43 research outputs found

    The Residency Interview Season

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    A Model for Improving the Health and Quality of Life of Single Mothers in the Developing World

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    Among the impoverished population of coastal Kenya, there is a rapidly growing group of young single mothers who suffer from adverse health outcomes, incomplete schooling, social ostracism by their communities, and economic hardship. To address this problem, in 2008 the Single Mothers Program (SMP) selected a group of vulnerable single mothers, provided them with basic relief and education, equipped them with training and start-up capital to run their own businesses, and assessed the impact of the program via a pre- and post-implementation survey. After two years in the program, a majority of the single mothers increased their contraceptive use, increased their degree of literacy, increased their individual incomes, and were more positively perceived by their communities. This study demonstrates a program model that can be used to improve the health and quality of life of single mothers and their children in similar communities throughout the world.Parmi la population pauvre de la cĂŽte du Kenya, il y a un groupe en pleine croissance des jeunes mĂšres cĂ©libataires qui souffrent de consĂ©quences nocives sur la santĂ©, la scolarisation abandonnĂ©e, l'ostracisme social par leurs communautĂ©s, et des difficultĂ©s Ă©conomiques. Pour rĂ©soudre ce problĂšme, en 2008, le Programme des MĂšres CĂ©libataires (PMC) a sĂ©lectionnĂ© un groupe de mĂšres cĂ©libataires vulnĂ©rables, leur a fourni des secours et de l'Ă©ducation de base, leur a donnĂ© une formation et le capital initial pour leur permettre de fonctionner leurs propres entreprises et d'Ă©valuer l'impact du programme Ă  travers une enquĂȘte prĂ©- et post- exĂ©cution. AprĂšs deux ans dans le programme, la majoritĂ© des mĂšres cĂ©libataires ont augmentĂ© leur utilisation de la contraception, ont augmentĂ© leur niveau d’alphabĂ©tisation, de leurs revenus individuels et ont perçu plus positivement par leurs communautĂ©s. Cette Ă©tude dĂ©montre un modĂšle de programme qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour amĂ©liorer la santĂ© et la qualitĂ© de vie des mĂšres cĂ©libataires et de leurs enfants dans les communautĂ©s pareilles Ă  travers le monde

    A Model for Improving the Health and Quality of Life of Single Mothers in the Developing World

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    Among the impoverished population of coastal Kenya, there is a rapidly growing group of young single mothers who suffer from adverse health outcomes, incomplete schooling, social ostracism by their communities, and economic hardship. To address this problem, in 2008 the Single Mothers Program (SMP) selected a group of vulnerable single mothers, provided them with basic relief and education, equipped them with training and start-up capital to run their own businesses, and assessed the impact of the program via a pre- and post-implementation survey. After two years in the program, a majority of the single mothers increased their contraceptive use, increased their degree of literacy, increased their individual incomes, and were more positively perceived by their communities. This study demonstrates a program model that can be used to improve the health and quality of life of single mothers and their children in similar communities throughout the world. Keywords: single mothers, Kenya, quality of life, women’s health, microfinance, AfricaAfr J Reprod Health 2013; 17[4]: 14-2