88 research outputs found

    Modal Interval Probability: Application to Bonus-Malus Systems

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    Classical intervals have been a very useful tool to analyze uncertain and imprecise models, in spite of operative and interpretative shortcomings. The recent introduction of modal intervals helps to overcome those limitations. In this paper, we apply modal intervals to the field of probability, including properties and axioms that form a theoretical framework applied to the Markovian analysis of Bonus-Malus systems in car insurance. We assume that the number of claims is a Poisson distribution and in order to include uncertainty in the model, the claim frequency is defined as a modal interval; therefore, the transition probabilities are modal interval probabilities. Finally, the model is exemplified through application to two different types of Bonus-Malus systems, and the attainment of uncertain long-run premiums expressed as modal intervals

    Apego, adopción y escolaridad

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    Los bebés siempre precisan de cuidados de los padres. En este artículo, el autor explica en qué momento los padres que tienen o adoptan niños se convierten en padres protectores y de cómo de difícil es permitir que los niños se separen de su lado para que vayan a la escuela. Este artículo subraya la importancia del colegio en la vida de los niños y cómo de necesario es promover la seguridad emocional entre los niños

    Niños y niñas rumanos procedentes de adopción internacional: ¿son diferentes a los demás?

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    Con este trabajo se ha pretendido comparar el desarrollo psicológico de los niños y niñas de adopción internacional procedentes de Rumanía con niños procedentes de otros países, y comprobar si tras la adopción, los primeros presentan más problemas en su desarrollo psicológico que los segundos. Además, se analiza si los de origen rumano tienen experiencias previas más adversas que se relacionen con mayores dificultades posteriores. Para ello, se ha estudiado un grupo de niños adoptados en España: 20 de origen rumano y 161 procedentes de otros países. Se ha encontrado que entre los niños menores de 6 años, el porcentaje de los que presentan graves problemas en su desarrollo psicológico es más elevado entre los procedentes de Rumanía, reflejando un retraso evolutivo generalizado. Esta relación no es tan clara entre los mayores de esta edad. Entre las experiencias previas a la adopción que puedan estar relacionadas con las secuelas en el desarrollo cognitivo posterior, destaca que los procedentes de Rumanía han tenido menos experiencias de convivencia con sus madres biológicas y han estado en instituciones de peor calidad. Además, existe una ligera tendencia a ser adoptados con más edad y tener más experiencias de hospitalización y/o institucionalización entre el grupo de origen rumano. Los procedentes de este país no han sufrido más experiencias de maltrato, aunque la más frecuente entre ellos es la negligencia en las necesidades psicológicas frente a la negligencia en las necesidades físicas de los procedentes de otros países. Parece pues, que no son variables aisladas, sino que es la combinación de experiencias adversas la que predice una mayor probabilidad de presentar dificultades tras la adopción

    Metodologías para la evaluación del apego infantil: de la observación de conductas a la exploración de las representaciones mentales

