18 research outputs found

    Effects of water abstraction on stream ecosystem functioning

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    133 p.Ur-detrakzioa mundu osoan zehar oso hedatuta dagoen jarduera da, handitzen jarraitzenduen ur-, jaki- eta energia-eskariari erantzuteko etorkizunean gehiago areagotzea esperodena. Ur-detrakzioak tarteko emari txikitzeak habitat lotikoen eskuragarritasunamurrizten du, uraren kalitatea andea dezake eta, ondorioz, ibaietako komunitateakkaltetu. Ur-detrakzioak ibaien funtzionamenduaren gainean dituen eraginei buruz,berriz, oso ezagumendu urria dugu, nahiz eta inpaktuak espero izatekoak diren,hidraulika, ubidearen morfologia eta biodibertsitatea estuki lotuta baitaude ibaiekosistemetangertatzen diren prozesuekin. Tesi honetan ur-detrakzioak ibaiekosistemenfuntzionamenduan duen eragina aztertu da, horretarako behaketa hutsetanoinarritutako lanak eta ekosistemen manipulazioak, laborategiko eta mendikoesperimentuak konbinatuz.Hasteko, ur-detrakzioak ibai-ekosistemetako materia organikoaren metatze etadeskonposizioan duen eragina aztertu genuen, aldagai hauek alderatuz bost errekatakopresetatik gorako eta beherako erreka-tarteetan, neguan eta udaberrian. Ur-detrakzioakez zion ur-kalitateari eragin, baina adierazgarriki murriztu zituen ubide hezearenzabalera eta uraren sakonera bi esperimentuetan, eta, neguan, baita materiaorganikoaren metaketa eta deskonposizioa ere. Orbel-poltsak kolonizatu zituztenzatitzaileen kopurua ere txikiagoa zen presen azpian. Emaitza hauek adierazten dute,sasoi batzuetan behintzat, ur-detrakzioak eragin garrantzitsuak izan ditzakeela materiaorganikoaren metaketan eta deskonposizioan. Honek, era berean, ibai-ekosistemenoinarri energetikoa kalte dezake.Aurreko ikerketa bentoseko deskonposiziora mugatu zenez eta ibaiak lehortu ahalaorganismo urtarrek babesa hiporreosean bilatzen dutenez, hiporreosekodeskonposizioaren garrantzi erlatiboa aztertu genuen, ibaien perimetro hezea txikitu etamateria organikoa sedimentu lehorretan pilatzen denean. Materia organikoarendeskonposizio-tasa mikrobiarrak eta guztizkoak neurtu genituen ubide hezeko eta guneparaflubialetako gainazalean eta azpi-geruzetan. Lurperatutako orbel-poltsa guztietakodeskonposizio-tasak ubide hezeko gainazalean neurtutakoen oso antzekoak ziren.Hortaz, emaitzek erakusten dute azpi-geruzetan deskonposizio-jarduera mantendaitekeela baita, ur-detrakzioak eragindako ibai-tarteetan gertatzen den bezala,bentoseko gainazala lehortzen denean ere.Bestalde, lehorteen intentsitatea eta maiztasuna areagotzeaz gain, ur-detrakzioaklehorte-uneak ere asalda ditzake eta honek eragin garrantzitsuak izan ditzake dinamikatenporal markatuak dituzten ibai-ekosistemetako komunitate eta prozesuetan. Hortaz,lehorteekin erlazionaturiko estres-mailak onddo urtarren jardueran eta deskonposiziomikrobiarrean duen eragina aztertu genuen, eta baita eragina estres-unearen araberakoaden ere. Laborategiko mikrokosmosetan ur-lasterrak, putzu isolatuak eta sedimentulehorrak birsortu genituen. Egoera hauek eta euren segida konbinatuz 9 tratamendusortu genituen (kontrolarekin 10), estres-mailan (txikia, ertaina, handia) eta estres-unean(hasieran, erdian, amaieran) desberdin zirenak, eta onddo urtarren biomasa,esporulazioa, arnasketa mikrobiarra eta haltz-hostoen deskonposizioa neurtu genituen.Aldagai desberdinek ez zioten era berean erantzun estres-mailari, ziurrenik estres-tartetxikiegia birsortu genuelako. Aitzitik, estresaren eragina sistematikoki kaltegarriagoazen deskonposizio-prozesuaren hasieran gertatzean, eta aldagai guztiak murriztu zituen.Beraz, emaitzek erakusten dute deskonposizioarekin erlazionaturiko aldagaietanlarriagoak direla estres goiztiarraren ondorioak eta iradokitzen dute estres-uneaestresaren intentsitatea eta iraupena bezain garrantzitsua izan daitekeela.Azkenik, aspaldi utzitako presa bat berrabiaraziz eta emariaren %90 deribazio-kanaleradesbideratuz, BACI (Before-After/Control-Impact) esperimentu bat burutu genuen urdetrakzioareneragina aztertzeko biofilmaren biomasan eta jardueran, mantenugaiatxikimenduan,eta materia organikoaren atxikimenduan eta deskonposizioan. Horrezgain, emaitzak azalera unitateko eta metro linealeko aztertu genituen, ur-detrakzioareneraginak neurtzeko modurik esanguratsuena zein den zehazteko. Azalera unitateko, urdetrakzioakbiofilmaren biomasa, jarduera entzimatikoa eta mantenugai-atxikimenduamurriztu zituen. Metro linealeko, berriz, ubide hezearen perimetroa txikitzearenondorioz, ur-detrakzioak adierazgarriki murriztu zituen aldagai guztiak, salbu klorofilakontzentrazioaeta orbel atxikimendua. Gure emaitzek iradokitzen dute ur-detrakzioakinpaktu garrantzitsuak dituela ibai-ekosistemen funtzionamenduan, bereziki perimetrohezea txikitzearekin erlazionatuta daudenak, ur-detrakzioaren ondorio unibertsala dena.Oro har, zenbait muga espazial eta tenporal alde batera utzita, tesi honetako emaitzekerakutsi dute Euskal Herriko detrakzio-jarduerek adierazgarriki murrizten dituztela ibaiekosistemetakohainbat prozesu esanguratsu. Hortaz, zalantzan jartzen dute emariekologikoen egokitasuna, gutxienez gure eskualdean, eta agerian uzten dute ikertzenjarraitzeko beharra, erantzunik gabe dirauten galderei erantzuteko, eta gizakiaren etaibai-ekosistem

