57 research outputs found

    The SEM Model of Better Workers’ Life in Companies

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    This paper seeks to build a model of the aging workers’ work-life quality and analyze the effect of its factors on the work engagement of elderly workers. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the effects among seven constructs. The results show that the effect of the occupational stress of elderly workers on their work engagement and work satisfaction is negative, and the effects of the friendly working conditions, maintenance of work ability, and training programs on the work engagement of elderly workers are positive. The results show that the effect of health promotion in the workplace for elderly workers on their work satisfaction is positive, and so is the effect of work satisfaction on work engagement. The findings of this research can help employers better manage elderly workers and create a healthy and safe work environment for them. A better environment leads to higher work engagement of elderly workers

    The Model of Friendly Work Environment for Older Employees in Slovenia

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    In the context of demographic changes and active aging in the workplace, managing age diversity contributes to creating new perspectives across the entire field of human resource management. The main objective of this paper is to determine the impact of appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees on the work motivation of older employees, as well as to determine the impact of work motivation on the work engagement of older employees in Slovenia. In the medium-sized and large companies that were involved in the research, we surveyed employers and older employees: in the questionnaire, employers indicated their agreement to the listed statements about appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees, and older employees indicated their agreement to the listed statements about work motivation and work engagement. Structural equation modelling has been proven useful in exploring the links between these four constructs. Results show that appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees have a positive impact on the work motivation of older employees and that the work motivation of older employees has a positive impact on the work engagement of older employees. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The Appropriate Work Environment for Older Employees: The Case of Slovenia

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    Background: The increase in population life expectancy in developed economies is also reflected in the aging of the workforce; therefore, enterprises should create an appropriate work environment for all employees, emphasizing the older ones. Objectives: The major objectives of this paper are to establish the impact of appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees on their work motivation, as well as to establish the latter\u27s impact on the older employees\u27 work engagement in Slovenian medium-sized and large enterprises. Methods/Approach: Structural equation modeling explored the links between four constructs – appropriate working conditions, training programs, work motivation, and work engagement. Results: In Slovenian enterprises, appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees positively impact their work motivation. Moreover, the work motivation of older employees positively impacts their work engagement. Conclusions: These findings can be useful for employers or managers for developing targeted employee motivation and employee engagement programs to leverage the talents and dedication of older employees

    Organisational climate components and their impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations

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    The purpose of this article is to present research on the importance of requisitely holistically selected organisational climate components and to determine their impact on work engagement of employees in 626 medium-sized organisations in Slovenia, the EU. The quantitative research is based on the implementation of an exploratory factor analysis, a simple linear regression analysis and the CFA 6-factor solution for validity purposes. Based on the research results, we confirmed the hypothesis that organisational climate components leadership, employee relations, employee commitment, employee satisfaction and employee motivation have a significant positive impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations. The results help users to better understand the importance of organisational climate in the Slovenian organisations. Successful organisations should realise the importance of organisational climate components, which enhance job performance and work engagement. Thus, they must fully master all of the employee-related processes of the organisation. The article is based on examination of the selected components of organisational climate with which organisations can impact work engagement of their employees. A new conceptual model was developed and confirmed

    Stereotypes of older employees compared to younger employees in Slovenian companies

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    Human resource management has an important impact on age diversity in companies. Age diversity in the workplace is growing and older employees are staying longer in the workforce, therefore it is important that employers can create a positive environment for age diverse employees. This paper introduces the difference in stereotypes in the workplace between older and younger employees in Slovenian companies. The main goal of this paper is to present the importance of age diversity and their age difference in stereotypes in the workplace. The paper is based on a research including a survey between two age groups of employees. We classified younger employees in the group of under 50 years of age and older employees in the group of above 50 years of age. For data analysis we used the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test to verify the differences in stereotypes in the workplace between two groups. Results show that there are significant differences in all of the variables describing stereotypes in the workplace between younger and older employees in Slovenian companies