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    The methods of assessing attachment have proliferated in recent years and the classic approach based on the observation of behaviour has evolved into a methodology focusing on representational perspective. Significant considerations in the exploration of attachment in infancy and childhood and the main measures of assessing attachment are described in this paper. Attachment behaviours have been examined primarily through separation-reunion procedures, the methodology Q-set and the attachment diary. The main methodologies of exploration of the internal working models of attachment are story stems, pictured situations, drawings of the family and interviews. Knowledge and proper use of these measures in  research and clinical practice will allow us to further advance the understanding of emotional development in infancy and childhood.Resumen Las metodologías para la evaluación del apego se han multiplicado en los últimos años y elenfoque clásico basado en la observación deconductas ha ido dejando paso a metodologíascentradas en la perspectiva representacional. Eneste trabajo se recogen las consideraciones másrelevantes en la exploración del apego infantily se describen las principales técnicas desarrolladas para tal fin. Las conductas de apego sehan examinado principalmente a través de situaciones de separación-reunión, del procedimiento AQS o del diario de apego. Las principales metodologías de exploración de losmodelos internos de apego son las historias incompletas, las láminas con ilustraciones de situaciones de separación, los dibujos de la familia y, en la infancia tardía, las entrevistas. Elconocimiento y buen uso de estas metodologíasen la investigación y el trabajo clínico nos permitirá seguir avanzando en la comprensión deldesarrollo emocional infantil. Abstract The methods of assessing attachment have proliferated in recent years and the classic approach based on the observation of behaviour has evolved into a methodology focusing on representational perspective. Significant considerations in the exploration of attachment in infancy and childhood and the main measures of assessing attachment are described in this paper. Attachment behaviours have been examined primarily through separation-reunion procedures, the methodology Q-set and the attachment diary. The main methodologies of exploration of the internal working models of attachment are story stems, pictured situations, drawings of the family and interviews. Knowledge and proper use of these measures in  research and clinical practice will allow us to further advance the understanding of emotional development in infancy and childhood

    Self-regulation in family foster children

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    This poster presents research on foster children’s capacities for self-regulation and its relation to adversity history. Children in family foster care are a vulnerable population due to their experiences of maltreatment and separation from primary caregivers. Research has shown high rates of behavioral problems and impulsivity in these children, as well as other difficulties such as poor academic adjustment. Recent theory and research advances suggest some of these problems are due to deficits in self-regulatory capacities, such as executive functions or emotion regulation. Early adversity in key developmental stages, like that suffered by many foster children, can undermine the normative development of these capacities and, consequently, their psychosocial adjustment. This study explores this topic in a sample of foster children between 4 and 8 years old who were living in non-relative foster families for at least six months in Southern Spain. We used the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000), a widely used parent-reported questionnaire, to assess self-regulation in the foster children. The BRIEF was answered by the primary foster caregiver during a home visit. The information regarding adverse events and trajectory in the child protection services was obtained through case records in collaboration with caseworkers. The results of this study show us information about the capacities of self-regulation of children in family foster care. Due to the centrality of self-regulation in development and the fact that it remains responsive to well-designed interventions beyond early childhood, interventions for foster children and families should consider targeting this dimension to improve their outcomes

    Foster children’s attachment representations: the role of type of maltreatment and the relationship with birth family

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    Children in foster care are at risk of developing insecure and disorganized attachment, which is problematic for establishing new relationships in foster families. However, most previous studies have focused on attachment behaviors in young children rather than on attachment representations. We compared foster children’s attachment representations with those of a community group, analyzing also the contribution made by different factors to foster children’s attachment representations. We assessed the attachment representations of 109 children aged between 4 and 9 years (51 children in non-kin foster care and 58 community children) in southern Spain, using a narrative story stem measure. Case records information were collected for adversity and child protection variables. Foster children had fewer security and more avoidance indicators than their community counterparts, with those who had suffered more severe maltreatment scoring lower for security and higher for disorganization. Exposure to physical and emotional abuse and birth parents’ opposition to the foster placement predicted more disorganized attachment representations. Interventions with foster children should consider their heterogeneity in terms of attachment outcomes, and foster caregivers of abused children may need guidance in order to provide therapeutic caregiving.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund SEJ2006-12216; PSI2010-19287; PSI2015-67757-

    Changes in Attachment Disorder symptoms in children internationally adopted and in residential care