    Hydrological contingency : drying history affects aquatic microbial decomposition

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    Climate change, land use intensification, and water abstraction magnify the frequency and severity of droughts but also result in totally unnatural hydrological patterns. Longer and more severe droughts slow down organic matter decomposition, whereas the effect of drying history, i.e. the specific sequence of different conditions to which organic matter is exposed, has seldom been addressed. Drying history could have important consequences for microbial communities colonizing and decomposing leaf litter in streams given the rapid fluctuations in microbial composition and processes. We studied whether the effects of drought-related impacts (stagnation, drying and both) on microbial activity and leaf litter decomposition are affected by the timing when peak stress (stagnation or drying) occurs, and whether the effect of the drying history is consistent among the three different stress types. In laboratory microcosms, we recreated areas with flowing water (aerated water), isolated pools with stagnant water (non-aerated water) and dry beds (dry microcosms). Combining these conditions and their sequence, we created nine treatments (ten with the control) differing in stress type (stagnation, drying, both) and timing of peak stress (early, middle, late), and measured fungal biomass, sporulation, microbial respiration, and microbial decomposition of alder leaf disks. The effects of drought-related stress conditions were not consistent among response vari- ables. However, disturbances were systematically more detrimental to decomposition in early stages, resulting in a lower fungal biomass and activity, and reduced microbial litter decomposition. These results suggest that the effects of stress on decomposition-associated variables depend not only on the intensity of the stress, but also on its timing, with early stress and its legacy effects having greatest impact on leaf litter decomposition