    Izgorelost starejših in mlajših zaposlenih

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    Background and Purpose: People spend a significant part of their lifespan working, but the role of age in job design and implementation of work have largely been ignored. The consequences can be evident in stress and burnout in different symptoms. Thus, age-diverse employees are faced with different symptoms of burnout and stress when carrying out their work. The main aim of this paper is to present burnout of older employees compared to younger employees in Slovenian companies. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper is based on research including a survey between two age groups of employees, namely the younger employees that were classified in the group of under 50 years of age and the older employees that were classified in the group of above 50 years of age. Since the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro- Wilk test showed that the data was not normally distributed, the noan-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to verify differences in the physical symptoms of burnout, emotional symptoms of burnout, and behavioral symptoms of burnout in the workplace between two groups. Results: The results show that there are significant differences in the great majority of the variables describing the physical symptoms of burnout, emotional symptoms of burnout, and behavioral symptoms of burnout in the workplace between younger and older employees. Conclusion: Well-being in the workplace of age-diverse employees is a key for long-term effectiveness of organizations. Managers and employers should apply appropriate measures to reduce burnout as well as to contribute to employees well-being and better workplace performance.Ozadje in namen: Ljudje preživijo velik del svojega življenja na delovnem mestu, vendar je vloga starosti pri oblik­ovanju delovnih mest in izvajanju dela v veliki meri prezrta. Posledice se lahko odražajo v stresu in različnih simptomih izgorelosti. Tako se starostni raznoliki zaposleni soočajo z različnimi simptomi izgorelosti in stresom pri opravljanju njihovega dela. Glavni cilj prispevka je predstaviti izgorevanje starejših zaposlenih v primerjavi z mlajšimi zaposlenimi v slovenskih podjetjih. Zasnova / metodologija / pristop: Prispevek temelji na raziskavi med dvema starostnima skupinama, in sicer mla­jših zaposlenih, ki so bili razvrščeni v skupino pod 50 let in starejših zaposlenih, ki so bili razvrščeni v skupino nad 50 let. Kolmogorov-Smirnov in Shapiro-Wilk test je pokazal, da podatki niso normalno porazdeljeni, zato smo uporabili ne-parametrični Mann-Whitney U test za preverjanje razlik v telesnih, čustvenih in vedenjskih simptomih izgorelosti na delovnem mestu med obema skupinama. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v veliki večini spremenljivk, ki opisujejo fizične, čustvene in vedenjske simptome izgorelosti na delovnem mestu med mlajšimi in starejšimi zaposlenimi v slovenskih podjetjih. Zaključek: Dobro počutje na delovnem mestu starostno različnih zaposlenih je ključnega pomena za dolgoročno us­pešnost organizacije. Managerji in delodajalci morajo izvajati ustrezne ukrepe za zmanjšanje izgorevanja, kot tudi, da prispevajo k dobremu počutju zaposlenih in boljše delovanje na delovnem mestu

    Multidimensional model of managing older employees: The case of financial service companies in Slovenia

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    Future economic growth and competitiveness will increasingly depend on how effectively employers can utilise their ageing workforces. To manage the inevitable changes in demographics, employers need to start preparing for an ageing workforce and developing strategies to manage and retain older employees. The main objective of this paper is to determine the impact of leadership and employee relations on work satisfaction of older employees, as well as to determine the impact of work satisfaction on the work engagement of older employees in financial service companies in Slovenia. To test the hypotheses, the authors used structural equation modelling. The results show that the effects of leadership and employee relations on work satisfaction in the case of older employees in financial service companies in Slovenia are positive, and the effect of work satisfaction on the work engagement of older employees is positive, too

    A “Crossomics” Study Analysing Variability of Different Components in Peripheral Blood of Healthy Caucasoid Individuals

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    Background: Different immunotherapy approaches for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases are being developed and tested in clinical studies worldwide. Their resulting complex experimental data should be properly evaluated, therefore reliable normal healthy control baseline values are indispensable. Methodology/Principal Findings: To assess intra- and inter-individual variability of various biomarkers, peripheral blood of 16 age and gender equilibrated healthy volunteers was sampled on 3 different days within a period of one month. Complex "crossomics'' analyses of plasma metabolite profiles, antibody concentrations and lymphocyte subset counts as well as whole genome expression profiling in CD4(+)T and NK cells were performed. Some of the observed age, gender and BMI dependences are in agreement with the existing knowledge, like negative correlation between sex hormone levels and age or BMI related increase in lipids and soluble sugars. Thus we can assume that the distribution of all 39.743 analysed markers is well representing the normal Caucasoid population. All lymphocyte subsets, 20% of metabolites and less than 10% of genes, were identified as highly variable in our dataset. Conclusions/Significance: Our study shows that the intra- individual variability was at least two-fold lower compared to the inter-individual one at all investigated levels, showing the importance of personalised medicine approach from yet another perspective

    The importance of intergenerational leadership praxes and availability of key information for older employee burnout and engagement in the context of firm size

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    The main aim of this study was to analyze the effects of availability of key information and intergenerational leadership on burnout divided into physical symptoms of burnout and emotional symptoms of burnout and work engagement regarding the firm size during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The empirical study included 583 older employees in Slovenia who participated in the survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Structural equation modeling was used to explore the effects between constructs. We analyzed structural paths for the entire sample and for the two groups (small and large companies). According to the results concerning both groups, the impact of the availability of key information on emotional burnout is negative only for small companies. Contrary to that the negative impact of intergenerational leadership on emotional burnout is much stronger in large companies. Concerning the impact of physical burnout on emotional burnout, the positive impact of physical burnout exists in both types of companies but is stronger in small companies. The findings will contribute to a clearer picture and the adoption of further measures to prevent burnout in the workplace and increase work engagement concerning the firm size, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Appropriately organized work and employees’ concerns related to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose: The main aim of the paper is to establish the effects of appropriately organized work as well as the effects of the employees\u27 concerns related to work during the COVID-19 pandemic on work efficiency and work satisfaction among employees working from home during this period. The empirical research includes 619 employees in Slovenia, who participated in the survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: Structural equation modeling was used in exploring the effects between constructs. Findings: Based on the results, the authors found that appropriately organized work during the COVID-19 pandemic has a positive effect not only on the work efficiency of employees who work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia but also on their work satisfaction. Also, based on the results, the authors found that the employees\u27 concerns related to work during the COVID-19 pandemic have a negative effect on the work efficiency and on the work satisfaction of employees who work from home during this period in Slovenia. Originality/value: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed the way we live and worktherefore, this paper contributes to the creation of new working conditions and employee management during and also after the COVID-19 pandemic