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    Background: A high incidence of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED) has been reported for children with experiences of trauma and other forms of adversity. Objective: The present study aims to explore symptoms of RAD and DSED in children in two protection alternatives (international adoption and residential care) after experiences of early adversity. Participants and setting: The participants were 146 children: 40 children adopted into Spanish families from Russia, 49 children in residential care in Spanish institutions (40.8% in long-term foster centers) and 57 community comparison children. Methods: The Relationship Problems Questionnaire was used to explore both RAD and DSED. All adoptive parents and institutional caregivers retrospectively reported the problems at time of placement (Wave 0), as well as the symptoms observed at the time of the study, with children aged 4–8 years old (Wave 1). At this stage, the assessment of the community comparison group was added. Results: Adopted and children in residential care presented high levels of RAD and DSED symptoms at placement. For adoptees, previous experiences of abuse and neglect were marginally associated with the initial presence of RAD symptoms and a significant recovery was observed after an average of three years in their families, with a certain level of longitudinal continuity between initial and later assessments. In children currently placed in long-term residential centers in Spain, DSED symptoms worsened from W0 to W1. Conclusions: Adoption appears to be an effective intervention that promotes recovery of RAD and DSED symptomatology after early adversity, whereas institutionalization causes negative effects

    Separación, pérdida y nuevas vinculaciones: el apego en la adopción

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    Children’s integration into new families through adoption creates a context in which new emotional bonds can be developed, but it is a process that also implies separation and loss. Adoption offers a unique opportunity for the study of attachment, and at the same time, attachment theory helps us better to understand one of the most important processes implied by adoption. This article summarizes the main empirical findings about attachment in adopted children, including indiscriminate friendliness. Research has shown that adopted children can build secure attachments with their adoptive parents, but the available evidence also shows that the influence of past adversity will mediate the process and that emotional recovery will happen earlier at the behavioural level than at the representational one.ResumenLa integración de niñas y niños en nuevas familias a través de la adopción permite el desarrollo de vínculos emocionales con unos nuevos padres, pero es un proceso que también implica  separación y pérdida de los antiguos cuidadores. La investigación sobre adopción nos ofrece una oportunidad única para el estudio del apego, al mismo tiempo que la teoría del apego nos ayuda a entender uno de los más importantes procesos implicados en la adopción. En el  trabajo que aquí presentamos se hace un recorrido por las principales evidencias empíricas sobre el apego en adoptados, abordando también el fenómeno de la sociabilidad  indiscriminada. La investigación nos demuestra que los adoptados pueden construir relaciones de apego con sus padres adoptivos y que pueden hacerlo de forma segura, pero también nos indica que la influencia de la adversidad temprana mediará en este proceso, y que la  recuperación del apego será más rápida en el plano conductual que en el representacional.AbstractChildren’s integration into new families through adoption creates a context in which new emotional bonds can be developed, but it is a process that also implies separation and loss. Adoption offers a unique opportunity for the study of attachment, and at the same time, attachment theory helps us better to understand one of the most important processes implied by adoption. This article summarizes the main empirical findings about attachment in adopted children, including indiscriminate friendliness. Research has shown that adopted children can build secure attachments with their adoptive parents, but the available evidence also shows that the influence of past adversity will mediate the process and that emotional recovery will happen earlier at the behavioural level than at the representational one

    Caregiver ratings of executive functions among foster children in middle childhood: Associations with early adversity and school adjustment

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    Children in foster care often present difficulties related to executive functions, such as poor school adjustment and impulsivity. Despite their importance, few studies have analyzed executive functions in foster children, especially beyond preschool age. This study sought to analyze the executive functions of a sample of 43 Spanish foster children aged between five and nine years (M = 7.51, SD = 1.29), using a caregiver-reported questionnaire. We also explored the relationship between executive functions, early adversity variables, and teacher-reported school adjustment. Results indicate that participants experienced more executive function-related difficulties than the measure's standardization sample in almost all areas, particularly in behavioral regulation, although they were found to have ageappropriate executive function levels in some areas, such as monitoring and organization of materials. Prenatal substance exposure was associated with poorer planning/organization skills, whereas other early adversity variables showed no statistically significant associations with executive functions. A higher level of difficulty in inhibitory control and other areas were associated with poorer school adjustment as reported by teachers. The results of our study point to an important presence of executive function difficulties in foster children in middle childhood, a finding which highlights the need for early intervention efforts targeting these skills among this population