    The metabolic regimes of 356 rivers in the United States

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    A national-scale quantification of metabolic energy flow in streams and rivers can improve understanding of the temporal dynamics of in-stream activity, links between energy cycling and ecosystem services, and the effects of human activities on aquatic metabolism. The two dominant terms in aquatic metabolism, gross primary production (GPP) and aerobic respiration (ER), have recently become practical to estimate for many sites due to improved modeling approaches and the availability of requisite model inputs in public datasets. We assembled inputs from the U.S. Geological Survey and National Aeronautics and Space Administration for October 2007 to January 2017. We then ran models to estimate daily GPP, ER, and the gas exchange rate coefficient for 356 streams and rivers across the continental United States. We also gathered potential explanatory variables and spatial information for cross-referencing this dataset with other datasets of watershed characteristics. This dataset offers a first national assessment of many-day time series of metabolic rates for up to 9 years per site, with a total of 490,907 site-days of estimates.We thank Jill Baron and the USGS Powell Center for financial support for this collaborative effort (Powell Center Working Group title: "Continental-scale overview of stream primary productivity, its links to water quality, and consequences for aquatic carbon biogeochemistry"). Additional financial support came from the USGS NAWQA program and Office of Water Information. NSF grants DEB-1146283 and EF1442501 partially supported ROH. A post-doctoral grant from the Basque Government partially supported MA. NAG was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. Leah Colasuonno provided expert logistical support of our working group meetings. The developers of USGS ScienceBase were very helpful both in hosting this dataset and in responding to our requests. Randy Hunt and Mike Fienen of the USGS Wisconsin Modeling Center graciously provided access to their HTCondor cluster. Mike Vlah provided detailed and insightful reviews of the data and metadata

    Light and flow regimes regulate the metabolism of rivers

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    Mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation drive much of the variation in productivity across Earth's terrestrial ecosystems but do not explain variation in gross primary productivity (GPP) or ecosystem respiration (ER) in flowing waters. We document substantial variation in the magnitude and seasonality of GPP and ER across 222 US rivers. In contrast to their terrestrial counterparts, most river ecosystems respire far more carbon than they fix and have less pronounced and consistent seasonality in their metabolic rates. We find that variation in annual solar energy inputs and stability of flows are the primary drivers of GPP and ER across rivers. A classification schema based on these drivers advances river science and informs management.We thank Ted Stets, Jordan Read, Tom Battin, Sophia Bonjour, Marina Palta, and members of the Duke River Center for their help in developing these ideas. This work was supported by grants from the NSF 1442439 (to E.S.B. and J.W.H.), 1834679 (to R.O.H.), 1442451 (to R.O.H.), 2019528 (to R.O.H. and J.R.B.), 1442140 (to M.C.), 1442451 (to A.M.H.), 1442467 (to E.H.S.), 1442522 (to N.B.G.), 1624807 (to N.B.G.), and US Geological Survey funding for the working group was supported by the John Wesley Power Center for Analysis and Synthesis. Phil Savoy contributed as a postdoc- toral associate at Duke University and as a postdoctoral associate (contractor) at the US Geological Survey

    River ecosystem processes: A synthesis of approaches, criteria of use and sensitivity to environmental stressors

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    River ecosystems are subject to multiple stressors that affect their structure and functioning. Ecosystem structure refers to characteristics such as channel form, water quality or the composition of biological communities, whereas ecosystem functioning refers to processes such as metabolism, organic matter decomposition or secondary production. Structure and functioning respond in contrasting and complementary ways to environmental stressors. Moreover, assessing the response of ecosystem functioning to stressors is critical to understand the effects on the ecosystem services that produce direct benefits to humans. Yet, there is more information on structural than on functional parameters, and despite the many approaches available to measure river ecosystem processes, structural approaches are more widely used, especially in management. One reason for this discrepancy is the lack of synthetic studies analyzing river ecosystem functioning in a way that is useful for both scientists and managers. Here, we present a synthesis of key river ecosystem processes, which provides a description of the main characteristics of each process, including criteria guiding their measurement as well as their respective sensitivity to stressors. We also discuss the current limitations, potential improvements and future steps that the use of functional measures in rivers needs to face.Science of The Total Environment (2017), 596-597: 465-48

