4,961 research outputs found

    Violation of Quasineutrality in Semiconductor Transport: The Dember Effect

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    Exact solution of the linearized equations for steady-state transport in semiconductors yields two modes that vary exponentially in space, one involving screening (without entropy production) and one involving diffusion and recombination (with entropy production). Neither mode is quasineutral. For constant surface photoexcitation with generation of electrons and holes, the steady-state response is a linear combination of these modes, subject to global electroneutrality. The resultant charge separation produces a voltage difference across the sample (the Dember effect)

    Kommunikative Bedürfnisse in L1 und L2 als Merkmale des Identitätsbildungsprozesses

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    Der Aufsatz präsentiert eine Methode zur Schätzung des Zweitspracherwerbs und seines Einflusses auf die Identitätsbildung am Beispiel von Aussiedlerkindern. Aussiedler sind im Sinne des Gesetzes Deutsche, mit einer neuen gesellschaftlichen Umgebung und einer ihren meist unbekannten Sprache konfrontiert. Die Identitätsbildung in der neuen Umgebung hängt davon ab, wie kommunikative Bedürfnisse in verschiedenen Sprachdomänen befriedigt werden. Die Hypothese lautet: Je besser die kommunikativen Bedürfnisse in einer Domäne mit der ihr verbundenen Sprache befriedigt werden, desto größer ist der Einfluß dieser Domäne auf die Identitätsbildung. Im Laufe der vorgestellten Pilotuntersuchung wurden acht Aussiedlerkinder, die deutsche Grundschulen besuchen, interviewt. Der Fragebogen wurde nach dem System der Texte von Rozhdestvenski verfasst. Die erhaltenen Daten lassen uns sehen, dass die Hauptdomänen, bzw. Ihre Sprachen bei den Befragten Familie, Schule und Fernsehen sind.The article proposes the method of estimating language acquisition and its influence on identity construction on the instance of Aussiedler (German migrants from East Europe) children. German migrants are confronted with a new type of society and language, being at the same time legitimate citizens of Germany. The new identity construction depends on ways of satisfaction of communication interests in various language domains. The hypotheses says, the better communication interests are satisfied in some domain with its language, or language register, the more influences the domain identity construction. In a course of this pilot survey were taken Interviews with eight children from elementary schools in Germany. The Questionnaire was constructed on the basis of the system of texts by professor Rozhdestvenski. The data received let us see that the main domains and their languages/ language registers by the children are Family, School and TV

    From a “Lazy Boy” to the Open Sea. The journey of making “Call Me Cappy”

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    In this paper I will describe and analyze the process of creating my thesis film, Call Me Cappy. I will start with stating the theme and discuss each aspect of this process in relation to the theme that originated this project. I will detail my biggest challenges and struggles. I will also try to show how the knowledge I absorbed through attending the graduate film program, and the literature I have read, has served my journey as a filmmaker. In the end, I will attempt to evaluate whether my theme found its full expression through this film. The final analysis will determine how well I was able to incorporate all the aspects of storytelling into creating a coherent piece of work

    Activity of acetolactate synthase (ALS) of redroot pigweed in relation to imazethapyr application

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    Seed of weed species redroot pigweed for which there exist possibility of resistance occurrence were collected from different localities in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the northern part of the Republic of Serbia (Krivaja, Kikinda, Vrbas and Kačarevo). Studies on herbicide resistance were performed in the period of 2003 to 2009. Biological studies included whole plant studies on plants grown in net-house and biochemical researches confirmed the activity of acetolactate synthase enzyme in vivo. In order to study the occurrence of resistance during the tests, herbicide products based upon active ingredient imazethapyr were used. Values of resistance index were calculated in relation to the referent population collected from the ruderal sites. Based upon the results of biological studies in the redroot pigweed plants from the locality of Krivaja, the presence of resistance was established. Immunological tests confirmed the results of biological assays given that the activity of ALS enzyme was found in all the studied populations. Established resistance is a consequence of physiological changes and accelerated metabolism.Key words: Redroot pigweed, imazetaphyr, acetolactate synthase activity, dose response curve, resistance

    Pressure to produce = pressure to reduce accident reporting?

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    Each year, more than 4 million U.S. workers are injured on the job - several thousand die (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008). Despite these staggering numbers, research suggests that they are gross underestimates of the true volume of workplace related illnesses and injuries due to accident under-reporting. Although accident under-reporting has been well-documented, less is known regarding why this occurs. The current study suggests that under-reporting may in part be due to high levels of perceived production pressure. Specifically, this study tested the hypotheses that production pressure would be related to more experienced accidents overall and more negative attitudes toward reporting accidents. Further, we expected that production pressure would exacerbate the under-reporting of accidents. Survey data were collected from a sample of 212 copper mining workers located in the southwestern United States. The survey measured employee perceptions regarding production pressure, attitudes toward reporting accidents, perceived consequences of reporting accidents, and actual reporting behaviors (e.g., types and numbers of accidents experienced vs. reported). As predicted, the average number of experienced accidents per employee was significantly higher (M = 2.84) than the number of reported accidents (M =.49). In addition, production pressure was related to more negative reporting attitudes. Individuals who had positive reporting attitudes were injured less frequently; however, when an incident occurred, they were more likely to report it. Finally, higher levels of production pressure were related to greater accident under-reporting. Additionally, employees who perceived high levels of production pressure not only experienced more accidents overall, they also reported fewer of them to the organization. Implications for occupational safety initiatives - particularly in the current economic climate - are discussed, as are methodological challenges of conducting research in this area. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved