. La pensĂ©e instrumentale se rattache Ă  la tradition de l’écriture occidentale, la pensĂ©e Ă©lectroacoustique fait allusion aux pratiques du studio analogique et de la musique acousmatique, et la pensĂ©e informatique fait rĂ©fĂ©rence aux pratiques numĂ©riques de la programmation visuelle et de l’analyse spectrale. Des lieux communs existent oĂč s’opĂšrent l’interaction des trois pensĂ©es: la notion du studio instrumental de Ivo Malec, la notion de musique concrĂšte instrumentale de Helmut Lachenmann, la composition assistĂ©e par ordinateur, la musique spectrale, l’approche instrumentale par montage, la musique acousmatique s’inspirant de la tradition musicale Ă©crite et les musiques mixtes. Ces domaines constituent les influences autour desquelles j’ai composĂ© un corpus de deux cycles d’Ɠuvres: Les Larmes du Scaphandre et le Nano-Cosmos. L’analyse des Ɠuvres met en Ă©vidence la notion de « pensĂ©e mixte » en abordant la pensĂ©e Ă©lectroacoustique dans ma pratique instrumentale, la pensĂ©e informatique dans ma pratique musicale, et la pensĂ©e instrumentale dans ma pratique Ă©lectroacoustique.“Mixed-method thinking” is an approach to composition characterized by the interaction of three streams of compositional thought: instrumental, electroacoustic and computing-based. It takes the form of a network within which the composer goes back and forth between these three types of conceptualization and succeeds in finding equivalences between parameters. Instrumental thinking is connected to the Western notated compositional tradition, electroacoustic thinking alludes to practices derived from the analog studio environment and the acousmatic music tradition, and computing-based thinking refers to visual programming and spectral analysis practices. Common areas exist where all three forms of thinking interact: Ivo Malec’s notion of the instrumental studio, Helmut Lachenmann’s notion of musique concrĂšte instrumentale, computer-assisted composition, spectral music, the montage approach to instrumental composition, acousmatic music inspired by the written musical tradition and genres combining instruments with fixed media or electronics. These areas comprise the influences around which I composed a corpus of two cycles of works: Les Larmes du Scaphandre and Nano-Cosmos. Analysis of these works demonstrates the notion of “mixed-method thinking” through the adoption of electroacoustic thinking in my instrumental composition practice, computational thinking in my musical practice, and instrumental thinking in my electroacoustic practice

    Investigative journalism as an activity on the border of law : analysis of selected legal provisions in the context of media reporting

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    Dziennikarstwo ƛledcze wiÄ…ĆŒe się z dziaƂaniem na granicy przepisĂłw prawa. Dotyczy to zwƂaszcza sytuacji, w ktĂłrej reporter dysponuje wiedzą o przestępstwie, znajduje się w posiadaniu dowodĂłw, ktĂłrymi mogą interesować się organy ƛcigania, lub podejmuje kroki, ktĂłrych efekt moĆŒe stanowić szkodę wobec prowadzonego ƛledztwa, dochodzenia lub postępowania sądowego. W artykule zanalizowano powyĆŒsze sytuacje w ƛwietle obowiązujących przepisĂłw prawa oraz wskazano postulaty de lege ferenda, aby poprawić sytuację aktywnych dziennikarzy dochodzeniowych.Investigative journalists quite often operate on the fringes of the law. The border is crossed when reporter knows about the possible crime and will not share his information with the law enforcement (if obliged by the law). The possibility of making a mistake comes also with the process of finding, collecting and publishing the evidence. It includes the situations of interfering with ongoing investigation or legal processes. The article offers the analysis of current regulations in Poland and provides the possible de lege ferenda solutions for investigative journalists

    Impact of COVID-19 on household’s financial situation in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The main purpose of the article was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial situation of households in Poland. This goal was supplemented with the main hypothesis, auxiliary hypotheses and research questions.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research was conducted in February 2021 by means of an questionnaire survey on a group of 1000 randomly selected Polish residents. The questionnaire was developed in the form of 19 record and substantive single or multiple choice questions. Another method that was used for the research was the review and analysis of bibliographic resources.FINDINGS: The empirical results show that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial situation of households in Poland has slightly deteriorated. Nearly 2/3 of the respondents were negatively affected by the financial effects of the pandemic to a small or medium degree. In 1/4 of the respondents, there was a marked reduction in income related to the pandemic crisis. It is worth noting the change in Poles' attitude to saving. The unpredictability of the pandemic crisis resulted in a significant reduction in purchasing expenses in more than half of the respondents, and nearly three quarters of them began to carefully plan their expenses. Two-thirds of respondents believe that one of the ways to protect themselves against another crisis caused by a pandemic, or another genesis of a phenomenon, is to save money.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: With the pandemic, the approach of Polish households to collecting savings and spending money has changed. This informs potential entities and institutions offering their goods that they should remodel their offers and adapt them to the prevailing conditions on the Polish market.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Unique, authorial survey conducted on a representative research sample, dealing with current issues, concerning not only Poland, but also the entire world. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are described and the impact of respondent characteristics on the financial extent impact of the economic downturn is analyzed.peer-reviewe

    The use of accounting for financial management by small and medium enterprises in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the publication is to verify the use of information obtained from accounting in business and financial management by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Poland. As part of this objective, the main hypothesis was formulated that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) largely rely on accounting information to manage their assets and finances. Additionally, auxiliary hypotheses were put forward.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The literature review was carried out. The research tool was a questionnaire addressed to a representative group of 150 randomly selected Polish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The questionnaire survey was conducted in January and February 2021. The questionnaire contained 21 single-choice and multiplechoice record and substantive questions using the Likert scale.FINDINGS: The results of research show that 90% of the surveyed entities use data for financial management. 75% of companies use them to improve the debt collection process. Over 60% use this information when choosing the optimal sources of financing, incl. subsidies from the European Union. Approximately 70% of entities use accounting information to calculate the ROE, and more than 80% use it when analyzing and undertaking investment activities.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Owners of businesses are aware that thanks to accounting information they are able to make better decisions and manage their resources in a more optimal way, use them more effectively for their own purposes and improve the processes taking place in a given unit.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The processes and situations in which accounting data in the field of financial management are most often used are described. This publication provides an answer to what extent the theories from scientific literature find practical application in real reality in the field of property and financial management. The conducted research can be the basis for further analyzes of the importance of these data for companies in specific situations.peer-reviewe