    Effects of water abstraction on stream ecosystem functioning

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    133 p.Ur-detrakzioa mundu osoan zehar oso hedatuta dagoen jarduera da, handitzen jarraitzenduen ur-, jaki- eta energia-eskariari erantzuteko etorkizunean gehiago areagotzea esperodena. Ur-detrakzioak tarteko emari txikitzeak habitat lotikoen eskuragarritasunamurrizten du, uraren kalitatea andea dezake eta, ondorioz, ibaietako komunitateakkaltetu. Ur-detrakzioak ibaien funtzionamenduaren gainean dituen eraginei buruz,berriz, oso ezagumendu urria dugu, nahiz eta inpaktuak espero izatekoak diren,hidraulika, ubidearen morfologia eta biodibertsitatea estuki lotuta baitaude ibaiekosistemetangertatzen diren prozesuekin. Tesi honetan ur-detrakzioak ibaiekosistemenfuntzionamenduan duen eragina aztertu da, horretarako behaketa hutsetanoinarritutako lanak eta ekosistemen manipulazioak, laborategiko eta mendikoesperimentuak konbinatuz.Hasteko, ur-detrakzioak ibai-ekosistemetako materia organikoaren metatze etadeskonposizioan duen eragina aztertu genuen, aldagai hauek alderatuz bost errekatakopresetatik gorako eta beherako erreka-tarteetan, neguan eta udaberrian. Ur-detrakzioakez zion ur-kalitateari eragin, baina adierazgarriki murriztu zituen ubide hezearenzabalera eta uraren sakonera bi esperimentuetan, eta, neguan, baita materiaorganikoaren metaketa eta deskonposizioa ere. Orbel-poltsak kolonizatu zituztenzatitzaileen kopurua ere txikiagoa zen presen azpian. Emaitza hauek adierazten dute,sasoi batzuetan behintzat, ur-detrakzioak eragin garrantzitsuak izan ditzakeela materiaorganikoaren metaketan eta deskonposizioan. Honek, era berean, ibai-ekosistemenoinarri energetikoa kalte dezake.Aurreko ikerketa bentoseko deskonposiziora mugatu zenez eta ibaiak lehortu ahalaorganismo urtarrek babesa hiporreosean bilatzen dutenez, hiporreosekodeskonposizioaren garrantzi erlatiboa aztertu genuen, ibaien perimetro hezea txikitu etamateria organikoa sedimentu lehorretan pilatzen denean. Materia organikoarendeskonposizio-tasa mikrobiarrak eta guztizkoak neurtu genituen ubide hezeko eta guneparaflubialetako gainazalean eta azpi-geruzetan. Lurperatutako orbel-poltsa guztietakodeskonposizio-tasak ubide hezeko gainazalean neurtutakoen oso antzekoak ziren.Hortaz, emaitzek erakusten dute azpi-geruzetan deskonposizio-jarduera mantendaitekeela baita, ur-detrakzioak eragindako ibai-tarteetan gertatzen den bezala,bentoseko gainazala lehortzen denean ere.Bestalde, lehorteen intentsitatea eta maiztasuna areagotzeaz gain, ur-detrakzioaklehorte-uneak ere asalda ditzake eta honek eragin garrantzitsuak izan ditzake dinamikatenporal markatuak dituzten ibai-ekosistemetako komunitate eta prozesuetan. Hortaz,lehorteekin erlazionaturiko estres-mailak onddo urtarren jardueran eta deskonposiziomikrobiarrean duen eragina aztertu genuen, eta baita eragina estres-unearen araberakoaden ere. Laborategiko mikrokosmosetan ur-lasterrak, putzu isolatuak eta sedimentulehorrak birsortu genituen. Egoera hauek eta euren segida konbinatuz 9 tratamendusortu genituen (kontrolarekin 10), estres-mailan (txikia, ertaina, handia) eta estres-unean(hasieran, erdian, amaieran) desberdin zirenak, eta onddo urtarren biomasa,esporulazioa, arnasketa mikrobiarra eta haltz-hostoen deskonposizioa neurtu genituen.Aldagai desberdinek ez zioten era berean erantzun estres-mailari, ziurrenik estres-tartetxikiegia birsortu genuelako. Aitzitik, estresaren eragina sistematikoki kaltegarriagoazen deskonposizio-prozesuaren hasieran gertatzean, eta aldagai guztiak murriztu zituen.Beraz, emaitzek erakusten dute deskonposizioarekin erlazionaturiko aldagaietanlarriagoak direla estres goiztiarraren ondorioak eta iradokitzen dute estres-uneaestresaren intentsitatea eta iraupena bezain garrantzitsua izan daitekeela.Azkenik, aspaldi utzitako presa bat berrabiaraziz eta emariaren %90 deribazio-kanaleradesbideratuz, BACI (Before-After/Control-Impact) esperimentu bat burutu genuen urdetrakzioareneragina aztertzeko biofilmaren biomasan eta jardueran, mantenugaiatxikimenduan,eta materia organikoaren atxikimenduan eta deskonposizioan. Horrezgain, emaitzak azalera unitateko eta metro linealeko aztertu genituen, ur-detrakzioareneraginak neurtzeko modurik esanguratsuena zein den zehazteko. Azalera unitateko, urdetrakzioakbiofilmaren biomasa, jarduera entzimatikoa eta mantenugai-atxikimenduamurriztu zituen. Metro linealeko, berriz, ubide hezearen perimetroa txikitzearenondorioz, ur-detrakzioak adierazgarriki murriztu zituen aldagai guztiak, salbu klorofilakontzentrazioaeta orbel atxikimendua. Gure emaitzek iradokitzen dute ur-detrakzioakinpaktu garrantzitsuak dituela ibai-ekosistemen funtzionamenduan, bereziki perimetrohezea txikitzearekin erlazionatuta daudenak, ur-detrakzioaren ondorio unibertsala dena.Oro har, zenbait muga espazial eta tenporal alde batera utzita, tesi honetako emaitzekerakutsi dute Euskal Herriko detrakzio-jarduerek adierazgarriki murrizten dituztela ibaiekosistemetakohainbat prozesu esanguratsu. Hortaz, zalantzan jartzen dute emariekologikoen egokitasuna, gutxienez gure eskualdean, eta agerian uzten dute ikertzenjarraitzeko beharra, erantzunik gabe dirauten galderei erantzuteko, eta gizakiaren etaibai-ekosistem

    Ikastorratza. e-Revista de didáctica

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    Resumen y palabras clave en euskera y españolEl agua es un recurso indispensable para la vida. Por ese motivo el ciclo del agua constituye uno de los ejes principales del currículo de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) dentro de las Ciencias Naturales. Sin embargo, el alumnado muestra grandes dificultades para su comprensión e integración. El análisis de dibujos es una herramienta muy utilizada para identificar errores conceptuales y las dificultades de aprendizaje para comprender contenidos científicos. En este estudio se identifican y se comparan las concepciones de estudiantes de 1ª y 3ª de ESO y de futuros profesores de la ESO acerca del ciclo del agua así como del ciclo urbano del agua, utilizando para ello el análisis de dibujos. Los resultados muestran que una buena parte del alumnado no comprende el ciclo del agua en toda su complejidad; menos aún el ciclo urbano del agua. No obstante, la comprensión del alumnado aumenta con la edad. En todo caso, es imprescindible desarrollar herramientas docentes eficaces que incluyan estrategias de integración del ciclo del agua en el territorio y en la propia ciudad más allá del mero ahorro de agua, y de ese modo el alumnado desarrolle posturas a favor del medio ambiente y un uso sostenible de los recursos naturales.ES

    Effects of aeration, sediment grain size and burial on stream litter breakdown and consumer performance: a microcosm study

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    International audienceTurbulence and aeration are reduced in many streams during low-flow periods as a consequence of drought or water abstraction, thus affecting invertebrate interactions and pivotal ecosystem processes such as the breakdown of organic matter (OM). These effects can be larger in the hyporheic zone (HZ), the ecotone connecting the surface stream and groundwater, especially when fine sediments reduce hydraulic conductivity. In addition, OM breakdown in the HZ could depend on the availability ofOMin the benthic zone (BZ), because the latter would not only be a more accessible, and thus preferred, food resource, but also more easily scoured downstream. In a laboratory microcosm experiment of 28 days duration, we manipulated aeration, sediment size and location ofOM(either all buried or half buried with half on the surface, simulating the HZ and BZ respectively). Six mayfly (Habroleptoides) individuals and four stonefly (Capnioneura) individuals were enclosed in each microcosm and the consumption of OM was measured. Lack of aeration reduced oxygen saturation from 94 to 66%, reducing OM consumption particularly on the surface, in contrast with our expectations. As hypothesised, the availability of surface OM significantly reduced invertebrate consumption of buried OM. Habroleptoides performed better than Capnioneura, especially in fine sediments. The results suggest that reduced turbulence can affect invertebrate trophic interactions as well as the decomposition of OM, depending on sediment grain size and the location of OM

    The nutrient uptake bioassay (NUB): A method to estimate the nutrient uptake capacity of biofilms for the functional assessment of river ecosystems

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    River ecosystems host a large biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services but are threatened by multiple anthropogenic activities that degrade their structure and functioning. Although both structure and functioning are key components of ecological status, river monitoring programmes rely almost exclusively on structural indicators, such as community structure, or water quality, neglecting functional attributes. Scientists have pointed towards some promising functions, such as organic matter decomposition, as potential indicators of river functional status. However, it may not be the best indicator to assess the ecosystem functioning of river ecosystem subjected to certain impacts, such as nutrient inputs. Additionally, managers have seldom used functional indicators, probably because of the lack of simple, routine protocols. Here we present the nutrient uptake bioassay (NUB), a simple and straightforward method to measure nutrient uptake by river biofilm that could be developed as a functional indicator of river ecological status. The NUB consists in deploying biofilm carriers in the river for a specific period, allowing biofilm colonization. Biofilm carriers are then incubated in the field in a nutrient-enriched standard solution for one hour and finally the remaining nutrient concentration in the standard medium is measured. Nutrient uptake is calculated from the difference between the initial and final nutrient concentrations. Chlorophyll in the biofilm carriers can also be measured to calculate biofilm accrual rates. The NUB has been developed based on a mesocosm and a field experiments, which showed that the NUB provides additional, non-redundant information to current biomonitoring techniques. Overall, the NUB is a cheap, robust and reliable method that can be applied by most river monitoring practitioners and can be adapted to most river types and situations. As nutrient uptake is linked to the self-purification capacity of rivers, the NUB results provide information about an important ecosystem service. Therefore, we suggest that the NUB can be developed as part of the monitoring toolbox available for managers to improve the assessment of river ecological status and to diagnose the causes of ecosystem impairment

    Patterns and controls of carbon dioxide concentration and fluxes at the air–water interface in South American lowland streams

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from fluvial systems represents a substantial flux in the global carbon cycle. However, variation in fluvial CO2 fluxes at the air–water interface as well as its drivers are poorly understood, especially in non-forested headwaters. Here, we measured CO2 concentration and fluxes in 14 lowland open-canopy streams (Pampean region, Argentina) that cover a wide range of land use and water quality. We also analyzed drivers of CO2 concentration and fluxes, including factors related to metabolism, gas solubility, alkalinity, and gas transfer. Metabolic rates varied considerably among the study sites, but most streams (i.e., 8 out of the 11 where we were able to estimate ecosystem metabolism) were net heterotrophic. Metabolic differences among sites were mostly driven by the aromatic carbon content and the percent of the stream reach covered by primary producers. All streams, even those that were not net heterotrophic were CO2 supersaturated. Alkalinity combined with in-stream primary production explained 52.3% of the variance in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), but our observations suggest that pCO2 might be controlled by external groundwater inputs of dissolved inorganic carbon rather than by internal metabolism. All streams were net emitters of CO2 to the atmosphere. Significantly more variance in CO2 flux was explained by gas transfer velocity (63.7%) than by pCO2 (21.9%). We also observed high spatial heterogeneity in CO2 fluxes within each stream, which was associated with flow variation and the presence of different macrophyte and algae patches. Overall, our results indicate that CO2 emission in these extremely low turbulence streams is controlled by a combination of external and internal biogeochemical processes and limited atmospheric exchange.Fil: Feijoó, Claudia Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: Arroita, Maite. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Messetta, María Laura. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: Anselmo, Julieta Hilda. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: Rigacci, Laura Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: von Schiller, Daniel. Universidad de Barcelona; Españ